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Contents of /trunk/src/skrueger/geotools/MapPaneToolBar.java

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Revision 111 - (show annotations)
Tue May 12 23:33:14 2009 UTC (15 years, 10 months ago) by alfonx
File size: 25476 byte(s)
* Fixed some bugs with the SelectionListeners and the JMapPane. To make this work,  StyledFeatureLayerSelectionModel now extends StyledLayerSelectionModel<String>. So the selection is remembered as a Set of Feature-IDs. This change was needed, because Feature.java doesn't overwrite the equals method, and therefore the HashSet didn't function as expected.
* Added new Tools and BUttons to MapPaneToolBar.java to select features
* Changed a lot in MapPaneToolBar.java. It now allows to position Spaces, Actions and Tools via the ID field. (the new feature is to mix them)
* Fixed a bug in AV's ClickInfoPanel that would suddenly pop up an AtlasViewer if started from Geopublisher under special circumstances.
* Moving layers in the legend is using MapContext's move method instead of remove and insert.
* LayerPanel's remember* Maps now all have the MapLayer's ID as a key. 

This commit includes latest schmitzm.jar and av.jar. The av.jar is also commited to the ISDSS, but the ISDSS will still have the old schmitzm.jar. Latest schmitzm.jar in ISDSS should be updated ASAP. I just don't know where to put it.
1 package skrueger.geotools;
3 import java.awt.Dimension;
4 import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
5 import java.util.ArrayList;
6 import java.util.SortedMap;
7 import java.util.TreeMap;
9 import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
10 import javax.swing.AbstractButton;
11 import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
12 import javax.swing.Icon;
13 import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
14 import javax.swing.JButton;
15 import javax.swing.JComponent;
16 import javax.swing.JToggleButton;
17 import javax.swing.JToolBar;
18 import javax.swing.JToolBar.Separator;
20 import jj2000.j2k.NotImplementedError;
22 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
24 import schmitzm.geotools.gui.JMapPane;
25 import schmitzm.geotools.map.event.JMapPaneEvent;
26 import schmitzm.geotools.map.event.JMapPaneListener;
27 import schmitzm.geotools.map.event.MapAreaChangedEvent;
28 import schmitzm.swing.ButtonGroup;
29 import schmitzm.swing.SwingUtil;
31 import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope;
33 /**
34 * A toolbar to control an {@link JMapPane} (Atlas visualization). This contains two types
35 * of buttons. A group of <i>tools</i> for the mouse actions on the map represented
36 * by {@link JToggleButton JToggleButtons}, where only one tool can be activated
37 * every time. And some (general) <i>actions</i>, represented by normal
38 * {@link JButton JButtons}.
39 * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Martin Schmitz</a> (University of Bonn/Germany)
40 * @version 1.2 Stefan Krüger
41 */
42 public class MapPaneToolBar extends JToolBar {
43 private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(MapPaneToolBar.class.getName());
44 /** Constant for the tool "Panning" (10). */
45 public static final int TOOL_PAN = 10;
46 /** Constant for the tool "Info" (20). */
47 public static final int TOOL_INFO = 20;
48 public static final int SEPERATOR0 = 99;
50 /** Constant for the tool "Zoom In" (110). */
51 public static final int TOOL_ZOOMIN = 110;
52 /** Constant for the tool "Zoom Out" (120). */
53 public static final int TOOL_ZOOMOUT = 120;
54 /** Constant for the action "Zoom back" (130). */
55 public static final int ACTION_ZOOM_BACK = 130;
56 /** Constant for the action "Zoom forward" (140). */
57 public static final int ACTION_ZOOM_FORWARD = 140;
58 public static final int SEPERATOR1 = 199;
60 /** Constant for the tool "Select" which sets the Selection to the selected features (210). */
61 public static final int TOOL_SELECTION_SET = 210;
62 /** Constant for the tool "Selection add" which adds the features to the Selection (220). */
63 public static final int TOOL_SELECTION_ADD = 220;
64 /** Constant for the tool "Selection subtract" which removes the selected features from the selection (230). */
65 public static final int TOOL_SELECTION_REMOVE = 230;
66 /** Constant for the tool "Selection Reset" which clears the selection (240). */
67 public static final int TOOL_SELECTION_CLEAR = 240;
68 public static final int SEPERATOR2 = 299;
70 /** Constant for the action "Search Labels" (120). */
71 public static final int ACTION_SEARCH = 300;
73 /** Tool currently selected */
74 protected int selectedTool = TOOL_ZOOMIN;
76 /** Holds the tool buttons of the tool bar. */
77 protected SortedMap<Integer, JComponent> toolAndActionButtons = null;
78 /** Controls that only one tool button is activated. */
79 protected ButtonGroup toolButtonGroup = null;
81 // SK: Musste ich ändern damit man Tools und Actions in der Reihenfolge mischen kann.
82 // /** Holds the action buttons of the bar. */
83 // protected SortedMap<Integer, JButton> actionButtons = null;
85 /** Holds the {@link JMapPane} this tool bar controls. */
86 protected JMapPane mapPane = null;
88 /**
89 * A List to remember the last Envelopes that have been watched. Used for
90 * the zoomBack- and zoomForwardButtons *
91 */
92 protected ArrayList<Envelope> lastZooms = new ArrayList<Envelope>();
93 /** Holds the index to the current element in {@link #lastZooms}. */
94 protected int zoomBackIndex = 0;
96 /** Listener to sniff the zoom actions on the map. */
97 protected JMapPaneListener mapPaneListener = null;
99 protected boolean zoomBackForwardButtonInAction;
101 /**
102 * Creates a new toolbar. Notice: This toolbar does nothing
103 * until {@link #setMapPane(JMapPane)} is called!
104 */
105 public MapPaneToolBar() {
106 this(null);
107 }
109 /**
110 * Creates a new tool bar.
111 * @param mapPane {@link JMapPane} the tool bar controls
112 */
113 public MapPaneToolBar(JMapPane mapPane) {
114 super("Control the map", JToolBar.HORIZONTAL);
115 this.toolAndActionButtons = new TreeMap<Integer,JComponent>();
116 this.toolButtonGroup = new ButtonGroup();
117 // Create a Listener to sniff the zooms on the JMapPane
118 this.mapPaneListener = new JMapPaneListener() {
119 public void performMapPaneEvent(JMapPaneEvent e) {
120 if ( !(e instanceof MapAreaChangedEvent) )
121 return;
123 if ( zoomBackForwardButtonInAction ) {
124 zoomBackForwardButtonInAction = false;
125 return;
126 }
128 Envelope oldMapArea = ((MapAreaChangedEvent)e).getOldMapArea();
129 if (lastZooms.size() == 0 && oldMapArea != null ) {
130 lastZooms.add(oldMapArea);
131 zoomBackIndex = 1;
132 }
134 final Envelope mapArea = ((MapAreaChangedEvent)e).getNewMapArea();
135 if (mapArea == null)
136 return;
138 if (lastZooms.size() > 0 && mapArea.equals(lastZooms.get(lastZooms.size() - 1))) {
139 // LOGGER.debug("MapAreaChangedEvent ausgelassen bei der Zaehlung der Zoomschritt weil identisch");
140 return;
141 }
143 if (lastZooms.size() > 0)
144 while (zoomBackIndex < lastZooms.size())
145 lastZooms.remove(lastZooms.size() - 1);
147 lastZooms.add(mapArea);
148 zoomBackIndex = lastZooms.size();
149 setButtonEnabled(ACTION_ZOOM_BACK, lastZooms.size() > 1);
150 setButtonEnabled(ACTION_ZOOM_FORWARD, false);
151 }
152 };
154 setMapPane(mapPane);
155 setFloatable(false);
156 setRollover(true);
158 init();
159 }
161 /**
162 * Sets the {@link JMapPane} controlled by this tool bar.
163 * @param mapPane {@link JMapPane} to control (if {@code null} this
164 * tool bar controls NOTHING!)
165 */
166 public void setMapPane(JMapPane mapPane) {
167 // Remove listener from old MapPane
168 if ( this.mapPane != null )
169 this.mapPane.removeMapPaneListener( mapPaneListener );
170 this.mapPane = mapPane;
171 if ( this.mapPane != null && mapPaneListener != null )
172 this.mapPane.addMapPaneListener( mapPaneListener );
173 }
175 /**
176 * Calls {@link #initToolsAndActions()} and {@link #initActions()} and then puts
177 * all tool buttons and all actions buttons to the tool bar.
178 */
179 protected void init() {
180 initToolsAndActions();
182 addSeparator(SEPERATOR0, new JToolBar.Separator());
183 addSeparator(SEPERATOR1, new JToolBar.Separator());
184 addSeparator(SEPERATOR2, new JToolBar.Separator());
186 initToolBar();
187 }
190 /**
191 * Creates the tool buttons and action buttons and seperators, adds them to
192 * {@link #toolAndActionButtons} and finally creates a button group for all tools.
193 * So sub-classes which override this method should FIRST add their new tool
194 * buttons to {@link #toolAndActionButtons} before calling {@code super.initTools()}.
195 */
196 protected void initToolsAndActions() {
197 // Panning
198 addTool( new MapPaneToolBarAction(
200 this,
201 "",
202 new ImageIcon(MapView.class.getResource("resource/icons/pan.png"))
203 ), false );
204 // Info
205 addTool( new MapPaneToolBarAction(
207 this,
208 "",
209 new ImageIcon(MapView.class.getResource("resource/icons/info.png"))
210 ), false );
212 // Set Selection
213 addTool( new MapPaneToolBarAction(
215 this,
216 "",
217 new ImageIcon(MapView.class.getResource("resource/icons/selection_set.png"))
218 ), false );
220 // Add Selection
221 addTool( new MapPaneToolBarAction(
223 this,
224 "",
225 new ImageIcon(MapView.class.getResource("resource/icons/selection_add.png"))
226 ), false );
228 // Remove Selection
229 addTool( new MapPaneToolBarAction(
231 this,
232 "",
233 new ImageIcon(MapView.class.getResource("resource/icons/selection_remove.png"))
234 ), false );
236 // ResetSelection
237 addAction( new MapPaneToolBarAction(
239 this,
240 "",
241 new ImageIcon(MapView.class.getResource("resource/icons/selection_clear.png"))
242 ), false );
244 // Zoom in
245 addTool( new MapPaneToolBarAction(
247 this,
248 "",
249 new ImageIcon(MapView.class.getResource("resource/icons/zoom_in.png"))
250 ), false );
251 // Zoom out
252 addTool( new MapPaneToolBarAction(
254 this,
255 "",
256 new ImageIcon(MapView.class.getResource("resource/icons/zoom_out.png"))
257 ), false );
259 // Action button to revert the last zoom
260 addAction( new MapPaneToolBarAction(
262 this,
263 "",
264 new ImageIcon(MapView.class.getResource("resource/icons/zoom_back.png"))
265 ), false);
266 setButtonEnabled( ACTION_ZOOM_BACK, false );
268 // Action button to redo the last zoom
269 addAction( new MapPaneToolBarAction(
271 this,
272 "",
273 new ImageIcon(MapView.class.getResource("resource/icons/zoom_forward.png"))
274 ), false);
275 setButtonEnabled( ACTION_ZOOM_FORWARD, false );
278 // set the selected tool enabled
279 setSelectedTool(selectedTool);
281 }
284 /**
285 * Clears the GUI of all components and adds all tool and action buttons to the
286 * tool bar.
287 */
288 protected void initToolBar() {
289 setAlignmentY( 1f );
290 removeAll();
291 // Separator to the left of the tool actions to start
292 // the tool buttons with the map (not with the coordinate grid)
293 Dimension dimension = new Dimension( 49,10);
294 addSeparator(dimension);
295 // Tool buttons
296 for (JComponent b : toolAndActionButtons.values())
297 add(b);
298 }
299 // Space between tool buttons and action buttons
300 // SK: Seperators are now als manages like actions and tools
301 // Dimension dimension2 = new Dimension( 10,10);
302 // this.addSeparator(dimension2);
304 // // Action buttons
305 // for (JButton b : actionButtons.values())
306 // add(b);
307 // }
309 /**
310 * Performs the activation of a tool.
311 * @param tool the tool to activate
312 * @param e the event of the button
313 */
314 public void performToolButton(int tool, ActionEvent e) {
315 if ( mapPane == null )
316 return;
318 selectedTool = tool;
320 switch( tool ) {
321 case TOOL_PAN:
322 // Set the mouse tool to "Panning"
323 mapPane.setWindowSelectionState(JMapPane.NONE);
324 mapPane.setState(JMapPane.PAN);
325 mapPane.setHighlight(false);
326 mapPane.setNormalCursor(SwingUtil.PAN_CURSOR);
327 break;
328 case TOOL_INFO:
329 // Set the mouse tool to "Info"
330 mapPane.setWindowSelectionState(JMapPane.NONE);
331 mapPane.setState(JMapPane.SELECT_TOP); // Why not: JMapPane.SELECT_TOP_ONEONLY
332 mapPane.setHighlight(false);// SK: Was true, but since it not works properly removed it to save performance
333 mapPane.setNormalCursor(SwingUtil.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR);
334 break;
338 // Set the mouse tool to "Select"
339 mapPane.setWindowSelectionState(JMapPane.SELECT_TOP);
340 mapPane.setState(JMapPane.SELECT_TOP);
341 mapPane.setHighlight(false);
342 mapPane.setNormalCursor(SwingUtil.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR); // TODO Select Cursor
343 break;
344 case TOOL_ZOOMIN:
345 // Set the mouse tool to "Zoom in"
346 mapPane.setWindowSelectionState(JMapPane.ZOOM_IN);
347 mapPane.setState(JMapPane.ZOOM_IN);
348 mapPane.setHighlight(false);
349 mapPane.setNormalCursor(SwingUtil.ZOOMIN_CURSOR);
350 break;
351 case TOOL_ZOOMOUT:
352 // Set the mouse tool to "Zoom out"
353 mapPane.setWindowSelectionState(JMapPane.NONE);
354 mapPane.setState(JMapPane.ZOOM_OUT);
355 mapPane.setHighlight(false);
356 mapPane.setNormalCursor(SwingUtil.ZOOMOUT_CURSOR);
357 break;
358 default:
359 // Set map actions to default
360 mapPane.setWindowSelectionState(JMapPane.NONE);
361 mapPane.setState(JMapPane.NONE);
362 mapPane.setHighlight(false);
363 mapPane.setNormalCursor(null);
364 break;
365 }
366 mapPane.updateCursor();
367 }
369 /**
370 * Performs the action of an action button.
371 * @param tool the action
372 * @param e the event of the button
373 */
374 protected void performActionButton(int action, ActionEvent e) {
375 if ( mapPane == null )
376 return;
378 // Perform the action "Zoom back": Revert the last zoom
379 if ( action == ACTION_ZOOM_BACK ) {
380 if (zoomBackIndex <= 1)
381 return;
383 zoomBackForwardButtonInAction = true;
384 zoomBackIndex--;
385 getButton(ACTION_ZOOM_FORWARD).setEnabled(true);
386 getButton(ACTION_ZOOM_BACK).setEnabled( zoomBackIndex > 1 );
388 mapPane.setMapArea( lastZooms.get(zoomBackIndex-1) );
389 mapPane.refresh();
390 }
392 // Perform the action "Zoom forward": Redo the last zoom
393 if ( action == ACTION_ZOOM_FORWARD ) {
394 if (zoomBackIndex < lastZooms.size()) {
395 zoomBackForwardButtonInAction = true;
396 zoomBackIndex++;
397 getButton(ACTION_ZOOM_BACK).setEnabled(true);
398 getButton(ACTION_ZOOM_FORWARD).setEnabled(zoomBackIndex < lastZooms.size());
400 mapPane.setMapArea( lastZooms.get(zoomBackIndex-1) );
401 mapPane.refresh();
402 }
403 }
404 }
407 /**
408 * Adds a tool to the tool bar. Does nothing if a tool or action with the
409 * specified ID already exists!
410 * @param buttonAction action for the toggle button
411 * @param resetToolBar indicates whether the toolbar GUI is reset after adding
412 * the button (if adding several actions it useful only to
413 * reset the GUI for the last added tool)
414 */
415 public void addTool(MapPaneToolBarAction buttonAction, boolean resetToolBar) {
416 if ( isButtonIDUsed(buttonAction.getID()) ) {
417 LOGGER.warn("addTool(.) ignored because ID already used for tool or action: "+buttonAction.getID());
418 return;
419 }
420 JToggleButton button = new JToggleButton(buttonAction);
421 button.setBorder( BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder() );
422 toolButtonGroup.add(button);
423 toolAndActionButtons.put(buttonAction.getID(), button);
424 if ( resetToolBar )
425 initToolBar();
426 }
428 /**
429 * Adds a tool to the tool bar and resets the toolbar GUI.
430 * @param buttonAction action for the toggle button
431 */
432 public void addTool(MapPaneToolBarAction buttonAction) {
433 addTool(buttonAction, true);
434 }
436 /**
437 * Adds an action to the tool bar. Does nothing if a tool or action with the
438 * specified ID already exists!
439 * @param buttonAction action for the button
440 * @param resetToolBar indicates whether the toolbar GUI is reset after adding
441 * the button (if adding several actions it useful only to
442 * reset the GUI for the last added tool)
443 */
444 public void addAction(MapPaneToolBarAction buttonAction, boolean resetToolBar) {
445 if ( isButtonIDUsed(buttonAction.getID()) ) {
446 LOGGER.warn("addAction(.) ignored because ID already used for tool or action: "+buttonAction.getID());
447 return;
448 }
449 JButton button = new JButton(buttonAction);
450 button.setBorder( BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder() );
451 toolAndActionButtons.put( buttonAction.getID(), button );
452 if ( resetToolBar )
453 initToolBar();
454 }
457 private void addSeparator(int id, Separator separator) {
458 if ( isButtonIDUsed(id) ) {
459 LOGGER.warn("addSeparator(.) ignored because ID already used for tool or action. ");
460 return;
461 }
462 toolAndActionButtons.put( id, separator);
463 }
465 /**
466 * Adds an action to the tool bar and resets the toolbar GUI.
467 * @param buttonAction action for the toggle button
468 */
469 public void addAction(MapPaneToolBarAction buttonAction) {
470 addAction(buttonAction, true);
471 }
473 /**
474 * Returns the button for a specific tool or action.
475 * @param id the constant for any button in the {@link MapPaneToolBar}
476 * @return a {@link JButton} if {@code id} specifies an {@linkplain #getActionButton(int) action button}
477 * or {@link JToogleButton} if {@code id} specifies a {@linkplain #getToolButton(int) tool button}
478 */
479 public AbstractButton getButton(int id) {
480 AbstractButton button = (AbstractButton)toolAndActionButtons.get(id);
481 if ( button == null )
482 LOGGER.warn("Unknown tool or action ID: "+id);
483 return button;
484 }
486 /**
487 * Returns the button for a specific tool.
488 * @param tool the constant for a tool
489 */
490 public JToggleButton getToolButton(int tool) {
491 AbstractButton button = getButton(tool);
492 if ( button != null && !(button instanceof JToggleButton) ) {
493 LOGGER.warn("ID specifies no tool: "+tool);
494 button = null;
495 }
496 return (JToggleButton)button;
497 }
499 /**
500 * Returns the button for a specific action.
501 * @param action the constant an action
502 */
503 public JButton getActionButton(int action) {
504 AbstractButton button = getButton(action);
505 if ( button != null && !(button instanceof JButton) ) {
506 LOGGER.warn("ID specifies no action: "+action);
507 button = null;
508 }
509 return (JButton)button;
511 }
513 /**
514 * Sets the selected tool.
515 * @param tool ID of the tool
516 */
517 public void setSelectedTool(Integer tool) {
518 if ( tool == null )
519 toolButtonGroup.setUnselected();
521 JToggleButton button = getToolButton(tool);
522 if ( button == null )
523 return;
524 button.setSelected( true );
525 button.getAction().actionPerformed(null);
526 }
528 /**
529 * Returns the selected tool.
530 * @return -1 if no tool is active
531 */
532 public int getSelectedTool() {
533 if ( toolButtonGroup.getSelectedButton() == null )
534 return -1;
535 return selectedTool;
536 }
538 /**
539 * Sets whether a tool or action is activated or not. The visible property
540 * of the button is not affected.
541 * @param id tool or actionID
542 * @param enabled if {@code true} the tool becomes available
543 */
544 public void setButtonEnabled(int id, boolean enabled) {
545 AbstractButton button = getButton(id);
546 if ( button == null )
547 return;
548 button.setEnabled( enabled );
549 }
551 /**
552 * Sets whether a tool or action is activated or not.
553 * @param id tool or actionID
554 * @param enabled if {@code true} the tool becomes available
555 * @param hideOnDisable if {@code true} the button is also hidden if
556 * {@code enabled} is {@code false}
557 */
558 public void setButtonEnabled(int id, boolean enabled, boolean hideOnDisable) {
559 AbstractButton button = getButton(id);
560 if ( button == null )
561 return;
562 button.setEnabled( enabled );
563 // if button is enabled, it becomes visible anyway
564 // if button is disabled and the "hide" option is set, it is also hidden
565 if ( enabled )
566 button.setVisible( true );
567 else
568 button.setVisible( !hideOnDisable );
569 }
571 /**
572 * Checks whether a ID is already used for a tool or action.
573 * @param tool tool ID
574 */
575 public boolean isButtonIDUsed(int id) {
576 return toolAndActionButtons.get(id) != null;
577 }
579 /**
580 * Checks whether a tool is activated.
581 * @param tool tool ID
582 * @return {@code false} if an unknown ID is specified
583 */
584 public boolean isButtonEnabled(int id) {
585 AbstractButton button = getButton(id);
586 if ( button != null )
587 return button.isEnabled();
588 return false;
589 }
591 /**
592 * Sets the activation for all tools.
593 * @param enabled if {@code true} all tools becomes available
594 * @param hideOnDisable if {@code true} the buttons are also hidden if
595 * {@code enabled} is {@code false}
596 */
597 public void setAllToolsEnabled(boolean enabled, boolean hideOnDisable) {
598 for (int tool : toolAndActionButtons.keySet())
599 setButtonEnabled(tool,enabled,hideOnDisable);
600 }
602 /**
603 * Sets the activation for all actions.
604 * @param enabled if {@code true} all actions becomes available
605 * @param hideOnDisable if {@code true} the buttons are also hidden if
606 * {@code enabled} is {@code false}
607 */
608 public void setAllActionsEnabled(boolean enabled, boolean hideOnDisable) {
609 for (int id : toolAndActionButtons.keySet()){
610 if (toolAndActionButtons.get(id) instanceof JButton){
611 setButtonEnabled(id,enabled,hideOnDisable);
612 }
613 }
615 }
617 /**
618 * Returns the maximum ID of tools.
619 */
620 public int getMaxToolID() {
621 return toolAndActionButtons.lastKey();
622 }
624 /**
625 * Returns the minimum ID of tools.
626 */
627 public int getMinToolID() {
628 return toolAndActionButtons.firstKey();
629 }
630 //
631 // /**
632 // * Returns the maximum ID of actions.
633 // */
634 // public int getMaxActionID() {
635 // return actionButtons.lastKey();
636 // }
637 //
638 // /**
639 // * Returns the minimum ID of actions.
640 // */
641 // public int getMinActionID() {
642 // return actionButtons.firstKey();
643 // }
645 /**
646 * Extends the {@link AbstractAction} with maintaining an ID and
647 * the {@link MapPaneToolBar} the actions controls.
648 * Additionally this class automatically calls {@link MapPaneToolBar#performToolButton(int, ActionEvent)}
649 * or {@link MapPaneToolBar#performActionButton(int, ActionEvent)}
650 * depending on whether the action is added via {@link MapPaneToolBar#addTool(MapPaneToolBarAction)}
651 * or {@link MapPaneToolBar#addAction(MapPaneToolBarAction)}.
652 * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Martin Schmitz</a> (University of Bonn/Germany)
653 */
654 public static class MapPaneToolBarAction extends AbstractAction {
655 /** The ID of the action */
656 protected int id = -1;
657 /** The tool bar, this action is made for. */
658 protected MapPaneToolBar toolBar = null;
660 /**
661 * Creates a new action with a dummy description and no icon.
662 * @param id unique ID for the action
663 * @param toolBar toolbar this action is made for
664 */
665 public MapPaneToolBarAction(int id, MapPaneToolBar toolBar) {
666 this(id,toolBar,""+id);
667 }
669 /**
670 * Creates a new action without an icon.
671 * @param id unique ID for the action
672 * @param toolBar toolbar this action is made for
673 * @param name description used for buttons or menus
674 */
675 public MapPaneToolBarAction(int id, MapPaneToolBar toolBar, String name) {
676 this(id,toolBar,name,null);
677 }
679 /**
680 * Creates a new action.
681 * @param id unique ID for the action
682 * @param toolBar toolbar this action is made for
683 * @param name description used for buttons or menus
684 * @param icon icon used for buttons or menus
685 */
686 public MapPaneToolBarAction(int id, MapPaneToolBar toolBar, String name, Icon icon) {
687 super(name,icon);
688 this.id = id;
689 this.toolBar = toolBar;
690 }
692 /**
693 * Calls {@link MapPaneToolBar#performToolButton(int, ActionEvent)}
694 * or {@link MapPaneToolBar#performActionButton(int, ActionEvent)}
695 * depending on whether the action is added to the toolbar via
696 * {@link MapPaneToolBar#addTool(MapPaneToolBarAction)}
697 * or {@link MapPaneToolBar#addAction(MapPaneToolBarAction)}.
698 */
699 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
700 if ( toolBar.toolAndActionButtons.get(id) instanceof JToggleButton)
701 toolBar.performToolButton(id, e);
702 else if ( toolBar.toolAndActionButtons.get(id) instanceof JButton )
703 toolBar.performActionButton(id, e);
704 }
706 /**
707 * Returns the (unique) id of this action.
708 * @return
709 */
710 public int getID() {
711 return id;
712 }
713 }
714 }

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