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Log of /trunk/src/org/geotools/renderer

View Directory Listing Directory Listing

Sticky Revision:
(Current path doesn't exist after revision 1383)

Revision 226 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Jul 16 07:37:43 2009 UTC (15 years, 7 months ago) by alfonx
* Created a new ManageChartsForMapDialog that allows to manage charts and define which chart is visible in which map. Besides, that saving the ChartSTyles is not implemented, you can now basically define and use the charts.

* Created a TransitionShapefileRenderer in schmitzm. It's a copy (extend was not possible) of a normal ShapefileRenderer class, but extended by a hack to fall back to the normal StreamingRenderer if a FeatureOperationTreeFilter is applied to a MapLayer. 
* I have set this TransitionShapefileRenderer as default in JMapPane & Co.
* It's called "transition", because we will remove it as soon as we moved to GT 2.6 and switched the filters to eCQL.

Revision 127 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat May 30 14:29:58 2009 UTC (15 years, 9 months ago) by mojays
Many many many new JFreeChart stuff (selection panel and renderer, etc.)
- schmitzm.jfree.chart.SelectableChartPanel
- schmitzm.jfree.chart.ChartMouseSelectionTracker
- schmitzm.jfree.chart.selection.*
- schmitzm.jfree.chart.renderer.*
Plus: Imports organized!

Revision 121 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon May 18 14:15:42 2009 UTC (15 years, 9 months ago) by mojays
- "TEST" used as default button
- dialog with details for error
- OK/APPLY buttons disables on errors
- details can be shown as default
- exception is not caught in evaluate(.) to show errors in parent components

Revision 2 - Directory Listing
Added Tue Feb 24 22:43:52 2009 UTC (16 years ago) by mojays
First Commit, corresponds to Revision 1008 of Wikisquare-SVN
- schmitzm.* (except schmitzm.test)
- org.geotools.* (all overridden classes)
- skrueger.geotools
- skrueger.i8n
- skrueger.swing
- appl.data.LateLoadable (dependency in SCHMITZM)
- appl.data.LoadingException (dependency in SCHMITZM)
- appl.util.RasterMetaData (dependency in SCHMITZM)

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