4 |
5 |
<groupId>de.schmitzm</groupId> |
<groupId>de.schmitzm</groupId> |
6 |
<artifactId>schmitzm-parent</artifactId> |
<artifactId>schmitzm-parent</artifactId> |
7 |
<version>2.6-SNAPSHOT</version> |
<version>2.6</version> |
8 |
<packaging>pom</packaging> |
<packaging>pom</packaging> |
9 |
<description>Describes maven pom settings for all schmitz modules</description> |
<description>Describes maven pom settings for all schmitz modules</description> |
10 |
13 |
14 |
<properties> |
<properties> |
15 |
<project.build.sourceEncoding>UTF-8</project.build.sourceEncoding> |
<project.build.sourceEncoding>UTF-8</project.build.sourceEncoding> |
16 |
<schmitzm.version>${project.version}</schmitzm.version> |
17 |
<geotools.version>2.6.5</geotools.version> |
<geotools.version>2.6.5</geotools.version> |
18 |
<!-- <geotools.version>2.7-RC1</geotools.version> --> |
19 |
</properties> |
</properties> |
20 |
21 |
<issueManagement> |
<issueManagement> |
64 |
<url>http://www.wikisquare.de</url> |
<url>http://www.wikisquare.de</url> |
65 |
</organization> |
</organization> |
66 |
<dependencies> |
<dependency> |
<!-- Logging with log4j. Die MVN dependency fuer 1.2.15 ist defekt. downgraded |
to 1.2.14 http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MEV-649 --> |
<groupId>log4j</groupId> |
<artifactId>log4j</artifactId> |
<version>1.2.14</version> |
</dependency> |
<dependency> |
<groupId>junit</groupId> |
<artifactId>junit</artifactId> |
<version>4.8.2</version> |
<type>jar</type> |
<scope>test</scope> |
</dependency> |
<dependency> |
<groupId>javax.media</groupId> |
<artifactId>jai_core</artifactId> |
<version>1.1.3</version> |
<type>jar</type> |
<scope>compile</scope> |
</dependency> |
<dependency> |
<groupId>commons-io</groupId> |
<artifactId>commons-io</artifactId> |
<version>1.4</version> |
<type>jar</type> |
<scope>compile</scope> |
</dependency> |
67 |
68 |
<dependency> |
<dependencies> |
<groupId>com.miglayout</groupId> |
<artifactId>miglayout</artifactId> |
<version>3.7.3</version> |
<classifier>swing</classifier> |
<scope>compile</scope> |
</dependency> |
<dependency> |
<groupId>net.jini</groupId> |
<artifactId>jini-ext</artifactId> |
<version>2.1</version> |
<type>jar</type> |
<scope>compile</scope> |
</dependency> |
<dependency> |
<groupId>org.jdom</groupId> |
<artifactId>jdom</artifactId> |
<version>1.1</version> |
</dependency> |
69 |
70 |
<dependency> |
<dependency> |
71 |
<!-- Fuer Sonderzeichenbehandlung --> |
<!-- Fuer Sonderzeichenbehandlung --> |
94 |
</dependency> |
</dependency> |
95 |
96 |
<dependency> |
<dependency> |
97 |
<groupId>commons-cli</groupId> |
<groupId>junit</groupId> |
98 |
<artifactId>commons-cli</artifactId> |
<artifactId>junit</artifactId> |
99 |
<version>1.2</version> |
<version>4.8.2</version> |
100 |
<type>jar</type> |
<type>jar</type> |
<scope>compile</scope> |
</dependency> |
<dependency> |
<!-- Testen fuer Olli --> |
<groupId>net.sourceforge.jexcelapi</groupId> |
<artifactId>jxl</artifactId> |
<version>2.6.12</version> |
101 |
<scope>test</scope> |
<scope>test</scope> |
102 |
</dependency> |
</dependency> |
103 |
104 |
<dependency> |
<dependency> |
105 |
<!-- Testen fuer Olli --> |
<!-- Logging with log4j. Die MVN dependency fuer 1.2.15 ist defekt. downgraded --> |
106 |
<groupId>org.apache.poi</groupId> |
<!-- to 1.2.14 http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MEV-649 --> |
107 |
<artifactId>poi</artifactId> |
<groupId>log4j</groupId> |
108 |
<version>3.7</version> |
<artifactId>log4j</artifactId> |
109 |
<type>jar</type> |
<version>1.2.14</version> |
<scope>test</scope> |
110 |
</dependency> |
</dependency> |
111 |
</dependencies> |
</dependencies> |
112 |
240 |
</snapshotRepository> |
</snapshotRepository> |
241 |
242 |
</distributionManagement> |
</distributionManagement> |
<profiles> |
<profile> |
<id>resourceOperationRemove</id> |
<!-- When this profile is activated (e.g with "mavn install -P resourceOperationRemove" |
the build will remove any lines in the resource bundes that are tagged with |
<build> |
<plugins> |
<plugin> |
<groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> |
<artifactId>exec-maven-plugin</artifactId> |
<version>1.2</version> |
<executions> |
<execution> |
<phase>generate-sources</phase> |
<goals> |
<goal>java</goal> |
</goals> |
<configuration> |
<mainClass>schmitzm.lang.ResourceProviderOperator</mainClass> |
<arguments> |
<argument>-s</argument> |
<argument>${project.build.directory}/../src</argument> |
<argument>-b</argument> |
<argument>schmitzm.geotools.gui.resource.locales.GTResourceBundle;schmitzm.swing.resource.locales.SwingResourceBundle;schmitzm.geotools.feature.resource.locales.FeatureResourceBundle;schmitzm.jfree.resource.locales.JFreeResourceBundle;schmitzm.lang.resource.locales.LangResourceBundle;schmitzm.mail.resource.locales.MailResourceBundle;schmitzm.data.resource.locales.DataResourceBundle |
</argument> |
</arguments> |
</configuration> |
</execution> |
</executions> |
</plugin> |
</plugins> |
</build> |
</profile> |
</profiles> |
243 |
</project> |
</project> |