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Annotation of /branches/2.0-GP14/src/skrueger/geotools/RenderingExecutor.java

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Revision 759 - (hide annotations)
Wed Mar 10 12:48:37 2010 UTC (15 years ago) by alfonx
File size: 5106 byte(s)
Created a branch for GP 1.4-fixes.. 

1 alfonx 510 package skrueger.geotools;
3     import java.awt.Graphics2D;
4     import java.awt.Rectangle;
5 alfonx 529 import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
6 alfonx 510
7 alfonx 555 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
8 alfonx 510 import org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope;
9     import org.geotools.renderer.GTRenderer;
10     import org.geotools.renderer.RenderListener;
11     import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature;
13 alfonx 740 import schmitzm.geotools.gui.XMapPane;
15 alfonx 532 /**
16     * This class is used by {@link XMapPane} to start and stop the rendering a
17     * {@link Thread} for rendering.
18     */
19 alfonx 740 public class RenderingExecutor {
20 alfonx 555 private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(RenderingExecutor.class);
21 alfonx 532 /**
22     * Instance to a {@link RenderThread} doing any work. It's volatile so the
23     * correct value will always be visible to any {@link Thread}
24     **/
25 alfonx 530 private volatile RenderThread renderThread;
26 alfonx 532
27 alfonx 530 private final XMapPane mapPane;
29 alfonx 529 public RenderingExecutor(XMapPane mapPane) {
30     this.mapPane = mapPane;
31 alfonx 530 }
32 alfonx 510
33 alfonx 530 /**
34     * Submit a new rendering task. If no rendering task is presently running
35 alfonx 532 * this new job will be accepted; otherwise it will be rejected and it
36     * returns <code>false</code>.
37 alfonx 530 *
38     * @param envelope
39 alfonx 532 * the map area (world coordinates) to be rendered.
40 alfonx 530 * @param graphics
41 alfonx 532 * the graphics object to draw on.
42     * @param paintArea
43     * size of the area to paint the world into.
44     * @param worldToScreen
45     * the {@link AffineTransform} from world coordinates to screen
46     * coordinates.
47     * @param renderer
48     * the {@link GTRenderer} to use.
49 alfonx 530 *
50     * @return true if the rendering task was accepted; false if it was rejected
51     */
52     public synchronized boolean submit(ReferencedEnvelope envelope,
53 alfonx 555 Rectangle paintArea, Graphics2D graphics, final GTRenderer renderer
54     // , AffineTransform worldToScreen
55     ) {
56 alfonx 530 if (renderThread == null || !renderThread.isAlive()) {
57 alfonx 532 // System.out.println("is vacant... starting thread!");
58     renderThread = null;
59 alfonx 510
60 alfonx 530 renderThread = new RenderThread(paintArea, graphics, renderer,
61 alfonx 555 // worldToScreen,
62 alfonx 544 envelope);
63 alfonx 530 renderThread.start();
64 alfonx 510
65 alfonx 530 return true;
66     } else {
67 alfonx 532 // System.out.println("is busy... requesting stop!");
68 alfonx 530 renderThread.getRenderer().stopRendering();
69 alfonx 532 return false;
70 alfonx 530 }
71     }
73 alfonx 532 /**
74     * For every new rendering job submitted and accepted, an instance of this
75     * {@link Thread} will be started.
76     *
77     */
78 alfonx 530 class RenderThread extends Thread {
80     private final GTRenderer renderer;
82     public RenderThread(final Rectangle paintArea,
83     final Graphics2D graphics, GTRenderer renderer,
84 alfonx 555 // AffineTransform worldToScreen,
85 alfonx 544 ReferencedEnvelope mapEnv) {
86 alfonx 555 super(new RenderRun(paintArea, graphics, renderer, mapEnv
87     // , worldToScreen
88 alfonx 544 ));
89 alfonx 529 this.renderer = renderer;
90 alfonx 530
91 alfonx 532 setName("Render" + getName());
93     // System.out.println("starting render thread " + getName());
94 alfonx 529 }
95 alfonx 530
96     public GTRenderer getRenderer() {
97 alfonx 529 return renderer;
98     }
100 alfonx 530 }
102 alfonx 532 /**
103     * This {@link Runnable} will actually start the rendering
104     */
105 alfonx 530 class RenderRun implements Runnable, RenderListener {
106     private final Rectangle paintArea;
107 alfonx 529 private final Graphics2D graphics;
108 alfonx 555 // private final AffineTransform worldToScreen;
109 alfonx 529 private final GTRenderer renderer;
110 alfonx 533 private final ReferencedEnvelope mapEnv;
111 alfonx 510
112 alfonx 529 public RenderRun(Rectangle paintArea, Graphics2D graphics,
113 alfonx 544 GTRenderer renderer, ReferencedEnvelope mapEnv
114 alfonx 555 // ,
115     // AffineTransform worldToScreen
116     ) {
117 alfonx 530 this.paintArea = paintArea;
118     this.graphics = graphics;
119     this.renderer = renderer;
120 alfonx 533 this.mapEnv = mapEnv;
121 alfonx 555 // this.worldToScreen = worldToScreen;
122 alfonx 529 }
123 alfonx 530
124 alfonx 529 @Override
125     public void run() {
126 alfonx 607 long startT = System.currentTimeMillis();
127 alfonx 529 try {
128 alfonx 530 renderer.addRenderListener(this);
129 alfonx 607 // LOGGER.debug("start rendering...");
130 alfonx 532
131     // Clear the graphics context
132     graphics.setBackground(mapPane.getMapBackgroundColor());
133     graphics.clearRect(paintArea.x, paintArea.y, paintArea.width,
134     paintArea.height);
136 alfonx 544 renderer.paint(graphics, paintArea, mapEnv);
137 alfonx 530
138 alfonx 539 // Kill the reference to this Thread so #isRunning will say
139     // false directly
140 alfonx 533 renderThread = null;
141 alfonx 607 mapPane.onRenderingCompleted(System.currentTimeMillis()-startT);
142 alfonx 539 } catch (Exception e) {
143     mapPane.onRenderingFailed(e);
144 alfonx 530 } finally {
145     renderer.removeRenderListener(this);
146     }
147 alfonx 529 }
148 alfonx 530
149 alfonx 529 @Override
150     public void errorOccurred(Exception e) {
151     mapPane.onRenderingFailed(e);
152     }
153 alfonx 510
154 alfonx 529 @Override
155     public void featureRenderer(SimpleFeature feature) {
156     }
157 alfonx 510
158 alfonx 530 }
160 alfonx 532 /**
161     * Ask to stop the rendering. May be called often.
162     */
163 alfonx 529 public void cancelTask() {
164 alfonx 555 if (renderThread != null)
165     synchronized (renderThread) {
166     if (renderThread.isAlive()) {
167     if (renderThread.getRenderer() != null)
168     renderThread.getRenderer().stopRendering();
169     }
170     }
171 alfonx 529 }
172 alfonx 510
173 alfonx 532 /**
174     * @return <code>true</code> if the {@link Thread} is busy rendering.
175     */
176 alfonx 529 public boolean isRunning() {
177 alfonx 530 return (renderThread != null && renderThread.isAlive());
178 alfonx 529 }
179 alfonx 510
180 alfonx 532 /**
181     * Will stop rendering and remove the reference to the {@link Thread}.
182     */
183 alfonx 529 public void dispose() {
184 alfonx 530 if (renderThread != null) {
185     renderThread.renderer.stopRendering();
186     renderThread = null;
187 alfonx 529 }
188     }
189 alfonx 510
190     }

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