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Index of /trunk/src/skrueger

Files shown:6
Directory revision: 1048 (of 2424)
Sticky Revision:
(Current path doesn't exist after revision 1383)

File Rev. (rev) Age Author Last log entry
 Parent Directory        
geotools/  1048  14 years  alfonx   Started a series of smart raster tests, that checks if exported rasters work fin…
swing/  1041  14 years  alfonx   When opening a dialog is canceled during construction, no more empty dialog will…
versionnumber/  1019  14 years  alfonx   Some more tuning with the release number.. it's now a string
db/  1002  14 years  alfonx  
openlayers/  934  14 years  alfonx   Added a method to OpenLayersUtil to convert a OpenLayers String representation o…
i8n/  905  14 years  alfonx   Added new method setBestMatchingLanguage to Translations
lang/  833  14 years  alfonx   Organized Imports and minor improvements in IOUtil.readURLtoString
jsf/  811  14 years  alfonx   Neue Methode mit Hilfsmehtode für GoogleMaps4JSF (wird bei immodb verwendet)
orm/  777  14 years  alfonx   zwei leere packages gelöscht
AttributeMetaDataAttributeTypeFilter.java  1047  14 years  mojays   BugFix: deal with "auto-put" behavior of AttributeMetadataMapImpl.get(.) in Attr…
RasterLegendData.java  888  14 years  alfonx   * Changes some more kruegers to tzeggai * Renamed Geopublisher_de.proaperties Re…
AttributeMetadataImpl.java  888  14 years  alfonx   * Changes some more kruegers to tzeggai * Renamed Geopublisher_de.proaperties Re…
AttributeMetadataInterface.java  800  14 years  alfonx   Neue Hilfsklasse ReleaseUtil bietet zwei nette Funktionen 1. LGPL und GPL Lizen…
AbstractAttributeMetadata.java  797  14 years  alfonx   Changed the AMD Interface from using org.geotools.NameImpl to use org.opengis.Na…
QualityQuantizable.java  769  14 years  alfonx   Made an interface and a Abstract class for AttributeMetaData

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