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trunk becomes 2.4.x ... starting to create multiple modules
copy RC2 to trunk
2.0-RC2 ist für die weiterentwicklung und soll bald in den trunk mergen
2.0-RC1 branch ist für GP1.3 bugfixes... 1.0-gt2-2.6 ist der entwicklungs brnach
Moved XMapPane from gtmig to skrueger.geotools
Wow.. this now compiles and works with GT2.6 TRUNK! I will check-in the tunrk libs in AtlasFramework/lib/gt tonight. One big difference between M2 and trunk is that they moved the package org.geotools.gui.swing to org.geotools.swing So i did the same in schmitzm, especially with the JMapPane
imports organized SCHMITZM-JMapPane converted
imports organized migration package gtmig.* for classes no longer included in gt2-2.6 MouseSelectionTracker taken from gt 2.4.5
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