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Contents of /branches/2.0-GP14/src/skrueger/geotools/AttributeTableJDialog.java

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Revision 759 - (show annotations)
Wed Mar 10 12:48:37 2010 UTC (14 years, 11 months ago) by alfonx
File MIME type: text/plain
File size: 7991 byte(s)
Created a branch for GP 1.4-fixes.. 

1 /*******************************************************************************
2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Martin O. J. Schmitz.
3 *
4 * This file is part of the SCHMITZM library - a collection of utility
5 * classes based on Java 1.6, focusing (not only) on Java Swing
6 * and the Geotools library.
7 *
8 * The SCHMITZM project is hosted at:
9 * http://wald.intevation.org/projects/schmitzm/
10 *
11 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
13 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
14 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15 *
16 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 * GNU General Public License for more details.
20 *
21 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License (license.txt)
22 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
23 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
24 * or try this link: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
25 *
26 * Contributors:
27 * Martin O. J. Schmitz - initial API and implementation
28 * Stefan A. Krüger - additional utility classes
29 ******************************************************************************/
30 //package skrueger.geotools;
31 //
32 //import java.awt.Component;
33 //import java.awt.Window;
34 //import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
35 //import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
36 //import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
37 //import java.util.HashMap;
38 //
39 //import javax.swing.JComponent;
40 //import javax.swing.JDialog;
41 //
42 //import org.geotools.map.MapLayer;
43 //import org.opengis.filter.Filter;
44 //
45 //import schmitzm.geotools.feature.AttributeTypeFilter;
46 //import schmitzm.geotools.gui.FeatureTablePane;
47 //import schmitzm.geotools.gui.JMapPane;
48 //import schmitzm.geotools.gui.SelectableFeatureTablePane;
49 //import schmitzm.swing.SwingUtil;
50 //import skrueger.geotools.selection.StyledFeatureLayerSelectionModel;
51 //import skrueger.geotools.selection.StyledLayerSelectionModel;
52 //import skrueger.geotools.selection.StyledLayerSelectionModelSynchronizer;
53 //import skrueger.geotools.selection.TableSelectionSynchronizer;
54 //
55 ///**
56 // * A dialog to show the attribute table of a vector layer. This class implements
57 // * a {@link PropertyChangeListener} which is connected to the {@link StyledLayerInterface
58 // * StyledLayerInterface's} {@link StyledLayerSelectionModel} to keep the table selection
59 // * synchronized to other component's selection (e.g. Map or chart).
60 // */
61 //public class AttributeTableJDialog extends JDialog {
62 //
63 // /** A cache that manages maximum one instance of this class per layer **/
64 // private static HashMap<String, AttributeTableJDialog> dialogCache = new HashMap<String, AttributeTableJDialog>();
65 //
66 // private final StyledFeatureCollectionTableModel model;
67 //
68 // private final JMapPane mapPane;
69 //
70 // /** Holds the table and preview of the dialog. */
71 // protected FeatureTablePane featureTablePane;
72 //
73 // protected final MapLayer mapLayer;
74 //
75 // private final StyledLayerInterface styledObj;
76 //
77 // private AttributeTableJDialog(Window owner, MapLayer mapLayer,
78 // final StyledLayerInterface styledObj, LayerPanel layerPanel) {
79 // super(owner);
80 // this.styledObj = styledObj;
81 //// setTitle(RES("AttributeTable.dialog.title", styledObj
82 //// .getTitle()));
83 //
84 // this.mapLayer = mapLayer;
85 //
86 // this.mapPane = layerPanel.geoMapPane != null ? layerPanel.geoMapPane
87 // .getMapPane() : null;
88 //
89 // Filter filter = mapLayer.getQuery() != null ? mapLayer.getQuery()
90 // .getFilter() : Filter.INCLUDE;
91 //
92 // // Falsch:
93 // // FeatureOperationTreeFilter filter = new
94 // // FeatureOperationTreeFilter(dpLayer.getFilterRule());
95 //
96 // if (styledObj instanceof StyledFeatureCollectionInterface) {
97 // model = new StyledFeatureCollectionTableModel(
98 // (StyledFeatureCollectionInterface) styledObj, filter);
99 // } else if (styledObj instanceof StyledFeatureSourceInterface) {
100 // model = new StyledFeatureCollectionTableModel(
101 // (StyledFeatureSourceInterface) styledObj, filter);
102 // } else {
103 // throw new IllegalArgumentException("StyledObj must be of StyledFeatureSourceInterface or StyledFeatureCollectionInterface");
104 // }
105 //
106 // getModel().setAttributeFilter(AttributeTypeFilter.NO_GEOMETRY);
107 //
108 // initialize();
109 //
110 // StyledLayerSelectionModel<?> anySelectionModel = layerPanel
111 // .getRememberSelection(mapLayer);
112 //
113 // if ((anySelectionModel instanceof StyledFeatureLayerSelectionModel)) {
114 // StyledFeatureLayerSelectionModel selectionModel = (StyledFeatureLayerSelectionModel) anySelectionModel;
115 // // create a synchronizer to keep the feature table selection
116 // // synchronized with the other components connected to the
117 // // DpLayerSelectionModel
118 // TableSelectionSynchronizer synchronizer = new TableSelectionSynchronizer(
119 // selectionModel, featureTablePane.getTable());
120 // selectionModel
121 // .addSelectionListener((StyledLayerSelectionModelSynchronizer) synchronizer);
122 // featureTablePane.getTable().getSelectionModel()
123 // .addListSelectionListener(synchronizer);
124 // }
125 //
126 // }
127 //
128 // private void initialize() {
129 // featureTablePane = new SelectableFeatureTablePane(getModel(), true,
130 // mapPane);
131 //
132 // setContentPane(featureTablePane);
133 //
134 // SwingUtil.centerFrameOnScreenRandom(this);
135 //
136 // pack();
137 // }
138 //
139 // public StyledFeatureCollectionTableModel getModel() {
140 // return model;
141 // }
142 //
143 // /**
144 // * Checks if there exists an open instance of the AtlasAttributeTable and
145 // * disposes it.
146 // *
147 // * @param layerId
148 // * A {@link String} id that equals mapLayer.getTitle() and
149 // * dpLayer.getId()
150 // * @return <code>true</code> if a window has been disposed.
151 // */
152 // public static boolean disposeInstanceFor(String layerId) {
153 // AttributeTableJDialog atlasAttributeTableJDialog = dialogCache
154 // .get(layerId);
155 // if (atlasAttributeTableJDialog != null) {
156 // atlasAttributeTableJDialog.dispose();
157 // dialogCache.remove(layerId);
158 // return true;
159 // }
160 // return false;
161 // }
162 //
163 // /**
164 // * This class manages itself, that there is always only one instance for any {@link StyledLayerInterface}
165 // *
166 // * @param dpLayer
167 // * The source for the attribute table
168 // * @param owner
169 // * A {@link JComponent} that is the parent GUI Dialogue
170 // * @param layerPanel
171 // * May be <code>null</code>
172 // * @param mapLayer
173 // * If <code>null</code>, then no "ZoomToLayer" button will
174 // * appear.
175 // */
176 // public static AttributeTableJDialog getInstanceFor(Component comp,
177 // MapLayer mapLayer, final StyledLayerInterface<?> styledObj,
178 // LayerPanel layerPanel) {
179 //
180 // AttributeTableJDialog atlasAttributeTableJDialog = dialogCache
181 // .get(styledObj.getId());
182 //
183 // if (atlasAttributeTableJDialog == null) {
184 // Window window = SwingUtil.getParentWindow(comp);
185 // atlasAttributeTableJDialog = new AttributeTableJDialog(window,
186 // mapLayer, styledObj, layerPanel);
187 //
188 // atlasAttributeTableJDialog.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
189 // @Override
190 // public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
191 // super.windowClosing(e);
192 // dialogCache.remove(styledObj.getId());
193 // }
194 // });
195 //
196 // dialogCache.put(styledObj.getId(), atlasAttributeTableJDialog);
197 // }
198 // // Changing the filter is propagated via an Event in AtlaslayerPaneGroup
199 // // else {
200 // // Filter filter = (mapLayer != null && mapLayer.getQuery() != null) ?
201 // // mapLayer
202 // // .getQuery().getFilter()
203 // // : Filter.INCLUDE;
204 // // // Check if the filter has changed...
205 // // if (!filter.equals(atlasAttributeTableJDialog.getModel()
206 // // .getFilter())) {
207 // //
208 // // atlasAttributeTableJDialog.getModel().setFilter(filter);
209 // // }
210 // // }
211 //
212 // return atlasAttributeTableJDialog;
213 //
214 // }
215 //
216 //}


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