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Revision 123

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Author: alfonx
Date: Wed May 20 15:54:51 2009 UTC (15 years, 9 months ago)
Changed paths: 1
Log Message:
* Changed the logic to generate the Style which contains a FeatureTypeStyle for the selection. It now uses the MapLayer.getStyle() as a base (instead of styledObj.getStyle() ) and simply removes any old FeatureTypeStyle that contains Rules for an older selection. 
1. Because the MapLayer's Style might have been changed by the AS and we don't want the Style to reset.
2. Because in the Atlas the DPLayer's getStyle() always returns the default style, ignoring any additionaly styles. 

Changed paths

Path Details
Directorytrunk/src/skrueger/geotools/selection/FeatureMapLayerSelectionSynchronizer.java modified , text changed

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