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Log of /branches/2.0-RC1/src/skrueger/geotools/labelsearch/LabelSearch.java

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Revision 607 - (view) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Wed Dec 9 15:13:42 2009 UTC (15 years, 3 months ago) by alfonx
File length: 6656 byte(s)
Diff to previous 604
Keine Ahnung was er da gebrancht hat.. der stand der dateien war weder trunk, noch der 1.0-gt26 branch... ich hab die dateien jetzt händisch auf den richtigen stand gebracht und comitte

Revision 604 - (view) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Wed Dec 9 14:15:53 2009 UTC (15 years, 3 months ago) by alfonx
File length: 7287 byte(s)
Diff to previous 551
2.0-RC1 branch ist für GP1.3 bugfixes...  1.0-gt2-2.6  ist der entwicklungs brnach 

Revision 551 - (view) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Mon Nov 23 15:47:04 2009 UTC (15 years, 3 months ago) by alfonx
Original Path: branches/1.0-gt2-2.6/src/skrueger/geotools/labelsearch/LabelSearch.java
File length: 7287 byte(s)
Diff to previous 509
* FilterTableDialog now a bit faster again because restructure is only called once...* 
* Renamed XMapPane.getConext to getMapContext

Revision 509 - (view) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Thu Nov 5 08:51:33 2009 UTC (15 years, 4 months ago) by alfonx
Original Path: branches/1.0-gt2-2.6/src/skrueger/geotools/labelsearch/LabelSearch.java
File length: 7284 byte(s)
Diff to previous 456
new XMapPane and SelectableMapPane to replace and restructure JMapPanes

Revision 456 - (view) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Sun Oct 11 21:43:40 2009 UTC (15 years, 5 months ago) by alfonx
Original Path: branches/1.0-gt2-2.6/src/skrueger/geotools/labelsearch/LabelSearch.java
File length: 7264 byte(s)
Diff to previous 417
* Feature iterator has to be closed!

Revision 417 - (view) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Fri Sep 25 16:34:10 2009 UTC (15 years, 5 months ago) by alfonx
Original Path: branches/1.0-gt2-2.6/src/skrueger/geotools/labelsearch/LabelSearch.java
File length: 7110 byte(s)
Diff to previous 341
* AV-Feature: Search button only appears if there are labels to search in the map
* AV-Feature: "Beautified" the AtlasMapView a bit.. less lines.. smoother text rendering..

Revision 341 - (view) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Mon Aug 31 10:16:40 2009 UTC (15 years, 6 months ago) by alfonx
Original Path: branches/1.0-gt2-2.6/src/skrueger/geotools/labelsearch/LabelSearch.java
File length: 7025 byte(s)
Diff to previous 335
Migrating to GT2.6... only 46 compile errors left...

Revision 335 - (view) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Wed Aug 26 18:09:39 2009 UTC (15 years, 6 months ago) by alfonx
Original Path: branches/1.0-gt2-2.6/src/skrueger/geotools/labelsearch/LabelSearch.java
File length: 7106 byte(s)
Diff to previous 332
Migrating to GT2.6...

Revision 332 - (view) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Wed Aug 26 17:15:49 2009 UTC (15 years, 6 months ago) by alfonx
Original Path: branches/1.0-gt2-2.6/src/skrueger/geotools/labelsearch/LabelSearch.java
File length: 6651 byte(s)
Diff to previous 325
* Replaced every occurrance of AttributeType with AttributeDescriptor
 - I think it saves a lot of typing...

Revision 325 - (view) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Wed Aug 26 15:32:54 2009 UTC (15 years, 6 months ago) by mojays
Original Path: branches/1.0-gt2-2.6/src/skrueger/geotools/labelsearch/LabelSearch.java
File length: 6629 byte(s)
Diff to previous 322
imports organized
SCHMITZM-JMapPane converted

Revision 322 - (view) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Wed Aug 26 14:12:17 2009 UTC (15 years, 6 months ago) by alfonx
Original Path: branches/1.0-gt2-2.6/src/skrueger/geotools/labelsearch/LabelSearch.java
File length: 6629 byte(s)
Diff to previous 318
Moving to 
import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature;

Revision 318 - (view) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Wed Aug 26 13:33:32 2009 UTC (15 years, 6 months ago) by alfonx
Original Path: branches/1.0-gt2-2.6/src/skrueger/geotools/labelsearch/LabelSearch.java
File length: 6617 byte(s)
Diff to previous 315
http://geotools.codehaus.org/Upgrade+to+2.5: Transition to GeoAPI SimpleFeature

   1.  Search Replace
      Search 	Replace
      \bFeature\b 	SimpleFeature
      \bFeatureType\b 	SimpleFeatureType
   2. Fix the imports
          * Control-Shift-O in Eclipse IDE

 PENDING:  3. Add casts as required for getDefaultGeometry()

Revision 315 - (view) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Wed Aug 26 11:03:27 2009 UTC (15 years, 6 months ago) by mojays
Original Path: branches/1.0-gt2-2.6/src/skrueger/geotools/labelsearch/LabelSearch.java
File length: 6581 byte(s)
Diff to previous 256
Branch created from SCHMITZM 1.0 (rev 313) to switch to gt2-2.6.x.

Revision 256 - (view) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Fri Jul 31 14:43:47 2009 UTC (15 years, 7 months ago) by alfonx
Original Path: trunk/src/skrueger/geotools/labelsearch/LabelSearch.java
File length: 6581 byte(s)
Diff to previous 244
* Updated the license headers
* chart action going on...

Revision 244 - (view) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Wed Jul 29 09:33:33 2009 UTC (15 years, 7 months ago) by alfonx
Original Path: trunk/src/skrueger/geotools/labelsearch/LabelSearch.java
File length: 6582 byte(s)
Diff to previous 153
* Updated all .java and .properties headers with a recent LGPL 3.0 and a link to the project webpage.

Revision 153 - (view) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Sat Jun 20 12:48:24 2009 UTC (15 years, 8 months ago) by alfonx
Original Path: trunk/src/skrueger/geotools/labelsearch/LabelSearch.java
File length: 5166 byte(s)
Diff to previous 139
* Organized Imports
* Fixed a BuG in AS, PolygonSymbolEditGUI (Had to be Float instead of Double)
* Renamed DesignLayerPanel to DesginMapLegend etc...
* Bugfixed ManageLayerSytlesForMapDialog to trigger a preview of the new legend.

Revision 139 - (view) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Added Thu Jun 11 12:52:58 2009 UTC (15 years, 9 months ago) by alfonx
Original Path: trunk/src/skrueger/geotools/labelsearch/LabelSearch.java
File length: 5142 byte(s)
* Fixed a bug when creating more than 3 additional styles at once... A NPE occurred because none has been set as the selected additional style.
* Moved the i8n and Localisation for LabelSearch to schmitzm

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