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made a copy
Doc/manual/thuban-manual.xml: Removed the installation instructions as they are outdated and they should be only in one place. Bumped version number of the document to 1.2.0. Marked it as Draft in the title.
New Classification "Pattern": Classify text attributes by regexp.
Typo fixed in documentation
svgexport 1.0.0: Treats holes and islands nicely. Documentation added. * Extensions/svgexport/test/ Added new tests: test_export_polygon_with_hole() and test_polygon_with_hole(). * Extensions/svgexport/ (draw_polygon_shape()): Uses DrawPath correctly now. * Doc/manual/thuban-manual.xml: Added documentation for stable extention svgexport. * Doc/manual/thuban-manual-de.xml: Copied English section about svexport over. * Extensions/svgexport/ Bumped version number to 1.0.0. * Extensions/svgexport/, Moved from experimental to stable extension menu. * Extensions/svgexport/TODO: updated.
Added documentation of Alternative Path feature
(Chapter Session Management): Fixed unprecise description for Save Session.
Minor corrections in Introduction.
updated sample file to use FindOrInsertMenu().
* Doc/manual/thuban-manual.xml: Added section on installation of Thuban under Win32 systems. Fixed image path references in the postgis section. Some minor source formattings.
Documentation synced with 1.0rc1 * Doc/manual/thuban-manual.xml: Minor formatting changes and references to database layers . Introduction.Internationalization: New section on i18n. MapManagement.AddingandRemovingLayers: Added item on database layers. MapManagement.TheLegend: Added section and screenshot on popup menu. ProjectionManagement: Updated screenshot and sentence on EPSG. Appendix.SupportedDataSources: Added PostGIS. Appendix.WorkingwithPostGIS: New section. * Doc/manual/images/6_projection.png: Updated screenshot including EPSG checkboxes. * Doc/manual/images/3_5_popup_menu.png: New, popup menu screenshot. * Doc/manual/images/app_postgis_add_layer.png, Doc/manual/images/app_postgis_db_add.png, Doc/manual/images/app_postgis_db_management.png: New screenshots focussing on database layers
Added subsection to chapter Extensions to describe the extensions coming with the Thuban standard package (gns2shp and importAPR).
Extended section 'Installation' with description on RPM installation and RPM binary package creation.
updated to version 1.0pre2.
Added CVS revision for rev-history. (section Adding and Removing Layers): Added text and described multi-selection. (chapter Extensions): New.
Now use authorgroup. Added revhistory with version number. Changed title to reflect version number of Thuban.
a number of small improvements. The resulting file is the version submitted for GREAT-ER II.
Fix the list of required packages by just listing the name and where they can be found.
* Doc/manual/thuban-manual.xml: Changed the screenshot elements to figure. Changed some variablelist elements to itemizedlist. Added section on GDAL formats.
Added a few sentences about the Fix Border Color option when generating classes.
Fixed typos and wording, clarified some points, and added more screen shots.
Extended section on supported projections.
Fixed grammar and typos. Added descriptions for the legend toolbar.
More screenshots and more chapters.
Added section on table management.
Chapter on Projection Management.
Added EPS images and wrote chapter on Layer Management.
Continue to write first revision of the manual.
Wrote an initial Introduction.
Added authors and an initial coarse structure.
Fix the CVS Revision Tag syntax
Skeleton for the Thuban manual and README with some basic information about the manual
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