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Ein Branch fuer KECK
* Changed my name from Stefan A. Krüger to Stefan A. Tzeggai
copy RC2 to trunk
2.0-RC2 ist für die weiterentwicklung und soll bald in den trunk mergen
2.0-RC1 branch ist für GP1.3 bugfixes... 1.0-gt2-2.6 ist der entwicklungs brnach
Migrating to GT2.6
Branch created from SCHMITZM 1.0 (rev 313) to switch to gt2-2.6.x.
all methods dealing with features moved from JFreeChartUtil to FeatureChartUtil imports organized
* Updated the license headers * chart action going on...
* Updated all .java and .properties headers with a recent LGPL 3.0 and a link to the project webpage.
* Created a new ManageChartsForMapDialog that allows to manage charts and define which chart is visible in which map. Besides, that saving the ChartSTyles is not implemented, you can now basically define and use the charts. * Created a TransitionShapefileRenderer in schmitzm. It's a copy (extend was not possible) of a normal ShapefileRenderer class, but extended by a hack to fall back to the normal StreamingRenderer if a FeatureOperationTreeFilter is applied to a MapLayer. * I have set this TransitionShapefileRenderer as default in JMapPane & Co. * It's called "transition", because we will remove it as soon as we moved to GT 2.6 and switched the filters to eCQL.
* big biG BIG refactoring: StyledMap[Interface,Util,Style] never dealt with Maps (=Orchestrations of layers), but always only with single Layers. Now it has been refactored to StyledLayer[Interface,Util,Style]. * Some variable names and methodNames have been corrected also, but many will still be missing. * New JARs committed
* Renamed StyledFeatureInterface to StyledFeaturesInterface
* Neues Interface StyledFeatures<T> eingefüht. Es hat getFeatureCollection und getFeatureSource und überwindet somit den Dualismus zwischen FeatureSource und FeatureCollection. Ein paar mehr Infos: * Noch ein bisschen Feinschliff in den StyleCharts
First Commit, corresponds to Revision 1008 of Wikisquare-SVN includes: - schmitzm.* (except schmitzm.test) - org.geotools.* (all overridden classes) - skrueger.geotools - skrueger.i8n - skrueger.swing - (dependency in SCHMITZM) - (dependency in SCHMITZM) - appl.util.RasterMetaData (dependency in SCHMITZM)
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