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Log of /branches/1.0-gt2-2.6/src/org/geotools/swing

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Revision 388 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Sep 11 19:06:17 2009 UTC (15 years, 6 months ago) by alfonx
* Moving JMapPane out of org.geotools.swing allows me to start the application in debug mode, without haveing a libUnsigned dir...

Revision 386 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Sep 11 16:48:58 2009 UTC (15 years, 6 months ago) by alfonx
* Hunting a problem, where the application ONLY WHEN STARTING VIA JWS, crashes with "ClassNotFound: org.geotools.GUI.swing.JMapPane"... but we only reference 
org.geotools.swing.JMapPane ?!?!?!
So I changed all references to org.geotools.gui.swing, even in the comments .. paranoia

Revision 385 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Sep 11 16:45:41 2009 UTC (15 years, 6 months ago) by alfonx
* Hunting a problem, where the application ONLY WHEN STARTING VIA JWS, crashes with "ClassNotFound: org.geotools.GUI.swing.JMapPane"... but we only reference 
org.geotools.swing.JMapPane ?!?!?!
So I changed all references to org.geotools.gui.swing, even in the comments .. paranoia

Revision 384 - Directory Listing
Added Fri Sep 11 16:16:38 2009 UTC (15 years, 6 months ago) by alfonx
Wow.. this now compiles and works with GT2.6 TRUNK! I will check-in the tunrk libs in AtlasFramework/lib/gt tonight. One big difference between M2 and trunk is that they moved the package
org.geotools.gui.swing to 
So i did the same in schmitzm, especially with the JMapPane

[email protected]
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