Log Message: |
* AS-Feature: Added Double-Labeling to AtlasStyler
* AV-BugFix: Clicking points didn't work in GT2.6 and JMapPane because the dWithin filter broke?!
// This is a tweak. The NearPointFilterGenerator doesn't work
// any more in GT2.6... So we use a small BBOX.
// Well, it's not the
// NearPointFilterGenerator, but GeoTools that fails. I already
// invested 3h in this... I guess the bug is in
// ExtractBoundsFilterVisitor.visit(ProperyName) retuning null.
// It should return the BBOX of value the named property.
// Hashtable<MapLayer, FeatureCollection<SimpleFeatureType,
// SimpleFeature>> result = findVisibleFeatures(
// new NearPointFilterGenerator(geoCoord, dist,
// getContext().getCoordinateReferenceSystem()),
// state, envelope);
final Envelope smallBox = new Envelope(geoCoord.getX() - dist,
geoCoord.getY() -dist, geoCoord.getX()+dist, geoCoord.getY()+dist);
Hashtable<MapLayer, FeatureCollection<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature>> result = findVisibleFeatures(
new BoundingBoxFilterGenerator(smallBox, getContext()
.getCoordinateReferenceSystem()), state,