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Contents of /trunk/src/skrueger/geotools/MapPaneToolBar.java

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Revision 244 - (show annotations)
Wed Jul 29 09:33:33 2009 UTC (15 years, 7 months ago) by alfonx
File size: 25752 byte(s)
* Updated all .java and .properties headers with a recent LGPL 3.0 and a link to the project webpage.
1 /*******************************************************************************
2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Martin O. J. Schmitz.
3 *
4 * This file is part of the SCHMITZM library - a collection of utility
5 * classes based on Java 1.6, focussing (not only) on Java Swing
6 * and the Geotools library.
7 *
8 * The SCHMITZM project is hosted at:
9 * http://wald.intevation.org/projects/schmitzm/
10 *
11 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
13 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
14 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15 *
16 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 * GNU General Public License for more details.
20 *
21 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License (license.txt)
22 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
23 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
24 * or try this link: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
25 *
26 * Contributors:
27 * Martin O. J. Schmitz - initial API and implementation
28 * Stefan A. Krüger - additional utility classes
29 ******************************************************************************/
30 package skrueger.geotools;
32 import java.awt.Color;
33 import java.awt.Dimension;
34 import java.awt.Graphics;
35 import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
36 import java.util.ArrayList;
37 import java.util.Locale;
38 import java.util.SortedMap;
39 import java.util.TreeMap;
41 import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
42 import javax.swing.AbstractButton;
43 import javax.swing.Action;
44 import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
45 import javax.swing.Icon;
46 import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
47 import javax.swing.JButton;
48 import javax.swing.JComponent;
49 import javax.swing.JToggleButton;
50 import javax.swing.JToolBar;
52 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
54 import schmitzm.geotools.gui.JMapPane;
55 import schmitzm.geotools.map.event.JMapPaneEvent;
56 import schmitzm.geotools.map.event.JMapPaneListener;
57 import schmitzm.geotools.map.event.MapAreaChangedEvent;
58 import schmitzm.lang.LangUtil;
59 import schmitzm.lang.ResourceProvider;
60 import schmitzm.swing.ButtonGroup;
61 import schmitzm.swing.SwingUtil;
63 import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope;
65 /**
66 * A toolbar to control an {@link JMapPane} (Atlas visualization). This contains
67 * two types of buttons. A group of <i>tools</i> for the mouse actions on the
68 * map represented by {@link JToggleButton JToggleButtons}, where only one tool
69 * can be activated every time. And some (general) <i>actions</i>, represented
70 * by normal {@link JButton JButtons}.
71 *
72 * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Martin Schmitz</a>
73 * (University of Bonn/Germany)
74 * @version 1.2 Stefan Krüger
75 */
76 public class MapPaneToolBar extends JToolBar {
77 private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(MapPaneToolBar.class
78 .getName());
80 public static ResourceProvider RESOURCE = new ResourceProvider(LangUtil
81 .extendPackagePath(MapPaneToolBar.class,
82 "resource.locales.mapPaneToolbar"), Locale.ENGLISH);
84 public static String R(String key, Object... values) {
85 return RESOURCE.getString(key, values);
86 }
88 /** Constant for the tool "Panning" (10). */
89 public static final int TOOL_PAN = 10;
90 /** Constant for the tool "Info" (20). */
91 public static final int TOOL_INFO = 20;
92 public static final int SEPERATOR0 = 99;
94 /** Constant for the tool "Zoom In" (110). */
95 public static final int TOOL_ZOOMIN = 110;
96 /** Constant for the tool "Zoom Out" (120). */
97 public static final int TOOL_ZOOMOUT = 120;
98 /** Constant for the action "Zoom back" (130). */
99 public static final int ACTION_ZOOM_BACK = 130;
100 /** Constant for the action "Zoom forward" (140). */
101 public static final int ACTION_ZOOM_FORWARD = 140;
102 public static final int SEPERATOR1 = 199;
104 /**
105 * Constant for the tool "Selection Reset" which clears the selection (240).
106 */
107 public static final int TOOL_SELECTION_CLEAR = 240;
109 /**
110 * Constant for the tool "Select" which sets the Selection to the selected
111 * features (210).
112 */
113 public static final int TOOL_SELECTION_SET = 210;
114 /**
115 * Constant for the tool "Selection add" which adds the features to the
116 * Selection (220).
117 */
118 public static final int TOOL_SELECTION_ADD = 220;
119 /**
120 * Constant for the tool "Selection subtract" which removes the selected
121 * features from the selection (230).
122 */
123 public static final int TOOL_SELECTION_REMOVE = 230;
125 /** Tool currently selected */
126 protected int selectedTool = TOOL_ZOOMIN;
128 /** Holds the tool buttons of the tool bar. */
129 protected SortedMap<Integer, JComponent> toolAndActionButtons = null;
130 /** Controls that only one tool button is activated. */
131 protected ButtonGroup toolButtonGroup = null;
133 // SK: Musste ich ändern damit man Tools und Actions in der Reihenfolge
134 // mischen kann.
135 // /** Holds the action buttons of the bar. */
136 // protected SortedMap<Integer, JButton> actionButtons = null;
138 /** Holds the {@link JMapPane} this tool bar controls. */
139 protected JMapPane mapPane = null;
141 /**
142 * A List to remember the last Envelopes that have been watched. Used for
143 * the zoomBack- and zoomForwardButtons *
144 */
145 protected ArrayList<Envelope> lastZooms = new ArrayList<Envelope>();
146 /** Holds the index to the current element in {@link #lastZooms}. */
147 protected int zoomBackIndex = 0;
149 /** Listener to sniff the zoom actions on the map. */
150 protected JMapPaneListener mapPaneListener = null;
152 protected boolean zoomBackForwardButtonInAction;
154 /**
155 * Creates a new toolbar. Notice: This toolbar does nothing until
156 * {@link #setMapPane(JMapPane)} is called!
157 */
158 public MapPaneToolBar() {
159 this(null);
160 }
162 /**
163 * Creates a new tool bar.
164 *
165 * @param mapPane
166 * {@link JMapPane} the tool bar controls
167 */
168 public MapPaneToolBar(JMapPane mapPane) {
169 super("Control the map", JToolBar.HORIZONTAL);
170 this.toolAndActionButtons = new TreeMap<Integer, JComponent>();
171 this.toolButtonGroup = new ButtonGroup();
173 // Create a Listener to listen to the zooms on the JMapPane
174 this.mapPaneListener = new JMapPaneListener() {
175 public void performMapPaneEvent(JMapPaneEvent e) {
176 if (!(e instanceof MapAreaChangedEvent))
177 return;
179 if (zoomBackForwardButtonInAction) {
180 zoomBackForwardButtonInAction = false;
181 return;
182 }
184 final MapAreaChangedEvent mapAreaChangedEvent = (MapAreaChangedEvent) e;
185 Envelope oldMapArea = mapAreaChangedEvent.getOldMapArea();
187 final Envelope mapArea = mapAreaChangedEvent.getNewMapArea();
188 if (mapArea == null || mapArea.equals(oldMapArea) ) {
189 // If the MapArea didn't change... we don't want to register it as a zoom action.
190 return;
191 }
193 if (lastZooms.size() == 0 && oldMapArea != null) {
194 lastZooms.add(oldMapArea);
195 zoomBackIndex = 1;
196 }
197 if (mapArea == null)
198 return;
200 if (lastZooms.size() > 0
201 && mapArea.equals(lastZooms.get(lastZooms.size() - 1))) {
202 // LOGGER.debug("MapAreaChangedEvent ausgelassen bei der Zaehlung der Zoomschritt weil identisch");
203 return;
204 }
206 if (lastZooms.size() > 0)
207 while (zoomBackIndex < lastZooms.size())
208 lastZooms.remove(lastZooms.size() - 1);
210 lastZooms.add(mapArea);
211 zoomBackIndex = lastZooms.size();
212 setButtonEnabled(ACTION_ZOOM_BACK, lastZooms.size() > 1);
213 setButtonEnabled(ACTION_ZOOM_FORWARD, false);
214 }
215 };
217 setMapPane(mapPane);
218 setFloatable(false);
219 setRollover(true);
221 init();
222 }
224 /**
225 * Sets the {@link JMapPane} controlled by this tool bar.
226 *
227 * @param mapPane
228 * {@link JMapPane} to control (if {@code null} this tool bar
229 * controls NOTHING!)
230 */
231 public void setMapPane(JMapPane mapPane) {
232 // Remove listener from old MapPane
233 if (this.mapPane != null)
234 this.mapPane.removeMapPaneListener(mapPaneListener);
235 this.mapPane = mapPane;
236 if (this.mapPane != null && mapPaneListener != null)
237 this.mapPane.addMapPaneListener(mapPaneListener);
238 }
240 /**
241 * Calls {@link #initToolsAndActions()} and {@link #initActions()} and then
242 * puts all tool buttons and all actions buttons to the tool bar.
243 */
244 protected void init() {
245 initToolsAndActions();
247 addSeparator(SEPERATOR0, new JToolBar.Separator());
248 addSeparator(SEPERATOR1, new JToolBar.Separator());
250 initToolBar();
251 }
253 /**
254 * Creates the tool buttons and action buttons and seperators, adds them to
255 * {@link #toolAndActionButtons} and finally creates a button group for all
256 * tools. So sub-classes which override this method should FIRST add their
257 * new tool buttons to {@link #toolAndActionButtons} before calling {@code
258 * super.initTools()}.
259 */
260 protected void initToolsAndActions() {
261 // Panning
262 addTool(new MapPaneToolBarAction(TOOL_PAN, this, "", new ImageIcon(
263 MapView.class.getResource("resource/icons/pan.png")), R("MapPaneButtons.Pan.TT")), false);
264 // Info
265 addTool(new MapPaneToolBarAction(TOOL_INFO, this, "", new ImageIcon(
266 MapView.class.getResource("resource/icons/info.png")),R("MapPaneButtons.Info.TT")), false);
268 // Zoom in
269 addTool(new MapPaneToolBarAction(TOOL_ZOOMIN, this, "", new ImageIcon(
270 MapView.class.getResource("resource/icons/zoom_in.png")), R("MapPaneButtons.ZoomIn.TT")),
271 false);
272 // Zoom out
273 addTool(new MapPaneToolBarAction(TOOL_ZOOMOUT, this, "", new ImageIcon(
274 MapView.class.getResource("resource/icons/zoom_out.png")), R("MapPaneButtons.ZoomOut.TT")),
275 false);
277 // Action button to revert the last zoom
278 addAction(new MapPaneToolBarAction(ACTION_ZOOM_BACK, this, "",
279 new ImageIcon(MapView.class
280 .getResource("resource/icons/zoom_back.png")), R("MapPaneButtons.LastZoom.TT")), false);
281 setButtonEnabled(ACTION_ZOOM_BACK, false);
283 // Action button to redo the last zoom
284 addAction(new MapPaneToolBarAction(ACTION_ZOOM_FORWARD, this, "",
285 new ImageIcon(MapView.class
286 .getResource("resource/icons/zoom_forward.png")), R("MapPaneButtons.NextZoom.TT")),
287 false);
288 setButtonEnabled(ACTION_ZOOM_FORWARD, false);
290 // set the selected tool enabled
291 setSelectedTool(selectedTool);
293 }
295 /**
296 * Clears the GUI of all components and adds all tool and action buttons to
297 * the tool bar.
298 */
299 public void initToolBar() {
300 setAlignmentY(1f);
301 removeAll();
302 // Separator to the left of the tool actions to start
303 // the tool buttons with the map (not with the coordinate grid)
304 Dimension dimension = new Dimension(49, 10);
305 addSeparator(dimension);
306 // Tool buttons
307 for (JComponent b : toolAndActionButtons.values())
308 add(b);
310 if (!toolAndActionButtons.containsKey(selectedTool)) {
311 /**
312 * This might be a bit specific, but IF selection buttons are
313 * available, select one of them.. if not, select the INFO tool.
314 */
316 if (toolAndActionButtons.containsKey(TOOL_SELECTION_SET)) {
317 setSelectedTool(TOOL_SELECTION_SET);
318 } else if (toolAndActionButtons.containsKey(TOOL_INFO)) {
319 setSelectedTool(TOOL_INFO);
320 } else {
321 // TODO What to do now?!
322 setSelectedTool(null);
323 }
325 }
327 revalidate();
328 repaint();
329 }
331 // Space between tool buttons and action buttons
332 // SK: Seperators are now als manages like actions and tools
333 // Dimension dimension2 = new Dimension( 10,10);
334 // this.addSeparator(dimension2);
336 // // Action buttons
337 // for (JButton b : actionButtons.values())
338 // add(b);
339 // }
341 /**
342 * Performs the activation of a tool.
343 *
344 * @param tool
345 * the tool to activate
346 * @param e
347 * the event of the button
348 */
349 public void performToolButton(int tool, ActionEvent e) {
350 if (mapPane == null)
351 return;
353 selectedTool = tool;
355 switch (tool) {
356 case TOOL_PAN:
357 // Set the mouse tool to "Panning"
358 mapPane.setWindowSelectionState(JMapPane.NONE);
359 mapPane.setState(JMapPane.PAN);
360 mapPane.setHighlight(false);
361 mapPane.setNormalCursor(SwingUtil.PAN_CURSOR);
362 break;
363 case TOOL_INFO:
364 // Set the mouse tool to "Info"
365 mapPane.setWindowSelectionState(JMapPane.NONE);
366 mapPane.setState(JMapPane.SELECT_TOP); // Why not:
368 mapPane.setHighlight(false);// SK: Was true, but since it not works
369 // properly removed it to save
370 // performance
371 mapPane.setNormalCursor(SwingUtil.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR);
372 break;
373 case TOOL_ZOOMIN:
374 // Set the mouse tool to "Zoom in"
375 mapPane.setWindowSelectionState(JMapPane.ZOOM_IN);
376 mapPane.setState(JMapPane.ZOOM_IN);
377 mapPane.setHighlight(false);
378 mapPane.setNormalCursor(SwingUtil.ZOOMIN_CURSOR);
379 break;
380 case TOOL_ZOOMOUT:
381 // Set the mouse tool to "Zoom out"
382 mapPane.setWindowSelectionState(JMapPane.NONE);
383 mapPane.setState(JMapPane.ZOOM_OUT);
384 mapPane.setHighlight(false);
385 mapPane.setNormalCursor(SwingUtil.ZOOMOUT_CURSOR);
386 break;
387 default:
388 // Set map actions to default
389 mapPane.setWindowSelectionState(JMapPane.NONE);
390 mapPane.setState(JMapPane.NONE);
391 mapPane.setHighlight(false);
392 mapPane.setNormalCursor(null);
393 break;
394 }
395 mapPane.updateCursor();
396 }
398 /**
399 * @param id
400 * The ID of the Component to remove. The change will not be
401 * visible until {@link #initToolBar()} is called.
402 * @return <code>null</code> or the component that has been removed.
403 */
404 public JComponent removeId(int id) {
405 return toolAndActionButtons.remove(id);
406 }
408 /**
409 * Performs the action of an action button.
410 *
411 * @param tool
412 * the action
413 * @param e
414 * the event of the button
415 */
416 protected void performActionButton(int action, ActionEvent e) {
417 if (mapPane == null)
418 return;
420 // Perform the action "Zoom back": Revert the last zoom
421 if (action == ACTION_ZOOM_BACK) {
422 if (zoomBackIndex <= 1)
423 return;
425 zoomBackForwardButtonInAction = true;
426 zoomBackIndex--;
427 getButton(ACTION_ZOOM_FORWARD).setEnabled(true);
428 getButton(ACTION_ZOOM_BACK).setEnabled(zoomBackIndex > 1);
430 mapPane.setMapArea(lastZooms.get(zoomBackIndex - 1));
431 mapPane.refresh();
432 }
434 // Perform the action "Zoom forward": Re-do the last zoom
435 if (action == ACTION_ZOOM_FORWARD) {
436 if (zoomBackIndex < lastZooms.size()) {
437 zoomBackForwardButtonInAction = true;
438 zoomBackIndex++;
439 getButton(ACTION_ZOOM_BACK).setEnabled(true);
440 getButton(ACTION_ZOOM_FORWARD).setEnabled(
441 zoomBackIndex < lastZooms.size());
443 mapPane.setMapArea(lastZooms.get(zoomBackIndex - 1));
444 mapPane.refresh();
445 }
446 }
447 }
449 /**
450 * Adds a tool to the tool bar. Does nothing if a tool or action with the
451 * specified ID already exists!
452 *
453 * @param buttonAction
454 * action for the toggle button
455 * @param resetToolBar
456 * indicates whether the toolbar GUI is reset after adding the
457 * button (if adding several actions it useful only to reset the
458 * GUI for the last added tool)
459 */
460 public void addTool(MapPaneToolBarAction buttonAction, boolean resetToolBar) {
461 if (isButtonIDUsed(buttonAction.getID())) {
463 .warn("addTool(.) ignored because ID already used for tool or action: "
464 + buttonAction.getID());
465 return;
466 }
467 JToggleButton button = new JToggleButton(buttonAction);
468 button.setBorder(BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder());
469 toolButtonGroup.add(button);
470 toolAndActionButtons.put(buttonAction.getID(), button);
471 if (resetToolBar)
472 initToolBar();
473 }
475 /**
476 * Adds a tool to the tool bar and resets the toolbar GUI.
477 *
478 * @param buttonAction
479 * action for the toggle button
480 */
481 public void addTool(MapPaneToolBarAction buttonAction) {
482 addTool(buttonAction, true);
483 }
485 /**
486 * Adds an action to the tool bar. Does nothing if a tool or action with the
487 * specified ID already exists!
488 *
489 * @param buttonAction
490 * action for the button
491 * @param resetToolBar
492 * indicates whether the toolbar GUI is reset after adding the
493 * button (if adding several actions it useful only to reset the
494 * GUI for the last added tool)
495 */
496 public void addAction(MapPaneToolBarAction buttonAction,
497 boolean resetToolBar) {
498 if (isButtonIDUsed(buttonAction.getID())) {
500 .warn("addAction(.) ignored because ID already used for tool or action: "
501 + buttonAction.getID());
502 return;
503 }
504 JButton button = new JButton(buttonAction);
505 button.setBorder(BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder());
506 toolAndActionButtons.put(buttonAction.getID(), button);
507 if (resetToolBar)
508 initToolBar();
509 }
511 public void addSeparator(int id, Separator separator) {
512 if (isButtonIDUsed(id)) {
514 .warn("addSeparator(.) ignored because ID already used for tool or action. ");
515 return;
516 }
517 toolAndActionButtons.put(id, separator);
518 }
520 /**
521 * Adds an action to the tool bar and resets the toolbar GUI.
522 *
523 * @param buttonAction
524 * action for the toggle button
525 */
526 public void addAction(MapPaneToolBarAction buttonAction) {
527 addAction(buttonAction, true);
528 }
530 /**
531 * Returns the button for a specific tool or action.
532 *
533 * @param id
534 * the constant for any button in the {@link MapPaneToolBar}
535 * @return a {@link JButton} if {@code id} specifies an
536 * {@linkplain #getActionButton(int) action button} or
537 * {@link JToogleButton} if {@code id} specifies a
538 * {@linkplain #getToolButton(int) tool button}
539 */
540 public AbstractButton getButton(int id) {
541 AbstractButton button = (AbstractButton) toolAndActionButtons.get(id);
542 if (button == null)
543 LOGGER.warn("Unknown tool or action ID: " + id);
544 return button;
545 }
547 /**
548 * Returns the button for a specific tool.
549 *
550 * @param tool
551 * the constant for a tool
552 */
553 public JToggleButton getToolButton(int tool) {
554 AbstractButton button = getButton(tool);
555 if (button != null && !(button instanceof JToggleButton)) {
556 LOGGER.warn("ID specifies no tool: " + tool);
557 button = null;
558 }
559 return (JToggleButton) button;
560 }
562 /**
563 * Returns the button for a specific action.
564 *
565 * @param action
566 * the constant an action
567 */
568 public JButton getActionButton(int action) {
569 AbstractButton button = getButton(action);
570 if (button != null && !(button instanceof JButton)) {
571 LOGGER.warn("ID specifies no action: " + action);
572 button = null;
573 }
574 return (JButton) button;
576 }
578 /**
579 * Sets the selected tool.
580 *
581 * @param tool
582 * ID of the tool
583 */
584 public void setSelectedTool(Integer tool) {
585 if (tool == null)
586 toolButtonGroup.setUnselected();
588 JToggleButton button = getToolButton(tool);
589 if (button == null)
590 return;
591 button.setSelected(true);
592 button.getAction().actionPerformed(null);
594 selectedTool = tool;
595 }
597 /**
598 * Returns the selected tool.
599 *
600 * @return -1 if no tool is active
601 */
602 public int getSelectedTool() {
603 if (toolButtonGroup.getSelectedButton() == null)
604 return -1;
605 return selectedTool;
606 }
608 /**
609 * Sets whether a tool or action is activated or not. The visible property
610 * of the button is not affected.
611 *
612 * @param id
613 * tool or actionID
614 * @param enabled
615 * if {@code true} the tool becomes available
616 */
617 public void setButtonEnabled(int id, boolean enabled) {
618 AbstractButton button = getButton(id);
619 if (button == null)
620 return;
621 button.setEnabled(enabled);
622 }
624 /**
625 * Sets whether a tool or action is activated or not.
626 *
627 * @param id
628 * tool or actionID
629 * @param enabled
630 * if {@code true} the tool becomes available
631 * @param hideOnDisable
632 * if {@code true} the button is also hidden if {@code enabled}
633 * is {@code false}
634 */
635 public void setButtonEnabled(int id, boolean enabled, boolean hideOnDisable) {
636 AbstractButton button = getButton(id);
637 if (button == null)
638 return;
639 button.setEnabled(enabled);
640 // if button is enabled, it becomes visible anyway
641 // if button is disabled and the "hide" option is set, it is also hidden
642 if (enabled)
643 button.setVisible(true);
644 else
645 button.setVisible(!hideOnDisable);
646 }
648 /**
649 * Checks whether a ID is already used for a tool or action.
650 *
651 * @param tool
652 * tool ID
653 */
654 public boolean isButtonIDUsed(int id) {
655 return toolAndActionButtons.get(id) != null;
656 }
658 /**
659 * Checks whether a tool is activated.
660 *
661 * @param tool
662 * tool ID
663 * @return {@code false} if an unknown ID is specified
664 */
665 public boolean isButtonEnabled(int id) {
666 AbstractButton button = getButton(id);
667 if (button != null)
668 return button.isEnabled();
669 return false;
670 }
672 /**
673 * Sets the activation for all tools.
674 *
675 * @param enabled
676 * if {@code true} all tools becomes available
677 * @param hideOnDisable
678 * if {@code true} the buttons are also hidden if {@code enabled}
679 * is {@code false}
680 */
681 public void setAllToolsEnabled(boolean enabled, boolean hideOnDisable) {
682 for (int tool : toolAndActionButtons.keySet())
683 setButtonEnabled(tool, enabled, hideOnDisable);
684 }
686 /**
687 * Sets the activation for all actions.
688 *
689 * @param enabled
690 * if {@code true} all actions becomes available
691 * @param hideOnDisable
692 * if {@code true} the buttons are also hidden if {@code enabled}
693 * is {@code false}
694 */
695 public void setAllActionsEnabled(boolean enabled, boolean hideOnDisable) {
696 for (int id : toolAndActionButtons.keySet()) {
697 if (toolAndActionButtons.get(id) instanceof JButton) {
698 setButtonEnabled(id, enabled, hideOnDisable);
699 }
700 }
702 }
704 /**
705 * Returns the maximum ID of tools.
706 */
707 public int getMaxToolID() {
708 return toolAndActionButtons.lastKey();
709 }
711 /**
712 * Returns the minimum ID of tools.
713 */
714 public int getMinToolID() {
715 return toolAndActionButtons.firstKey();
716 }
718 /**
719 * Extends the {@link AbstractAction} with maintaining an ID and the
720 * {@link MapPaneToolBar} the actions controls. Additionally this class
721 * automatically calls
722 * {@link MapPaneToolBar#performToolButton(int, ActionEvent)} or
723 * {@link MapPaneToolBar#performActionButton(int, ActionEvent)} depending on
724 * whether the action is added via
725 * {@link MapPaneToolBar#addTool(MapPaneToolBarAction)} or
726 * {@link MapPaneToolBar#addAction(MapPaneToolBarAction)}.
727 *
728 * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Martin Schmitz</a>
729 * (University of Bonn/Germany)
730 */
731 public static class MapPaneToolBarAction extends AbstractAction {
732 /** The ID of the action */
733 protected int id = -1;
734 /** The tool bar, this action is made for. */
735 protected MapPaneToolBar toolBar = null;
737 /**
738 * Creates a new action with a dummy description and no icon.
739 *
740 * @param id
741 * unique ID for the action
742 * @param toolBar
743 * toolbar this action is made for
744 */
745 public MapPaneToolBarAction(int id, MapPaneToolBar toolBar) {
746 this(id, toolBar, "" + id);
747 }
749 /**
750 * Creates a new action without an icon.
751 *
752 * @param id
753 * unique ID for the action
754 * @param toolBar
755 * toolbar this action is made for
756 * @param name
757 * description used for buttons or menus
758 */
759 public MapPaneToolBarAction(int id, MapPaneToolBar toolBar, String name) {
760 this(id, toolBar, name, null);
761 }
763 /**
764 * Creates a new action.
765 *
766 * @param id
767 * unique ID for the action
768 * @param toolBar
769 * toolbar this action is made for
770 * @param name
771 * description used for buttons or menus
772 * @param icon
773 * icon used for buttons or menus
774 */
775 public MapPaneToolBarAction(int id, MapPaneToolBar toolBar,
776 String name, Icon icon) {
777 this (id, toolBar, name, icon, null);
778 }
780 /**
781 * Creates a new action.
782 *
783 * @param id
784 * unique ID for the action
785 * @param toolBar
786 * The {@link MapPaneToolBar} this action is made for
787 * @param name
788 * description used for buttons or menus
789 * @param icon
790 * icon used for buttons or menus
791 * @param toolTip
792 * Tooltip to use for the button or menu
793 */
794 public MapPaneToolBarAction(int id, MapPaneToolBar toolBar,
795 String name, Icon icon, String toolTip) {
796 super(name, icon);
798 if (toolTip != null && !toolTip.trim().isEmpty()){
799 putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, toolTip);
800 }
802 this.id = id;
803 this.toolBar = toolBar;
804 }
806 /**
807 * Calls {@link MapPaneToolBar#performToolButton(int, ActionEvent)} or
808 * {@link MapPaneToolBar#performActionButton(int, ActionEvent)}
809 * depending on whether the action is added to the toolbar via
810 * {@link MapPaneToolBar#addTool(MapPaneToolBarAction)} or
811 * {@link MapPaneToolBar#addAction(MapPaneToolBarAction)}.
812 */
813 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
814 if (toolBar.toolAndActionButtons.get(id) instanceof JToggleButton)
815 toolBar.performToolButton(id, e);
816 else if (toolBar.toolAndActionButtons.get(id) instanceof JButton)
817 toolBar.performActionButton(id, e);
818 }
820 /**
821 * Returns the (unique) id of this action.
822 *
823 * @return
824 */
825 public int getID() {
826 return id;
827 }
828 }
830 /**
831 * Nuetzlich wenn die Componente gedruckt (z.B. wenn ein Screenshot gemacht wird) wird. Dann werden wird der
832 * Hintergrund auf WEISS gesetzt.
833 *
834 * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Stefan Alfons
835 * Kr&uuml;ger</a>
836 */
837 @Override
838 public void print(Graphics g) {
839 Color orig = getBackground();
840 setBackground(Color.WHITE);
841 // wrap in try/finally so that we always restore the state
842 try {
843 super.print(g);
844 } finally {
845 setBackground(orig);
846 }
847 }
848 }

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