/[schmitzm]/trunk/schmitzm-parent/pom.xml |
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Revision Log
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Keine Javaversionsinformationen mehr für das compiler plugin
letzte version fuer 1.6
new geotools version 2.7.5
new version 2.8-SNAPSHOT
gt 2.7.3 zu 2.7.4
trying to fix the build
trying to fix the build
buildnumber-maven-plugin von 2.2 auf 2.3.2 weil bessere maven3 unterstützung
gt 2.7.3
crazy commit into the blue - geotools 8
gt 2.6.6
new schmitzm version 2.7-SNAPSHOT
Schmitzm is prepared for Geotools 2.7! ... no more compile errors nor test errors.
2.5 nicht 2.6
0 errors!
deps in pom
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