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Aktuelle version wird als 2.1 gebranched, damit 2.2-SNAPSHOT auf GT2.6.3 umsteigen kann.
The new Interface AttributeMetadata has been renamed to AttributeMetadataInterface.
bug FIXed: Erstellen neuer Bsp. Diagramme in CDA: PROBLEME MIT CHART MANAGER!!!zeigt nicht das neuen sondern zweimal das alte in Liste. Kann das neuechart also nicht mehr itieren! Hab noch ein weiteres erstellt und es geschah das gleiche.
copy RC2 to trunk
2.0-RC2 ist für die weiterentwicklung und soll bald in den trunk mergen
DialogManager didn't always remove instances from the cache. Translation constructor List<String>, defaultTranslaiton only set the default for the active langage
Keine Ahnung was er da gebrancht hat.. der stand der dateien war weder trunk, noch der 1.0-gt26 branch... ich hab die dateien jetzt händisch auf den richtigen stand gebracht und comitte
2.0-RC1 branch ist für GP1.3 bugfixes... 1.0-gt2-2.6 ist der entwicklungs brnach
* Chart has a new button to zoom to full chart extend
* GP-Chart-Feature: Some smarter default settings for scatter plots. * GP-Feature: Better listener management in
Bugs with Copyable (Feature)ChartStyles fixed. Should work now!
* Lots of changes in this big commit for GP 1.3 * New Interfaces: Checkable, Copyable, Cancellable, CancellableDialogAdapter to improve the GUI * New DialogManager to unify the handling of all dialogs. * GP-Feature: The dialog for editing/translating a DpEntry has been "enriched".
* First start of rewriting of AtlasStyler GUI for GT2.6 and Miglayout. * Fix for Schmitzm so that the FeatureMapLayerSelectionSynchronizer works correctly again.
Branch created from SCHMITZM 1.0 (rev 313) to switch to gt2-2.6.x.
* AS-Feature: Added a button to open the attribute table to the AtlasStyler QuantitiesClassification-GUI. * GP-Bugfix: Entering translations with tailing spaces lead to strange behavioure. Fixed.
* Big Code Cleanup in Atlas-Framework * More options in DesignAtlasChart
* Hackingsession: First release of DesignAtlasChartJDialog
all methods dealing with features moved from JFreeChartUtil to FeatureChartUtil imports organized
* Updated the license headers * chart action going on...
* Updated all .java and .properties headers with a recent LGPL 3.0 and a link to the project webpage.
* Renamed a method
* Removed a LOGGER.warn
* Un-deprecated the constructor Translation(String);
* Added a static public convenience method isEmpty to i8n.Translation which deals with null, "", and the deprectaed NO_TRANSLATION constant. * Moved the method "public static MemoryFeatureCollection filterSLDVisibleOnly(...)" from FeatureUtil to StylingUtil.
* Some corrections in I8N withthe ISO vs. Locale language codes
* Further improved the TranslationAskJDialog * Removed deprecated stuff from TranslationEditJPanel
Now Translation doesn't fires LocaleChangeEvents if newLang.equals(oldLang)
Added Listener support to Translation. This allows to register a swing PropertyChangeListener for Locales changes.
skrueger.i8n.Translation is setting the Locale, we added: /** * Setting default locale for Swing JComponents to work around bug * */ JComponent.setDefaultLocale(newLocale);
First Commit, corresponds to Revision 1008 of Wikisquare-SVN includes: - schmitzm.* (except schmitzm.test) - org.geotools.* (all overridden classes) - skrueger.geotools - skrueger.i8n - skrueger.swing - (dependency in SCHMITZM) - (dependency in SCHMITZM) - appl.util.RasterMetaData (dependency in SCHMITZM)
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