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* Improvements of the TextSymbolizer and GUI in AtlasStyler and better threading while calculating the statistics.
copy RC2 to trunk
added a cool blink(FeatureCollection) method
* Small SimplyHTML imporvement (inser image dialog was wrongly positioned) * Removed a potential loop in XMapPane.setMapExtend
* Corrected a translation * Added the map icon back (was removed for testing)
XMapPane default maxMapArea now expands as you like it...
Comments and cleanup in XMapPaneTool
Moving towards the new XMapPaneTool concept
* GP-Cleanup: Moved SelectionTOol to new XMapTool concept. * GPAV-Feature: Added keyboard stroke support to XMapPane
GP-Cleanup: Implemented the XMapPaneAction and XMapPaneTool comcept for all GeoPublisher tools except for the SelectionTools
Created XMapPaneAction_Pan
2.0-RC2 ist für die weiterentwicklung und soll bald in den trunk mergen
TIny Bugfixing inspired by IMPETUS training
DialogManager didn't always remove instances from the cache. Translation constructor List<String>, defaultTranslaiton only set the default for the active langage
Label und Tooltip der Maus KoordinatenAnzeige rechts verändert. Zeit im TT jetzt das CRS der Koordinaten an.
Keine Ahnung was er da gebrancht hat.. der stand der dateien war weder trunk, noch der 1.0-gt26 branch... ich hab die dateien jetzt händisch auf den richtigen stand gebracht und comitte
2.0-RC1 branch ist für GP1.3 bugfixes... 1.0-gt2-2.6 ist der entwicklungs brnach
BugFix: - SwingUtil.setRelativeFramePosition(..) Enhancements: - Show/Hide grid bar in GridPanel (and GeoMapPane) - XMapPane in GeoMapPane encapsulated in extra JPanel to maintain e.g. border - map area "sunk" by border in LayeredMapPane
* Selection mit Click funktioniert wieder
BAckround defaults to parten background color if parent is available
Added NPE checks when stMapAra with Envelope
* Tuned the resize/repaint behaviour of the XMapPane a bit more... Seems like a reported "not all layers are alyways rendered when a map is opened the first time in AtlasViewer"-bug is not fixed.
* XMapPane doesn't show rendering-exceptions in the pane by default, but it may be set with new function #setShowExceptions
* FilterTableDialog now a bit faster again because restructure is only called once...* * Renamed XMapPane.getConext to getMapContext
Improved RasterPositionLabel. Earlier it was just looking for the top grid layer.. now it checks for the first grid layer under the mouse position. If there are multiple grid layers with different BBOXes this makes sense.
* XMapPane now fine....The repaint timer may stop itself if not needed anymore...
* Even better selecting.. BBOX filter was the wrong choice.. INTERSECTS is correct.
* Fixed the "jump left" problem in XMapPane
Last commit before i crack the selection mechanism * RenderingExceutor will also report Exceptions that crash the Thread
* resetTransforms method in XMapPane changed. Not panning is putting the image where one would expect. BUT on the other hand the left map broder is wrong... still is still work in progress
* XMapPane now prints erros nicely
Moved XMapPane from gtmig to skrueger.geotools
* More cleanup and documentation
XMapPane and RenderingExecutor now work together without leaking memory through their BufferedImages...
* XMapPane is now only using one RenderingExecutor, and its now properly disposed, not leaving any threads in the ThreadPool * Locks are not happening, memory leak still happens :-/ * Corrected isValid() against is WellDefined() in XMapPane
* Some cleanup in XMapPane
* CQLFilter.toString does not produce CQL! Useed CQL.toCQL( Filter ) instead in some places. * Added paramter weight (for visualisation sorting) to attributeMetadata * Added paramters X and A for Attributemetadata.. but not using it yet..
* Extended schmitzm.JPanel to generally set its background to white when printed, by overwriting the print() method. * Simplified the creation and update logic of ((Design)Atlas)MapLegend and ((Design)Atlas)MapLayerLegend. Besides other things there now is a LegendHelper class in AtlasProject... * Orginized Imports * Removed a lot of DEBUG messages...
Styles with wronlgy spelled property names are now automatically corrected when loaded. This helps when upgrading atlases that have been created with GeoPublisher/AtlasStyler 1.2
Enhanced the saveSLDToFile methods in StyleingUtil
Fixed an error in the zoom-out code of XMapPane
until gt2-2.6.1 is released: Import of gt-RenderingExecutor replaced by import of skrueger-RenderingExecutor in XMapPane
compile error free ... XMapPane migration complete...
new XMapPane and SelectableMapPane to replace and restructure JMapPanes
* Cleaned up the new methods for drawing preview image when zooming.
* Added fast scaled previews to JMapPane rendering. Works for ZoomIn and ZoomOut. * Added setMapbackground and getMapBackground to JMapPane
* Better documentation for methods setMaxZoomScale and setMinZoomScale
i8n fuer cancellableAtlasDialogdpter
JMapPane#fixAspectRatio(.) moved to JTSUtil
JMapPane#fixAspectRatio(.) moved to JTSUtil
BugFix: Handle empty Rectangle in JMapPane#fixAspectRatio(..) FeatureTablePane: check for "valueAdjusting" removed (because this must be done in event firing, not in event handling!)
GT-JMapPane, GeoMapPane: "our" Reference to ShapefileRenderer removed defaults/.classpath updated to gt2-2.6.0
* AS-Feature: The labeling tab now has a preview pane and can set the priority column. Both still has to be improved.
* GP: * Do not allow NaN values in zoom back/forward Envelopes * Extra check against unlimited while loop in JMapPane.bestAllowedMapArea
* Using GTUtil.createGTRenderer wherever GP/AS/AV/SchmitzM needs a GTRenderer
Removed some annoying debug messages in GT-JMapPane New util method JTSUtil.expandEnvelope(..) JMapPane.getMaxExtend(..) creates a 10% expanded envelope to show the complete map with "some" surrounding
added checks against NPEs if the context is empty
* Lots of changes in this big commit for GP 1.3 * New Interfaces: Checkable, Copyable, Cancellable, CancellableDialogAdapter to improve the GUI * New DialogManager to unify the handling of all dialogs. * GP-Feature: The dialog for editing/translating a DpEntry has been "enriched".
* AV-Feature: The Search button only appears if there is anything to search * GP-Features: Layers that will not show in the atlas legend are marked in the GP MapComposer in gray.
* GP-Feature: In the MapComposer it is now BASICALLY possible to change the CRS and format of the Grid/Ruler on the left/bottom. At the moment only two formatters are available, one for DHDN in Germany, and one for lat/lon.
JMapPane can optionally be given an envelope. When zooming/panning it will never show anything outside this envelope.
* Moving JMapPane out of org.geotools.swing allows me to start the application in debug mode, without haveing a libUnsigned dir...
Wow.. this now compiles and works with GT2.6 TRUNK! I will check-in the tunrk libs in AtlasFramework/lib/gt tonight. One big difference between M2 and trunk is that they moved the package org.geotools.gui.swing to org.geotools.swing So i did the same in schmitzm, especially with the JMapPane
* removed the transitional shapefile renderer fully
Migrating to GT2.6... only 46 compile errors left...
Migrating to GT2.6... only 100 compile errors left...
* Replaced every occurrance of AttributeType with AttributeDescriptor - I think it saves a lot of typing...
imports organized migration package gtmig.* for classes no longer included in gt2-2.6 MouseSelectionTracker taken from gt 2.4.5 Transition to GeoAPI SimpleFeature 1. Search Replace Search Replace \bFeature\b SimpleFeature \bFeatureType\b SimpleFeatureType 2. Fix the imports * Control-Shift-O in Eclipse IDE PENDING: 3. Add casts as required for getDefaultGeometry()
Branch created from SCHMITZM 1.0 (rev 313) to switch to gt2-2.6.x.
* GP-Feature: Futher patched our Shapefilerender (= TransitionRenderer in SCHMITZM) to also support spatial quad tree index from JARs. It used a "isLocal" method that only checked for file:// protocoll, and not for jar://... protocoll * GP-Bugfix: Fixed a problem with .cpg files.. they have been set to the system default when saving the atlas. * The rendering of vectors should generally be faster now... especially in exported atlases * Organized-IMports * Better handling of calls to SingleInstanceListener.newActivation: the splashscreen is now shown and the windows brought to front. * AV-Feature: After switching from/to anti-aliased rendering, the waiting cursor appears above the map correctly now.
* Created a new ManageChartsForMapDialog that allows to manage charts and define which chart is visible in which map. Besides, that saving the ChartSTyles is not implemented, you can now basically define and use the charts. * Created a TransitionShapefileRenderer in schmitzm. It's a copy (extend was not possible) of a normal ShapefileRenderer class, but extended by a hack to fall back to the normal StreamingRenderer if a FeatureOperationTreeFilter is applied to a MapLayer. * I have set this TransitionShapefileRenderer as default in JMapPane & Co. * It's called "transition", because we will remove it as soon as we moved to GT 2.6 and switched the filters to eCQL.
* AS FEATURE: Changing the TextSymbolizer (label settings) in AS is now directly presented in the preview JMapPane(s). Up to now, the LabelCache of the JMapPane didn't clear properly and the changes were only shown after a while. * CodeCleanup: Removed some unneeded SwingUtil.getParentWindow (because most atlas classes now use a Component object as GUI-parent parameter)
* Inserted one if ==null return check
* Committing because i switch computers.. This commit contains a prototype to access WFS as a source for features. It's not very stable.. A proper commit will follow tonight. * Quite a lot of i8n in the AtlasStyler + GP
* Organized Imports * Fixed a BuG in AS, PolygonSymbolEditGUI (Had to be Float instead of Double) * Renamed DesignLayerPanel to DesginMapLegend etc... * Bugfixed ManageLayerSytlesForMapDialog to trigger a preview of the new legend.
* Reorganized the UI of the Legend * Solved the never-wide-enough legend, including the "..."
Plaing with a upscaled preview image that is shown while the map is rendered.. but its not fast enough yet ;-) .. all commented out
Many many many new JFreeChart stuff (selection panel and renderer, etc.) - schmitzm.jfree.chart.SelectableChartPanel - schmitzm.jfree.chart.ChartMouseSelectionTracker - schmitzm.jfree.chart.selection.* - schmitzm.jfree.chart.renderer.* Plus: Imports organized!
OperationTreeParser: - Aussagekräftigere Fehlermeldung bei unbekanntem Fehler JMapPane - Entfernen/Hinzufügen des MouseSelectionTrackers (um Rahmen bei Info-Tool zu verhindern) ersetzt gegen Überschreiben der mouseDragged(.) des SelectionTrackers
* SelectableFeatureTablePane can be constructed with a mapPane parameter. if not null, the toolbar contains a "ZoomToSelected" button. * Added a zoomTom(FeatureCollection) to JMapPane. This is now used in the FeatureTablePane's preview, in the Atlas search dialog, and in the ZoomToSelected button of SelectableFeatureTablePane
First Commit, corresponds to Revision 1008 of Wikisquare-SVN includes: - schmitzm.* (except schmitzm.test) - org.geotools.* (all overridden classes) - skrueger.geotools - skrueger.i8n - skrueger.swing - (dependency in SCHMITZM) - (dependency in SCHMITZM) - appl.util.RasterMetaData (dependency in SCHMITZM)
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