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Revision 2521 - (show annotations)
Fri Jan 14 15:50:59 2005 UTC (20 years, 1 month ago) by jan
Original Path: trunk/thuban/Doc/manual/thuban-manual-de.xml
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1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE book
3 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
4 "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd"
5 [<!ENTITY imgscale "60">]>
6 <!-- $Revision$ -->
7 <book>
8 <bookinfo>
9 <title>Benutzerhandbuch für Thuban 1.0</title>
10 <authorgroup>
11 <author>
12 <firstname>Jonathan</firstname><surname>Coles</surname>
13 </author>
14 <author>
15 <firstname>Jan-Oliver</firstname><surname>Wagner</surname>
16 </author>
17 <author>
18 <firstname>Frank</firstname><surname>Koormann</surname>
19 </author>
20 </authorgroup>
21 <copyright>
22 <year>2004</year>
23 <holder>Intevation GmbH</holder>
24 </copyright>
25 <revhistory>
26 <!-- comment this first revision out when releasing a real version -->
27 <revision>
28 <revnumber>CVS version $Id$</revnumber>
29 <date></date>
30 <revremark>Under development.</revremark>
31 </revision>
32 <!--
33 <revision>
34 <revnumber>1.0.0</revnumber>
35 <date>nn-Mmm-2004</date>
36 <revremark>
37 Corresponds to Thuban 1.0.0.
38 </revremark>
39 </revision>
40 -->
41 </revhistory>
43 </bookinfo>
45 <chapter><title>Einführung</title>
46 <para>
47 Thuban ist ein interaktiver Geodaten-Betrachter.
48 Die Entwicklung wurde seinerzeit gestartet, da es zu dieser Zeit
49 keinen einfachen interkativen Betrachter für Geo-Daten als Freie
50 Software gab.
51 Thuban ist im wesentlichen in der Programmiersprache Python implementiert und
52 nutzt die wxWidgets (ehemals: wxWindows) Bibliothek die es erlaubt
53 Thuban auf verschiedenen Plattformen laufen zu lassen, darunter GNU/Linux
54 und Windows.
55 </para>
56 <para>
57 Geodatenbetrachter sind wichtige Werkzeuge die es gestatten, einen visuelle
58 Eindruck des räumlichen (gegenseiten) Bezuges von Informationen zu bekommen
59 die ansonsten anhand der reinen Daten nicht leicht ersichtlich sind.
60 Thuban erlaubt dem Benutzer, Sitzungen zu erzeugen, die geografische
61 Daten darstellen. Diese können dann erforscht werden indem er durch sie
62 sie navigieren und die Art der Darstellung ändern kann.
63 Die Ergebnisse können gespeichert oder gedruckt werden.
64 </para>
65 <para>
66 Thuban strukturiert eine Sitzung hierarchisch.
67 Eine Sitzung besteht aus Ebenen. Jede Ebene rerpäsentiert
68 einen bestimmten Datensatz.
69 Beispielsweise eine Ebene für Strassen und eine weitere für Gebäude.
70 Die Ebenen können sowohl Vektor-Daten beschreiben als auch Raster-Daten.
71 </para>
73 <section><title>Installation</title>
74 <para>
75 Thuban is actively supported under Debian Testing (sarge), RedHat 7.2,
76 and Windows 2000. Thuban depends on the following packages. These
77 packages can also be found on the
78 <ulink url="http://thuban.intevation.org/download.html">
79 Thuban Download site
80 </ulink>.
81 </para>
82 <para>
83 Required:
84 <itemizedlist>
85 <listitem><para>Python 2.2.1
86 (<literal>http://www.python.org</literal>)
87 </para></listitem>
88 <listitem><para>wxWindows 2.4
89 (<literal>http://www.wxwindows.org</literal>)
90 </para></listitem>
91 <listitem><para>wxPython 2.4
92 (<literal>http://www.wxpython.org</literal>)
93 </para></listitem>
94 <listitem><para>proj 4.4.5 Projection Library
95 (<literal>http://www.remotesensing.org/proj/</literal>)
96 </para></listitem>
97 <listitem><para>SQLite 2.8.3
98 <literal>http://www.hwaci.com/sw/sqlite/</literal>)
99 </para></listitem>
100 <listitem><para>PySQLite 0.4.3
101 (<literal>http://pysqlite.sourceforge.net</literal>)
102 </para></listitem>
103 </itemizedlist>
104 </para>
105 <para>
106 Optional:
107 <itemizedlist>
108 <listitem><para>GDAL 1.1.8
109 (<literal>http://www.remotesensing.org/gdal/</literal>)
110 </para></listitem>
111 <listitem><para>psycopg 1.0.8
112 (<literal>http://initd.org/software/psycopg</literal>)
113 </para></listitem>
114 </itemizedlist>
115 </para>
116 <para>
117 Along with the source codes, the download page also offers full
118 installation packages for Debian, Windows and RPM-based systems
119 (Mandrake, RedHat, SuSE, etc).
120 </para>
121 <section><title>RPM-based GNU/Linux Systems</title>
122 <section><title>Installing Binary Packages</title>
123 <para>
124 The most wide-spread RPM-based GNU/Linux
125 Systems are RedHat, Mandrake and SuSE.
126 The documentation of these distributions
127 should contain information about how to
128 install third-party RPM packages.
129 Nonetheless, a short summary is provided here.
130 </para>
131 <para>
132 RPM packages can be installed applying several
133 tools. The most basic one is the command line
134 program "rpm". The hardware architecture is
135 identified in the name of RPM packages, eg.
136 'i386' for most Intel/AMD architectures.
137 If you have a different hardware architecture,
138 where no binary RPM packages are provided,
139 you must rebuild binary packages from the
140 RPM source packages first (see below).
141 Typical rpm commands look like:
143 <programlisting>
144 rpm --install Thuban-0.9.0-1.i386.rpm
145 </programlisting>
147 Depending on what you already have installed
148 on your system, you are informed that some
149 packages are required, but not installed.
150 You need to install them first. Either they
151 are provided by your GNU/Linux distributor
152 or available somewhere on the Internet.
153 The more essential and special ones are
154 provided together with the Thuban package.
155 </para>
157 <para>
158 For rpm exist some graphical user interfaces, notably
159 kpackage, GnoRPM and xrpm.
160 </para>
162 <para>
163 Make yourself familiar with one of the tools and apply it
164 to install the packages.
165 Note, that you need to be administrator (root) for the system
166 to do that.
167 </para>
168 </section>
169 <section><title>Build Binaries from Source Packages</title>
170 <para>
171 This section describes howto build RPM install-packages
172 from RPM source-packages.
173 This adapts and optimizes an install-package specifically
174 to your system.
175 This is especially helpful to resolve version conflicts of
176 dependent packages. Furthermore, install-packages for other
177 platforms (e.g. PowerPC) can be created.
178 </para>
180 <para>
181 Note: rpm must be at least version 4. Execute
182 <literal>rpm --version</literal> to find out about the version.
183 </para>
185 <para>
186 You need to do the following preparations to be able to
187 build the packages as a regular user. You should now
188 perform the package buling as root since this
189 might cause damage to your system.
190 <itemizedlist>
191 <listitem>
192 <para>
193 Create RPM directory structure:
194 Choose a directory (e.g. $HOME/myrpm) and create the
195 subdirectories BUILD, RPM, SOURCES, SPECS and SRPMS.
196 A possible command sequence for this is:
197 <programlisting>
198 mkdir $HOME/freegisrpm
199 cd $HOME/freegisrpm
201 </programlisting>
202 </para>
203 </listitem>
204 <listitem>
205 <para>
206 Set environment variable RPM_DIR:
207 <programlisting>
208 export RPM_DIR=$HOME/freegisrpm
209 </programlisting>
210 </para>
211 </listitem>
212 <listitem>
213 <para>
214 Create $HOME/.rpmmacros:
215 This file sets general preferences and some
216 specific settings for signing packages.
217 If you don't have a GnuPG-key, you can skip
218 the signature settings i.e. drop the last 4 lines.
219 A signature becomes important when you want to
220 give away packages to third parties.
221 <programlisting>
222 <![CDATA[
223 %packager Name Lastname <[email protected]>
225 %_topdir /home/mylogin/myrpm
227 %_signature gpg
228 %_gpg_name Name Lastname
229 %_pgp_path ~/.gnupg
230 %_pgpbin /usr/bin/gpg
231 ]]>
232 </programlisting>
233 </para>
234 </listitem>
235 </itemizedlist>
237 Now you can install any RPM source-package.
238 It's components are installed into the corresponding
239 subdirectories of your rpm-directory.
240 Essentially these are the sources (into directory SOURCES)
241 and the so-called spec-file which contains all build
242 instructions. The spec-file will go into the SPEC directory.
243 Example:
244 <literal>rpm --install Thuban-0.9.0-1.src.rpm</literal>
245 </para>
247 <para>
248 Create install-package:
249 Go to the directory with the spec-files and rebuild the
250 package:
251 <programlisting>
252 cd $HOME/mypm/SPECS
253 rpm -bb thuban.spec
254 </programlisting>
255 Next, you will find the newly created package in
256 $HOME/myrpm/RPMS/i386.
257 If you build the package for another architecture than
258 i386, then the name of the directory has a corresponding name.
259 </para>
260 <para>
261 For documentation of RPM, either type
262 <literal>man rpm</literal> or <literal>rpm --help</literal>.
263 This will provide you with information on the various command
264 line options of RPM.
265 For more information see the
266 <ulink url="http://www.rpm.org/">homepage of RPM</ulink>.
267 </para>
268 </section>
269 </section> <!-- Intro - Installation - RPM-->
271 <section><title>Win32 Systems</title>
272 <para>
273 A common installation package of Thuban for Win32
274 systems is available from the Thuban website download
275 section. This installation package is configured for
276 displaying file based vector data (Shapefiles). For the
277 display of raster data or the connection to spatial
278 databases additional steps are needed.
279 </para>
280 <para>
281 The required Python packages are listed and linked on
282 the download page as well. If you don't have Python
283 installed already, download the packages for Python,
284 wxPython for Python and the SQLite Python Libraries as
285 well as the Thuban package. Install all four packages
286 in the order: Python, wxPython, SQLite, Thuban. Follow
287 the installation instructions provided by the seperate
288 setups. The Thuban installation package will add an
289 entry in the menu folder you configured.
290 </para>
291 <section><title>Raster Data: Installation of GDAL</title>
292 <para>
293 Enabling the raster data features of Thuban is
294 straight forward. For the examples we assume that
295 Thuban has been installed under
296 <literal>C:\Thuban</literal>:
297 <itemizedlist>
298 <listitem>
299 <para>
300 Download the zip-archive <ulink
301 url="ftp://intevation.de/thuban/win2k/gdal-win2k.zip"
302 >gdal-win2k</ulink>.
303 </para></listitem>
304 <listitem><para>Extract the archive (e.g. with
305 <ulink
306 url="http://www.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/WiZ.html"
307 >WiZ (InfoZip)</ulink>) into the
308 <literal>C:\Thuban\Lib</literal>
309 directory of your Thuban installation.
310 </para>
311 </listitem>
312 <listitem>
313 <para>
314 Extent the <varname>PYTHONPATH</varname>
315 environment variable (in your Windows Control Panel)
316 to make the new libraries available for Thuban.
317 <programlisting>
318 %PYTHONPATH%;C:\Thuban\Lib\gdal;C:\Thuban\Lib\gdal\pymod
319 </programlisting>
320 </para>
321 </listitem>
322 <listitem>
323 <para>
324 Extent also the <varname>PATH</varname>
325 environment variable accordingly:
326 <programlisting>
327 %PATH%;C:\Thuban\Lib\gdal
328 </programlisting>
329 </para>
330 </listitem>
331 </itemizedlist>
332 After this installation steps Thuban is ready to
333 display raster data (e.g. the
334 <literal>island.tif</literal> from the Iceland Demo
335 data set.
336 </para>
337 </section> <!-- Win32: GDAL-->
339 <section><title>Working with PostGIS: Installation of PsycoPG</title>
340 <para>
341 To access PostgreSQL/PostGIS spatial databases with
342 Thuban you have to install the PsycoPG package for
343 Windows:
344 <itemizedlist>
345 <listitem>
346 <para>
347 Download the zip-archive
348 <ulink
349 url="http://stickpeople.com/projects/python/win-psycopg/win-psycopg22.zip"
350 >win-psycopg22.zip</ulink>.
351 </para>
352 </listitem>
353 <listitem>
354 <para>
355 Extract the zip-archive into a directory either already
356 in your <varname>PYTHONPATH</varname> or extent your
357 <varname>PYTHONPATH</varname> variable to the directory
358 you have extracted the archive to.
359 </para>
360 </listitem>
361 </itemizedlist>
362 For installation and maintenance of spatial databases
363 we refer to the <ulink
364 url="http://postgis.refractions.net"
365 >PostGIS Homepage</ulink>.
366 </para>
367 </section> <!-- Win32: PsycoPG-->
369 </section> <!-- Intro - Installation - Win32 -->
370 </section>
372 <section><title>Internationalisierung</title>
373 <para>
374 Thuban ist mit Unterstützung für Internaionalisierung realisiert.
375 Bisher wurde Thuban in folgende Sprachen (neben der Basis Englisch) übersetzt:
376 <itemizedlist>
377 <listitem><para>Französisch</para></listitem>
378 <listitem><para>Deutsch</para></listitem>
379 <listitem><para>Italienisch</para></listitem>
380 <listitem><para>Portugiesisch (Brasilien)</para></listitem>
381 <listitem><para>Russisch</para></listitem>
382 <listitem><para>Spanisch</para></listitem>
383 </itemizedlist>
384 </para>
386 <para>
387 Um die Internationalisierung auf POSIX Systemen (wie etwa GNU/Linux)
388 zu verwenden, muss die Umgebungsvariable LC_ALL entsprechend
389 gesetzt werden (z.B. LC_ALL=de_DE für Deutsch).
390 Prüfen Sie die Dokumentation zu Ihrem System für Details
391 und die unterstützten Einstellungen.
392 Normalweise haben Sie Ihre Sprache bereits mit der Installation
393 oder beim einloggen bereits vorausgewählt.
394 Trotzdem kann auch dann noch durch Setzen von LC_ALL auf
395 der Kommandozeile beim Aufruf von Thuban eine andere Sprache
396 gesetzt werden:
397 </para>
398 <programlisting>
399 LC_ALL=fr_FR thuban.py
400 </programlisting>
402 <para>
403 MS Windows Benutzer müssen die Sprache über die Kontroll-Leiste einstellen
404 welche grundsätzlich alle Anwendungen beeinflusst.
405 </para>
406 </section>
408 <section><title>Das Hauptfenster</title>
409 <para>
410 <figure><title>Das Hauptfenster</title>
411 <mediaobject>
412 <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="../images/1_2_mainwindow.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/> </imageobject>
413 <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="./images/1_2_mainwindow.ps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/> </imageobject>
414 </mediaobject>
415 </figure>
416 </para>
418 <para>
419 Das Hauptfenster stellt die aktuelle Karte dar. Hier kann der
420 Benutzer mit der Karte interagieren indem er die verschiednen
421 Werkzeuge anwendet.
422 </para>
424 <para>
425 Die Legende auf der linken Seite zeigt eine Liste der aktuellen
426 Ebenen und alle dargestellten Klassifikations-Gruppen.
427 Bei diesem Beispiel haben alle Geo-Objekte Ebenen eine voreingestellte
428 Klassifizierung wie die jeweiligen Geo-Objekte in den einzelnen
429 Ebenen gezeichnet werden sollen.
430 Die Ebenen die weiter oben in der Liste dargestellt werden über
431 die darunter aufgelisteten gezeichnet.
432 Die Legende kann durch Anwahl des X in der oberen rechten Ecke
433 geschlossen werden.
434 Um die Legenden-Ansicht wieder zu öffnen, wählen Sie
435 <menuchoice>
436 <guimenu>Karte</guimenu>
437 <guimenuitem>Legende</guimenuitem>
438 </menuchoice>.
439 Das Legenden-Fenster ist lösbar. Das bedeutet, dass sie vom Hauptfenster
440 abgelöst und dann als eigenständiges Fenster
441 positioniert werden kann. Dies wird durch den kleinen Schalter
442 neben dem X gemacht. Erneutes Anwählen des Schalters läßt das
443 Legenden-Fenster wieder in das Hauptfenster integrieren.
444 </para>
445 <para>
446 Die Status-Leiste zeigt verschiedene Informationen jeweils
447 abhängig vom Kontext. Wählt der Benutzer einen Menüpunkt
448 dann wird in der Status-Leiste ein Hilfetext zu dem jeweiligen
449 Menüpunkt angezeigt.
450 Ist eines der Werkzeuge aktiviert, so wird in der Status-Leiste
451 die Position angegeben über der der Maus-Cursor auf der Karte
452 steht.
453 </para>
454 <para>
455 Die Werkzeugleiste erlaubt direkten Zugriff auf häufig
456 benötigte Werkzeuge.
457 Schwebt der Maus-Zeiger über einem Knopf wird eine Kurz-Info
458 über das jeweilige Werkzeug gegeben.
459 Folgende Werzeuge stehen zur Verfügung: Hineinzoomen,
460 Herauszoomen, Verschieben, Zur vollen Kartenausdehnung zoomen,
461 Zur vollen Ebenenausdehnung zoomen, Zur vollen Auswahlausdehnung zoomen,
462 Identifizieren, Labels hinzufügen/entfernen.
463 Alle Werkzeuge werden in diesem Handbuch noch detaillierter beschrieben.
464 </para>
465 </section>
467 </chapter>
469 <chapter><title>Session Management</title>
471 <section><title>Eine neue Session beginnen</title>
472 <para>
473 Eine neue Session wird gestartet über
474 <menuchoice>
475 <guimenu>Datei</guimenu>
476 <guimenuitem>Neue Session</guimenuitem>
477 </menuchoice>.
478 Falls bereits eine Session geladen ist und seit der letzten
479 Speicherung verändert wurde, so wird nun nachgefragt, ob
480 diese Session zunächst gespeichert werden soll.
481 Eine neue Session besteht aus einer leeren Karte
482 ohne Ebenen, Tabellen und Projektion.
483 </para>
484 </section>
486 <section><title>Eine Session öffnen</title>
487 <para>
488 Eine Session kann geöffnet werden über
489 <menuchoice>
490 <guimenu>Datei</guimenu>
491 <guimenuitem>Öffne Session</guimenuitem>
492 </menuchoice>.
493 Es wird ein Dateiauswahl-Dialog geöffnet um eine
494 Thuban Session Datei auszuwählen. Diese Dateien enden
495 auf <varname>.thuban</varname>. Wird eine Datei ausgewählt und mit
496 <guibutton>OK</guibutton> bestätigt, so wird die entsprechende
497 Session in Thuban geladen.
499 Ist bereits eine Session geladen und seit dem letzten Speichern modifiziert
500 worden, so wird nachgefragt, ob zunächst die alte Session gespeichert werden
501 soll.
502 </para>
503 </section>
505 <section><title>Eine Session speichern</title>
506 <para>
507 Eine Session kann gepsiechert werden über
508 <menuchoice>
509 <guimenu>Datei</guimenu>
510 <guimenuitem>Session Speichern</guimenuitem>
511 </menuchoice>.
512 Handelt es sich bei der aktuellen Session nicht um eine
513 neue und ungespeicherte, so wird die entsprechende Datei
514 mit den Daten der aktuellen Session überschrieben.
515 Im Falle einer neuen und noch nicht gespeicherten Session
516 wird ein Dateiauswahl-Dialog geöffnet um einen Namen
517 für die zu speicherende Session auszuwählen.
518 Thuban Session Dateien sollten mit der Endung
519 <varname>.thuban</varname> versehen werden.
520 Existiert bereits eine Datei mit dem gleichen Namen
521 wird der Benutzer gefragt ob diese überschrieben
522 oder ein neuer Name gewählt werden soll.
523 </para>
524 </section>
526 <section><title>Der Session Info-Baum</title>
527 <para>
528 <figure>
529 <title>Session Info-Baum</title>
530 <mediaobject>
531 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/2_4_session_tree.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
532 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/2_4_session_tree.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
533 </mediaobject>
534 </figure>
535 </para>
536 <para>
537 Der Session Info-Baum ist hauptsächlich für Software-Entwickler gedacht
538 die an Thuban arbeiten.
539 Er stellt eine Reihe von internen Daten zur Session, der Karte, den
540 Ebenen usw. dar. Er wird geöffnet über
541 <menuchoice>
542 <guimenu>Datei</guimenu>
543 <guimenuitem>Session Baum</guimenuitem>
544 </menuchoice>.
545 </para>
546 </section>
547 </chapter>
549 <chapter><title>Karten Management</title>
550 <para>
551 Die Karte besteht aus eine Anzahl Ebenen wobei jede Ebene einen
552 Datensatz mit bestimtem Typ repräsentiert. Mit Interaktion auf der
553 Karte kann ein Benutzer die Daten visuell erforschen.
554 </para>
555 <para>
556 Die Karte kann einen Namen haben der dann in der Kopfzeile des
557 Thuban Fensters auftaucht. Der Kartenname kann geändert werden
558 über
559 <menuchoice>
560 <guimenu>Karte</guimenu>
561 <guimenuitem>Umbennen</guimenuitem>
562 </menuchoice>.
563 </para>
564 <para>
565 <inlinemediaobject>
566 <imageobject>
567 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_rename_map.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
568 </imageobject>
569 <imageobject>
570 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_rename_map.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
571 </imageobject>
572 <textobject> <phrase>Karte umbennen</phrase> </textobject>
573 </inlinemediaobject>
574 </para>
576 <section><title>Hinzufügen und Entfernen von Ebenen</title>
577 <para>
578 Es gibt drei Typen von Ebenen aus denen eine Karte besteht:
579 Shape Ebene, Datenbank Ebene und Bildebene.
580 Shape Ebenen sind im Shapefile Format gespeichert welches
581 weit verbreitet für die Speicherung von geografischen Objekten
582 genutzt wird.
583 Die Dateien haben die Endung ``.shp''. Mit der eigentlichen Shape
584 Datei ist eine Datenbank Datei welche die Attribut-Daten zu dem
585 Shapefile enthält. Diese Datenbank Datei verwendet das dBase Format
586 und hat die Endung ``.dbf''. Beide Dateien müssen den selben
587 Basisnamen haben. So gehören zum Beispiel die Dateien
588 strassen.shp und strassen.dbf zusammen.
589 </para>
590 <itemizedlist>
591 <listitem>
592 <para>
593 Shape Ebenen können zur Karte hinzugefügt werden mit
594 <menuchoice>
595 <guimenu>Karte</guimenu>
596 <guimenuitem>Ebene hinzufügen</guimenuitem>
597 </menuchoice>.
598 Zunächst werden im Dateiauswahl Dialog nur die ``.shp'' Dateien
599 angezeigt, was für die Auswahl vollkommen ausreicht.
600 Falls Sie aber auf Ansicht aller Dateien umschalten, und dann
601 einer der assoziierten Dateien (z.B. mit der Endung ``.dbf'')
602 auswählen, so verwendet Thuban den Basisnamen um die entsprechende
603 Shape Datei zu laden,
604 </para>
605 <para>
606 Der Dateidialog für Shape Dateien erlaubt es auch, viele
607 Dateien gleichzeitig auszuwählen. Verwenden Sie dafür
608 die Umschalt-Taste gleichzeitig mit der linken Maustaste um
609 die Auswahl zu erweitern.
610 </para>
611 </listitem>
613 <listitem>
614 <para>Datenbankebenen können zu Karte hinzugefügt werden mit
615 <menuchoice>
616 <guimenu>Karte</guimenu>
617 <guimenuitem>Datenbankebene hinzufügen</guimenuitem>
618 </menuchoice>.
619 Es wird ein Dialog mit zwei Listen geöffnet.
620 Die linke Liste zeigt alle derzeit offenen Datenbankverbindungen dieser
621 Session an. Eine Liste der verfügbaren Ebenen aus einer Datenbankverbindung
622 wird steht auf der rechten Seite. Aus dieser Liste können Sie eine
623 beliebige Ebene zum Öffnen auswählen. Der Dialog wird dabach
624 automatisch beendet.
625 </para>
626 <para>
627 Siehe auch Anhang ``Mit PostGIS arbeiten'' für weitere Details.
628 </para>
629 </listitem>
631 <listitem>
632 <para>
633 Bildebenen können zur Karte hinzugefügt werden mit
634 <menuchoice>
635 <guimenu>Karte</guimenu>
636 <guimenuitem>Bildebene hinzufügen</guimenuitem>
637 </menuchoice>.
638 Es ist wichtig, dass eine korrekte Bilddatei ausgewählt für
639 die auch geographische Daten (Projektions) vorliegen.
640 Diese Daten können in die Bilddatei eingebettet sein oder
641 als separate Datei vorliegen. Können diese Daten nicht
642 gefunden werden, so wird Thuban einen Fehler melden.
643 </para>
644 </listitem>
645 </itemizedlist>
646 </section>
648 <section><title>Navigation</title>
649 <para>
650 Die Karte kann erforscht werden indem die Navigationswerkzeuge
651 aus der Werkzeugleiste oder über das Menü
652 <menuchoice><guimenu>Karte</guimenu></menuchoice> ausgewählt werden.
653 </para>
654 <itemizedlist>
655 <listitem>
656 <para>
657 Das ZoomIn Werkzeug
658 <inlinemediaobject>
659 <imageobject>
660 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_zoomin.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
661 </imageobject>
662 <imageobject>
663 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_zoomin.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
664 </imageobject>
665 <textobject> <phrase>ZoomIn Werkzeug</phrase> </textobject>
666 </inlinemediaobject>
667 vergrößert einen Bereich aus der Karte. Ein einmaliges Klicken auf
668 die Karte vergrößert die Karte um das Doppelte und zentriert auf den
669 angewählten Punkt. Klicken und Ziehen selektiert einen Bereich
670 der dann so vergrößert wird, dass er das Fenster ausfüllt.
671 </para>
672 </listitem>
673 <listitem>
674 <para>
675 Das ZoomOut Werkzeug
676 <inlinemediaobject>
677 <imageobject>
678 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_zoomout.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
679 </imageobject>
680 <imageobject>
681 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_zoomout.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
682 </imageobject>
683 <textobject> <phrase>ZoomOut Werkzeug</phrase> </textobject>
684 </inlinemediaobject>
685 verkleinert die Karte, so dass ein größerer Bereich zu sehen ist.
686 Ein einzelnen Klick verkleinert die Karte um Faktor 2.
687 Klicken und Ziehen selektiert einen Bereich in den die gesamte sichtbare
688 Karte im Fenster hineinverkleinert wird.
689 </para>
690 </listitem>
691 <listitem>
692 <para>
693 Das Verschieben Werkzeug
694 <inlinemediaobject>
695 <imageobject>
696 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_pan.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
697 </imageobject>
698 <imageobject>
699 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_pan.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
700 </imageobject>
701 <textobject> <phrase>Verschieben Werkzeug</phrase> </textobject>
702 </inlinemediaobject>
703 gestattet es dem Benutzer die Karte durch klicken und
704 ziehen mit gedrückter Maustaste zu verschieben.
705 </para>
706 </listitem>
707 <listitem>
708 <para>
709 Das Volle Ausdehnung Werkzeug
710 <inlinemediaobject>
711 <imageobject>
712 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_fullextent.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
713 </imageobject>
714 <imageobject>
715 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_fullextent.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
716 </imageobject>
717 <textobject> <phrase>Volle Ausdehnung Werkzeug</phrase> </textobject>
718 </inlinemediaobject>
719 skaliert die Zoom-Stufe so, dass die gesamte sichtbare Karte im
720 Fenster dargestellt wird.
721 </para>
722 </listitem>
723 <listitem>
724 <para>
725 Das Voll Ebenen-Ausdehnung Werkzeug
726 <inlinemediaobject>
727 <imageobject>
728 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_fulllayerextent.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
729 </imageobject>
730 <imageobject>
731 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_fulllayerextent.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
732 </imageobject>
733 <textobject> <phrase>Volle Ebenen-Ausdehnung Werkzeug</phrase> </textobject>
734 </inlinemediaobject>
735 skaliert die Zoom-Stufe so, dass die akutelle Ebene vollständig
736 im Fenster dargestellt wird. Ist keine Ebene ausgewählt, so
737 ist dieser Knopf ausgegraut und damit nicht verfügbar.
738 </para>
739 </listitem>
740 <listitem>
741 <para>
742 Das Volle Shape-Ausdehnung Werkzeug
743 <inlinemediaobject>
744 <imageobject>
745 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_fullshapeextent.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
746 </imageobject>
747 <imageobject>
748 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_fullshapeextent.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
749 </imageobject>
750 <textobject> <phrase>Volle Shape-Ausdehnung Werkzeug</phrase> </textobject>
751 </inlinemediaobject>
752 skaliert die Zoom-Stufe so, dass die aktuell ausgewählten Shapes
753 vollständig in das Fenster eingepasst sind.
754 Handelt es sich bei der Auswahl nur um einen einzelnen Punkt
755 so wird dieser zentriert dargestellt und bis zu einem gewissen
756 grad gezoomed.
757 Ist kein Shape selektiert, so ist dieser Knopf ausgegraut und damit
758 nicht verfügbar.
759 Dieses Werkzeug ist besonders für den Fall hilfreich wenn man Objekte
760 in einer Ebenen-Tabelle auswählt und sie auf der Karte schnell
761 anspringen machen möchte.
762 </para>
763 </listitem>
764 </itemizedlist>
765 </section>
767 <section><title>Objekt Identifikation</title>
768 <para>
769 Objekte auf der Karte können identifiziert werden über das Identifikations-Werkzeug
770 <inlinemediaobject>
771 <imageobject>
772 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_3_identify.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
773 </imageobject>
774 <imageobject>
775 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_3_identify.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
776 </imageobject>
777 <textobject> <phrase>Identifikations-Werkzeug</phrase> </textobject>
778 </inlinemediaobject>.
779 Klickt man auf ein Objekt wird es selektiert und es wird ein
780 Dialog geöffnet der dann alle Tabellenattribute für das Objekt
781 anzeigt. Jegliche vorherige Selektion wird gelöscht.
782 Objekte auf der Karte sind typischerweise Shapes und dieses
783 Dokument wird sich häufiger auf Objekte als Shapes beziehen.
784 </para>
785 </section>
787 <section><title>Object Labeling</title>
788 <para>
789 Objects can be labeled using the Label tool
790 <inlinemediaobject>
791 <imageobject>
792 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_3_label.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
793 </imageobject>
794 <imageobject>
795 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_3_label.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
796 </imageobject>
797 <textobject> <phrase>Label Tool</phrase> </textobject>
798 </inlinemediaobject>.
799 Clicking on an object selects that object and opens a dialog which
800 displays the table attributes for that object. An attribute can
801 be selected to be the label on the map. The label will be placed
802 at the center of the shape. Clicking on an object that already has
803 a label will remove the label.
804 </para>
805 </section>
807 <section><title>Die Legende</title>
808 <para>
809 <inlinemediaobject>
810 <imageobject>
811 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_5_legend.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
812 </imageobject>
813 <imageobject>
814 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_5_legend.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
815 </imageobject>
816 <textobject> <phrase>Legende</phrase> </textobject>
817 </inlinemediaobject>
818 </para>
819 <para>
820 Die Legende bietet eine Übersicht über die Ebenen der Karte.
821 Ebenen die weiter oben in der Legende stehen sind
822 ``näher'' zum Benutzer.
823 Falls eine Ebene Klassifizierung unterstützt (derzeit haben
824 nur Shape-Ebenen haben diese Eigenschaft) so werden die Gruppen
825 der Klassifikation für jede Ebene dargestellt.
826 Die Eigenschaften für jede Gruppe werden auch als kleine Grafiken
827 dargestellt. Polygon-Ebenen werden als Rechtecke dargestellt,
828 Linoen als Kurven und Punkte als Kreise.
829 </para>
830 <para>
831 Am oberen Rand der Legende ist eine Werkzeugleiste welche einen schnellen
832 Zugriff auf einige der Komanndos des Menüs
833 <menuchoice><guimenu>Map</guimenu></menuchoice>
834 gestattet.
835 </para>
837 <itemizedlist>
838 <listitem>
839 <para>
840 Das Werkzeug
841 <inlinemediaobject>
842 <imageobject>
843 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_5_totop.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
844 </imageobject>
845 <imageobject>
846 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_5_totop.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
847 </imageobject>
848 <textobject> <phrase>Auf die oberste Ebene bewegen</phrase> </textobject>
849 </inlinemediaobject> bewegt die selektierte Ebene auf der Karte
850 nach ganz oben.
851 </para>
852 </listitem>
853 <listitem>
855 <para>
856 Das Werkzeug
857 <inlinemediaobject>
858 <imageobject>
859 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_5_moveup.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
860 </imageobject>
861 <imageobject>
862 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_5_moveup.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
863 </imageobject>
864 <textobject> <phrase>Eine Ebene nach oben bewegen</phrase> </textobject>
865 </inlinemediaobject> bewegt die selektierte Ebene um einen
866 Schritt nach oben.
867 </para>
868 </listitem>
869 <listitem>
871 <para>
872 Das Werkzeug
873 <inlinemediaobject>
874 <imageobject>
875 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_5_movedown.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
876 </imageobject>
877 <imageobject>
878 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_5_movedown.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
879 </imageobject>
880 <textobject> <phrase>Eine Ebene nach unten bewegen</phrase> </textobject>
881 </inlinemediaobject> bewegt die selektierte Ebene um einen Schritt
882 nach unten.
883 </para>
885 </listitem>
886 <listitem>
887 <para>
888 Das Werkzeug
889 <inlinemediaobject>
890 <imageobject>
891 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_5_tobottom.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
892 </imageobject>
893 <imageobject>
894 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_5_tobottom.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
895 </imageobject>
896 <textobject> <phrase>Auf die unterste Ebene bewegen</phrase> </textobject>
897 </inlinemediaobject> bewegt die selektierte Ebene auf
898 der Karte nach ganz unten.
899 </para>
901 </listitem>
902 <listitem>
903 <para>
904 The Visible tool
905 <inlinemediaobject>
906 <imageobject>
907 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_5_visible.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
908 </imageobject>
909 <imageobject>
910 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_5_visible.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
911 </imageobject>
912 <textobject> <phrase>Visible</phrase> </textobject>
913 </inlinemediaobject> shows the selected layer in the map if it was
914 hidden.
915 </para>
917 </listitem>
918 <listitem>
919 <para>
920 The Invisible tool
921 <inlinemediaobject>
922 <imageobject>
923 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_5_invisible.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
924 </imageobject>
925 <imageobject>
926 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_5_invisible.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
927 </imageobject>
928 <textobject> <phrase>Invisible</phrase> </textobject>
929 </inlinemediaobject> hides the selected layer in the map.
930 </para>
932 </listitem>
933 <listitem>
934 <para>
935 The Properties tool
936 <inlinemediaobject>
937 <imageobject>
938 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_5_props.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
939 </imageobject>
940 <imageobject>
941 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_5_props.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
942 </imageobject>
943 <textobject> <phrase>Properties</phrase> </textobject>
944 </inlinemediaobject> opens the layer's properties dialog box.
945 Double-clicking on a layer or a group of a layer will open the
946 properties dialog for that layer.
947 </para>
948 </listitem>
949 </itemizedlist>
951 <para>
952 The most used layer related actions are also available from a
953 popup menu. It is raised when a layer is clicked with the right mouse
954 button.
955 </para>
957 <para>
958 <figure>
959 <title>Layer Popup Menu</title>
960 <mediaobject>
961 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/3_5_popup_menu.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
962 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/3_5_popup_menu.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
963 </mediaobject>
964 </figure>
965 </para>
967 <para>
968 Along the bottom of the legend is the scalebar. The scalebar
969 will be available if there are any layers and the map has a
970 projection set.
971 </para>
972 </section>
974 <section><title>Exporting</title>
975 <para>
976 Under Windows, maps can be exported in Enhanced Metafile format
977 (<varname>.wmf</varname>)
978 from
979 <menuchoice>
980 <guimenu>Map</guimenu>
981 <guimenuitem>Export</guimenuitem>
982 </menuchoice> for use in reports, presentations, or further
983 modification. The current map view, legend, and, if available,
984 scalebar are exported. Under other platforms this option is not
985 available. Clicking this menu item open a file selection dialog
986 that lets the user select a location to export the map.
987 </para>
988 </section>
990 <section><title>Printing</title>
991 <para>
992 The map can be printed using
993 <menuchoice>
994 <guimenu>Map</guimenu>
995 <guimenuitem>Print</guimenuitem>
996 </menuchoice>. The current map view, legend, and, if available,
997 scalebar are printed. A standard printing dialog will open allowing
998 the user to configure the printer. This dialog will differ depending
999 on which platform Thuban is running.
1000 </para>
1001 </section>
1003 </chapter>
1005 <chapter><title>Layer Management</title>
1006 <para>
1007 </para>
1009 <section><title>Types of Layers</title>
1010 <para>
1011 There are three types of layers supported by Thuban: shape layers,
1012 database layers and
1013 image layers. Shape layers consist of vector based shapes with
1014 geo-referenced coordinates. There are three types of supported
1015 shapes: polygons, lines (arc), and points. Database layers are similar
1016 to shape layers but loaded from a database instead of the file system.
1017 Image layers can be any image
1018 file format supported by the Geo-spatial Data Abstraction Library
1019 (GDAL). The images must have geographic
1020 coordinate data either embedded within the file or in a separate
1021 file that is in the same directory as the image file. GeoTIFF files
1022 work very well with Thuban and were designed specifically to be image
1023 layers in GIS programs.
1024 </para>
1025 <para>
1026 All actions in the
1027 <menuchoice>
1028 <guimenu>Layer</guimenu>
1029 </menuchoice> menu act on the currently selected layer in the legend.
1030 </para>
1031 </section>
1033 <section><title>Properties</title>
1034 <para>
1035 To view the properties for a layer it must first be selected in the
1036 legend. The menu option
1037 <menuchoice>
1038 <guimenu>Layer</guimenu>
1039 <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem>
1040 </menuchoice> opens a dialog that displays a layer's properties.
1041 All layers have a title which can be modified in the text field
1042 provided. The type of layer is also shows. If the type is a type
1043 of shape (polygon, arc, point) the classification table will be
1044 shown. Image layers have no other properties other than title
1045 and type.
1046 </para>
1047 <para>
1048 <figure>
1049 <title>Properties Window</title>
1050 <mediaobject>
1051 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/4_2_layer_properties.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1052 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/4_2_layer_properties.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1053 </mediaobject>
1054 </figure>
1055 </para>
1056 <para>
1057 <figure>
1058 <title>Properties Window</title>
1059 <mediaobject>
1060 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/4_2_raster_layer_properties.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1061 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/4_2_raster_layer_properties.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1062 </mediaobject>
1063 </figure>
1064 </para>
1065 </section>
1067 <section><title>Visibility</title>
1068 <para>
1069 Sometimes it is not desirable to view all layers at the same time.
1070 Some layers may take a long time to draw and so while navigating
1071 around the map the user may not want to wait for the map to redraw
1072 all the layers each time the map is changed. Each layer can be
1073 independently turned on or off using the
1074 <menuchoice>
1075 <guimenu>Layer</guimenu>
1076 <guimenuitem>Show</guimenuitem>
1077 </menuchoice>
1078 or
1079 <menuchoice>
1080 <guimenu>Layer</guimenu>
1081 <guimenuitem>Hide</guimenuitem>
1082 </menuchoice> options respectively.
1083 </para>
1084 </section>
1086 <section><title>Duplication</title>
1087 <para>
1088 Layers and all their properties, including classifications, can
1089 be duplicated using
1090 <menuchoice>
1091 <guimenu>Layer</guimenu>
1092 <guimenuitem>Duplicate</guimenuitem>
1093 </menuchoice>. Duplicating a layer is useful if the user wishes
1094 to model a layer in several different ways. Even though the layers
1095 overlap, by carefully selecting the shape properties it is possible
1096 to display several pieces of information at once. For example, one
1097 copy of a roads layer may be classified on a length property and
1098 another copy may be classified on a type property. If the length
1099 property was expressed with color and the type property expressed
1100 with line thickness then it would be possible to view both
1101 classifications by placing the type property copy over the
1102 length property copy.
1103 </para>
1104 </section>
1106 </chapter>
1108 <chapter><title>Layer Classifications</title>
1109 <para>
1110 A layer classification is a way of assigning drawing properties to
1111 groups of shapes based on attributes stored in the layer's table.
1112 Only layer's with shapes can have a classification; image layers
1113 cannot be classified.
1114 </para>
1115 <para>
1116 A classification consists of a number of groups, each group
1117 having a value or range of values to match against, and symbol
1118 properties which control how a shape is drawn on the map. The user
1119 selects which field in the table is used by the classification and
1120 when the map is drawn the value for that field for each shape is
1121 compared with each group's value. The properties of the first group
1122 to match are used to draw the shape. This allows the user to get a
1123 visual impression of not only how the data is laid out but also what
1124 kind of data lies where.
1125 </para>
1126 <para>
1127 A layer always has a classification. When a new layer is added to the
1128 map, a default classification is created with the DEFAULT group. This
1129 group cannot be removed but can be hidden (see below). Every shape in the
1130 layer, regardless of its attributes, will match this group if no other
1131 group matches.
1132 </para>
1134 <section><title>Editing Classifications</title>
1135 <para>
1136 A layer's classification can be modified under the properties dialog
1137 (<menuchoice>
1138 <guimenu>Layer</guimenu>
1139 <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem>
1140 </menuchoice>). The layer's classification field can be set to None,
1141 which simply assigns a DEFAULT group to the classification. No new
1142 groups can be added to the classification if the field is None.
1143 The user must first select a field to classify on. New groups can
1144 be added to the classification with the <guibutton>Add</guibutton>
1145 button.
1146 </para>
1147 <para>
1148 To apply the changes to the map the user can click
1149 either <guibutton>Try</guibutton> or <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.
1150 <guibutton>Try</guibutton> will not close the dialog box, allowing
1151 the user to see how the classification changes the map.
1152 <guibutton>Revert</guibutton> will undo the last classification applied
1153 to the map. <guibutton>OK</guibutton> will commit the changes and
1154 close the dialog. The user will be unable to undo the changes.
1155 <guibutton>Close</guibutton> simply closes the dialog box. If any
1156 changes have not been applied with <guibutton>Try</guibutton> the
1157 changes will not be applied to the map.
1158 </para>
1159 <para>
1160 <figure>
1161 <title>Properties Window</title>
1162 <mediaobject>
1163 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/5_classification.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1164 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/5_classification.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1165 </mediaobject>
1166 </figure>
1167 </para>
1168 <para>
1169 The order of the groups in the classification is significant
1170 except for the DEFAULT group, which remains at the top. When shapes
1171 are matched against groups the matching begins at the first group
1172 after the DEFAULT group so that groups higher in the list will
1173 be checked first. Matching for a
1174 given shape will stop at the first group that matches. The user can
1175 use <guibutton>Move Up</guibutton> and <guibutton>Move Down</guibutton>
1176 to change the order of the groups. The DEFAULT group will always
1177 match a shape that hasn't matched another group.
1178 </para>
1179 <section><title>Visible</title>
1180 <para>
1181 The Visible column has check-boxes that determine whether a
1182 classification group will be displayed in the legend. This is
1183 useful if the user knows that the groups completely cover
1184 the data set and don't want the DEFAULT group to be displayed
1185 in the legend and on a printout.
1186 </para>
1187 </section>
1188 <section><title>Symbols</title>
1189 <para>
1190 Each type of shape has its own type of symbol. Thuban supports three
1191 types of shapes: polygons, lines, and points. Polygons and points
1192 have outline and fill color, while lines have only line color. Each
1193 group has associated symbol properties. To edit the symbol
1194 properties for a group the user can double click on the Symbol
1195 column or select a group and click the
1196 <guibutton>Edit Symbol</guibutton> button.
1197 </para>
1198 </section>
1199 <section><title>Value</title>
1200 <para>
1201 The Value column of the classification table is the value that will
1202 be matched when the map is being drawn. The type of data that can
1203 entered into this field depends on the type of data of the
1204 classification field.
1205 </para>
1206 <para>
1207 If the field is of type Text, anything entered
1208 into the field is valid. The text will be compared literally to the
1209 value of the shape attribute, including case sensitivity.
1210 If the type is Integer, then any valid integer may be entered. In
1211 addition, with special syntax, a range of values can be entered.
1212 A range from <varname>start</varname> to <varname>end</varname>
1213 inclusive is specified like this: <literal>[start;end]</literal>.
1214 The exclusive range is specified like this:
1215 <literal>]start;end[</literal>. Ranges can include infinity like
1216 this: <literal>[-oo;oo]</literal>. Field types can also be of type
1217 Decimal. They represent any rational number and can be used in
1218 ranges as well.
1219 </para>
1220 </section>
1221 <section><title>Label</title>
1222 <para>
1223 By default, the text that is displayed for a group in the legend
1224 is the value for that group. The label can substitute a more
1225 descriptive term in the legend.
1226 </para>
1227 </section>
1228 </section>
1230 <section><title>Generating Classes</title>
1231 <para>
1232 <figure>
1233 <title>Generate Class</title>
1234 <mediaobject>
1235 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/5_3_genclass.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1236 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/5_3_genclass.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1237 </mediaobject>
1238 </figure>
1239 </para>
1240 <para>
1241 Creating a classification by hand can be tedious.
1242 Thuban, therefore, provides a means of generating an entire
1243 classification at once while still giving the user control over
1244 how it appears. Clicking <guibutton>Generate Class</guibutton>
1245 opens the <varname>Generate Classification</varname> dialog.
1246 Under the <varname>Generate</varname> pull down there are at most
1247 three different ways to generate classifications:
1248 Unique Values, Uniform Distribution, and Quantiles. Some options
1249 may not be available if the data type for the field does not
1250 support them. For instance, <varname>Uniform Distribution</varname>
1251 doesn't make sense for a Text field.
1252 </para>
1253 <para>
1254 For every way of generating a classification, a color scheme must
1255 be selected. Thuban provides several different color schemes that
1256 affect how the group properties change over the classification.
1257 It may be desirable that only certain properties change over the
1258 classification. If the shape type is a polygon or a point then
1259 the <guibutton>Fix Border Color</guibutton> option will be available.
1260 This allows the user to select a border color for all classification
1261 groups.
1262 It is also possible to create a custom color scheme. Selecting
1263 this option will display two symbols: the one of the left has the
1264 properties of the first group and the one on the right has the
1265 properties of the last group. Thuban will interpolate between these
1266 two properties to generate the other groups.
1267 <figure>
1268 <title>Custom Color Scheme</title>
1269 <mediaobject>
1270 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/5_2_custom_ramp.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1271 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/5_2_custom_ramp.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1272 </mediaobject>
1273 </figure>
1274 </para>
1275 <para>
1276 The Unique Values option lets the user select specific values that
1277 appear in the table. Clicking <guibutton>Retrieve From Table</guibutton>
1278 searches the table for all unique values and displays them in the
1279 list on the left. Items can be selected and moved to the list on the
1280 right. Each list can be sorted or reversed for easier searching.
1281 The classification that is generated will be in the same order as
1282 the list on the right.
1283 <figure>
1284 <title>Unique Values</title>
1285 <mediaobject>
1286 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/5_2_unique_values.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1287 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/5_2_unique_values.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1288 </mediaobject>
1289 </figure>
1290 </para>
1291 <para>
1292 The Uniform Distribution option creates a user specified number of
1293 groups of ranges such that each range covers equal intervals. The
1294 minimum and maximum values can automatically be retrieved from the
1295 table by clicking <guibutton>Retrieve From Table</guibutton>. The
1296 stepping is how large each interval is. Adjusting this value will
1297 automatically recalculate how many groups is appropriate.
1298 <figure>
1299 <title>Uniform Distribution</title>
1300 <mediaobject>
1301 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/5_2_uniform_dist.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1302 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/5_2_uniform_dist.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1303 </mediaobject>
1304 </figure>
1305 </para>
1306 <para>
1307 The Quantiles option generates ranges based on the number of items
1308 in the table. For example, by specifying five groups Thuban will
1309 generate five groups with appropriate ranges such that 20% of the table
1310 data is in each group. If it is impossible to generate exact
1311 groupings, Thuban will issue a warning but allow the user to continue.
1312 <figure>
1313 <title>Quantiles</title>
1314 <mediaobject>
1315 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/5_2_quantiles.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1316 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/5_2_quantiles.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1317 </mediaobject>
1318 </figure>
1319 </para>
1320 </section>
1321 </chapter>
1323 <chapter><title>Projection Management</title>
1324 <para>
1325 Projections control how the geographic data is displayed on the screen.
1326 If multiple layers are loaded into Thuban where the geographic data
1327 is in a different projection system, then the user must specify a
1328 projection for each layer. The user must also tell Thuban which
1329 projection the map is in. This can be the same as the layers or a different
1330 projection in which case the layers are reprojected into that space.
1331 The map projection can be set using
1332 <menuchoice>
1333 <guimenu>Map</guimenu>
1334 <guimenuitem>Projection</guimenuitem>
1335 </menuchoice> and the layer projection can be set using
1336 <menuchoice>
1337 <guimenu>Layer</guimenu>
1338 <guimenuitem>Projection</guimenuitem>
1339 </menuchoice>.
1340 <figure>
1341 <title>Projection Window</title>
1342 <mediaobject>
1343 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/6_projection.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1344 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/6_projection.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1345 </mediaobject>
1346 </figure>
1347 </para>
1348 <para>
1349 Thuban is distributed with a sample collection of projections and the
1350 set of coordinate systems as used by the EPSG
1351 (European Petroleum Survey Group). This quite large set is only displayed
1352 if activated by the according checkbox. The set falls into two parts:
1353 deprecated lists all projections which are no longer part of the
1354 EPSG data base.
1355 </para>
1356 <para>
1357 The
1358 user can create new projections and make them available to all
1359 future Thuban sessions. They may also be exported and imported so
1360 that custom projections can be distributed.
1361 </para>
1362 <section><title>Selecting a Projection</title>
1363 <para>
1364 The available projections are listed on the left. If the layer
1365 or map already has a projection it will initially be highlighted
1366 and will end with <varname>(current)</varname>. Selecting
1367 <varname>&lt;None&gt;</varname> will cause Thuban to use the data as
1368 it appears in the source file and will not use a projection.
1369 </para>
1370 </section>
1371 <section><title>Editing a Projection</title>
1372 <para>
1373 Whenever a projection is selected from the list its properties
1374 are displayed on the right. These properties can be changed
1375 and the changes saved to the selected projection using
1376 <guibutton>Update</guibutton>. Only a projection that comes
1377 from a file can be updated, so if the current layer's projection
1378 is selected, <guibutton>Update</guibutton> will be disabled.
1379 <guibutton>Add to List</guibutton> adds the projection to the
1380 list of available projections as a new entry, and thus makes it
1381 available to future Thuban sessions. Clicking <guibutton>New</guibutton>
1382 will create an entirely new, empty projection. The
1383 <guibutton>Remove</guibutton> button will permanently remove a
1384 projection from the list of available projections.
1385 </para>
1386 <para>
1387 To apply the selected projection to the map the user can click
1388 either <guibutton>Try</guibutton> or <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.
1389 <guibutton>Try</guibutton> will not close the dialog box, allowing
1390 the user to see how the projeciton changes the map.
1391 <guibutton>Revert</guibutton> will undo the last projection applied
1392 to the map. <guibutton>OK</guibutton> will commit the changes and
1393 close the dialog. The user will be unable to undo the changes.
1394 <guibutton>Close</guibutton> simply closes the dialog box. If no
1395 selection has been applied with <guibutton>Try</guibutton> the
1396 selection will not be applied to the map.
1397 </para>
1398 </section>
1399 <section><title>Importing/Exporting Projections</title>
1400 <para>
1401 The projections that appear in the list of available projections
1402 can be exported to another file that the user chooses. By selecting
1403 one or more projections and clicking <guibutton>Export</guibutton>
1404 the user will be able to select a file in which to store those
1405 projections.
1406 The file can then be distributed to other Thuban users. To import
1407 a projection file the user can click <guibutton>Import</guibutton>.
1408 The imported projections are added to the list and are then available
1409 to the current session and any future Thuban sessions.
1410 </para>
1411 </section>
1412 </chapter>
1414 <chapter><title>Tabellen-Management</title>
1415 <para>
1416 Thuban unterscheidet zwei unterschiedliche Tabellen-Typen:
1417 Attributtabellen (welche zu einer Ebene gehört) sowie normale
1418 Datentabellen.
1419 Beide bieten die gleiche allgemeine Funktionalität mit dem
1420 einzigen Unterschied, dass Aktionen auf einer Attributtabelle
1421 die Kartendarstellung ändern können.
1422 </para>
1424 <section><title>Tabellen-Ansicht</title>
1425 <para>
1426 <figure>
1427 <title>Tabellen-Ansicht</title>
1428 <mediaobject>
1429 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/7_1_table_view.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1430 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/7_1_table_view.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1431 </mediaobject>
1432 </figure>
1433 </para>
1434 <para>
1435 Thuban stellt einen Standard-Dialog für die Anzeige einer Tabelle
1436 zur Verfügung. Diese Aansicht hat 5 Elemente:Titel, Selektion,
1437 das Tabellenraster, Exportfunktionen und die Statuszeile.
1438 </para>
1439 <para>
1440 Die Titelzeile identifiziert die Tabelle mit ihrem Namen.
1441 </para>
1442 <para>
1443 Die Selektionsbox erlaubt es dem Benutzer einfache Analysen auf den Daten
1444 durch Vergleiche durchzuführen: Die erste Auswahl ist ein Feldbezeichner
1445 der Tabelle, die zweite Auswahl bestimmt den Typ des Vergleichs.
1446 Die dritte Auswahl kann entweder ein bestimmter Wert (interpretiert
1447 als Zahl oder als Zeichenkette abhängig vom Typ des ersten Feldes)
1448 oder ein zweiter Feldbezeichner sein.
1449 D.h. man kann Analysen durchführen wie alle Einträge auswählen bei
1450 denen <literal>bevoelkerung > 10000</literal> oder
1451 <literal>pkw_pro_einwohner < fahrraeder_pro_einwohner</literal>
1452 (beachten Sie, dass die Namen nur exemplarisch sind, dBase Dateien
1453 erlauben nur Bezeichner mit einer maximalen Länge von 11 Zeichen).
1455 Selektionen können kombiniert werden. Entweder bezieht sich
1456 die Selektion auf die zuvor selektierten Einträge oder man kann
1457 eine bestehende Selektion erweitern. Voreingestellt ist
1458 einersetzen der bisherigen Selektion.
1459 </para>
1460 <para>
1461 Das Tabellenraster zeigt den Inhalt der Tabelle (pro Zeile ein Eintrag).
1462 Selektionen sind hervorgehoben. Die Grösse der Zeiken und Spalten kann
1463 verändert werden.
1464 </para>
1465 <para>
1466 Der Inhalt einer Tabelle kann in eine Datei exportiert werden,
1467 entweder im dBase format (DBF) oder als kommaseparierte Werte
1468 (CSV). Der.
1469 <guibutton>Export</guibutton> Knopf startet einen Dialog
1470 zur Angabe des Pfades und des Namens der Datei.
1471 Der Export-Typ wird durch die Namenserwiterung spezifiziert
1472 (entweder .dbf oder .csv).
1474 Der Knopf <guibutton>Exportiere Selektion</guibutton> funktioniert
1475 ähnlich, exportiert aber nur die aktuelle Selektion.
1477 Der <guibutton>Schliessen</guibutton> Knopf schliesst das
1478 Fenster mit der Tabellenansicht. Dies ist nicht zu verwechseln mit
1479 dem Menüpunkt
1480 <menuchoice>
1481 <guimenu>Tabelle</guimenu>
1482 <guimenuitem>Schliessen</guimenuitem>
1483 </menuchoice> welcher die Tabelle aus Thuban entfernt.
1484 </para>
1485 <para>
1486 Die Statuszeile zeigt einige statistische Informationen zu
1487 der Tabelle sowie zu Selektionsergebnisse an.
1488 </para>
1489 </section>
1491 <section><title>Allgemeine Funktionalität (Menü Tabelle)</title>
1492 <para>
1493 Die allgemeinen Funktionen wirken sich auf alle geöffneten Tabellen
1494 aus. Attributtabellen werden wie normale Tabellen behandelt (mit der
1495 Ausnahme dass diese nicht geschlossen werden können).
1496 </para>
1497 <section><title>Öffnen</title>
1498 <para>
1499 Der Menüpunkt
1500 <menuchoice>
1501 <guimenu>Tabelle</guimenu>
1502 <guimenuitem>Öffnen</guimenuitem>
1503 </menuchoice>
1504 startet einen Dateiselektionsdialog für die Auswahl
1505 einer dBase-Datei. Diese wird als nur-lesbar in Thuban
1506 geladen.
1507 Mit <guibutton>OK</guibutton> wird die ausgewählte Datei
1508 geladen und eine entsprechende Tabellenansicht geöffnet.
1509 </para>
1510 </section>
1512 <section><title>Schliessen</title>
1513 <para>
1514 Der Menüpunkt
1515 <menuchoice>
1516 <guimenu>Tabelle</guimenu>
1517 <guimenuitem>Schliessen</guimenuitem>
1518 </menuchoice>
1519 startet einen Dialog welcher alle derzeit geöffneten Datentabellen
1520 (die geladen wurden über
1521 <menuchoice>
1522 <guimenu>Tabelle</guimenu>
1523 <guimenuitem>Öffnen</guimenuitem>
1524 </menuchoice>).
1525 Die gewählten Tabellen werden nach Bestätigung aus Thuban
1526 entfernt.
1527 Da die Tabellen als nur-lesend geöffnet wurden, wird
1528 der Inhalt der Tabellen nicht verändert.
1530 Sämtliche offenen Tabellenansichten für diese
1531 Tabellen werden ebenfalls geschlossen.
1533 Tabellen die bei Verknüpfungen verwendet werden
1534 können nicht geschlossen werden.
1535 </para>
1536 </section>
1538 <section><title>Umbenennen</title>
1539 <para>
1540 <menuchoice>
1541 <guimenu>Tabelle</guimenu>
1542 <guimenuitem>Umbenennen</guimenuitem>
1543 </menuchoice> ändert den Tabellentitel.
1544 </para>
1545 </section>
1547 <section><title>Anzeigen</title>
1548 <para>
1549 Der Menüpunkt
1550 <menuchoice>
1551 <guimenu>Tabelle</guimenu>
1552 <guimenuitem>Anzeigen</guimenuitem>
1553 </menuchoice>
1554 öffnet einen Dialog mit der Liste der verfügbaren
1555 Tabellen (explizit geladene Tabellen, Attributtabellen,
1556 Ergebnisse aus Verknüpfungen).
1557 Die ausgewählten Tabellen werden nach der
1558 Bestätigung mit
1559 <guibutton>OK</guibutton> in Tabellenansichten dargestellt.
1560 </para>
1561 </section>
1563 <section><title>Verbinden</title>
1564 <para>
1565 <figure>
1566 <title>Verbinde Tabellen</title>
1567 <mediaobject>
1568 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/7_2_5_join.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1569 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/7_2_5_join.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1570 </mediaobject>
1571 </figure>
1572 </para>
1573 <para>
1574 Der Menüpunkt
1575 <menuchoice>
1576 <guimenu>Tabelle</guimenu>
1577 <guimenuitem>Verbinden</guimenuitem>
1578 </menuchoice>
1579 startet einen Dialog für die Angabe der beiden Tabellen die
1580 verbunden werdn sollen. Das Ergebnis der Verbindung ist eine
1581 neue Tabelle mit der Bezeichnung
1582 'Join of "linke Tabelle" and "rechte Tabelle"'.
1584 Der Dialog erlaubt es die beiden zu verbindenden Tabellen sowie
1585 die beiden Felder anzugeben über die die Verbindung hergestellt
1586 werden soll. Als Voreinstellung beinhaltet die neue Tabelle
1587 nur die Einträge für die entsprechende Übereinstimmungen
1588 vorlagen.
1590 Wollen Sie die Einträge der linken Tabelle erhalten, so können
1591 Sie eine äussere Verbindung erstellen. Die Felder der rechten
1592 Tabelle für Einträge ohne Übereinstimmung werden in diesem
1593 Fall aufgefüllt mit dem Wert <varname>None</varname>.
1594 </para>
1595 </section>
1597 </section>
1598 <section><title>Attribut-Tabellen</title>
1599 <para>
1600 Um klarer zwischen den beiden Tabellen-Typen (Daten und Attribute) zu
1601 unterscheiden, bietet Thuban die Funktionalität für die Attribut-Tabellen
1602 unter dem Menü
1603 <menuchoice><guimenu>Ebene</guimenu></menuchoice> an.
1604 </para>
1606 <section><title>Zeige Tabelle</title>
1607 <para>
1608 <menuchoice>
1609 <guimenu>Ebene</guimenu>
1610 <guimenuitem>Zeige Tabelle</guimenuitem>
1611 </menuchoice>
1612 öffnet die Attribut-Tabelle für die aktuell aktive Ebene in
1613 einer Tabellenansicht.
1615 Eine zusätzliche Funktionalität bei diesen Tabellenansichten
1616 ist, dass bei Selektionen die korrespondierenden Objekte
1617 auf der Karte unmittelbar hervorgehoben werden.
1618 </para>
1619 </section>
1621 <section><title>Verbinde Tabelle</title>
1622 <para>
1623 Unlike the join described above, the join does not result in a
1624 new table. The attribute table of the currently active layer is the
1625 left table and other tables are joined to this table. The results of
1626 the join are available for classification.
1628 As a consequence, the join cannot result in fewer
1629 records than the source attribute table. The user is warned if the
1630 right table does not fulfill this constraint. An outer join must be
1631 used in such cases.
1632 </para>
1633 </section>
1635 <section><title>Unjoin Table</title>
1636 <para>
1637 As said above, a normal table cannot be closed while it is still
1638 used in a join. While the joined table resulting from a join of
1639 normal tables can be simply closed (and thereby dereferencing
1640 the source tables), this is not possible for attribute tables.
1642 Hence joins on attribute tables must be solved explicitly. This is
1643 what the
1644 <menuchoice>
1645 <guimenu>Layer</guimenu>
1646 <guimenuitem>Unjoin Table</guimenuitem>
1647 </menuchoice>
1648 item is used for: The last join for the currently
1649 active layer is solved.
1650 </para>
1651 </section>
1652 </section>
1653 </chapter>
1655 <chapter><title>Extensions</title>
1656 <para>
1657 Thuban is designed to be extensible. The term Extension is used as a
1658 general term for anything that extends Thuban.
1659 This chapter introduces into some oppportunities how to add and
1660 handle extra functionality developed by your own or third parties.
1661 </para>
1663 <section><title>Add personal extensions via thubanstart.py</title>
1664 <para>
1665 After Thuban has been started for the first time, a directory
1666 .thuban is created within your home directory.
1667 There you can add a file thubanstart.py which will be imported
1668 by Thuban at start-up. It is recommended to add only import-statements
1669 to this file to keep the actual code of extensions separate.
1670 </para>
1671 <para>
1672 The modules to import must either be found through the environment
1673 variable PYTHONPATH or directly be placed into the .thuban-directory.
1674 </para>
1675 <para>
1676 As an example, copy the file examples/simple_extensions/hello_world.py
1677 of the Thuban source code into the .thuban-directory of your home
1678 directory. Now add add the statement import hello_world to the
1679 file thubanstart.py and run Thuban. You will notice an additional
1680 menu <menuchoice><guimenu>Extensions</guimenu></menuchoice> where
1681 the new item for the Hello-World extension is placed - select it
1682 to see the Hello-World message.
1683 </para>
1684 </section>
1686 <section><title>Extensions included in Thuban package</title>
1687 <para>
1688 The extensions described in this section are part of the
1689 Thuban package, but not activated by default.
1690 You will find them in the Thuban installation directory
1691 under <literal>Extensions/</literal>. Activate them as personal
1692 extensions via PYTHONPATH as described in the previous section.
1693 Stable extensions will appear under the menu
1694 <menuchoice><guimenu>Extensions</guimenu></menuchoice> and
1695 extensions which are in experimental state and therefore
1696 not fully functional under
1697 <menuchoice><guimenu>Experimental</guimenu></menuchoice>.
1698 </para>
1700 <section><title>Stable extensions</title>
1701 <para>
1702 These extensions provide extra-functionality to Thuban
1703 that has not (yet) been integrated in the main application.
1704 They are considered to be free of bugs, but may be
1705 further polished with helpful user interactions.
1706 </para>
1707 <section><title>gns2shp</title>
1708 <para>
1709 This tool converts data of the Geospatial Names Server
1710 (GNS, see <ulink url="http://www.nima.mil/gns"/>)
1711 into Shapefile format.
1712 The above web-site offer to download named places
1713 information grouped by countries for all of the world
1714 except USA for which other data are provided.
1715 </para>
1716 <para>
1717 If you download and unpack a package, you will have
1718 a text-file with suffix .txt.
1719 Selecting such a file via gns2shp will create the
1720 corresponding Shapefile with the same basename and
1721 place it in the same direcory. Afterwards it
1722 is automatically loaded into Thuban.
1723 The Shapefile will not automatically be delete afterwards.
1724 </para>
1725 <para>
1726 The gns2shp.py module can also be executed on the
1727 command line for batch processing purposes.
1728 </para>
1729 <para>
1730 A sample (<literal>ls.txt</literal> for Liechtenstein)
1731 is included in the directory
1732 <literal>Extensions/gns2shp/test</literal>.
1733 </para>
1734 </section>
1735 <section><title>SVG Export</title>
1736 <para>
1737 Map and legend can be exported separately in the
1738 Thuban-Map-SVG format.
1739 You get files that comply with
1740 the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 Specification
1741 and can be read by many vector drawing applications.
1742 </para>
1743 <para>
1744 Goal of svgexport is to provide
1745 the start of a printing pipeline for Thuban.
1746 For this purpose the written Thuban-Map-SVG files
1747 contain information that can be used in postprocessing.
1748 Typically a general vector drawing application is
1749 more powerful then a geographic information viewer;
1750 e.g. having much fancier symbols and fonts.
1751 Also users benefit much more when learning to use a
1752 more general application they can also use for other
1753 tasks. So the charming idea is to enable
1754 the drawing application to postprocess a Thuban maps.
1755 So thee xtra information in the format will make it
1756 possible to export from Thuban and if a few geoobjects
1757 change, and keep the general layout and style
1758 of the full map in the vector drawing appplication.
1759 </para>
1760 <para>
1761 Markus Rechtien has developed a prototype of this
1762 printing pipline as his Diplom thetis, showing
1763 the feasability of Bernhard Reiter's concept.
1764 Scripts exist for the drawing application Skencil
1765 (<ulink url="http://www.skencil.org"/>).
1766 </para>
1767 <para>
1768 Technical notes: the names of the layers are used
1769 as base for ids within the SVG format.
1770 If you try to export with two layers having
1771 the same name, you will get a name clash error.
1772 Just change one of the layer names and try again.
1773 </para>
1774 </section>
1775 </section>
1776 <section><title>Experimental extensions</title>
1777 <para>
1778 All all of these functions have to be handled with care,
1779 since they are neither complete nor well tested.
1780 They are to be seen as a proof-of-concept and may
1781 additionally in some cases of practical help.
1782 </para>
1783 <para>
1784 Any interest on further improvement of these extensions
1785 should be communicated towards the developer and user
1786 community.
1787 </para>
1789 <section><title>importAPR</title>
1790 <para>
1791 This command offer to load an ESRI® ArcView® project
1792 file (suffix .apr) and convert it for use within Thuban.
1793 After selecting a apr-file to load, a list
1794 will be presented that offers to select one of the views
1795 of the apr-file, provided there is more than one.
1796 Furthermore, the Session Info-Tree is extended with
1797 a complete representation of the parsed apr-file.
1798 </para>
1799 <para>
1800 The legend of Thuban does not yet cover all of the elements as
1801 supported by the legend of ArcView®. Therefore, the Thuban
1802 map will look different. Furthermore, the apr-format is
1803 a proprietary format, not openly documented.
1804 Therefore, the interpretation is
1805 partly based on reverse engeneering and good guessing.
1806 </para>
1807 <para>
1808 The file-paths within the apr-file may not fit and potentially
1809 are subject to fix in the apr-file. You can do this
1810 applying any text editor. The paths are either absolute
1811 or relative from where Thuban has been started.
1812 </para>
1813 <para>
1814 A sample for the Iceland data is included as
1815 <literal>Extensions/importAPR/samples/iceland.apr</literal>.
1816 The file-paths are relative from the Thuban main directory.
1817 </para>
1818 </section>
1819 </section>
1820 </section>
1822 <section><title>Writing simple extensions</title>
1823 <para>
1824 Writing an extension for Thuban basically means to
1825 implement the extra functionality in Python with all of the
1826 Thuban classes, methods and variables available.
1827 </para>
1828 <para>
1829 All classes and their methods are documented in the source code
1830 (see their doc-strings). Here is an example from
1831 Thuban/Model/layer.py that describes some of the methods
1832 of a Layer object:
1833 </para>
1834 <programlisting>
1835 <![CDATA[
1836 class BaseLayer(TitledObject, Modifiable):
1838 """Base class for the layers."""
1840 def __init__(self, title, visible = True, projection = None):
1841 """Initialize the layer.
1843 title -- the title
1844 visible -- boolean. If true the layer is visible.
1845 """
1846 TitledObject.__init__(self, title)
1847 Modifiable.__init__(self)
1848 self.visible = visible
1849 self.projection = projection
1851 def Visible(self):
1852 """Return true if layer is visible"""
1853 return self.visible
1855 def SetVisible(self, visible):
1856 """Set the layer's visibility."""
1857 self.visible = visible
1858 self.issue(LAYER_VISIBILITY_CHANGED, self)
1860 def HasClassification(self):
1861 """Determine if this layer support classifications."""
1862 ...
1863 ]]>
1864 </programlisting>
1865 <para>
1866 This example intends to give you an impression of the
1867 source-code-level documentation.
1868 You have to make yourself familiar with
1869 the Python programming language to understand some special
1870 code elements.
1871 </para>
1872 <section><title>hello_world.py</title>
1873 <para>
1874 Traditionally, the first example should welcome the world.
1875 Most of the code handles the frame for integrating a menu
1876 item into Thuban while the actual raising of a message
1877 is done in a single line.
1878 </para>
1879 <programlisting>
1880 <![CDATA[
1881 # Copyright (C) 2003 by Intevation GmbH
1882 # Authors:
1883 # Jan-Oliver Wagner <[email protected]>
1884 #
1885 # This program is free software under the GPL (>=v2)
1886 # Read the file COPYING coming with Thuban for details.
1888 """
1889 Extend Thuban with a sample Hello World to demonstrate simple
1890 extensions.
1891 """
1893 __version__ = '$Revision$'
1895 # use _() already now for all strings that may later be translated
1896 from Thuban import _
1898 # Thuban has named commands which can be registered in the central
1899 # instance registry.
1900 from Thuban.UI.command import registry, Command
1902 # The instance of the main menu of the Thuban application
1903 # See Thuban/UI/menu.py for the API of the Menu class
1904 from Thuban.UI.mainwindow import main_menu
1906 def hello_world_dialog(context):
1907 """Just raise a simple dialog to greet the world.
1909 context -- The Thuban context.
1910 """
1911 context.mainwindow.RunMessageBox(_('Hello World'), _('Hello World!'))
1914 # create a new command and register it
1915 registry.Add(Command('hello_world', _('Hello World'), hello_world_dialog,
1916 helptext = _('Welcome everyone on this planet')))
1918 # find the extensions menu (create it anew if not found)
1919 extensions_menu = main_menu.FindOrInsertMenu('extensions', _('E&xtensions'))
1921 # finally bind the new command with an entry in the extensions menu
1922 extensions_menu.InsertItem('hello_world')
1923 ]]>
1924 </programlisting>
1925 </section>
1926 <section><title>Registering a Command</title>
1927 <para>
1928 Mainly, our new function has to be registered to the Thuban
1929 framework in order to connect it to the menu. A registered
1930 command can also be connected to e.g. a toolbar button.
1931 </para>
1932 <para>
1933 The instances and classes for this are imported at the beginning.
1934 Any code not inside a method or class is directly executed when
1935 the source-code module is imported. Therefore, the second
1936 part of this example consist of the plain statements to create a new
1937 Command and to add it to the menu.
1938 </para>
1939 <para>
1940 By convention, it looks for a menu registered as ``extensions'' to
1941 insert the new command. If it does not exist yet, it gets created.
1942 It is advisable to copy this code for any of your extensions.
1943 </para>
1944 </section>
1945 <section><title>The Thuban context</title>
1946 <para>
1947 A registered command that is called, always receives the
1948 Thuban context. This instance provides our method with
1949 hook references to all important components of the Thuban
1950 application.
1951 </para>
1952 <para>
1953 In the example hello_world.py, our function uses the
1954 mainwindow component which offers a method to raise a
1955 message dialog. In total there are three hooks:
1956 <itemizedlist>
1957 <listitem>
1958 <para>application:
1959 This object is the instance of the Thuban Application class.
1960 Except maybe for loading or savinf sessions, you will not
1961 need this object for a simple extension.
1962 See Thuban/UI/application.py for the API.
1963 </para>
1964 </listitem>
1965 <listitem>
1966 <para>session:
1967 The instance of the current session. It manages the sessions'
1968 map and tables. You can set and remove the map or tables.
1969 In may also get the map object. However, you should know that
1970 internally it is already prepared to handle many maps.
1971 Therfore, currently you would always receive a list with exactlty
1972 one element. In the future, if there are more than one map,
1973 you will not know which one is the currently display one and
1974 therefore you should use the mainwindow as hook to find
1975 the currently displayed map.
1976 See Thuban/Model/session.py for the API.
1977 </para>
1978 </listitem>
1979 <listitem>
1980 <para>
1981 mainwindow: The mainwindow object is central to manage various
1982 GUI things such as the Legend sub-window. Most notably,
1983 you get access to the canvas which is the window part where
1984 the map is drawn. The canvas knows, which map it currently
1985 draws and therefore you get the current map via
1986 context.mainwindow.canvas.Map().
1987 See Thuban/UI/mainwindow.py for the API.
1988 </para>
1989 </listitem>
1990 </itemizedlist>
1991 </para>
1992 </section>
1993 </section>
1994 </chapter>
1996 <chapter><title>Trouble Shooting</title>
1997 <para>
1998 Here are a few problems that users have encountered when first using Thuban.
1999 </para>
2000 <para>
2002 <itemizedlist>
2003 <listitem>
2004 <para>After adding two or more layers nothing is drawn in the map window.
2005 </para>
2006 <para>
2007 This is probably because the layers have different projections. Projections
2008 must be set on all layers and on the map itself if the layers' projections
2009 are different.
2010 </para>
2011 </listitem>
2013 <listitem>
2014 <para>Thuban crashes on startup with the error
2015 <literal>NameError: global name 'False' is not defined</literal>.
2016 </para>
2017 <para>
2018 <varname>True</varname> and <varname>False</varname> were only introduced
2019 in Python 2.2.1. Thuban depends on at least Python 2.2.1.
2020 </para>
2021 </listitem>
2023 <listitem>
2024 <para>After compiling Thuban, Thuban crashes with an error similar to
2025 <literal>
2026 ImportError: /usr/local//lib/thuban/Thuban/../Lib/wxproj.so: undefined symbol: __gxx_personality_v0
2027 </literal>
2028 </para>
2029 <para>
2030 Thuban depends on the wxWindows library. If Thuban is compiled with an
2031 incompatible version of the compiler than wxWindows was compiled with
2032 this error may occur. Try compiling with a different version of the
2033 compiler.
2034 </para>
2035 </listitem>
2036 </itemizedlist>
2037 </para>
2038 <para>
2039 If an error occurs Thuban will display a dialog indicating the error
2040 before closing. The text should be copied and reported to the
2041 <ulink url="http://thuban.intevation.org/bugtracker.html">
2042 Intevation bugtracker
2043 </ulink>.
2044 More information about the system is available from
2045 <menuchoice><guimenu>Help</guimenu><guimenuitem>About</guimenuitem></menuchoice> box.
2046 This should also be included in the bug report.
2047 <figure>
2048 <title>Error Dialog</title>
2049 <mediaobject>
2050 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/8_int_error.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
2051 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/8_int_error.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
2052 </mediaobject>
2053 </figure>
2054 </para>
2056 </chapter>
2058 <appendix><title>Supported Data Sources</title>
2059 <para>
2060 </para>
2061 <variablelist>
2062 <varlistentry>
2063 <term>Shapefile</term>
2064 <listitem>
2065 <para>
2066 The Shapefile format has become a standard format for saving
2067 geographic vector information. It supports polygons, lines, and
2068 points.
2070 <ulink url="http://www.esri.com/library/whitepapers/pdfs/shapefile.pdf">
2071 Technical Specification.
2072 </ulink>
2073 </para>
2074 </listitem>
2075 </varlistentry>
2077 <varlistentry>
2078 <term>dBase file</term>
2079 <listitem>
2080 <para>
2081 dBase files are used to store the attributes for each layer. This
2082 is closely associated with the Shapefile format. For detailed
2083 specifications on the correct format of a dBase file used with
2084 Thuban please see the Technical Specification for the Shapefile
2085 format above.
2086 </para>
2087 </listitem>
2088 </varlistentry>
2090 <varlistentry>
2091 <term>PostGIS</term>
2092 <listitem>
2093 <para>
2094 PostGIS adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL
2095 object-relational database. Different layer types (as for Shapefiles)
2096 are supported. <ulink url="http://postgis.refractions.net">PostGIS
2097 Homepage</ulink>
2098 </para>
2099 </listitem>
2100 </varlistentry>
2102 <varlistentry>
2103 <term>Raster files</term>
2104 <listitem>
2105 <para>
2106 Binding the GDAL library Thuban supports numerous raster file formats,
2107 see <ulink url="http://www.remotesensing.org/gdal/formats_list.html">
2108 GDAL format list</ulink> for details.</para>
2110 <para>Most commonly used is the <emphasis>TIFF/GeoTIFF</emphasis>
2111 format: Raster maps are provided as TIFF images, with an additional
2112 "world file" storing the geographic reference (usually with an
2113 extension ".tfw").
2114 </para>
2115 </listitem>
2116 </varlistentry>
2118 </variablelist>
2119 </appendix>
2121 <appendix><title>Working with PostGIS</title>
2122 <para>
2123 This section focusses on the use of PostGIS in the Thuban framework. For
2124 installation and maintenance of spatial databases we refer to the
2125 <ulink url="http://postgis.refractions.net">PostGIS Homepage</ulink>.
2126 The Thuban PostGIS support requires the
2127 <ulink url="http://initd.org/software/psycopg">psycopg module</ulink>.
2128 </para>
2130 <para>
2131 Working with PostGIS Databases is seperated into two steps:
2132 <itemizedlist>
2133 <listitem><para>Opening a Database Connection</para></listitem>
2134 <listitem><para>Loading a Data Layer</para></listitem>
2135 </itemizedlist>
2136 </para>
2137 <section><title>Opening a Database Connection</title>
2138 <para>
2139 Before a data layer can be loaded from a PostGIS database a
2140 connection with the database has to be established.
2141 <menuchoice>
2142 <guimenu>Session</guimenu>
2143 <guimenuitem>Database Connections ...</guimenuitem>
2144 </menuchoice> opens a dialog for database connection
2145 management. In the dialog new connections can be added
2146 and existing ones can be removed. Removing a database
2147 connection is not possible if the map still displays a
2148 layer provided by this database connection.
2149 </para>
2150 <figure>
2151 <title>Database Management Dialog</title>
2152 <mediaobject>
2153 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/app_postgis_db_management.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
2154 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/app_postgis_db_management.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
2155 </mediaobject>
2156 </figure>
2158 <para>
2159 To add a new database connection to the session a dialog is
2160 opened to specify the relevant connection data. Enter all
2161 data relevant for your connection. If the connection fails
2162 the dialog remains open and provides some hints on the failure.
2163 </para>
2164 <figure>
2165 <title>Add Database Dialog</title>
2166 <mediaobject>
2167 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/app_postgis_db_add.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
2168 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/app_postgis_db_add.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
2169 </mediaobject>
2170 </figure>
2172 <para>
2173 It is important to note that information on database connections are
2174 also stored with the session. Passwords are NOT stored. If you load a
2175 session with database connections you are asked to enter these
2176 passwords again where required.
2177 </para>
2179 </section>
2181 <section><title>Loading a Data Layer</title>
2182 <para>
2183 Data layers as part of a map are loaded with the
2184 <menuchoice>
2185 <guimenu>Map</guimenu>
2186 <guimenuitem>Add Database Layer ...</guimenuitem>
2187 </menuchoice> menu item. A dialog is raised displaying two choice
2188 lists. In the left list all connected databases are shown.
2189 Highlighting
2190 one of these and issuing a retrieval results in a list of available
2191 layer tables from that database. After selection of a
2192 layer the dialog is closed.
2193 </para>
2194 <figure>
2195 <title>Add Database Dialog</title>
2196 <mediaobject>
2197 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/app_postgis_add_layer.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
2198 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/app_postgis_add_layer.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
2199 </mediaobject>
2200 </figure>
2202 </section>
2204 </appendix>
2206 <appendix><title>Supported Projections</title>
2207 <para>
2208 The following types of projections are directly support by
2209 Thuban. The specific values for each are provided by the user
2210 to create custom projections. Thuban comes with predefined
2211 projections which are available through the Projections dialog.
2212 </para>
2213 <itemizedlist>
2214 <listitem>
2215 <para>Geographic</para>
2216 <itemizedlist>
2217 <listitem><para><literal>Ellipsoid</literal></para></listitem>
2218 <listitem><para>
2219 <literal>Source Data</literal>: either Degrees or Radians
2220 </para></listitem>
2221 </itemizedlist>
2222 </listitem>
2223 <listitem>
2224 <para>Lambert Conic Conformal</para>
2225 <itemizedlist>
2226 <listitem><para><literal>Ellipsoid</literal></para></listitem>
2227 <listitem><para><literal>Latitude of 1st standard parallel</literal></para></listitem>
2228 <listitem><para><literal>Latitude of 2nd standard parallel</literal></para></listitem>
2229 <listitem><para><literal>Central Meridian</literal></para></listitem>
2230 <listitem><para><literal>Latitude of Origin</literal></para></listitem>
2231 <listitem><para><literal>False Easting</literal> (meters)</para></listitem>
2232 <listitem><para><literal>False Northing</literal> (meters)</para></listitem>
2233 </itemizedlist>
2234 </listitem>
2235 <listitem>
2236 <para>Transverse Mercator</para>
2237 <itemizedlist>
2238 <listitem><para><literal>Ellipsoid</literal></para></listitem>
2239 <listitem><para><literal>Latitude</literal>of origin</para></listitem>
2240 <listitem><para><literal>Longitude</literal>at central meridian</para></listitem>
2241 <listitem><para><literal>Scale Factor</literal>at central meridian</para></listitem>
2242 <listitem><para><literal>False Easting</literal> (meters)</para></listitem>
2243 <listitem><para><literal>False Northing</literal> (meters)</para></listitem>
2244 </itemizedlist>
2245 </listitem>
2246 <listitem>
2247 <para>Universal Transverse Mercator</para>
2248 <itemizedlist>
2249 <listitem><para><literal>Ellipsoid</literal></para></listitem>
2250 <listitem><para><literal>Zone</literal>
2251 (can be guessed appling the Propose button)</para></listitem>
2252 <listitem><para><literal>Southern Hemisphere</literal> flag</para></listitem>
2253 </itemizedlist>
2254 </listitem>
2255 </itemizedlist>
2257 <para>
2258 Thuban comes with a sample set of map projections for various
2259 European countries. Apart from the basic projection they differ
2260 especially in their parameterization:
2261 </para>
2262 <itemizedlist>
2263 <listitem><para>Belgium Datum 1972 (Lambert Conic Conformal)</para>
2264 </listitem>
2266 <listitem><para>Gauss-Boaga Zone 1 (Italy, Transverse Mercartor)</para>
2267 </listitem>
2269 <listitem><para>Gauss-Krueger Zone 2 (Germany, Transverse Mercartor)
2270 </para>
2271 </listitem>
2273 <listitem><para>Reseau Geodesique Francaise
2274 (France, Lambert Conic Conformal)</para>
2275 </listitem>
2277 <listitem><para>UK National Grid (United Kingdom, Transverse Mercartor)
2278 </para>
2279 </listitem>
2280 </itemizedlist>
2282 <para>
2283 Thuban uses the comprehensive PROJ library for projections. PROJ provides
2284 more than the four commonly used projections described above. If needed
2285 Thuban can be easily extended to a new projection covered by PROJ.
2286 </para>
2287 </appendix>
2289 </book>


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