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Diff of /branches/2.4.x/src/skrueger/geotools/LegendIconFeatureRenderer.java

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branches/1.0-gt2-2.6/src/skrueger/geotools/LegendIconFeatureRenderer.java revision 315 by mojays, Wed Aug 26 11:03:27 2009 UTC trunk/src/skrueger/geotools/LegendIconFeatureRenderer.java revision 685 by alfonx, Wed Feb 10 15:04:02 2010 UTC
# Line 42  Line 42 
42   **/   **/
43  package skrueger.geotools;  package skrueger.geotools;
 import java.awt.Canvas;  
45  import java.awt.Color;  import java.awt.Color;
46  import java.awt.Dimension;  import java.awt.Dimension;
 import java.awt.FontMetrics;  
 import java.awt.Graphics;  
47  import java.awt.Graphics2D;  import java.awt.Graphics2D;
48  import java.awt.RenderingHints;  import java.awt.RenderingHints;
49  import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;  import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
 import java.awt.image.ImageObserver;  
 import java.util.ArrayList;  
 import java.util.List;  
51  import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer;  import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer;
53  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
54  import org.geotools.factory.GeoTools;  import org.geotools.factory.GeoTools;
55  import org.geotools.factory.Hints;  import org.geotools.factory.Hints;
 import org.geotools.feature.AttributeType;  
 import org.geotools.feature.Feature;  
 import org.geotools.feature.FeatureType;  
56  import org.geotools.feature.IllegalAttributeException;  import org.geotools.feature.IllegalAttributeException;
57  import org.geotools.geometry.jts.LiteShape2;  import org.geotools.geometry.jts.LiteShape2;
58  import org.geotools.renderer.lite.StyledShapePainter;  import org.geotools.renderer.lite.StyledShapePainter;
# Line 76  import org.geotools.styling.Style; Line 67  import org.geotools.styling.Style;
67  import org.geotools.styling.Symbolizer;  import org.geotools.styling.Symbolizer;
68  import org.geotools.styling.TextSymbolizer;  import org.geotools.styling.TextSymbolizer;
69  import org.geotools.util.NumberRange;  import org.geotools.util.NumberRange;
70    import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature;
71    import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType;
72    import org.opengis.feature.type.AttributeDescriptor;
74  import schmitzm.geotools.feature.FeatureUtil;  import schmitzm.geotools.feature.FeatureUtil;
# Line 92  import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polyg Line 86  import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polyg
86   * <br>   * <br>
87   * <ul>   * <ul>
88   * <li>07.02.2008:<br>   * <li>07.02.2008:<br>
89   * Determining the default values of a {@link FeatureType} by   * Determining the default values of a {@link SimpleFeatureType} by
90   * {@link FeatureUtil#getDefaultAttributeValues(FeatureType)} instead of using   * {@link FeatureUtil#getDefaultAttributeValues(SimpleFeatureType)} instead of using
91   * {@link AttributeType#createDefaultValue()} directly, because the latter   * {@link AttributeDescriptor#createDefaultValue()} directly, because the latter
92   * returns {@code null} even though the attribut is not nillable.</li>   * returns {@code null} even though the attribut is not nillable.</li>
93   * </ul>   * </ul>
94   *   *
95   * @author Stefan Alfons Krüger   * @author Stefan Alfons Krüger
96   */   */
97  public class LegendIconFeatureRenderer extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer {  public class LegendIconFeatureRenderer extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer {
98          private static final Dimension SIZE = new Dimension(30,20);  //      private static final Dimension SIZE = new Dimension(30,20);
100          Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(LegendIconFeatureRenderer.class);          Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(LegendIconFeatureRenderer.class);
# Line 115  public class LegendIconFeatureRenderer e Line 109  public class LegendIconFeatureRenderer e
110          public static LegendIconFeatureRenderer getInstance() {          public static LegendIconFeatureRenderer getInstance() {
111                  // In GT 2.4.5 it we have to create a new one all the time!                  // In GT 2.4.5 it we have to create a new one all the time!
113                    // TODO TEST, whether we still need to recreate the renderer here....
114                    // TODO TEST, whether we still need to recreate the renderer here....
115                    // TODO TEST, whether we still need to recreate the renderer here....
116                    // TODO TEST, whether we still need to recreate the renderer here....
117                    // TODO TEST, whether we still need to recreate the renderer here....
118                    // TODO TEST, whether we still need to recreate the renderer here....
119                    // TODO TEST, whether we still need to recreate the renderer here....
120                    // TODO TEST, whether we still need to recreate the renderer here....
121                  return new LegendIconFeatureRenderer();                  return new LegendIconFeatureRenderer();
122  //               return instance;  //               return instance;
123          }          }
         /** The image produced at <code>produceLegendGraphic</code> */  
         private BufferedImage legendGraphic;  
125          /**          /**
126           * used to create sample point shapes with LiteShape (not lines nor           * used to create sample point shapes with LiteShape (not lines nor
127           * polygons)           * polygons)
128           */           */
129          private static final GeometryFactory geomFac = new GeometryFactory();          private static final GeometryFactory geomFac = FeatureUtil.GEOMETRY_FACTORY;
131          /** padding percentage factor at both sides of the legend. */          /** padding percentage factor at both sides of the legend. */
132          private static final float hpaddingFactor = 0.11f; // was 0.15          private static final float hpaddingFactor = 0.11f; // was 0.15
# Line 135  public class LegendIconFeatureRenderer e Line 135  public class LegendIconFeatureRenderer e
135          private static final float vpaddingFactor = 0.08f; // was 0.15          private static final float vpaddingFactor = 0.08f; // was 0.15
137          /**          /**
          * Image observer to help in creating the stack like legend graphic from the  
          * images created for each rule  
         private static final ImageObserver imgObs = new Canvas();  
138           * Just a holder to avoid creating many polygon shapes from inside           * Just a holder to avoid creating many polygon shapes from inside
139           * <code>getSampleShape()</code>           * <code>getSampleShape()</code>
140           */           */
# Line 240  public class LegendIconFeatureRenderer e Line 234  public class LegendIconFeatureRenderer e
234                          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown symbolizer: "                          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown symbolizer: "
235                                          + symbolizer);                                          + symbolizer);
236                  }                  }
237                  return sampleShape;                  return sampleShape;
238          }          }
          * Puts a BufferedImage into this.legendGraphic  
         public void produceLegendGraphic(FeatureType featureType, Style gt2Style,  
                         Rule[] applicableRules) {  
                 // final FeatureTypeStyle[] ftStyles = gt2Style.getFeatureTypeStyles();  
                 // if (request.getRule() != null) {  
                 // applicableRules = new Rule[] { request.getRule() };  
                 // } else {  
                 // applicableRules = getApplicableRules(ftStyles, scaleDenominator);  
                 // }  
                 final int ruleCount = applicableRules.length;  
                  * A legend graphic is produced for each applicable rule. They're being  
                  * holded here until the process is done and then painted on a "stack"  
                  * like legend.  
                 final List<BufferedImage> legendsStack = new ArrayList<BufferedImage>(  
                 for (int i = 0; i < ruleCount; i++) {  
                         BufferedImage image = createImageForRule(applicableRules[i],  
                                         featureType, SIZE);  
                 // this.legendGraphic =  
                 // scaleImage(mergeLegends(legendsStack,applicableRules), request);  
                 this.legendGraphic = mergeLegends(legendsStack, applicableRules);  
          * Recieves a list of <code>BufferedImages</code> and produces a new one  
          * which holds all the images in <code>imageStack</code> one above the  
          * other.  
          * @param imageStack  
          *            the list of BufferedImages, one for each applicable Rule  
          * @param rules  
          *            The applicable rules, one for each image in the stack  
          * @param request  
          *            The request.  
          * @return the stack image with all the images on the argument list.  
          * @throws IllegalArgumentException  
          *             if the list is empty  
         private static BufferedImage mergeLegends(List<BufferedImage> imageStack,  
                         Rule[] rules) {  
                 if (imageStack.size() == 0) {  
                         throw new IllegalArgumentException("No legend graphics passed");  
                 BufferedImage finalLegend = null;  
                 if (imageStack.size() == 1) {  
                         finalLegend = (BufferedImage) imageStack.get(0);  
                 } else {  
                         final int imgCount = imageStack.size();  
                         final String[] labels = new String[imgCount];  
                         BufferedImage img = ((BufferedImage) imageStack.get(0));  
                         FontMetrics fontMetrics = img.getGraphics().getFontMetrics();  
                         final int rowHeight = Math.max(fontMetrics.getHeight(), img  
                         // calculate the total dimensions of the image  
                         int totalHeight = rowHeight * imgCount;  
                         int totalWidth = 0;  
                         for (int i = 0; i < imgCount; i++) {  
                                 img = (BufferedImage) imageStack.get(i);  
                                 Rule rule = rules[i];  
                                 // does this rule have a label  
                                 labels[i] = rule.getTitle();  
                                 if (labels[i] == null) {  
                                         labels[i] = rule.getName();  
                                 int w = img.getWidth();  
                                 if (labels[i] != null) {  
                                         Graphics g = img.getGraphics();  
                                         w += g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(labels[i]);  
                                 totalWidth = Math.max(w, totalWidth);  
                         // create the final image  
                         finalLegend = new BufferedImage(totalWidth, totalHeight,  
                         Graphics2D finalGraphics = finalLegend.createGraphics();  
                         finalGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, totalWidth, totalHeight);  
                         int h = 0;  
                         for (int i = 0; i < imgCount; i++) {  
                                 img = (BufferedImage) imageStack.get(i);  
                                 // draw the image  
                                 int y = h;  
                                 if (img.getHeight() < rowHeight) {  
                                         // move the image to the center of the row  
                                         y += (int) ((rowHeight - img.getHeight()) / 2d);  
                                 finalGraphics.drawImage(img, 0, y, imgObs);  
                                 // draw the label  
                                 if (labels[i] != null) {  
                                         y = (h + rowHeight) - fontMetrics.getDescent();  
                                         if (fontMetrics.getHeight() < rowHeight) {  
                                                 // move the baseline to the center of the row  
                                                 y -= (int) ((rowHeight - fontMetrics.getHeight()) / 2d);  
                                         finalGraphics.drawString(labels[i], img.getWidth(), y);  
                                 h += rowHeight;  
                 return finalLegend;  
          * DOCUMENT ME!  
          * @return  
          * @throws IllegalStateException  
          *             DOCUMENT ME!  
         public BufferedImage getLegendGraphic() {  
                 if (this.legendGraphic == null) {  
                         throw new IllegalStateException();  
                 return this.legendGraphic;  
         // /**  
         // * Paints a little rectangle in the color defined by the  
         // * {@link ColorMapEntry}  
         // *  
         // * unused  
         // *  
         // * @param cme  
         // * {@link ColorMapEntry}  
         // * @param cm  
         // * {@link ColorMap} to determine type (VALUES, INTERVALL )  
         // * @param iconWidth  
         // * Size of the rectangle  
         // * @param iconHeight  
         // * Size of the rectangle  
         // * @return {@link ImageIcon} of that color, maybe with a white border  
         // * @author Stefan Alfons Krüger  
         // */  
         // public static ImageIcon createImageForColorMapEntry(ColorMapEntry cme,  
         // ColorMap cm, Integer iconWidth, Integer iconHeight) {  
         // BufferedImage imageForRule = new BufferedImage(iconWidth, iconHeight,  
         // BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);  
         // final Color color = StylingUtil.getColorFromColorMapEntry(cme);  
         // // Paint a block  
         // for (int x = 0; x < iconWidth; x++) {  
         // for (int y = 0; y < iconHeight; y++) {  
         // int rgb = color.getRGB();  
         // int rand = 2;  
         // // Paint a white border if the type is VALUES  
         // if ((x < rand) || (x > iconWidth - rand) || (y < rand)  
         // || (y > iconHeight - rand)) {  
         // if (cm.getType() == ColorMap.TYPE_VALUES) {  
         // rgb = Color.white.getRGB();  
         // }  
         // }  
         // imageForRule.setRGB(x, y, rgb);  
         // }  
         // }  
         // return new ImageIcon(imageForRule);  
         // }  
240          /**          /**
241           * Creates a little BufferedImage that presents the Style/Symbols used by           * Creates a little BufferedImage that presents the Style/Symbols used by
242           * the {@link MapLegend} to show a legend for the {@link FeatureType}           * the {@link MapLegend} to show a legend for the {@link SimpleFeatureType}
243           *           *
244           * @param rule           * @param rule
245           *            {@link Rule} that provides the text and the style to present           *            {@link Rule} that provides the text and the style to present
246           * @param featureType           * @param featureType
247           *            Schema that describes the kind of the sample {@link Feature}           *            Schema that describes the kind of the sample {@link SimpleFeature}
248           *            that will be rendered with the {@link Style}           *            that will be rendered with the {@link Style}
249           * @param bg           * @param bg
250           *            Background {@link Color} or <code>null</code>           *            Background {@link Color} or <code>null</code>
251           *           *
252           * @throws IllegalAttributeException           * @throws IllegalAttributeException
253           */           */
254          public BufferedImage createImageForRule(Rule rule, FeatureType featureType,          public BufferedImage createImageForRule(Rule rule, SimpleFeatureType featureType,
255                          Dimension size, Color bg) {                          Dimension size, Color bg) {
257                  Symbolizer[] symbolizers = rule.getSymbolizers();                  Symbolizer[] symbolizers = rule.getSymbolizers();
# Line 484  public class LegendIconFeatureRenderer e Line 275  public class LegendIconFeatureRenderer e
276                  // TODO scaleDenominator = 100000000000000000000000000000d; Was ist das                  // TODO scaleDenominator = 100000000000000000000000000000d; Was ist das
277                  // fuer ein Quatsch?                  // fuer ein Quatsch?
278                  final double scaleDenominator = 100000000000000000000000000000d;                  final NumberRange<Integer> scaleRange = NumberRange.create(Integer.MAX_VALUE,Integer.MAX_VALUE);
                 final NumberRange scaleRange = new NumberRange(scaleDenominator,  
280                  try {                  try {
# Line 504  public class LegendIconFeatureRenderer e Line 293  public class LegendIconFeatureRenderer e
293                                  // RasterSymbolizers..");                                  // RasterSymbolizers..");
294                                  // }                                  // }
295                                  // else                                  // else
296                                  final Feature sampleFeature = FeatureUtil.createSampleFeature(featureType);                                  final SimpleFeature sampleFeature = FeatureUtil.createSampleFeature(featureType);
298                                  // The SLDStyleFactory has to be recreated, as it seams to cache                                  // The SLDStyleFactory has to be recreated, as it seams to cache
299                                  // some stuff.                                  // some stuff.
# Line 517  public class LegendIconFeatureRenderer e Line 306  public class LegendIconFeatureRenderer e
307                                  if (style2d != null) {                                  if (style2d != null) {
308                                          new StyledShapePainter(null).paint(graphics, shape,                                          new StyledShapePainter(null).paint(graphics, shape,
309                                                          style2d, scaleDenominator);                                                          style2d, Integer.MAX_VALUE );
310                                  }                                  }
311                          }                          }
312                  } catch (Exception e) {                  } catch (Exception e) {
# Line 559  public class LegendIconFeatureRenderer e Line 348  public class LegendIconFeatureRenderer e
349          /**          /**
350           * Creates a little BufferedImage that presents the Style/Symbols used by           * Creates a little BufferedImage that presents the Style/Symbols used by
351           * the {@link MapLegend} to show a legend for the {@link FeatureType}           * the {@link MapLegend} to show a legend for the {@link SimpleFeatureType}
352           *           *
353           * @param rule           * @param rule
354           *            {@link Rule} that provides the text and the style to present           *            {@link Rule} that provides the text and the style to present
355           * @param featureType           * @param featureType
356           *            Schema that describes the kind of the sample {@link Feature}           *            Schema that describes the kind of the sample {@link SimpleFeature}
357           *            that will be rendered with the {@link Style}           *            that will be rendered with the {@link Style}
358           *           *
359           * @throws IllegalAttributeException           * @throws IllegalAttributeException
360           */           */
361          public BufferedImage createImageForRule(final Rule rule,          public BufferedImage createImageForRule(final Rule rule,
362                          final FeatureType featureType, final Dimension size) {                          final SimpleFeatureType featureType, final Dimension size) {
363                  return createImageForRule(rule, featureType, size, null);                  return createImageForRule(rule, featureType, size, null);
364          }          }

Removed from v.315  
changed lines
  Added in v.685

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