48 |
<section><title>Installation</title> |
<section><title>Installation</title> |
49 |
<para> |
<para> |
50 |
Thuban is actively supported under Debian Testing (sarge), RedHat 7.2, |
Thuban is actively supported under Debian Testing (sarge), RedHat 7.2, |
51 |
and Windows 2000. All the necessary files can be found on the |
and Windows 2000. The following list of files that Thuban requires |
52 |
can be found on the |
53 |
<ulink url="http://thuban.intevation.org/download.html"> |
<ulink url="http://thuban.intevation.org/download.html"> |
54 |
Thuban Download site |
Thuban Download site |
55 |
</ulink>. |
</ulink>. |
56 |
<variablelist> |
57 |
<varlistentry> |
58 |
<term>Debian Testing (sarge)</term> |
59 |
<listitem> |
60 |
<para>Thuban-0.8.1-1-debian.i386.rpm</para> |
61 |
<para>GTK 1.2.3</para> |
62 |
<para>Python 2.2.1</para> |
63 |
<para>Python 2.2 XML Base Tools</para> |
64 |
<para>wxWindows 2.4</para> |
65 |
<para>wxWindows 2.4 Python Bindings</para> |
66 |
<para>proj 4.4.5 Projection Library</para> |
67 |
<para>SQLite Python Bindings 0.4.3</para> |
68 |
<para>GDAL 1.1.8</para> |
69 |
</listitem> |
70 |
</varlistentry> |
71 |
<varlistentry> |
72 |
<term>RedHat 7.2</term> |
73 |
<listitem> |
74 |
<para>Thuban-0.8.1-1.i386.rpm</para> |
75 |
<para>Python 2.2.1</para> |
76 |
<para>wxPython 2.4 for Python 2.2 with wxGTK</para> |
77 |
<para>proj 4.4.5 Projection Library</para> |
78 |
<para>SQLite 2.8.3</para> |
79 |
<para>PySQLite 0.4.3</para> |
80 |
<para>GDAL 1.1.8</para> |
81 |
</listitem> |
82 |
</varlistentry> |
83 |
<varlistentry> |
84 |
<term>Windows 2000</term> |
85 |
<listitem> |
86 |
<para>Thuban-0.8.1-0.exe</para> |
87 |
<para>Python 2.2.1</para> |
88 |
<para>wxWindows 2.4 for Python 2.2</para> |
89 |
<para>SQLite Python Libraries</para> |
90 |
<para>GDAL for Thuban</para> |
91 |
</listitem> |
92 |
</varlistentry> |
93 |
</variablelist> |
94 |
</para> |
</para> |
95 |
</section> |
</section> |
96 |
140 |
The tool bar provides quick access to the commonly needed tools. |
The tool bar provides quick access to the commonly needed tools. |
141 |
By hovering over each button the user can see a short messages |
By hovering over each button the user can see a short messages |
142 |
describing what the tool does. The tools provided are Zoom In, Zoom |
describing what the tool does. The tools provided are Zoom In, Zoom |
143 |
Out, Pan, Full Extent, Full Layer Extent, Full Shape Extent, Indentify, |
Out, Pan, Full Extent, Full Layer Extent, Full Shape Extent, Identify, |
144 |
and Label. Each of the tools will be explained in further detail later |
and Label. Each of the tools will be explained in further detail later |
145 |
in the manual. |
in the manual. |
146 |
</para> |
</para> |
188 |
<guimenu>File</guimenu> |
<guimenu>File</guimenu> |
189 |
<guimenuitem>Save Session</guimenuitem> |
<guimenuitem>Save Session</guimenuitem> |
190 |
</menuchoice>. A dialog box will open allowing the user to browse |
</menuchoice>. A dialog box will open allowing the user to browse |
191 |
the filesystem and select a place to save the session. Thuban |
the file system and select a place to save the session. Thuban |
192 |
sessions should be saved under a name ending in |
sessions should be saved under a name ending in |
193 |
<varname>.thuban</varname>. If the file already exists the user |
<varname>.thuban</varname>. If the file already exists the user |
194 |
will be prompted to save under a different name or overwrite the |
will be prompted to save under a different name or overwrite the |
248 |
249 |
<section><title>Adding and Removing Layers</title> |
<section><title>Adding and Removing Layers</title> |
250 |
<para> |
<para> |
251 |
There are two types of layers that can use added to a map: shape layers |
There are two types of layers that can be added to a map: shape layers |
252 |
and image layers. Shape layers are stored in Shapefile format, a |
and image layers. Shape layers are stored in Shapefile format, a |
253 |
standard file format for storing geographic objects. These |
standard file format for storing geographic objects. These |
254 |
files have the extension ``.shp''. Associated with |
files have the extension ``.shp''. Associated with |
255 |
the shape file is a database file which stores attributes for |
the shape file is a database file which stores attributes for |
256 |
each shape in the shape file. This file, in dBASE format, |
each shape in the shape file. This file, in dBase format, |
257 |
has the extension ``.dbf''. Both files must have the same base name. |
has the extension ``.dbf''. Both files must have the same base name. |
258 |
For example, if there is a shape file named roads.shp there must |
For example, if there is a shape file named roads.shp there must |
259 |
also be a file roads.dbf. |
also be a file roads.dbf. |
300 |
</inlinemediaobject> |
</inlinemediaobject> |
301 |
enlarges a region of the map. Clicking once on the map |
enlarges a region of the map. Clicking once on the map |
302 |
will double the magnification and center the map on the point that |
will double the magnification and center the map on the point that |
303 |
was clicked. Clicking and dragging selects a region that will |
was clicked. Clicking and dragging selects a region that will be |
304 |
enlarged to fit the window. |
enlarged to fit the window. |
305 |
</para> |
</para> |
306 |
<para> |
<para> |
374 |
rescales the viewable region so that the currently selected |
rescales the viewable region so that the currently selected |
375 |
shape fits within the window. If the shape is a point, it is |
shape fits within the window. If the shape is a point, it is |
376 |
centered and the map is zoomed all the way in. If no shape is |
centered and the map is zoomed all the way in. If no shape is |
377 |
selected this button will be disabled. |
selected this button will be disabled. This feature is especially |
378 |
helpful when identifying an object related to a selected record |
379 |
in a tableview (see below). |
380 |
381 |
</para> |
</para> |
382 |
</section> |
</section> |
383 |
395 |
</inlinemediaobject>. |
</inlinemediaobject>. |
396 |
Clicking on an object selects that object and opens a dialog which |
Clicking on an object selects that object and opens a dialog which |
397 |
shows all the table attributes for that object. Any current selection |
shows all the table attributes for that object. Any current selection |
398 |
is lost. |
is lost. Objects on the map are typically shapes and this document |
399 |
will often refer to objects as shapes. |
400 |
</para> |
</para> |
401 |
</section> |
</section> |
402 |
403 |
<section><title>Object Labelling</title> |
<section><title>Object Labeling</title> |
404 |
<para> |
<para> |
405 |
Objects can be labelled using the Label tool |
Objects can be labeled using the Label tool |
406 |
<inlinemediaobject> |
<inlinemediaobject> |
407 |
<imageobject> |
<imageobject> |
408 |
<imagedata fileref="../images/3_3_label.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/> |
<imagedata fileref="../images/3_3_label.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/> |
540 |
Double-clicking on a layer or a group of a layer will open the |
Double-clicking on a layer or a group of a layer will open the |
541 |
properties dialog for that layer. |
properties dialog for that layer. |
542 |
</para> |
</para> |
543 |
544 |
<para> |
545 |
Along the bottom of the legend is the scalebar. The scalebar |
546 |
will be available if there are any layers and the map has a |
547 |
projection set. |
548 |
</para> |
549 |
</section> |
</section> |
550 |
551 |
<section><title>Exporting</title> |
<section><title>Exporting</title> |
556 |
<menuchoice> |
<menuchoice> |
557 |
<guimenu>Map</guimenu> |
<guimenu>Map</guimenu> |
558 |
<guimenuitem>Export</guimenuitem> |
<guimenuitem>Export</guimenuitem> |
559 |
</menuchoice>. Under other platforms this option is not available. |
</menuchoice> for use in reports, presentations, or further |
560 |
Clicking this menu item open a file selection dialog that lets the |
modification. The current map view, legend, and, if available, |
561 |
user select a location to export the map. |
scalebar are exported. Under other platforms this option is not |
562 |
available. Clicking this menu item open a file selection dialog |
563 |
that lets the user select a location to export the map. |
564 |
</para> |
</para> |
565 |
</section> |
</section> |
566 |
570 |
<menuchoice> |
<menuchoice> |
571 |
<guimenu>Map</guimenu> |
<guimenu>Map</guimenu> |
572 |
<guimenuitem>Print</guimenuitem> |
<guimenuitem>Print</guimenuitem> |
573 |
</menuchoice>. A standard printing dialog will open allowing the |
</menuchoice>. The current map view, legend, and, if available, |
574 |
user to configure the printer. This dialog will differ depending |
scalebar are printed. A standard printing dialog will open allowing |
575 |
the user to configure the printer. This dialog will differ depending |
576 |
on which platform Thuban is running. |
on which platform Thuban is running. |
577 |
</para> |
</para> |
578 |
</section> |
</section> |
588 |
There are two types of layers supported by Thuban: shape layers and |
There are two types of layers supported by Thuban: shape layers and |
589 |
image layers. Shape layers consist of vector based shapes with |
image layers. Shape layers consist of vector based shapes with |
590 |
geo-referenced coordinates. There are three types of supported |
geo-referenced coordinates. There are three types of supported |
591 |
shapes: polygons, lines, and points. Image layers can be any image |
shapes: polygons, lines (arc), and points. Image layers can be any image |
592 |
file format supported by the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library |
file format supported by the Geo-spatial Data Abstraction Library |
593 |
(GDAL). The images must have geographic |
(GDAL). The images must have geographic |
594 |
coordinate data either embedded within the file or in a seperate |
coordinate data either embedded within the file or in a separate |
595 |
file that is in the same directory as the image file. GeoTIFF files |
file that is in the same directory as the image file. GeoTIFF files |
596 |
work very well with Thuban and were designed specifically to be image |
work very well with Thuban and were designed specifically to be image |
597 |
layers in GIS programs. |
layers in GIS programs. |
598 |
</para> |
</para> |
599 |
<para> |
600 |
All actions in the |
601 |
<menuchoice> |
602 |
<guimenu>Layer</guimenu> |
603 |
</menuchoice> menu act on the currently selected layer in the legend. |
604 |
</para> |
605 |
</section> |
</section> |
606 |
607 |
<section><title>Properties</title> |
<section><title>Properties</title> |
612 |
<guimenu>Layer</guimenu> |
<guimenu>Layer</guimenu> |
613 |
<guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem> |
<guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem> |
614 |
</menuchoice> opens a dialog that displays a layer's properties. |
</menuchoice> opens a dialog that displays a layer's properties. |
615 |
All layers have a title and it can be modified in the text field |
All layers have a title which can be modified in the text field |
616 |
provided. The type of layer is also shows. If the type is a type |
provided. The type of layer is also shows. If the type is a type |
617 |
of shape (polygon, arc, point) the classification table will be |
of shape (polygon, arc, point) the classification table will be |
618 |
shown. Image layers have no other properties other than title |
shown. Image layers have no other properties other than title |
704 |
<para> |
<para> |
705 |
A layer always has a classification. When a new layer is added to the |
A layer always has a classification. When a new layer is added to the |
706 |
map, a default classification is created with the DEFAULT group. This |
map, a default classification is created with the DEFAULT group. This |
707 |
group cannot be removed. Every shape in the layer, regardless of its |
group cannot be removed but can be hidden (see below). Every shape in the |
708 |
attributes, will match this group if no other group matches. |
layer, regardless of its attributes, will match this group if no other |
709 |
group matches. |
710 |
</para> |
</para> |
711 |
712 |
<section><title>Editing Classifications</title> |
<section><title>Editing Classifications</title> |
723 |
button. |
button. |
724 |
</para> |
</para> |
725 |
<para> |
<para> |
726 |
To apply the changes to the map the user can click |
727 |
either <guibutton>Try</guibutton> or <guibutton>OK</guibutton>. |
728 |
<guibutton>Try</guibutton> will not close the dialog box, allowing |
729 |
the user to see how the classification changes the map. |
730 |
<guibutton>Revert</guibutton> will undo the last classification applied |
731 |
to the map. <guibutton>OK</guibutton> will commit the changes and |
732 |
close the dialog. The user will be unable to undo the changes. |
733 |
<guibutton>Close</guibutton> simply closes the dialog box. If any |
734 |
changes have not been applied with <guibutton>Try</guibutton> the |
735 |
changes will not be applied to the map. |
736 |
</para> |
737 |
<para> |
738 |
<screenshot> |
<screenshot> |
739 |
<screeninfo>Properties Window</screeninfo> |
<screeninfo>Properties Window</screeninfo> |
740 |
<mediaobject> |
<mediaobject> |
758 |
</para> |
</para> |
759 |
<section><title>Visible</title> |
<section><title>Visible</title> |
760 |
<para> |
<para> |
761 |
The Visible column has checkboxes that determine whether a |
The Visible column has check-boxes that determine whether a |
762 |
classification group will be displayed in the legend. This is |
classification group will be displayed in the legend. This is |
763 |
useful if the user knows that the groups completely cover |
useful if the user knows that the groups completely cover |
764 |
the data set and don't want the DEFAULT group to be displayed |
the data set and don't want the DEFAULT group to be displayed |
790 |
If the type is Integer, then any valid integer may be entered. In |
If the type is Integer, then any valid integer may be entered. In |
791 |
addition, with special syntax, a range of values can be entered. |
addition, with special syntax, a range of values can be entered. |
792 |
A range from <varname>start</varname> to <varname>end</varname> |
A range from <varname>start</varname> to <varname>end</varname> |
793 |
inclusive is specifed like this: <literal>[start;end]</literal>. |
inclusive is specified like this: <literal>[start;end]</literal>. |
794 |
The exclusive range is specified like this: |
The exclusive range is specified like this: |
795 |
<literal>]start;end[</literal>. Ranges can include infinity like |
<literal>]start;end[</literal>. Ranges can include infinity like |
796 |
this: <literal>[-oo;oo]</literal>. Field types can also be of type |
this: <literal>[-oo;oo]</literal>. Field types can also be of type |
825 |
classification at once while still giving the user control over |
classification at once while still giving the user control over |
826 |
how it appears. Clicking <guibutton>Generate Class</guibutton> |
how it appears. Clicking <guibutton>Generate Class</guibutton> |
827 |
opens the <varname>Generate Classification</varname> dialog. |
opens the <varname>Generate Classification</varname> dialog. |
828 |
Under the <varname>Generate</varname> pulldown there are at most |
Under the <varname>Generate</varname> pull down there are at most |
829 |
three different ways to generate classifications: |
three different ways to generate classifications: |
830 |
Unique Values, Unique Distribution, and Quantiles. Some options |
Unique Values, Uniform Distribution, and Quantiles. Some options |
831 |
may not be available if the data type for the field does not |
may not be available if the data type for the field does not |
832 |
support them. For instance, <varname>Unique Distribution</varname> |
support them. For instance, <varname>Uniform Distribution</varname> |
833 |
doesn't make sense for a Text field. |
doesn't make sense for a Text field. |
834 |
</para> |
</para> |
835 |
<para> |
<para> |
841 |
properties of the first group and the one on the right has the |
properties of the first group and the one on the right has the |
842 |
properties of the last group. Thuban will interpolate between these |
properties of the last group. Thuban will interpolate between these |
843 |
two properties to generate the other groups. |
two properties to generate the other groups. |
844 |
<screenshot> |
845 |
<screeninfo>Custom Color Scheme</screeninfo> |
846 |
<mediaobject> |
847 |
<imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/5_2_custom_ramp.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject> |
848 |
<imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/5_2_custom_ramp.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject> |
849 |
<textobject><phrase>Custom Color Scheme</phrase></textobject> |
850 |
<caption><para>Custom Color Scheme</para></caption> |
851 |
</mediaobject> |
852 |
</screenshot> |
853 |
</para> |
</para> |
854 |
<para> |
<para> |
855 |
The Unique Values option lets the user select specific values that |
The Unique Values option lets the user select specific values that |
859 |
right. Each list can be sorted or reversed for easier searching. |
right. Each list can be sorted or reversed for easier searching. |
860 |
The classification that is generated will be in the same order as |
The classification that is generated will be in the same order as |
861 |
the list on the right. |
the list on the right. |
862 |
<screenshot> |
863 |
<screeninfo>Unique Values</screeninfo> |
864 |
<mediaobject> |
865 |
<imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/5_2_unique_values.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject> |
866 |
<imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/5_2_unique_values.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject> |
867 |
<textobject><phrase>Unique Values</phrase></textobject> |
868 |
<caption><para>Unique Values Classification</para></caption> |
869 |
</mediaobject> |
870 |
</screenshot> |
871 |
</para> |
</para> |
872 |
<para> |
<para> |
873 |
The Unique Distribution option creates a user specified number of |
The Uniform Distribution option creates a user specified number of |
874 |
groups of ranges such that each range covers equal intervals. The |
groups of ranges such that each range covers equal intervals. The |
875 |
minimum and maximum values can automatically be retrieved from the |
minimum and maximum values can automatically be retrieved from the |
876 |
table by clicking <guibutton>Retrieve From Table</guibutton>. The |
table by clicking <guibutton>Retrieve From Table</guibutton>. The |
877 |
stepping is how large each interval is. Adjusting this value will |
stepping is how large each interval is. Adjusting this value will |
878 |
automatically recalculate how many groups is appropriate. |
automatically recalculate how many groups is appropriate. |
879 |
<screenshot> |
880 |
<screeninfo>Uniform Distribution</screeninfo> |
881 |
<mediaobject> |
882 |
<imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/5_2_uniform_dist.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject> |
883 |
<imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/5_2_uniform_dist.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject> |
884 |
<textobject><phrase>Uniform Distribution</phrase></textobject> |
885 |
<caption><para>Uniform Distribution Classification</para></caption> |
886 |
</mediaobject> |
887 |
</screenshot> |
888 |
</para> |
</para> |
889 |
<para> |
<para> |
890 |
The Quantiles option generates ranges based on the number of items |
The Quantiles option generates ranges based on the number of items |
891 |
in the input set. For example, by specifying five groups Thuban will |
in the table. For example, by specifying five groups Thuban will |
892 |
generate five groups with appropriate ranges such that 20% of the table |
generate five groups with appropriate ranges such that 20% of the table |
893 |
data is in each group. If it is impossible to generate exact |
data is in each group. If it is impossible to generate exact |
894 |
groupings, Thuban will issue a warning but allow the user to continue. |
groupings, Thuban will issue a warning but allow the user to continue. |
895 |
<screenshot> |
896 |
<screeninfo>Quantiles</screeninfo> |
897 |
<mediaobject> |
898 |
<imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/5_2_quantiles.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject> |
899 |
<imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/5_2_quantiles.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject> |
900 |
<textobject><phrase>Quantiles</phrase></textobject> |
901 |
<caption><para>Quantiles Classification</para></caption> |
902 |
</mediaobject> |
903 |
</screenshot> |
904 |
</para> |
</para> |
905 |
</section> |
</section> |
906 |
</chapter> |
</chapter> |
959 |
list of available projections as a new entry, and thus makes it |
list of available projections as a new entry, and thus makes it |
960 |
available to future Thuban sessions. Clicking <guibutton>New</guibutton> |
available to future Thuban sessions. Clicking <guibutton>New</guibutton> |
961 |
will create an entirely new, empty projection. The |
will create an entirely new, empty projection. The |
962 |
<guibutton>Remove</guibutton> button will permanantly remove a |
<guibutton>Remove</guibutton> button will permanently remove a |
963 |
projection from the list of available projections. |
projection from the list of available projections. |
964 |
</para> |
</para> |
965 |
<para> |
966 |
To apply the selected projection to the map the user can click |
967 |
either <guibutton>Try</guibutton> or <guibutton>OK</guibutton>. |
968 |
<guibutton>Try</guibutton> will not close the dialog box, allowing |
969 |
the user to see how the projeciton changes the map. |
970 |
<guibutton>Revert</guibutton> will undo the last projection applied |
971 |
to the map. <guibutton>OK</guibutton> will commit the changes and |
972 |
close the dialog. The user will be unable to undo the changes. |
973 |
<guibutton>Close</guibutton> simply closes the dialog box. If no |
974 |
selection has been applied with <guibutton>Try</guibutton> the |
975 |
selection will not be applied to the map. |
976 |
</para> |
977 |
</section> |
</section> |
978 |
<section><title>Importing/Exporting Projections</title> |
<section><title>Importing/Exporting Projections</title> |
979 |
<para> |
<para> |
1012 |
</para> |
</para> |
1013 |
<para> |
<para> |
1014 |
Thuban provides a standard dialog to display table contents, the |
Thuban provides a standard dialog to display table contents, the |
1015 |
Table View. The view falls has five sections: The title, selections, |
Table View. The view has five sections: The title, selections, |
1016 |
the table grid, export functions, and the status bar. |
the table grid, export functions, and the status bar. |
1017 |
</para> |
</para> |
1018 |
<para> |
<para> |
1025 |
third choice can be either a specific value (interpreted as numerical |
third choice can be either a specific value (interpreted as numerical |
1026 |
or string depending on the type of the first field) or a second field |
or string depending on the type of the first field) or a second field |
1027 |
identifier. Thus you can perform analysis like selecting all |
identifier. Thus you can perform analysis like selecting all |
1028 |
records where "population > 10000" or |
records where <literal>population > 10000</literal> or |
1029 |
"cars_per_inhabitant < bikes_per_inhabitant" (note that the field names |
<literal>cars_per_inhabitant < bikes_per_inhabitant</literal> |
1030 |
are only explanatory, the dBASE files allow only |
(note that the field names are only explanatory, the dBase files |
1031 |
11 character field names). |
allow only 11 character field names). |
1032 |
1033 |
Selections can be combined either by applying a selection only on |
Selections can be combined either by applying a selection only on |
1034 |
a previously selected set of records or by adding the results of a |
a previously selected set of records or by adding the results of a |
1036 |
earlier results. |
earlier results. |
1037 |
</para> |
</para> |
1038 |
<para> |
<para> |
1039 |
The table grid shows the contents of the table (a record per column), |
The table grid shows the contents of the table (one record per row), |
1040 |
with highlighted selection results. Columns and rows can be resized. |
with highlighted selection results. Columns and rows can be resized. |
1041 |
</para> |
</para> |
1042 |
<para> |
<para> |
1043 |
The contents of a table can be exported into a file, either dBASE |
The contents of a table can be exported into a file, either dBase |
1044 |
format (DBF) or comma seperated values (CSV). The |
format (DBF) or comma separated values (CSV). The |
1045 |
<guibutton>Export</guibutton> button |
<guibutton>Export</guibutton> button |
1046 |
raises a file dialog to specify a path and file name, the export type |
raises a file dialog to specify a path and file name, the export type |
1047 |
is determined by the file extension (either .dbf or .csv). |
is determined by the file extension (either .dbf or .csv). |
1076 |
<guimenuitem>Open</guimenuitem> |
<guimenuitem>Open</guimenuitem> |
1077 |
</menuchoice> |
</menuchoice> |
1078 |
item raises a file dialog to let you select a |
item raises a file dialog to let you select a |
1079 |
dBASE file from the file system to be loaded into Thuban read-only. |
dBase file from the file system to be loaded into Thuban read-only. |
1080 |
On <guibutton>OK</guibutton> the selected file is loaded and a |
On <guibutton>OK</guibutton> the selected file is loaded and a |
1081 |
table view is opened. |
table view is opened. |
1082 |
</para> |
</para> |
1163 |
</section> |
</section> |
1164 |
<section><title>Attribute Tables</title> |
<section><title>Attribute Tables</title> |
1165 |
<para> |
<para> |
1166 |
To clearly separate between both types, Thuban provides |
To clearly separate between both types of tables (data and |
1167 |
functionality regarding the attribute tables under the Layer menu. |
attribute), Thuban provides functionality regarding the attribute |
1168 |
tables under the <menuchoice><guimenu>Layer</guimenu></menuchoice> menu. |
1169 |
</para> |
</para> |
1170 |
1171 |
<section><title>Show Table</title> |
<section><title>Show Table</title> |
1204 |
normal tables can be simply closed (and thereby dereferencing |
normal tables can be simply closed (and thereby dereferencing |
1205 |
the source tables), this is not possible for attribute tables. |
the source tables), this is not possible for attribute tables. |
1206 |
1207 |
Hence joins on attribute tables must be solved explicitely. This is |
Hence joins on attribute tables must be solved explicitly. This is |
1208 |
what the |
what the |
1209 |
<menuchoice> |
<menuchoice> |
1210 |
<guimenu>Layer</guimenu> |
<guimenu>Layer</guimenu> |
1219 |
1220 |
<chapter><title>Trouble Shooting</title> |
<chapter><title>Trouble Shooting</title> |
1221 |
<para> |
<para> |
1222 |
Here are a few problems that users have encountered when first using Thuban. |
1223 |
</para> |
</para> |
1224 |
<para> |
1225 |
<variablelist> |
<variablelist> |
1226 |
1227 |
<varlistentry> |
<varlistentry> |
1228 |
<term>After adding two or more layers nothing is being drawn in the |
<term>After adding two or more layers nothing is drawn in the map window. |
map window. |
1229 |
</term> |
</term> |
1230 |
<listitem> |
<listitem> |
1231 |
<para> |
<para> |
1232 |
This is probably because the layers have different projections. Projections |
This is probably because the layers have different projections. Projections |
1233 |
must be set on all layers and on the map itself if the layer's projections |
must be set on all layers and on the map itself if the layers' projections |
1234 |
are different. |
are different. |
1235 |
</para> |
</para> |
1236 |
</listitem> |
</listitem> |
1264 |
</listitem> |
</listitem> |
1265 |
</varlistentry> |
</varlistentry> |
1266 |
</variablelist> |
</variablelist> |
1267 |
</para> |
1268 |
<para> |
1269 |
If an error occurs Thuban will display a dialog indicating the error |
1270 |
before closing. The text should be copied and reported to the |
1271 |
<ulink url="http://thuban.intevation.org/bugtracker.html"> |
1272 |
Intevation bugtracker |
1273 |
</ulink>. |
1274 |
More information about the system is available from |
1275 |
<menuchoice><guimenu>Help</guimenu><guimenuitem>About</guimenuitem></menuchoice> box. |
1276 |
This should also be included in the bug report. |
1277 |
<screenshot> |
1278 |
<screeninfo>Error Dialog</screeninfo> |
1279 |
<mediaobject> |
1280 |
<imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/8_int_error.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject> |
1281 |
<imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/8_int_error.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject> |
1282 |
<textobject><phrase>Error Dialog</phrase></textobject> |
1283 |
<caption><para>Error Dialog</para></caption> |
1284 |
</mediaobject> |
1285 |
</screenshot> |
1286 |
</para> |
1287 |
1288 |
</chapter> |
</chapter> |
1289 |
1307 |
</varlistentry> |
</varlistentry> |
1308 |
1309 |
<varlistentry> |
<varlistentry> |
1310 |
<term>dBASE file</term> |
<term>dBase file</term> |
1311 |
<listitem> |
<listitem> |
1312 |
<para> |
<para> |
1313 |
dBASE files are used to store the attributes for each layer. This |
dBase files are used to store the attributes for each layer. This |
1314 |
is closely associated with the Shapefile format. For detailed |
is closely associated with the Shapefile format. For detailed |
1315 |
specifications on the correct format of a dBASE file used with |
specifications on the correct format of a dBase file used with |
1316 |
Thuban please see the Technical Specification for the Shapefile |
Thuban please see the Technical Specification for the Shapefile |
1317 |
format above. |
format above. |
1318 |
</para> |
</para> |
1327 |
The following types of projections are directly support by |
The following types of projections are directly support by |
1328 |
Thuban. The specific values for each are provided by the user |
Thuban. The specific values for each are provided by the user |
1329 |
to create custom projections. Thuban comes with predefined |
to create custom projections. Thuban comes with predefined |
1330 |
projections and are available through the Projections dialog. |
projections which are available through the Projections dialog. |
1331 |
</para> |
</para> |
1332 |
<variablelist> |
<variablelist> |
1333 |
<varlistentry> |
<varlistentry> |
1334 |
<term>Geographic</term> |
<term>Geographic</term> |
1335 |
<listitem><para></para></listitem> |
<listitem><para><literal>Ellipsoid</literal></para> |
1336 |
<para><literal>Source Data</literal>: either Degrees or Radians |
1337 |
</para></listitem> |
1338 |
</varlistentry> |
</varlistentry> |
1339 |
<varlistentry> |
<varlistentry> |
1340 |
<term>Lambert Conic Conformal</term> |
<term>Lambert Conic Conformal</term> |
1341 |
<listitem><para></para></listitem> |
<listitem><para><literal>Ellipsoid</literal></para> |
1342 |
<para><literal>Latitude of 1st standard parallel</literal></para> |
1343 |
<para><literal>Latitude of 2nd standard parallel</literal></para> |
1344 |
<para><literal>Central Meridian</literal></para> |
1345 |
<para><literal>Latitude of Origin</literal></para> |
1346 |
<para><literal>False Easting</literal> (meters)</para> |
1347 |
<para><literal>False Northing</literal> (meters)</para></listitem> |
1348 |
</varlistentry> |
</varlistentry> |
1349 |
<varlistentry> |
<varlistentry> |
1350 |
<term>Transverse Mercator</term> |
<term>Transverse Mercator</term> |
1351 |
<listitem><para></para></listitem> |
<listitem><para><literal>Ellipsoid</literal></para> |
1352 |
<para><literal>Latitude</literal>of origin</para> |
1353 |
<para><literal>Longitude</literal>at central meridian</para> |
1354 |
<para><literal>Scale Factor</literal>at central meridian</para> |
1355 |
<para><literal>False Easting</literal> (meters)</para> |
1356 |
<para><literal>False Northing</literal> (meters)</para></listitem> |
1357 |
</varlistentry> |
</varlistentry> |
1358 |
<varlistentry> |
<varlistentry> |
1359 |
<term>Universal Transverse Mercator</term> |
<term>Universal Transverse Mercator</term> |
1360 |
<listitem><para></para></listitem> |
<listitem><para><literal>Ellipsoid</literal></para> |
1361 |
<para><literal>Zone</literal> |
1362 |
(can be guessed appling the Propose button)</para> |
1363 |
<para><literal>Southern Hemisphere</literal> flag</para></listitem> |
1364 |
</varlistentry> |
</varlistentry> |
1365 |
</variablelist> |
</variablelist> |
1366 |
1367 |
<para> |
1368 |
Thuban comes with a sample set of map projections for various |
1369 |
European countries. Apart from the basic projection they differ |
1370 |
especially in their parameterization: |
1371 |
</para> |
1372 |
<variablelist> |
1373 |
<varlistentry><term>Belgium Datum 1972 (Lambert Conic Conformal)</term> |
1374 |
<listitem><para></para></listitem> |
1375 |
</varlistentry> |
1376 |
1377 |
<varlistentry><term>Gauss-Boaga Zone 1 (Italy, Transverse Mercartor)</term> |
1378 |
<listitem><para></para></listitem> |
1379 |
</varlistentry> |
1380 |
1381 |
<varlistentry><term>Gauss-Krueger Zone 2 (Germany, Transverse Mercartor) |
1382 |
</term> |
1383 |
<listitem><para></para></listitem> |
1384 |
</varlistentry> |
1385 |
1386 |
<varlistentry><term>Reseau Geodesique Francaise |
1387 |
(France, Lambert Conic Conformal)</term> |
1388 |
<listitem><para></para></listitem> |
1389 |
</varlistentry> |
1390 |
1391 |
<varlistentry><term>UK National Grid (United Kingdom, Transverse Mercartor) |
1392 |
</term> |
1393 |
<listitem><para></para></listitem> |
1394 |
</varlistentry> |
1395 |
</variablelist> |
1396 |
1397 |
<para> |
1398 |
Thuban uses the comprehensive PROJ library for projections. PROJ provides |
1399 |
more than the four commonly used projections described above. If needed |
1400 |
Thuban can be easily extended to a new projection covered by PROJ. |
1401 |
</para> |
1402 |
</appendix> |
</appendix> |
1403 |
1404 |
</book> |
</book> |
1405 |