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Das ist 2.2-SNAPSHOT
Moved XMapPane and it's listeners/actions/tools to schmitzm.geotools.swing
copy RC2 to trunk
2.0-RC2 ist für die weiterentwicklung und soll bald in den trunk mergen
Keine Ahnung was er da gebrancht hat.. der stand der dateien war weder trunk, noch der 1.0-gt26 branch... ich hab die dateien jetzt händisch auf den richtigen stand gebracht und comitte
2.0-RC1 branch ist für GP1.3 bugfixes... 1.0-gt2-2.6 ist der entwicklungs brnach
* Tuned the resize/repaint behaviour of the XMapPane a bit more... Seems like a reported "not all layers are alyways rendered when a map is opened the first time in AtlasViewer"-bug is not fixed.
* XMapPane now fine....The repaint timer may stop itself if not needed anymore...
* Even better selecting.. BBOX filter was the wrong choice.. INTERSECTS is correct.
Last commit before i crack the selection mechanism * RenderingExceutor will also report Exceptions that crash the Thread
* XMapPane now prints erros nicely
* More documentation in RenderingExecutor
Moved XMapPane from gtmig to skrueger.geotools
* More cleanup and documentation
XMapPane and RenderingExecutor now work together without leaking memory through their BufferedImages...
* XMapPane is now only using one RenderingExecutor, and its now properly disposed, not leaving any threads in the ThreadPool * Locks are not happening, memory leak still happens :-/ * Corrected isValid() against is WellDefined() in XMapPane
Fixed an error in the zoom-out code of XMapPane
my own version of geotool's RenderingExecutor, because theirs runs agains JMapPane only. We use XMapPane
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