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Contents of /trunk/src/schmitzm/swing/resource/locales/SwingResourceBundle.properties

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Revision 881 - (show annotations)
Mon May 31 15:48:02 2010 UTC (14 years, 9 months ago) by mojays
File size: 9887 byte(s)
new ResourceProviderManagerFrame
Made ResourceProvider constructors protected to avoid duplicate instances; ResourceProvider.newInstance(.) method should be used instead.
1 ##########
2 #Copyright (c) 2009 Martin O. J. Schmitz.
3 #
4 #This file is part of the SCHMITZM library - a collection of utility
5 #classes based on Java 1.6, focusing (not only) on Java Swing
6 #and the Geotools library.
7 #
8 #The SCHMITZM project is hosted at:
9 #http://wald.intevation.org/projects/schmitzm/
10 #
11 #This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12 #modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
13 #as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
14 #of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15 #
16 #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 #GNU General Public License for more details.
20 #
21 #You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License (license.txt)
22 #along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
23 #Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
24 #or try this link: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
25 #
26 #Contributors:
27 # Martin O. J. Schmitz - initial API and implementation
28 # Stefan A. Kr\u00fcger - additional utility classes
29 ##########
30 #This file is part of the SCHMITZM library - a collection of utility
31 #classes based on Java 1.6, focussing (not only) on Java Swing
32 #and the Geotools library.
33 #
34 #The SCHMITZM project is hosted at:
35 #http://wald.intevation.org/projects/schmitzm/
36 #
37 #This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
38 #modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
39 #as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
40 #of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
41 #
42 #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
43 #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
45 #GNU General Public License for more details.
46 #
47 #You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License (license.txt)
48 #along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
49 #Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
50 #or try this link: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
51 #
52 #Contributors:
53 # Martin O. J. Schmitz - initial API and implementation
54 # Stefan A. Kr\u00fcger - additional utility classes
55 ##########
56 # ---------------------------------------------------------------
57 # ------ Default Translations (english) for GUI components ------
58 # ------ in Package schmitzm.swing ------
59 # ---------------------------------------------------------------
61 Ok=Ok
62 Cancel=Cancel
63 Apply=Apply
64 Ready=Ready
65 Open=Open
66 Close=Close
67 Save=Save
68 WaitMess=Please wait...
69 FileExists=File already exists
70 Details=Details...
71 Warning=Warning
72 Error=Error
73 Information=Information
74 Class=Class
75 Description=Description
76 InvalidInputMess=Invalid input
77 Refresh=Refresh
78 Reload=Reload
79 Clear=Clear
80 Skip=Skip
81 Overwrite=Overwrite
82 OverwriteAll=Overwrite all
83 Replace=Replace
84 CreateDuplicate=Create duplicate
85 RememberChoice=Remember this choice
86 Rule=Rule
87 RuleToolTip=Insert your arithmetical rule here...
88 Operators=Operators
89 Start=Start
90 Calculate=Calculate
92 ExceptionDialog.CopyToClipboard=Copy to clipboard
93 ExceptionDialog.CopyToConsole=Copy to console
95 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.and=AND
96 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.or=OR
97 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.not=NOT
98 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.abs=abs($NUMBER)
99 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.sqrt=sqrt($NUMBER)
100 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.round=round($NUMBER)
101 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.trunc=trunc($NUMBER)
102 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.isNaN=isNaN($NUMBER)
103 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.NaN=NaN
104 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.random=random number
105 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.sin=sin($NUMBER)
106 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.cos=cos($NUMBER)
107 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.tan=tan($NUMBER)
108 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.asin=arcsine($NUMBER)
109 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.acos=arccose($NUMBER)
110 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.atan=arctan($NUMBER)
111 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.exp=exp($NUMBER)
112 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.ln=ln($NUMBER)
113 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.log=log($NUMBER)
114 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.str=str($NUMBER)
115 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.val=val($TEXT)
116 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.len=len($TEXT)
117 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.toupper=toupper($TEXT)
118 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.tolower=tolower($TEXT)
119 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.ITE=IF .. THEN .. ELSE
120 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.REGEX=REGEX( $TEXT , REGEX)
121 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.SUBSTR=SUBSTRING( $TEXT , $NUMBER , $NUMBER)
122 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.plus=+
123 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.minus=-
124 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.multiply=*
125 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.divide=/
126 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.pow=^
127 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.eq=\=
128 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.ne=<>
129 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.lt=<
130 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.le=<=
131 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.gt=>
132 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.ge=>=
133 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.X=Raster cell X
134 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.Y=Raster cell Y
135 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.NoData=NoData value
136 OperationTreePanel.OpDesc.isNoData=isNoData(.)
138 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.and=Returns TRUE only if both arguments is TRUE.
139 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.or=Returns TRUE is any argument is TRUE.
140 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.not=Reverses the value of the argument.
141 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.abs=Absolute value of a number.
142 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.sqrt=Returns the square root of a number.
143 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.round=Rounds a number.
144 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.trunc=Truncates the decimal places of a number.
145 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.isNaN=Returns TRUE if value is not a number.
146 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.NaN=The value of "NotANumber"
147 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.random=Returns a random number between 0 and 1.
148 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.sin=Returns the sine of a number.
149 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.cos=Returns the cosine of a number.
150 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.tan=Returns the tangent of a number.
151 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.asin=Returns the arcsine of a number.
152 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.acos=Returns the arccosine of a number.
153 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.atan=Returns the arctangent of a number.
154 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.exp=Calculates the exponent for basis e.
155 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.ln=Calculates the natural logarithm of a number.
156 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.log=Calculates the base-10 logarithm of a number.
157 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.str=Converts a number to a text.
158 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.val=Converts a text to a number.
159 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.len=Calculates the length if a text string.
160 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.toupper=Converts text to uppercase.
161 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.tolower=Converts text to lowercase.
162 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.ite=Specifies a logical test to be performed.
163 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.regex=Performs regular-expressions operation on a text.
164 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.substr=Returns only a part of a text.
165 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.plus=Addition
166 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.minus=-Subtraction
167 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.multiply=Multiplication
168 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.divide=Division
169 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.pow=Power - e.g. $VAL ^ 9
170 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.eq=Equals - e.g. $VAL1 = 23
171 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.ne=Unequals - e.g. $VAL <> 45
172 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.lt=Lesser - e.g. $VAL < $VAL2
173 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.le=Lesser or equal
174 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.gt=Greater
175 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.ge=Greater or equal
176 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.X=Returns the raster cells X coordinate
177 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.Y=Returns the raster cells Y coordinate
178 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.NoData=Constant for the NoData value
179 OperationTreePanel.OpTooltip.isNoData=Returns TRUE if cell contains no data.
181 TranslationAskJDialog.Title=Please translate
182 TranslationAskJDialog.ErrorMsg.InvalidCharacterInTranslation = Sorry, but you must not use characters { and } in any text label.
184 CancellableDialogAdapter.close.save.title=Save?
185 CancellableDialogAdapter.close.save.msg=<html>Shall any changes in <center><b><i>${0}</i></b></center> be saved?</html>
186 CancellableDialogAdapter.forceClose.save.msg=<html>The window <center><b><i>${0}</i></b></center> will be closed now.<br>Do you want to save any changes?</html>
188 HeapMemoryBar.status =${0} (${1}%) of max. ${2}
189 HeapMemoryBar.tt = An overview about current memory usage.
192 CQLFitlerParser.OpDesc.and=AND
193 CQLFitlerParser.OpDesc.or=OR
194 CQLFitlerParser.OpDesc.not=NOT
195 CQLFitlerParser.OpDesc.eq=\=
196 CQLFitlerParser.OpDesc.like=LIKE
197 CQLFitlerParser.OpDesc.ne=<>
198 CQLFitlerParser.OpDesc.lt=<
199 CQLFitlerParser.OpDesc.le=<=
200 CQLFitlerParser.OpDesc.gt=>
201 CQLFitlerParser.OpDesc.ge=>=
203 CQLFitlerParser.OpTooltip.and=Returns TRUE only if both arguments is TRUE.
204 CQLFitlerParser.OpTooltip.or=Returns TRUE is any argument is TRUE.
205 CQLFitlerParser.OpTooltip.not=TRUE becomes FALSE, FALSE becomes TRUE.
206 CQLFitlerParser.OpTooltip.eq=Equals for numbers - e.g. VAL1 = 23
207 CQLFitlerParser.OpTooltip.like=Equals for texts- e.g. VAR2 LIKE 'BURGH%'. % is a wildcard for anything.
208 CQLFitlerParser.OpTooltip.ne=Unequals - e.g. VAR <> 45
209 CQLFitlerParser.OpTooltip.lt=Lesser - e.g. VAR < VAR2
210 CQLFitlerParser.OpTooltip.le=Lesser or equal
211 CQLFitlerParser.OpTooltip.gt=Greater
212 CQLFitlerParser.OpTooltip.ge=Greater or equal
214 ResourceProviderManagerFrame.Title=Xulu language packs
215 ResourceProviderManagerFrame.Bundle=Language bundle
216 ResourceProviderManagerFrame.ExtentionOf=Extention of...
217 ResourceProviderManagerFrame.RootLang=Root language
218 ResourceProviderManagerFrame.AdditionalLang=Additional languages
219 ResourceProviderManagerFrame.NewLang=Create new language...
220 ResourceProviderManagerFrame.OtherLang=<other language>
221 ResourceProviderManagerFrame.Language=Language
222 ResourceProviderManagerFrame.LanguageCode=Language code
223 ResourceProviderManagerFrame.FinishMess=Property files successfully created...

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