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trunk becomes 2.4.x ... starting to create multiple modules
Hardcore refactored and worked on the new AtlasStyler features. It will be so much more powerfull. The code will be so much cleaner. It will be so much mre work ;-)
new ResourceProviderManagerFrame Made ResourceProvider constructors protected to avoid duplicate instances; ResourceProvider.newInstance(.) method should be used instead.
Added some basic GUI for the AtlasStyler PostGIS support.
* Atlas charts do no longer show units if normalization is enabled * Improvements in AtlasStyler towards labeling classes, NODATA values and MigLayout
copy RC2 to trunk
* Added a default Ok/CancelButton to CancellableDialogAdapter
2.0-RC2 ist für die weiterentwicklung und soll bald in den trunk mergen
Keine Ahnung was er da gebrancht hat.. der stand der dateien war weder trunk, noch der 1.0-gt26 branch... ich hab die dateien jetzt händisch auf den richtigen stand gebracht und comitte
2.0-RC1 branch ist für GP1.3 bugfixes... 1.0-gt2-2.6 ist der entwicklungs brnach
* Moved translations for CancellableDialogAdapter to SwingResources (was in GTResouces)
i8n fuer cancellableAtlasDialogdpter
* New class AtlasDialog is a standardized JDialog that reacts to ESC and disposes on WindowClose-Event. * Regression BugFix: ChartDialog now correctly kills selection after close. * AS-Bugfix: Class numbers are now correctly updated. No more black histogram images.
* Switched AtlasChartJDIalog and DesignAtlasChartJDialog to the new DialogManager * Added an interactive JUnit Test for ChartWizard
* GP-Feature: Improved/unified dialog management moved further. * GP-Feature: popup menu in MenuTree allows to edit DpEntries and Maps
* Lots of changes in this big commit for GP 1.3 * New Interfaces: Checkable, Copyable, Cancellable, CancellableDialogAdapter to improve the GUI * New DialogManager to unify the handling of all dialogs. * GP-Feature: The dialog for editing/translating a DpEntry has been "enriched".
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