/[schmitzm]/trunk/build.xml |
Parent Directory
Revision Log
Sticky Revision: |
distribution of v2.0.x added readme.txt, release.txt and .classpath updated to version 2.0.x
distribution of v2.0 added readme.txt, release.txt and .classpath updated to version 2.0
copy RC2 to trunk
-RC2 ist der neue Name. build.xml in AtlasFramework und bei Schmitzm angepasst.
2.0-RC2 ist für die weiterentwicklung und soll bald in den trunk mergen
build.xml erweitert, dass die proṕerties datein automatisch immer in utf8 inline umgewandelt werden wenn ein JAR gebaut wird
VERSION auf 2.0-RC1 geändert. auch bei den JAR namen
2.0-RC1 branch ist für GP1.3 bugfixes... 1.0-gt2-2.6 ist der entwicklungs brnach
version postfix changed to gt2-2.6 (instead of gt2.2.6)
build.xml updated with version number distributions replaced with files including version number
Binary prefix changed to "schmitzm-1.0-gt2.2.6" in build file. Binaries replaced with branch versions.
Branch created from SCHMITZM 1.0 (rev 313) to switch to gt2-2.6.x.
new "dist" folder with latest release as jar
build.xml extended with "src", "jar", "javadoc"
build.xml changed
Ant Build File zur Erstellung eines Release-JARs
This form allows you to request diffs between any two revisions of this file. For each of the two "sides" of the diff, enter a numeric revision.
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