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Log of /trunk/src/org/geotools/data

View Directory Listing Directory Listing

Sticky Revision:
(Current path doesn't exist after revision 683)

Revision 306 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Aug 19 18:30:50 2009 UTC (15 years, 6 months ago) by alfonx
* GP-Feature: Some preprations for better DnD support in DnDTree... but all moved to CopyOfDndTree.java

Revision 305 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Aug 19 12:06:21 2009 UTC (15 years, 6 months ago) by alfonx
* Schmitzm/GP/AV-BUgFIX: ShapefileDataStoreFactory has been patched, so that offfline atlases can be started from folders that contain special characters. 
The class is now part of schmitzm.

Revision 304 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Aug 19 12:03:12 2009 UTC (15 years, 6 months ago) by alfonx
* GP/Schmitzm: The org.geotools.JMapPane has been patched: 
The problem: Clicking into the map with the InfoCLick tool took very long. The algorithm has been modified to only check for hits in layers, that actually have any visible attributes. The AttributeMetaDataMap can therefore be given to the JMapPane (#setAttributeMetaDataFor(String ID, AttributeMetaDataMap amdMap). This feature is fully transparent: If no AttributeMetadata is supplied, all works as before.

* GP-Feature: The TransitionShapefileRenderer is in use again. It speeds up Shapefile rendering, but has been reported to make the GP hang. We include this feature in 1.1 again and will try to reproduce it.

* GP-Feature: Calculation of size now ignores CSV and SVN directories

Revision 167 - Directory Listing
Added Sun Jun 28 14:27:37 2009 UTC (15 years, 8 months ago) by alfonx
* Committing because i switch computers.. This commit contains a prototype to access WFS as a source for features. It's not very stable.. A proper commit will follow tonight.
* Quite a lot of i8n in the AtlasStyler + GP

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