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Log of /trunk.old/src/junit/skrueger/i8n

View Directory Listing Directory Listing

Sticky Revision:
(Current path doesn't exist after revision 702)

Revision 684 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Feb 10 15:04:00 2010 UTC (15 years ago) by alfonx
backup old trunk

Revision 256 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Jul 31 14:43:47 2009 UTC (15 years, 7 months ago) by alfonx
Original Path: trunk/src/junit/skrueger/i8n
* Updated the license headers
* chart action going on...

Revision 244 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Jul 29 09:33:33 2009 UTC (15 years, 7 months ago) by alfonx
Original Path: trunk/src/junit/skrueger/i8n
* Updated all .java and .properties headers with a recent LGPL 3.0 and a link to the project webpage.

Revision 153 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Jun 20 12:48:24 2009 UTC (15 years, 8 months ago) by alfonx
Original Path: trunk/src/junit/skrueger/i8n
* Organized Imports
* Fixed a BuG in AS, PolygonSymbolEditGUI (Had to be Float instead of Double)
* Renamed DesignLayerPanel to DesginMapLegend etc...
* Bugfixed ManageLayerSytlesForMapDialog to trigger a preview of the new legend.

Revision 140 - Directory Listing
Added Sun Jun 14 17:24:44 2009 UTC (15 years, 8 months ago) by alfonx
Original Path: trunk/src/junit/skrueger/i8n
* Not really an atomic commit: hacking session going on.. just switching from laptop to dektop.

* Minimally improved dialog to choose a language if the atlas only contains languages that your computer doesn't.
* GP: Added a menu item to send the logfile by email to Steve
* GP: List of languages to select from is now sorted
* Version-management in build.xml ... using a release.properties
** TODO: Still need integration with the webpage
* BUGFIXed: Layers expanding and collapsing every time while the AS is updating the preview
* UNDER WORK: AV: Only show selection-related buttons when they make sense.

[email protected]
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