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revision 2529 by russell, Thu Jan 20 17:55:23 2005 UTC revision 2558 by jonathan, Mon Feb 7 19:51:13 2005 UTC
# Line 1  Line 1 
1    2005-02-07  Jonathan Coles <[email protected]>
2            * libraries/thuban/gdalwarp.cpp: Removed the macros PYTHON_ERR
3            and PYTHON_ERRF since they were no longer necessary.
5    2005-02-07  Bernhard Reiter <[email protected]>
6            * Thuban/UI/classifier.py (ClassGrid.DeleteSelectedRows):
7            Enable translation for message string.
9    2005-02-06  Martin Schulze  <[email protected]>
11            * Extensions/wms/infodialog.py (wmsInfoDialog.__init__): Adjusted
12            the arguments of the contstructor to fit the global scheme
14    2005-01-31  Nina H�ffmeyer <[email protected]>
16            * Extensions/ogr/ogrdialog.py: Added class ogrdialog.py, which provides
17            some dialogs needed to start ogr.
19            * Extensions/ogr/__init__.py: Changed comments to avoid encoding
20            warnings.
22            * Extensions/ogr/test/test_OGRShapestore.py: Changed comments to avoid
23            encoding warnings.
25    2005-01-28  Jonathan Coles <[email protected]>
27            * libraries/thuban/gdalwarp.cpp (GetImageData): Recode how the
28            mask is packed into a bit array. It's now slightly faster.
30    2005-01-28  Jonathan Coles <[email protected]>
32            * Thuban/Model/layer.py (RasterLayer.__init__): Make use_mask
33            default to true.
35            * Thuban/Model/load.py (SessionLoader.start_rasterlayer): Remove
36            code that loads the state of the layer's use_mask flag. Its
37            usefulness is still being debated.
39            * Thuban/Model/save.py (SessionSaver.write_layer): Remove
40            code that saves the state of the layer's use_mask flag. Its
41            usefulness is still being debated.
43            * Thuban/UI/baserenderer.py (BaseRenderer.draw_raster_layer): Pass
44            options to ProjectRasterFile based on the state of layer.UseMask().
45            Catch more exceptions from ProjectRasterFile so that Thuban doesn't
46            quit is there is a problem projecting.
47            (BaseRenderer.draw_raster_data): Change the documentation to
48            describe the new format (XBM) that the mask data will be in.
50            * Thuban/UI/renderer.py (MapRenderer.draw_raster_data): The mask
51            data is in XBM format when format='RAW' which means it doesn't
52            need to be converted to a wxImage before being used as a mask
53            for a wxBitmap. Assume that if format != 'RAW' that the image
54            data and mask data are in the same format.
56            * libraries/thuban/gdalwarp.cpp (GetImageData): If alpha is enabled
57            and a mask is requested, convert the alpha band to a bit array in
58            XBM format. if an alpha channel is requested, simply return the
59            data in the alpha band. Provide better error handling by returning
60            python error messages (also fixes RT #2947).
61            (ProjectRasterFile): Support multiple mask options, rather than simply
62            a flag indicating that a mask should or should not be used. Provide
63            better error handling by returning python error messages.
65            * test/test_baserenderer.py (TestBaseRenderer.test_raster_no_projection):
66            Add mask data to test.
68            * test/test_layer.py (TestLayer.test_raster_layer): Test that a layer
69            should use the mask by default.
70            (TestLayerModificaton.test_raster_layer): Test that a layer should use
71            the mask by default.
73            * test/test_load.py (TestRasterLayer.test): Remove testing for
74            use_mask flag in file.
76            * test/test_save.py (SaveSessionTest.testRasterLayer): Remove testing
77            for use_mask in file.
79            * test/test_load_1_0_1.py: Removed. Shouldn't have been checked in.
81    2005-01-26  Jonathan Coles <[email protected]>
83            Add a new dialog box for raster layers. The dialog box allows
84            the user to toggle a mask that is generated by ProjectRasterFile
85            and is used to only draw the real parts of the projected image.
87            * Thuban/UI/baserenderer.py (BaseRenderer.draw_raster_layer):
88            Instruct the warping code to generate a mask if the raster layer
89            requests one.
90            (BaseRenderer.draw_raster_data): Removed obsolete optional mask argument.
92            * Thuban/UI/renderer.py (MapRenderer.draw_raster_data): Removed
93            obsolete optional mask argument.
95            * Thuban/UI/classifier.py (Classifier): Change the parent class
96            to LayerProperties and rework the code to support layout calls
97            from the parent.
98            (Classifier.dialog_layout): New. Layout the dialog box.
99            (Classifier.map_layers_removed): Removed. Moved to parent class.
100            (Classifier.map_replaced): Removed. Moved to parent class.
101            (Classifier._OnTry): Renamed to OnTry to support parent class.
102            (Classifier.OnClose): Removed. Supplied in parent class.
103            (Classifier._OnCloseBtn): Removed. Supplied in parent class as OnCloseBtn.
104            (Classifier._OnOK): Renamed to OnOK to support parent class.
105            (Classifier._OnRevert): Renamed to OnRevert to support parent class.
107            * Thuban/UI/layerproperties.py: New. Base class for layer properties
108            dialog boxes.
110            * Thuban/UI/rasterlayerproperties.py: New. Class for displaying
111            raster layer properties.
113            * libraries/thuban/gdalwarp.cpp: Replace the old gdalwarp.cpp code
114            with the non-simple version supplied with gdal. This allows added
115            features such as creating an alpha band.
116            (GetImageData): Generate a mask array from the alpha band that is
117            generated by gdal if the user has selected it. Try to support images
118            that have more than three bands, such as images with RGB plus an
119            alpha band.
120            (ProjectRasterFile): Convert python argument for mask and tell
121            gdal to enable or disable an alpha band.
123            * Thuban/Model/layer.py (BaseLayer.Type): New. Returns a string
124            describing what kind of layer the class is. Defaults to "Unknown",
125            but should be overridden by subclasses.
126            (Layer.Type): New. Override base class method.
127            (RasterLayer.__init__): Create a flag for using a mask. Record extra
128            data from gdal for display in the properties dialog.
129            (RasterLayer.Type): New. Override base class method.
130            (RasterLayer.UseMask): New. Returns True if the mask should be used.
131            (RasterLayer.SetUseMask): New. Set if the mask should be used.
132            (RasterLayer.ImageInfo): New. Return extra information about the image.
134            * Thuban/Model/load.py (SessionLoader.start_rasterlayer): Load
135            the mask information.
137            * Thuban/Model/save.py (SessionSaver.write_layer): Save mask information.
139            * Thuban/UI/mainwindow.py: Register the RasterLayerProperties and
140            Classifier classes as dialogs to use with the proper layer types.
142            * test/test_baserenderer.py (TestBaseRenderer.test_raster_no_projection):
143            Fix test.
145            * test/test_layer.py (TestLayer.test_raster_layer): Test new methods.
146            (TestLayerModification.build_path): New. Support function.
147            (TestLayerModification.test_raster_layer): New. Test new methods.
149            * test/test_save.py (SaveSessionTest.testRasterLayer): Add tests for mask.
151            * test/test_load.py (TestRasterLayer): Add tests for mask.
153            * test/test_load_1_0_1.py: New. Copied from test_load.py.
155            * test/test_baserenderer.py (SimpleRenderer.draw_raster_data): Removed
156            obsolete optional mask argument.
158    2005-01-26  Nina H�ffmeyer <[email protected]>
160            * Extensions/ogr/ogrshapes.py: Added two dictionaries to ShapeStore
161            which maps the ids and the ordinals. Fixed RowIdToOrdinal(),
162            RowOrdinalToId() and ReadRowAsDict().
164            * Extensions/ogr/ogrstart.py: Added menu item which opens database
165            layers for existing database connections.
167            * Extensions/ogr/test/test_OGRShapestore.py: Fixed a message string.
170    2005-01-26  Jan-Oliver Wagner <[email protected]>
172            * Doc/manual/thuban-manual-de.xml: More translations.
174    2005-01-24  Bernhard Herzog  <[email protected]>
176            Rework the status bar updates a bit to make sure the message about
177            the projections is produced at the right times.
179            * Thuban/UI/mainwindow.py (MainWindow.update_status_bar_messages):
180            New class variable with messages that may require a status bar
181            update.
182            (MainWindow.view_position_changed)
183            (MainWindow.update_status_bar): Rename from view_position_changed
184            to update_status_bar.  It's meaning has changed now that it may
185            also generate messages about problems with projection settings.
186            (MainWindow.__init__): Use the new update_status_bar_messages
187            class variable to subscribe update_status_bar
188            (MainWindow.set_position_text): Update doc-string.  This method
189            has to be renamed at some point.  See doc-string and comments.
190            (MainWindow.OnClose): Unsubscribe update_status_bar from all
191            messages in update_status_bar_messages
193            * Thuban/UI/viewport.py (ViewPort.forwarded_map_messages): New
194            class attribute.  map messages to be forwarded by the viewport.
195            (ViewPort._subscribe_map, ViewPort._unsubscribe_map): (un)subscribe
196            the messages in forwarded_map_messages
198    2005-01-21  Bernhard Herzog  <[email protected]>
200            * test/postgissupport.py (PostGISDatabase.__init__): Tweak
201            doc-string
202            (find_postgis_sql): Update for postgis-1.0.0-rc1, which uses a
203            different name for the initialization SQL file.
205    2005-01-21  Jonathan Coles <[email protected]>
207            * Thuban/UI/baserenderer.py (proj_params_to_str): New. Takes
208            a projection and returns a formatted string representing the
209            parameters to feed to gdalwarp. This function eliminates
210            redundancy in draw_raster_layer().
211            (BaseRenderer.render_map_incrementally): Removed the optimization which
212            drew the top most raster layer first and then only those vector-
213            based layers that are above it. With the support for transparency
214            this optimization breaks correct behaviour.
215            (BaseRenderer.draw_raster_layer): Reorganize code to support possible
216            future enhancements to raster layer bounding box. The old behaviour has
217            not changed. Also, change calling parameters to draw_raster_data()
218            to specify new RAW data format and mask.
219            (BaseRenderer.draw_raster_data): Change signature to include an optional
220            parameter for mask information. Change documentation to mention
221            support for new parameter and added option for RAW data format.
222            The data argument is now a list of [width, height, data].
224            * Thuban/UI/renderer.py (MapRenderer.draw_raster_data): Add new optional
225            mask parameter. Add new condition for RAW format, which
226            significantly reduces rendering time. Add condition for
227            mask parameter.
229            * libraries/thuban/gdalwarp.cpp (GetImageData): New. Creates a
230            data array of RGB values from the projected image returned from
231            the gdal warping functions. In the case of palette based images, it
232            converts the NO_DATA index to the mask color.
233            (ProjectRasterFile): Removed all custom memory driver references
234            and replaced it with the standard in-memory dataset provided
235            by gdal. The return data is no longer a BMP file, but an array
236            of RGB values, one set triple per pixel.
238            * libraries/thuban/bmpdataset.cpp: Removed. Unnecessary.
239            * libraries/thuban/cpl_mfile.h: Removed. Unnecessary.
240            * libraries/thuban/cpl_mfile.cpp: Removed. Unnecessary.
242            * setup.py (thuban_build_ext.finalize_options): Removed mention
243            of cpl_mfile.cpp and bmpdataset.cpp files in the list of source
244            files. These are obsolete with the new version of gdalwarp.cpp
246            * test/test_baserenderer.py (SimpleRenderer.draw_raster_data):
247            Updated signature.
248            (TestBaseRenderer.test_raster_no_projection): Changed the test
249            data to be data in the uncompressed RAW format returned from
250            ProjectRasterFile.
252    2005-01-21  Jan-Oliver Wagner <[email protected]>
254            * Thuban/UI/mainwindow.py (MainWindow.view_position_changed): Made
255            string available for i18n.
257    2005-01-20  Russell Nelson  <[email protected]>
259            * Resources/Projections/defaults.proj: Ruin the speling of the
260            Lambert-93 projection so it doesn't run into the wx UTF-8 bug.
261            It's the wrong thing to do in the long run, but it's necessary for
262            those users until that bug is fixed.  Otherwise the projection
263            dialog segfaults.  Better to annoy some Lambert-93 users with a
264            spelling mistake than every Fedora Core 3 user of Thuban-CVS.
266    2005-01-20  Bernhard Reiter <[email protected]>
268            * Thuban/UI/mainwindow.py (MainWindow.view_position_changed): Added
269            docstring and comment that the warning code here is a hack.
271  2005-01-20  Russell Nelson  <[email protected]>  2005-01-20  Russell Nelson  <[email protected]>
273          * Warn user about misprojected layers when their lat/lon bounding          * Thuban/UI/mainwindow.py (MainWindow.view_position_changed): Warn
274            user about misprojected layers when their lat/lon bounding
275          box exceeds rational lat/lon values.          box exceeds rational lat/lon values.
277  2005-01-20  Bernhard Reiter <[email protected]>  2005-01-20  Bernhard Reiter <[email protected]>
279          * Thuban/UI/about.py (unicodeToLocale()): Improved:          * Thuban/UI/about.py (unicodeToLocale): Improved:
280          Use 'ascii' and then 'replace' for other characters          Use 'ascii' and then 'replace' for other characters
281          when getdefaultlocale returns None. Thanks to Bernhard H. .          when getdefaultlocale returns None. Thanks to Bernhard H. .
283  2005-01-20  Bernhard Reiter <[email protected]>  2005-01-20  Bernhard Reiter <[email protected]>
285          * Thuban/UI/classgen.py (OnRetrieve()): Added a comment          * Thuban/UI/classgen.py (GenQuantilesPanel.OnRetrieve): Added a comment
286          that OnRangeText might be called twice and using None as argument.          that OnRangeText might be called twice and using None as argument.
288  2005-01-20  Bernhard Reiter <[email protected]>  2005-01-20  Bernhard Reiter <[email protected]>
290          * Thuban/UI/classgen.py (OnRetrieve()): Add a OnRangeText(0)          * Thuban/UI/classgen.py (GenQuantilesPanel.OnRetrieve): Add a
291          to work around a different in wx Behaviour noticed on MacOSX,          OnRangeText(0) to work around a different in wx Behaviour noticed
292          thanks to Lorenzo Moretti and Daniel Calvelo for the fix.          on MacOSX, thanks to Lorenzo Moretti and Daniel Calvelo for the fix.
294  2005-01-20  Bernhard Reiter <[email protected]>  2005-01-20  Bernhard Reiter <[email protected]>
296          * Thuban/UI/about.py: take iso-8859-15 when getdefaultlocale returns          * Thuban/UI/about.py: take iso-8859-15 when getdefaultlocale returns

Removed from v.2529  
changed lines
  Added in v.2558

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