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Index of /trunk/src/skrueger

Files shown:6
Directory revision: 1203 (of 2424)
Sticky Revision:
(Current path doesn't exist after revision 1383)

File Rev. Age Author Last log entry (rev)
 Parent Directory        
orm/  777  14 years  alfonx   zwei leere packages gelöscht
geotools/  1203  14 years  alfonx   When adding a layer to a map, the AtlasMapView stops if it's outside of the allo…
lang/  1183  14 years  alfonx   The user-defined root level is now stored and loaded. SO AS users can set loggin…
jsf/  811  14 years  alfonx   Neue Methode mit Hilfsmehtode für GoogleMaps4JSF (wird bei immodb verwendet)
i8n/  1152  14 years  alfonx   More backwards compatibility for AtlasSTyler asurd with a test
swing/  1190  14 years  alfonx   Added new FilterTableKeyListener, which connects a JTextField with any JTable an…
openlayers/  934  14 years  alfonx   Added a method to OpenLayersUtil to convert a OpenLayers String representation o…
db/  1195  14 years  alfonx   * Double clicking a layer will set the CRS of the layer for the GeoMapPane * Add…
versionnumber/  1187  14 years  alfonx  
AttributeMetadataInterface.java  800  14 years  alfonx   Neue Hilfsklasse ReleaseUtil bietet zwei nette Funktionen 1. LGPL und GPL Lizen…
QualityQuantizable.java  769  14 years  alfonx   Made an interface and a Abstract class for AttributeMetaData
AbstractAttributeMetadata.java  797  14 years  alfonx   Changed the AMD Interface from using org.geotools.NameImpl to use org.opengis.Na…
AttributeMetaDataAttributeTypeFilter.java  1047  14 years  mojays   BugFix: deal with "auto-put" behavior of AttributeMetadataMapImpl.get(.) in Attr…
RasterLegendData.java  888  14 years  alfonx   * Changes some more kruegers to tzeggai * Renamed Geopublisher_de.proaperties Re…
AttributeMetadataImpl.java  888  14 years  alfonx   * Changes some more kruegers to tzeggai * Renamed Geopublisher_de.proaperties Re…

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