690 |
</listitem> |
</listitem> |
691 |
<listitem> |
<listitem> |
692 |
<para> |
<para> |
693 |
The Pan tool |
Das Verschieben Werkzeug |
694 |
<inlinemediaobject> |
<inlinemediaobject> |
695 |
<imageobject> |
<imageobject> |
696 |
<imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_pan.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/> |
<imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_pan.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/> |
698 |
<imageobject> |
<imageobject> |
699 |
<imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_pan.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/> |
<imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_pan.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/> |
700 |
</imageobject> |
</imageobject> |
701 |
<textobject> <phrase>Pan Tool</phrase> </textobject> |
<textobject> <phrase>Verschieben Werkzeug</phrase> </textobject> |
702 |
</inlinemediaobject> |
</inlinemediaobject> |
703 |
allows the user to move the map around by clicking and dragging. |
gestattet es dem Benutzer die Karte durch klicken und |
704 |
ziehen mit gedr�ckter Maustaste zu verschieben. |
705 |
</para> |
</para> |
706 |
</listitem> |
</listitem> |
707 |
<listitem> |
<listitem> |
708 |
<para> |
<para> |
709 |
The Full Extent tool |
Das Volle Ausdehnung Werkzeug |
710 |
<inlinemediaobject> |
<inlinemediaobject> |
711 |
<imageobject> |
<imageobject> |
712 |
<imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_fullextent.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/> |
<imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_fullextent.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/> |
714 |
<imageobject> |
<imageobject> |
715 |
<imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_fullextent.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/> |
<imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_fullextent.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/> |
716 |
</imageobject> |
</imageobject> |
717 |
<textobject> <phrase>Full Extent Tool</phrase> </textobject> |
<textobject> <phrase>Volle Ausdehnung Werkzeug</phrase> </textobject> |
718 |
</inlinemediaobject> |
</inlinemediaobject> |
719 |
rescales the viewable region so that the entire map is visible. |
skaliert die Zoom-Stufe so, dass die gesamte sichtbare Karte im |
720 |
Fenster dargestellt wird. |
721 |
</para> |
</para> |
722 |
</listitem> |
</listitem> |
723 |
<listitem> |
<listitem> |
724 |
<para> |
<para> |
725 |
The Full Layer Extent tool |
Das Voll Ebenen-Ausdehnung Werkzeug |
726 |
<inlinemediaobject> |
<inlinemediaobject> |
727 |
<imageobject> |
<imageobject> |
728 |
<imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_fulllayerextent.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/> |
<imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_fulllayerextent.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/> |
730 |
<imageobject> |
<imageobject> |
731 |
<imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_fulllayerextent.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/> |
<imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_fulllayerextent.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/> |
732 |
</imageobject> |
</imageobject> |
733 |
<textobject> <phrase>Full Layer Extent Tool</phrase> </textobject> |
<textobject> <phrase>Volle Ebenen-Ausdehnung Werkzeug</phrase> </textobject> |
734 |
</inlinemediaobject> |
</inlinemediaobject> |
735 |
rescales the viewable region so that the currently selected |
skaliert die Zoom-Stufe so, dass die akutelle Ebene vollst�ndig |
736 |
layer fits within the window. If no layer is selected this button |
im Fenster dargestellt wird. Ist keine Ebene ausgew�hlt, so |
737 |
will be disabled. |
ist dieser Knopf ausgegraut und damit nicht verf�gbar. |
738 |
</para> |
</para> |
739 |
</listitem> |
</listitem> |
740 |
<listitem> |
<listitem> |
741 |
<para> |
<para> |
742 |
The Full Shape Extent tool |
Das Volle Shape-Ausdehnung Werkzeug |
743 |
<inlinemediaobject> |
<inlinemediaobject> |
744 |
<imageobject> |
<imageobject> |
745 |
<imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_fullshapeextent.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/> |
<imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_fullshapeextent.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/> |
747 |
<imageobject> |
<imageobject> |
748 |
<imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_fullshapeextent.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/> |
<imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_fullshapeextent.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/> |
749 |
</imageobject> |
</imageobject> |
750 |
<textobject> <phrase>Full Shape Extent Tool</phrase> </textobject> |
<textobject> <phrase>Volle Shape-Ausdehnung Werkzeug</phrase> </textobject> |
751 |
</inlinemediaobject> |
</inlinemediaobject> |
752 |
rescales the viewable region so that the currently selected |
skaliert die Zoom-Stufe so, dass die aktuell ausgew�hlten Shapes |
753 |
shape fits within the window. If the shape is a point, it is |
vollst�ndig in das Fenster eingepasst sind. |
754 |
centered and the map is zoomed all the way in. If no shape is |
Handelt es sich bei der Auswahl nur um einen einzelnen Punkt |
755 |
selected this button will be disabled. This feature is especially |
so wird dieser zentriert dargestellt und bis zu einem gewissen |
756 |
helpful when identifying an object related to a selected record |
grad gezoomed. |
757 |
in a tableview (see below). |
Ist kein Shape selektiert, so ist dieser Knopf ausgegraut und damit |
758 |
nicht verf�gbar. |
759 |
Dieses Werkzeug ist besonders f�r den Fall hilfreich wenn man Objekte |
760 |
in einer Ebenen-Tabelle ausw�hlt und sie auf der Karte schnell |
761 |
anspringen machen m�chte. |
762 |
</para> |
</para> |
763 |
</listitem> |
</listitem> |
764 |
</itemizedlist> |
</itemizedlist> |
1678 |
They are considered to be free of bugs, but may be |
They are considered to be free of bugs, but may be |
1679 |
further polished with helpful user interactions. |
further polished with helpful user interactions. |
1680 |
</para> |
</para> |
1681 |
<section><title>gns2shp</title> |
<section><title>gns2shp</title> |
1682 |
<para> |
<para> |
1683 |
This tool converts data of the Geospatial Names Server |
This tool converts data of the Geospatial Names Server |
1684 |
(GNS, see <ulink url="http://www.nima.mil/gns"/>) |
(GNS, see <ulink url="http://www.nima.mil/gns"/>) |
1705 |
is included in the directory |
is included in the directory |
1706 |
<literal>Extensions/gns2shp/test</literal>. |
<literal>Extensions/gns2shp/test</literal>. |
1707 |
</para> |
</para> |
1708 |
</section> |
</section> |
1709 |
<section><title>SVG Export</title> |
1710 |
<para> |
1711 |
Map and legend can be exported separately in the |
1712 |
Thuban-Map-SVG format. |
1713 |
You get files that comply with |
1714 |
the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 Specification |
1715 |
and can be read by many vector drawing applications. |
1716 |
</para> |
1717 |
<para> |
1718 |
Goal of svgexport is to provide |
1719 |
the start of a printing pipeline for Thuban. |
1720 |
For this purpose the written Thuban-Map-SVG files |
1721 |
contain information that can be used in postprocessing. |
1722 |
Typically a general vector drawing application is |
1723 |
more powerful then a geographic information viewer; |
1724 |
e.g. having much fancier symbols and fonts. |
1725 |
Also users benefit much more when learning to use a |
1726 |
more general application they can also use for other |
1727 |
tasks. So the charming idea is to enable |
1728 |
the drawing application to postprocess a Thuban maps. |
1729 |
So thee xtra information in the format will make it |
1730 |
possible to export from Thuban and if a few geoobjects |
1731 |
change, and keep the general layout and style |
1732 |
of the full map in the vector drawing appplication. |
1733 |
</para> |
1734 |
<para> |
1735 |
Markus Rechtien has developed a prototype of this |
1736 |
printing pipline as his Diplom thetis, showing |
1737 |
the feasability of Bernhard Reiter's concept. |
1738 |
Scripts exist for the drawing application Skencil |
1739 |
(<ulink url="http://www.skencil.org"/>). |
1740 |
</para> |
1741 |
<para> |
1742 |
Technical notes: the names of the layers are used |
1743 |
as base for ids within the SVG format. |
1744 |
If you try to export with two layers having |
1745 |
the same name, you will get a name clash error. |
1746 |
Just change one of the layer names and try again. |
1747 |
</para> |
1748 |
</section> |
1749 |
</section> |
</section> |
1750 |
<section><title>Experimental extensions</title> |
<section><title>Experimental extensions</title> |
1751 |
<para> |
<para> |