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Revision Log
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* AS-Feature: Added a button to open the attribute table to the AtlasStyler QuantitiesClassification-GUI. * GP-Bugfix: Entering translations with tailing spaces lead to strange behavioure. Fixed.
* Big Code Cleanup in Atlas-Framework * More options in DesignAtlasChart
* Hackingsession: First release of DesignAtlasChartJDialog
all methods dealing with features moved from JFreeChartUtil to FeatureChartUtil imports organized
* Updated the license headers * chart action going on...
* Updated all .java and .properties headers with a recent LGPL 3.0 and a link to the project webpage.
* Renamed a method
* Removed a LOGGER.warn
* Un-deprecated the constructor Translation(String);
* Added a static public convenience method isEmpty to i8n.Translation which deals with null, "", and the deprectaed NO_TRANSLATION constant. * Moved the method "public static MemoryFeatureCollection filterSLDVisibleOnly(...)" from FeatureUtil to StylingUtil.
* Some corrections in I8N withthe ISO vs. Locale language codes
* Further improved the TranslationAskJDialog * Removed deprecated stuff from TranslationEditJPanel
Now Translation doesn't fires LocaleChangeEvents if newLang.equals(oldLang)
Added Listener support to Translation. This allows to register a swing PropertyChangeListener for Locales changes.
skrueger.i8n.Translation is setting the Locale, we added: /** * Setting default locale for Swing JComponents to work around bug * */ JComponent.setDefaultLocale(newLocale);
First Commit, corresponds to Revision 1008 of Wikisquare-SVN includes: - schmitzm.* (except schmitzm.test) - org.geotools.* (all overridden classes) - skrueger.geotools - skrueger.i8n - skrueger.swing - (dependency in SCHMITZM) - (dependency in SCHMITZM) - appl.util.RasterMetaData (dependency in SCHMITZM)
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