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Revision 1475 - (show annotations)
Thu Jul 24 11:19:51 2003 UTC (21 years, 7 months ago) by jonathan
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Chapter on Projection Management.

1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE book
3 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
4 "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd">
5 <!-- $Revision$ -->
6 <book>
7 <bookinfo>
8 <title>Thuban Manual</title>
9 <author>
10 <firstname>Jonathan</firstname><surname>Coles</surname>
11 </author>
12 <author>
13 <firstname>Jan-Oliver</firstname><surname>Wagner</surname>
14 </author>
15 <copyright>
16 <year>2003</year>
17 <holder>Intevation GmbH</holder>
18 </copyright>
19 </bookinfo>
21 <chapter><title>Introduction</title>
22 <para>
23 Thuban is a Free Software Geographic Information Systems (GIS) viewer.
24 It is being developed because there is currently no simple interactive
25 viewer for geographic information available as Free Software. Thuban is
26 written in Python and C++ and uses the wxWindows library allowing it to
27 run on many different platforms, including GNU/Linux and Windows.
28 </para>
29 <para>
30 GIS viewers are a necessary tool as they allow one to get a visual
31 impression of the positional relationship of the information that may not
32 be apparent from simple inspection of the data values themselves.
33 Thuban allows the user to create a session that displays
34 geographic data and then explore that data through navigation and
35 manipulation of how it is drawn. The results can then be saved or printed.
36 </para>
37 <para>
38 Thuban arranges a session in a hierarchy. A session contains a map which
39 consists of layers. Each layer represents one kind of data set. For
40 instance, there may be a layer for roads and another layer for buildings.
41 These layers can either be vector shapes or images.
42 </para>
44 <section><title>Installation</title>
45 <para>
46 Thuban is actively supported under Debian Testing (sarge), RedHat 7.2,
47 and Windows 2000. All the necessary files can be found on the
48 <ulink url="http://thuban.intevation.org/download.html">
49 Thuban Download site
50 </ulink>.
51 </para>
52 </section>
54 <section><title>The Main Window</title>
55 <para>
56 <screenshot>
57 <screeninfo>The Main Window</screeninfo>
58 <mediaobject>
59 <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="../images/1_2_mainwindow.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject>
60 <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="./images/1_2_mainwindow.ps" format="EPS"/> </imageobject>
61 <textobject><phrase>The Main Window</phrase></textobject>
62 <caption><para>The Main Window</para></caption>
63 </mediaobject>
64 </screenshot>
65 </para>
67 <para>
68 The map window shows the current state of the map and is where
69 the user can interact with the map using the tools.
70 </para>
72 <para>
73 The legend on the left displays a list of the current layers and
74 any visible classification groups. In the example, each shape layer
75 has a default classification which specifies how the shapes in each
76 layer are drawn. Layers that are higher in the list appear
77 ``closer'' to the user. The legend can be closed by clicking on the
78 small X in the upper right-hand region of the legend.
79 To open it again, use
80 <menuchoice>
81 <guimenu>Map</guimenu>
82 <guimenuitem>Legend</guimenuitem>
83 </menuchoice>.
84 The legend is also dockable, which means that it can be detached
85 from the main window by clicking on the small button next to the
86 close button. It can be attached by clicking the same button
87 again.
88 </para>
89 <para>
90 The status bar displays different information depending on the
91 current context. If the user is selecting an item from the menu
92 then the status bar will display a short help message indicating
93 what each menu item is for. If the user has a tool selected then
94 the position of the cursor on the map is displayed.
95 </para>
96 <para>
97 The tool bar provides quick access to the commonly needed tools.
98 By hovering over each button the user can see a short messages
99 describing what the tool does. The tools provided are Zoom In, Zoom
100 Out, Pan, Full Extent, Full Layer Extent, Full Shape Extent, Indentify,
101 and Label. Each of the tools will be explained in further detail later
102 in the manual.
103 </para>
104 </section>
106 </chapter>
108 <chapter><title>Session Management</title>
110 <section><title>Starting a New Session</title>
111 <para>
112 A new session can be started from
113 <menuchoice>
114 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
115 <guimenuitem>New Session</guimenuitem>
116 </menuchoice>.
118 If a session is already loaded and has been modified without
119 being saved a prompt will ask if the current session should
120 be saved.
122 </para>
123 </section>
125 <section><title>Opening a Session</title>
126 <para>
127 A session can be opened from
128 <menuchoice>
129 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
130 <guimenuitem>Open Session</guimenuitem>
131 </menuchoice>.
133 If a session is already loaded and has been modified without
134 being saved a prompt will ask if the current session should
135 be saved.
136 </para>
137 </section>
139 <section><title>Saving a Session</title>
140 <para>
141 A session can be saved from
142 <menuchoice>
143 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
144 <guimenuitem>Save Session</guimenuitem>
145 </menuchoice>.
147 </para>
148 </section>
150 <section><title>The Session Info-Tree</title>
151 <para>
152 (primarily for developers)
153 </para>
154 </section>
155 </chapter>
157 <chapter><title>Map Management</title>
158 <para>
159 The map consists of a number of layers where each layer represents a
160 different type of data set. By interacting with the map the user can
161 visually explore the data.
162 </para>
164 <section><title>Adding and Removing Layers</title>
165 <para>
166 There are two types of layers that can use added to a map: shape layers
167 and image layers. Shape layers are stored in Shapefile format, a
168 standard file format for storing geographic objects. Normally, these
169 files have the extension ``.shp''. Associated with
170 the object information is a database file which stores attributes for
171 each shape in the Shapefile. This file, stored in DB2 format, usually
172 has the extension ``.dbf''. Both files should have the same base name.
173 For example, if there is a Shapefile named roads.shp there should
174 also be a file roads.dbf.
175 </para>
176 <para>
177 Shape layers can be added to the map with
178 <menuchoice>
179 <guimenu>Map</guimenu>
180 <guimenuitem>Add Layer</guimenuitem>
181 </menuchoice>.
182 Thuban will load all files with the same base name, so it doesn't
183 matter if the Shapefile or database file is selected.
184 </para>
186 <para>
187 Image layers can be added to the map with
188 <menuchoice>
189 <guimenu>Map</guimenu>
190 <guimenuitem>Add Image Layer</guimenuitem>
191 </menuchoice>.
192 It is important to select a valid image file that has geographic
193 data associated with it. This can be embedded in the file itself,
194 or in another file. If geographic information cannot be found, Thuban
195 will report an error.
196 </para>
197 </section>
199 <section><title>Navigation</title>
200 <para>
201 The map can be explored by using the navigation tools available on
202 the tool bar, or from the
203 <menuchoice><guimenu>Map</guimenu></menuchoice> menu.
204 </para>
205 <para>
206 The ZoomIn tool
207 <inlinemediaobject>
208 <imageobject>
209 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_zoomin.png" format="PNG"/>
210 </imageobject>
211 <imageobject>
212 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_zoomin.eps" format="EPS"/>
213 </imageobject>
214 <textobject> <phrase>ZoomIn Tool</phrase> </textobject>
215 </inlinemediaobject>
216 can be used to enlarge a region of the map. Clicking once on the map
217 will double the magnification and center the map on the point that
218 was clicked. Clicking and dragging lets the user select a region
219 to be enlarged to fit the window.
220 </para>
221 <para>
222 The ZoomOut tool
223 <inlinemediaobject>
224 <imageobject>
225 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_zoomout.png" format="PNG"/>
226 </imageobject>
227 <imageobject>
228 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_zoomout.eps" format="EPS"/>
229 </imageobject>
230 <textobject> <phrase>ZoomOut Tool</phrase> </textobject>
231 </inlinemediaobject>
232 shrinks the map so that a larger region is visible. A single click
233 reduces the magnification by a factor of two. Clicking and dragging
234 selects a box such that the current contents of the window will be
235 scaled to fit into that box.
236 </para>
237 <para>
238 The Pan tool
239 <inlinemediaobject>
240 <imageobject>
241 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_pan.png" format="PNG"/>
242 </imageobject>
243 <imageobject>
244 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_pan.eps" format="EPS"/>
245 </imageobject>
246 <textobject> <phrase>Pan Tool</phrase> </textobject>
247 </inlinemediaobject>
248 allows the user to move the map around by clicking and dragging.
249 </para>
250 <para>
251 The Full Extent tool
252 <inlinemediaobject>
253 <imageobject>
254 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_fullextent.png" format="PNG"/>
255 </imageobject>
256 <imageobject>
257 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_fullextent.eps" format="EPS"/>
258 </imageobject>
259 <textobject> <phrase>Full Extent Tool</phrase> </textobject>
260 </inlinemediaobject>
261 rescales the viewable region so that the entire map is visible.
262 </para>
263 <para>
264 The Full Layer Extent tool
265 <inlinemediaobject>
266 <imageobject>
267 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_fulllayerextent.png" format="PNG"/>
268 </imageobject>
269 <imageobject>
270 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_fulllayerextent.eps" format="EPS"/>
271 </imageobject>
272 <textobject> <phrase>Full Layer Extent Tool</phrase> </textobject>
273 </inlinemediaobject>
274 rescales the viewable region so that the currently selected
275 layer fits within the window. If no layer is selected this button
276 will be disabled.
277 </para>
278 <para>
279 The Full Shape Extent tool
280 <inlinemediaobject>
281 <imageobject>
282 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_fullshapeextent.png" format="PNG"/>
283 </imageobject>
284 <imageobject>
285 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_fullshapeextent.eps" format="EPS"/>
286 </imageobject>
287 <textobject> <phrase>Full Shape Extent Tool</phrase> </textobject>
288 </inlinemediaobject>
289 rescales the viewable region so that the currently selected
290 shape fits within the window. If the shape is a point, it is
291 centered and the map is zoomed all the way in. If no shape is
292 selected this button will be disabled.
293 </para>
294 </section>
296 <section><title>Object Identification</title>
297 <para>
298 Objects on the map can be identified using the Identify tool
299 <inlinemediaobject>
300 <imageobject>
301 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_3_identify.png" format="PNG"/>
302 </imageobject>
303 <imageobject>
304 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_3_identify.eps" format="EPS"/>
305 </imageobject>
306 <textobject> <phrase>Identify Tool</phrase> </textobject>
307 </inlinemediaobject>.
308 Clicking on an object selects that object and opens a dialog which
309 shows all the table attributes for that object. Any current selection
310 is lost.
311 </para>
312 </section>
314 <section><title>Object Labelling</title>
315 <para>
316 Objects can be labelled using the Label tool
317 <inlinemediaobject>
318 <imageobject>
319 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_3_label.png" format="PNG"/>
320 </imageobject>
321 <imageobject>
322 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_3_label.eps" format="EPS"/>
323 </imageobject>
324 <textobject> <phrase>Label Tool</phrase> </textobject>
325 </inlinemediaobject>.
326 Clicking on an object selects that object and opens a dialog which
327 displays the table attributes for that object. An attribute can
328 be selected to be the label on the map. Using this tool for an
329 object that already has a label will remove the label.
330 </para>
331 </section>
333 <section><title>The Legend</title>
334 <para>
335 The Legend provides an overview of the layers in the map. Layers
336 that appear higher in the legend will appear ``closer'' to the user.
337 If a layer supports classification (currently, only shape layers
338 have this feature) then the classification groups will be shown
339 below each layer. The properties for each group are also displayed
340 with a small graphic. Polygon layers appear as rectangles, lines
341 appear as curved lines, and points appear as circles.
342 </para>
343 <para>
344 Along the top of the legend is a toolbar which allows quick access
345 to some of the layer manipulation options under
346 <menuchoice> <guimenu>Map</guimenu> </menuchoice>.
348 Double-clicking on a layer or a group of a layer will open the
349 properties dialog for that layer.
350 </para>
351 </section>
353 <section><title>Printing</title>
354 <para>
355 The map can be printed using
356 <menuchoice>
357 <guimenu>Map</guimenu>
358 <guimenuitem>Print</guimenuitem>
359 </menuchoice>. A standard printing dialog will open allowing the
360 user to configure the printer.
361 </para>
362 </section>
363 </chapter>
365 <chapter><title>Layer Management</title>
366 <para>
367 </para>
369 <section><title>Types of Layers</title>
370 <para>
371 There are two types of layers supported by Thuban: shape layers and
372 image layers. Shape layers consist of vector based shapes with
373 geo-referenced coordinates. There are three types of supported
374 shapes: polygons, lines, and points. Image layers can be any image
375 file format supported by GDAL. The images must have geographic
376 coordinate data either embedded within the file, or in a seperate
377 file that is in the same directory as the image file. GeoTIFF files
378 work very well with Thuban and were designed specifically to be image
379 layers in GIS programs.
380 </para>
381 </section>
383 <section><title>Properties</title>
384 <para>
385 Each shape in a shape layer can have various properties which control
386 how it is drawn on the map. Polygons and points can be drawn with an
387 outline color and a fill color, while lines have only a line color.
388 </para>
389 </section>
391 <section><title>Visibility</title>
392 <para>
393 Sometimes it is not desirable to view all layers at the same time.
394 Some layers may take a long time to draw and so while navigating
395 around the map the user may not want to wait for the map to redraw
396 each time the map is changed. Each layer can be independently
397 turned on or off using the
398 <menuchoice>
399 <guimenu>Layer</guimenu>
400 <guimenuitem>Show</guimenuitem>
401 </menuchoice>
402 or
403 <menuchoice>
404 <guimenu>Layer</guimenu>
405 <guimenuitem>Hide</guimenuitem>
406 </menuchoice> options respectively.
407 </para>
408 </section>
410 <section><title>Sequence</title>
411 <para>
412 </para>
413 </section>
415 <section><title>Duplication</title>
416 <para>
417 Layers and all their properties, including classifications, can
418 be duplicated using
419 <menuchoice>
420 <guimenu>Layer</guimenu>
421 <guimenuitem>Duplicate</guimenuitem>
422 </menuchoice>. Duplicating a layer is useful if the user wishes
423 to model a layer in several different ways. Even though the layers
424 overlap by carefully selecting the shape properties it is possible
425 to display several pieces of information at once. For example, one
426 copy of a roads layer may be classified on a length property and
427 another copy may be classified on a type property. if the length
428 property was expressed with color and the type property expressed
429 with line thickness then it would be possible to view both
430 classifications by placing the type property copy over the
431 length property copy.
432 </para>
433 </section>
435 </chapter>
437 <chapter><title>Layer Classifications</title>
438 <para>
439 A layer classification is a way of assigning drawing properties to
440 groups of shapes based on attributes stored in the layer's table.
441 Only layer's with shapes can have a classification; image layers
442 cannot be classified.
443 </para>
444 <para>
445 A classification consists of a number of groups, with each group
446 having a value or range of values to match against, and symbol
447 properties which control how a shape is drawn on the map. The user
448 selects which field in the table is used by the classification and
449 when the map is drawn the value for that field for each shape is
450 compared with each group's value. The properties of the first group
451 to match are used to draw the shape. This allows the user to get a
452 visual impression of not only how the data is laid out but also what
453 kind of data lies where.
454 </para>
455 <para>
456 A layer always has a classification. When a new layer is added to the
457 map, a default classification is created with the DEFAULT group. This
458 group cannot be removed. Every shape in the layer, regardless of its
459 attributes, will match this group.
460 </para>
462 <section><title>Editing Classifications</title>
463 <para>
464 A layer's classification can be modified under the properties dialog
465 (<menuchoice>
466 <guimenu>Layer</guimenu>
467 <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem>
468 </menuchoice>). The layer's classification field can be set to None,
469 which simply assigns a DEFAULT group to the classification. No new
470 groups can be added to the classification if the field is None.
471 The user must first select a field to classify on. New groups can
472 be added to the classification with the <guibutton>Add</guibutton>
473 button.
474 </para>
475 <para>
476 The order of the groups in the classification is significant
477 except for the DEFAULT group, which remains at the top. When shapes
478 are matched against groups the matching begins at the first group
479 other than the DEFAULT group so that groups higher in the list will
480 be checked first. Matching for a
481 given shape will stop at the first group that matches. The user can
482 use <guibutton>Move Up</guibutton> and <guibutton>Move Down</guibutton>
483 to change the order of the groups. The DEFAULT group will always
484 match a shape that hasn't matched another group.
485 </para>
486 <para>
487 The Value column of the classification table is the value that will
488 be matched when the map is being drawn. The type of data that can
489 entered into this field depends on the type of data of the
490 classification field.
491 </para>
492 <para>
493 If the field is of type Text, anything entered
494 into the field is valid. The text will be compared literally to the
495 value of the shape attribute, including case sensitivity.
496 If the type is Integer, then any valid integer may be entered. In
497 addition, with special syntax, a range of values can be entered.
498 A range from <varname>start</varname> to <varname>end</varname>
499 inclusive is specifed like this: <literal>[start;end]</literal>.
500 The exclusive range is specified like this:
501 <literal>]start;end[</literal>. Ranges can include infinity like
502 this: <literal>[-oo;oo]</literal>. Field types can also be of type
503 Decimal. They represent any rational number and can be used in ranges
504 as well.
505 </para>
506 </section>
508 <section><title>Symbols</title>
509 <para>
510 Each type of shape has its own type of symbol. Thuban supports three
511 types of shapes: polygons, lines, and points. Polygons and points have
512 outline and fill color, while lines have only line color. Each group
513 has associated symbol properties. To edit the symbol properties for a
514 group the user can double click on the Symbol column or select a
515 group and click the <guibutton>Edit Symbol</guibutton> button.
516 </para>
517 </section>
519 <section><title>Generating Classes</title>
520 <para>
521 Creating a classification by hand can be tedious.
522 Thuban, therefore, provides a means of generating an entire
523 classification at once while still giving the user control over
524 how it appears. Clicking <guibutton>Generate Class</guibutton>
525 opens the <varname>Generate Classification</varname> dialog.
526 Under the <varname>Generate</varname> pulldown there are at most
527 three different ways to generate classifications:
528 Unique Values, Unique Distribution, and Quantiles. Some options
529 may not be available if they data type for the field does not
530 support them. For instance, <varname>Unique Distribution</varname>
531 doesn't make sense for a Text field.
532 </para>
533 <para>
534 For every way of generating a classification, a color scheme must
535 be selected. Thuban provides several different color schemes that
536 affect how the group properties change over the classification.
537 It is also possible to create a custom color scheme. Selecting
538 this option will display two symbols: the one of the left has the
539 properties of the first group and the one on the right has the
540 properties of the last group. Thuban will interpolate between these
541 two properties to generate the other groups.
542 </para>
543 <para>
544 The Unique Values option lets the user select specific values that
545 appear in the table. Clicking <guibutton>Retrieve From Table</guibutton>
546 searches the table for all unique values and displays them in the
547 list on the left. Items can be selected and moved to the list on the
548 right. Each list can be sorted or reversed for easier searching.
549 The classification that is generated will be in the same order as
550 the list on the right.
551 </para>
552 <para>
553 The Unique Distribution option creates a user specified number of
554 groups of ranges such that each range covers equal intervals. The
555 minimum and maximum values can automatically be retrieved from the
556 table by clicking <guibutton>Retrieve From Table</guibutton>. The
557 stepping is how large each interval is. Adjusting this value will
558 automatically recalculate how many groups is appropriate.
559 </para>
560 <para>
561 The Quantiles option generates ranges based on the number items
562 in the input set. For example, by specifying 5 groups Thuban will
563 generate groups with appropriate ranges such that 20% of the table
564 data is in each group. If it is impossible to generate exact
565 grouping, Thuban will issue a warning but allow the user to continue.
566 </para>
567 </section>
568 </chapter>
570 <chapter><title>Projection Management</title>
571 <para>
572 Projections control how the geographic data is displayed on the screen.
573 If multiple layers are loaded into Thuban where the geographic data
574 is in a different projection system, then the user must tell Thuban
575 which projection each layer has. The user must also tell Thuban which
576 projection the map is in. This can be the same as the layers or a different
577 projection in which case the layers are reprojected into that space.
578 The map projection can be set using
579 <menuchoice>
580 <guimenu>Map</guimenu>
581 <guimenuitem>Projection</guimenuitem>
582 </menuchoice> and the layer projection can be set using
583 <menuchoice>
584 <guimenu>Layer</guimenu>
585 <guimenuitem>Projection</guimenuitem>
586 </menuchoice>.
587 </para>
588 <para>
589 Thuban is distributed with a sample collection of projections. The
590 user can create new projections and make them available to all
591 future Thuban sessions. They may also be exported and imported so
592 that custom projections can be distributed to others.
593 </para>
594 <section><title>Selecting a Projection</title>
595 <para>
596 The available projections are listed on the left. If the layer
597 or map already has a projection it will be initially highlighted
598 and will end with <varname>(current)</varname>. Selecting
599 <varname>None</varname>will cause Thuban to use the data as
600 it appears in the source file and will not use a projection.
601 </para>
602 </section>
603 <section><title>Editing a Projection</title>
604 <para>
605 Whenever a projection is selected from the list its properties
606 are displayed on the right. These properties can be changed
607 and the changes saved to the selected projection using
608 the <guibutton>Update</guibutton>. Only a projection that comes
609 from a file can be updated, so if the current layer's projection
610 is selectd, <guibutton>Update</guibutton> will be disabled.
611 The <guibutton>Add to List</guibutton> adds the projection to the
612 list of available projections as a new entry, and thus make it
613 available to future Thuban sessions. Clicking <guibutton>New</guibutton>
614 will create an entirely new, empty projection. The
615 <guibutton>Remove</guibutton> button will permanantly remove a
616 projection from the list of available projections.
617 </para>
618 </section>
619 <section><title>Importing/Exporting Projections</title>
620 <para>
621 The projections that appear in the list of available projections
622 can be exported to another file that the user chooses. By selecting
623 one or more projections and clicking <guibutton>Export</guibutton>
624 the user will be able to select a file to store those projections.
625 The file can then be distributed to other Thuban users. To import
626 a projection file the user can click <guibutton>Import</guibutton>.
627 The imported projections are added to the list and are then available
628 to the current session and any future Thuban session.
629 </para>
630 </section>
631 </chapter>
633 <chapter><title>Table Management</title>
634 <para>
635 </para>
636 </chapter>
638 <chapter><title>Trouble Shooting</title>
639 <para>
640 </para>
641 </chapter>
643 <appendix><title>Supported Data Sources</title>
644 <para>
645 </para>
646 <variablelist>
647 <varlistentry>
648 <term>Shapefile</term>
649 <listitem><para></para></listitem>
650 </varlistentry>
652 <varlistentry>
653 <term>DB2 file</term>
654 <listitem><para></para></listitem>
655 </varlistentry>
657 </variablelist>
658 </appendix>
660 <appendix><title>Supported Projections</title>
661 <para>
662 </para>
663 <variablelist>
664 <varlistentry>
665 <term>Geographic</term>
666 <listitem><para>Geographic</para></listitem>
667 </varlistentry>
668 <varlistentry>
669 <term>Lambert Conic Conformal</term>
670 <listitem><para>Lambert Conic Conformal</para></listitem>
671 </varlistentry>
672 <varlistentry>
673 <term>Transverse Mercator</term>
674 <listitem><para>Transverse Mercator</para></listitem>
675 </varlistentry>
676 <varlistentry>
677 <term>Universal Transverse Mercator</term>
678 <listitem><para>Universal Transverse Mercator</para></listitem>
679 </varlistentry>
680 </variablelist>
681 </appendix>
683 </book>


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