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Contents of /trunk/src/skrueger/geotools/StyledMapInterface.java

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Revision 127 - (show annotations)
Sat May 30 14:29:58 2009 UTC (15 years, 9 months ago) by mojays
File size: 4615 byte(s)
Many many many new JFreeChart stuff (selection panel and renderer, etc.)
- schmitzm.jfree.chart.SelectableChartPanel
- schmitzm.jfree.chart.ChartMouseSelectionTracker
- schmitzm.jfree.chart.selection.*
- schmitzm.jfree.chart.renderer.*
Plus: Imports organized!
1 package skrueger.geotools;
3 import java.net.URL;
5 import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
7 import org.geotools.feature.FeatureCollection;
8 import org.geotools.styling.Style;
9 import org.opengis.referencing.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystem;
11 import skrueger.AttributeMetaData;
12 import skrueger.RasterLegendData;
13 import skrueger.i8n.Translation;
15 import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope;
17 /**
18 * This class is the top interface for styled objects to be managed in
19 * {@link MapContextManagerInterface}. The (rough) classe structure is the
20 * following:
21 * <ul>
22 * <li><b>{@link StyledMapInterface StyledMapInterface<E>}</b>
23 * <ul>
24 * <li>{@link #getId()} -> String</li>
25 * <li>{@link #getKeywords() get/setKeywords()} -> {@link Translation}</li>
26 * <li>{@link #getTitle() set/getTitle()} -> {@link Translation} (short
27 * description for layer list)</li>
28 * <li>{@link #getDesc() set/getDesc()} -> {@link Translation} (long description
29 * for details)</li>
30 * <li>{@link #getCrs()} -> {@link CoordinateReferenceSystem}</li>
31 * <li>{@link #getCRSString()} -> String (readable description of CRS)</li>
32 * <li>{@link #getEnvelope()} -> {@link Envelope} (JTS-Envelope)</li>
33 * <li>{@link #getGeoObject()} -> E (GridCoverage/FeatureCollection/...)</li>
34 * <li>{@link #getStyle() set/getStyle()} -> {@link Style}</li>
35 * <li>{@link #uncache()}</li>
36 * <li>{@link #dispose()}</li>
37 * </ul>
38 * </li>
39 * <li><b>{@link StyledFeatureCollectionInterface} extends
40 * {@link StyledMapInterface StyledMapInterface<FeatureCollection>}</b>
41 * <ul>
42 * <li>{@link StyledFeatureCollectionInterface#getAttributeMetaDataMap()} ->
43 * Map<Integer,AttributeMetaData></li>
44 * </ul>
45 * </li>
46 * <li><b>{@link StyledRasterInterface} extends {@link StyledMapInterface
47 * StyledMapInterface<GridCoverage2D>}</b>
48 * <ul>
49 * <li>{@link StyledRasterInterface#getLegendMetaData()} ->
50 * {@link RasterLegendData}</li>
51 * </ul>
52 * </li>
53 * </ul>
54 * <br>
55 * <b>Restrictions:</b>
56 * <ul>
57 * <li>layer list only depends on {@link StyledMapInterface}</li>
58 * <li>methods returning {@link Translation} must not return {@code null}</li>
59 * <li>methods returning {@link AttributeMetaData}-Map must not return {@code
60 * null}</li>
61 * <li>static helper method to get a new {@link AttributeMetaData}-map withe the
62 * visible attributes only</li>
63 * <li>static helper method to create a "default" {@link AttributeMetaData}-map
64 * for a {@link FeatureCollection} with all attributes visible and without real
65 * translations, but the attribute name as description.</li>
66 * </ul>
67 */
68 public interface StyledMapInterface<E> {
69 public String getId();
71 public Translation getTitle();
73 public void setTitle(Translation title);
75 public Translation getDesc();
77 public void setDesc(Translation dec);
79 public Translation getKeywords();
81 public void setKeywords(Translation keywords);
83 public CoordinateReferenceSystem getCrs();
85 public String getCRSString();
87 public Envelope getEnvelope();
89 /**
90 * @return return an ImageIcon - <code>null</code> is valid and no icon or a
91 * default icon will then be shown
92 */
93 public ImageIcon getImageIcon();
95 public void setImageIcon(ImageIcon icon);
97 /**
98 * Returns the underlying GeoTools Object
99 *
100 * @throws RuntimeException
101 */
102 public E getGeoObject() throws Exception;
104 public Style getStyle();
106 public void setStyle(Style style);
108 /**
109 * Returns the {@link URL} to a (HTML) file that provides more information
110 * about this layer. If no HTML if associated with this
111 * {@link StyledMapInterface}, then <code>null</code> will be returned.
112 *
113 * @return null or an {@link URL}
114 */
115 public URL getInfoURL();
117 /**
118 * Should be called when this Object is not needed anymore.
119 */
120 public void dispose();
122 /** Is the object already disposed? * */
123 public boolean isDisposed();
125 /**
126 * Clears any caches. For example the GeoObject could be released, and
127 * reread on next call of getGeoObject()
128 */
129 public void uncache();
131 /**
132 * If true, this layer will not be shown in the legend. Default = false
133 */
134 /**
135 *
136 * Killed by SK: 6. April 09: Ein Layer soll nicht generell auf
137 * verstecken/nicht verstecken gestellt werden können. Das sind
138 * Eigenschaften der Karte/MapContext, ebenso wie die Reihenfolge der Layer.
139 * Im Atlas verwaltet deshalb nun die Klasse skrueger.atlas.Map welche Layer
140 * nicht in der Legende auftauchen sollen. Meines Wissens hat keiner bisher
141 * die Funktion genutzt.
142 *
143 * public boolean isHideInLegend();
144 */
146 }

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