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Contents of /branches/WIP-pyshapelib-bramz/Doc/manual/thuban-manual.xml

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Revision 1544 - (show annotations)
Mon Aug 4 15:22:48 2003 UTC (21 years, 7 months ago) by jan
Original Path: trunk/thuban/Doc/manual/thuban-manual.xml
File MIME type: text/xml
File size: 58554 byte(s)
a number of small improvements.
The resulting file is the version submitted for GREAT-ER II.

1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE book
3 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
4 "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd"
5 [<!ENTITY imgscale "70">]>
6 <!-- $Revision$ -->
7 <book>
8 <bookinfo>
9 <title>Thuban Manual</title>
10 <author>
11 <firstname>Jonathan</firstname><surname>Coles</surname>
12 </author>
13 <author>
14 <firstname>Jan-Oliver</firstname><surname>Wagner</surname>
15 </author>
16 <author>
17 <firstname>Frank</firstname><surname>Koormann</surname>
18 </author>
19 <copyright>
20 <year>2003</year>
21 <holder>Intevation GmbH</holder>
22 </copyright>
23 </bookinfo>
25 <chapter><title>Introduction</title>
26 <para>
27 Thuban is an interactive geographic data viewer.
28 It has been developed because there was no simple interactive
29 viewer for geographic information available as Free Software. Thuban is
30 written in Python and C++ and uses the wxWindows library allowing it to
31 run on many different platforms, including GNU/Linux and Windows.
32 </para>
33 <para>
34 Geographic data viewers are a necessary tool as they allow one to
35 get a visual
36 impression of the positional relationship of the information that may not
37 be apparent from simple inspection of the data values themselves.
38 Thuban allows the user to create a session that displays
39 geographic data and then explore that data through navigation and
40 manipulation of how it is drawn. The results can then be saved or printed.
41 </para>
42 <para>
43 Thuban arranges a session in a hierarchy. A session contains a map which
44 consists of layers. Each layer represents one kind of data set. For
45 instance, there may be a layer for roads and another layer for buildings.
46 These layers can either be vector shapes or images.
47 </para>
49 <section><title>Installation</title>
50 <para>
51 Thuban is actively supported under Debian Testing (sarge), RedHat 7.2,
52 and Windows 2000. Thuban depends on the following packages. These
53 packages can also be found on the
54 <ulink url="http://thuban.intevation.org/download.html">
55 Thuban Download site
56 </ulink>.
57 <itemizedlist>
58 <listitem><para>Python 2.2.1 (<literal>http://www.python.org</literal>)</para></listitem>
59 <listitem><para>wxWindows 2.4 (<literal>http://www.wxwindows.org</literal>)</para></listitem>
60 <listitem><para>wxPython 2.4 (<literal>http://www.wxpython.org</literal>)</para></listitem>
61 <listitem><para>proj 4.4.5 Projection Library (<literal>http://www.remotesensing.org/proj/</literal>)</para></listitem>
62 <listitem><para>GDAL 1.1.8 (<literal>http://www.remotesensing.org/gdal/</literal>)</para></listitem>
63 <listitem><para>SQLite 2.8.3 (<literal>http://www.hwaci.com/sw/sqlite/</literal>)</para></listitem>
64 <listitem><para>PySQLite 0.4.3 (<literal>http://pysqlite.sourceforge.net</literal>)</para></listitem>
65 </itemizedlist>
66 </para>
67 <para>
68 Along with the source codes, the download page also offers
69 full installation packages for Debian, Windows and RPM-based systems
70 (Mandrake, RedHat, SuSE, etc).
71 </para>
72 </section>
74 <section><title>The Main Window</title>
75 <para>
76 <figure>
77 <title>The Main Window</title>
78 <mediaobject>
79 <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="../images/1_2_mainwindow.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/> </imageobject>
80 <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="./images/1_2_mainwindow.ps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/> </imageobject>
81 </mediaobject>
82 </figure>
83 </para>
85 <para>
86 The map window shows the current state of the map and is where
87 the user can interact with the map using the tools.
88 </para>
90 <para>
91 The legend on the left displays a list of the current layers and
92 any visible classification groups. In the example, each shape layer
93 has a default classification which specifies how the shapes in each
94 layer are drawn. Layers that are higher in the list appear
95 ``closer'' to the user. The legend can be closed by clicking on the
96 small X in the upper right-hand region of the legend.
97 To open it again, use
98 <menuchoice>
99 <guimenu>Map</guimenu>
100 <guimenuitem>Legend</guimenuitem>
101 </menuchoice>.
102 The legend is also dockable, which means that it can be detached
103 from the main window by clicking on the small button next to the
104 close button. It can be attached by clicking the same button
105 again.
106 </para>
107 <para>
108 The status bar displays different information depending on the
109 current context. If the user is selecting an item from the menu
110 then the status bar will display a short help message indicating
111 what each menu item is for. If the user has a tool selected then
112 the position of the cursor on the map is displayed.
113 </para>
114 <para>
115 The tool bar provides quick access to the commonly needed tools.
116 By hovering over each button the user can see a short messages
117 describing what the tool does. The tools provided are Zoom In, Zoom
118 Out, Pan, Full Extent, Full Layer Extent, Full Shape Extent, Identify,
119 and Label. Each of the tools will be explained in further detail later
120 in the manual.
121 </para>
122 </section>
124 </chapter>
126 <chapter><title>Session Management</title>
128 <section><title>Starting a New Session</title>
129 <para>
130 A new session can be started from
131 <menuchoice>
132 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
133 <guimenuitem>New Session</guimenuitem>
134 </menuchoice>.
135 If a session is already loaded and has been modified without
136 being saved a prompt will ask if the current session should
137 be saved. A new session consists of an empty map with no
138 layers and no tables.
139 </para>
140 </section>
142 <section><title>Opening a Session</title>
143 <para>
144 A session can be opened from
145 <menuchoice>
146 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
147 <guimenuitem>Open Session</guimenuitem>
148 </menuchoice>. A dialog box will open allowing the user to browse
149 for a Thuban Session file. Thuban session files end with
150 <varname>.thuban</varname>. Selecting a file a clicking
151 <guibutton>OK</guibutton> will load the session into Thuban.
153 If a session is already loaded and has been modified without
154 being saved a prompt will ask if the current session should
155 be saved.
156 </para>
157 </section>
159 <section><title>Saving a Session</title>
160 <para>
161 A session can be saved from
162 <menuchoice>
163 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
164 <guimenuitem>Save Session</guimenuitem>
165 </menuchoice>. A dialog box will open allowing the user to browse
166 the file system and select a place to save the session. Thuban
167 sessions should be saved under a name ending in
168 <varname>.thuban</varname>. If the file already exists the user
169 will be prompted to save under a different name or overwrite the
170 existing file.
171 </para>
172 </section>
174 <section><title>The Session Info-Tree</title>
175 <para>
176 <figure>
177 <title>Session Info Tree</title>
178 <mediaobject>
179 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/2_4_session_tree.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
180 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/2_4_session_tree.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
181 </mediaobject>
182 </figure>
183 </para>
184 <para>
185 The session info-tree is primarily intended for developers working
186 with Thuban. It displays many of the internal values for the session,
187 map, and layers. It can be opened from
188 <menuchoice>
189 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
190 <guimenuitem>Session Tree</guimenuitem>
191 </menuchoice>.
192 </para>
193 </section>
194 </chapter>
196 <chapter><title>Map Management</title>
197 <para>
198 The map consists of a number of layers where each layer represents a
199 different type of data set. By interacting with the map the user can
200 visually explore the data.
201 </para>
202 <para>
203 The map can have a name that will appear in the Thuban title bar.
204 The map name can be changed using
205 <menuchoice>
206 <guimenu>Map</guimenu>
207 <guimenuitem>Rename</guimenuitem>
208 </menuchoice>.
209 </para>
210 <para>
211 <inlinemediaobject>
212 <imageobject>
213 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_rename_map.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
214 </imageobject>
215 <imageobject>
216 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_rename_map.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
217 </imageobject>
218 <textobject> <phrase>Rename Map</phrase> </textobject>
219 </inlinemediaobject>
220 </para>
222 <section><title>Adding and Removing Layers</title>
223 <para>
224 There are two types of layers that can be added to a map: shape layers
225 and image layers. Shape layers are stored in Shapefile format, a
226 standard file format for storing geographic objects. These
227 files have the extension ``.shp''. Associated with
228 the shape file is a database file which stores attributes for
229 each shape in the shape file. This file, in dBase format,
230 has the extension ``.dbf''. Both files must have the same base name.
231 For example, if there is a shape file named roads.shp there must
232 also be a file roads.dbf.
233 </para>
234 <para>
235 Shape layers can be added to the map with
236 <menuchoice>
237 <guimenu>Map</guimenu>
238 <guimenuitem>Add Layer</guimenuitem>
239 </menuchoice>.
240 Thuban will load all files with the same base name, so it doesn't
241 matter if the shape file or database file is selected.
242 </para>
244 <para>
245 Image layers can be added to the map with
246 <menuchoice>
247 <guimenu>Map</guimenu>
248 <guimenuitem>Add Image Layer</guimenuitem>
249 </menuchoice>.
250 It is important to select a valid image file that has geographic
251 data associated with it. The data can be embedded in the file itself,
252 or in another file. If geographic information cannot be found, Thuban
253 will report an error.
254 </para>
255 </section>
257 <section><title>Navigation</title>
258 <para>
259 The map can be explored by using the navigation tools available on
260 the tool bar or from the
261 <menuchoice><guimenu>Map</guimenu></menuchoice> menu.
262 </para>
263 <itemizedlist>
264 <listitem>
265 <para>
266 The ZoomIn tool
267 <inlinemediaobject>
268 <imageobject>
269 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_zoomin.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
270 </imageobject>
271 <imageobject>
272 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_zoomin.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
273 </imageobject>
274 <textobject> <phrase>ZoomIn Tool</phrase> </textobject>
275 </inlinemediaobject>
276 enlarges a region of the map. Clicking once on the map
277 will double the magnification and center the map on the point that
278 was clicked. Clicking and dragging selects a region that will be
279 enlarged to fit the window.
280 </para>
281 </listitem>
282 <listitem>
283 <para>
284 The ZoomOut tool
285 <inlinemediaobject>
286 <imageobject>
287 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_zoomout.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
288 </imageobject>
289 <imageobject>
290 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_zoomout.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
291 </imageobject>
292 <textobject> <phrase>ZoomOut Tool</phrase> </textobject>
293 </inlinemediaobject>
294 shrinks the map so that a larger region is visible. A single click
295 reduces the magnification by a factor of two. Clicking and dragging
296 selects a box such that the current contents of the window will be
297 scaled to fit into that box.
298 </para>
299 </listitem>
300 <listitem>
301 <para>
302 The Pan tool
303 <inlinemediaobject>
304 <imageobject>
305 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_pan.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
306 </imageobject>
307 <imageobject>
308 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_pan.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
309 </imageobject>
310 <textobject> <phrase>Pan Tool</phrase> </textobject>
311 </inlinemediaobject>
312 allows the user to move the map around by clicking and dragging.
313 </para>
314 </listitem>
315 <listitem>
316 <para>
317 The Full Extent tool
318 <inlinemediaobject>
319 <imageobject>
320 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_fullextent.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
321 </imageobject>
322 <imageobject>
323 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_fullextent.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
324 </imageobject>
325 <textobject> <phrase>Full Extent Tool</phrase> </textobject>
326 </inlinemediaobject>
327 rescales the viewable region so that the entire map is visible.
328 </para>
329 </listitem>
330 <listitem>
331 <para>
332 The Full Layer Extent tool
333 <inlinemediaobject>
334 <imageobject>
335 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_fulllayerextent.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
336 </imageobject>
337 <imageobject>
338 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_fulllayerextent.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
339 </imageobject>
340 <textobject> <phrase>Full Layer Extent Tool</phrase> </textobject>
341 </inlinemediaobject>
342 rescales the viewable region so that the currently selected
343 layer fits within the window. If no layer is selected this button
344 will be disabled.
345 </para>
346 </listitem>
347 <listitem>
348 <para>
349 The Full Shape Extent tool
350 <inlinemediaobject>
351 <imageobject>
352 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_2_fullshapeextent.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
353 </imageobject>
354 <imageobject>
355 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_2_fullshapeextent.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
356 </imageobject>
357 <textobject> <phrase>Full Shape Extent Tool</phrase> </textobject>
358 </inlinemediaobject>
359 rescales the viewable region so that the currently selected
360 shape fits within the window. If the shape is a point, it is
361 centered and the map is zoomed all the way in. If no shape is
362 selected this button will be disabled. This feature is especially
363 helpful when identifying an object related to a selected record
364 in a tableview (see below).
366 </para>
367 </listitem>
368 </itemizedlist>
369 </section>
371 <section><title>Object Identification</title>
372 <para>
373 Objects on the map can be identified using the Identify tool
374 <inlinemediaobject>
375 <imageobject>
376 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_3_identify.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
377 </imageobject>
378 <imageobject>
379 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_3_identify.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
380 </imageobject>
381 <textobject> <phrase>Identify Tool</phrase> </textobject>
382 </inlinemediaobject>.
383 Clicking on an object selects that object and opens a dialog which
384 shows all the table attributes for that object. Any current selection
385 is lost. Objects on the map are typically shapes and this document
386 will often refer to objects as shapes.
387 </para>
388 </section>
390 <section><title>Object Labeling</title>
391 <para>
392 Objects can be labeled using the Label tool
393 <inlinemediaobject>
394 <imageobject>
395 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_3_label.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
396 </imageobject>
397 <imageobject>
398 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_3_label.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
399 </imageobject>
400 <textobject> <phrase>Label Tool</phrase> </textobject>
401 </inlinemediaobject>.
402 Clicking on an object selects that object and opens a dialog which
403 displays the table attributes for that object. An attribute can
404 be selected to be the label on the map. The label will be placed
405 at the center of the shape. Clicking on an object that already has
406 a label will remove the label.
407 </para>
408 </section>
410 <section><title>The Legend</title>
411 <para>
412 <inlinemediaobject>
413 <imageobject>
414 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_5_legend.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
415 </imageobject>
416 <imageobject>
417 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_5_legend.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
418 </imageobject>
419 <textobject> <phrase>Legend</phrase> </textobject>
420 </inlinemediaobject>
421 </para>
422 <para>
423 The Legend provides an overview of the layers in the map. Layers
424 that appear higher in the legend will appear ``closer'' to the user.
425 If a layer supports classification (currently, only shape layers
426 have this feature) then the classification groups will be shown
427 below each layer. The properties for each group are also displayed
428 with a small graphic. Polygon layers appear as rectangles, lines
429 appear as curved lines, and points appear as circles.
430 </para>
431 <para>
432 Along the top of the legend is a toolbar which allows quick access
433 to some of the layer manipulation options under
434 <menuchoice><guimenu>Map</guimenu></menuchoice>.
435 </para>
437 <itemizedlist>
438 <listitem>
439 <para>
440 The Move Layer to Top tool
441 <inlinemediaobject>
442 <imageobject>
443 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_5_totop.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
444 </imageobject>
445 <imageobject>
446 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_5_totop.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
447 </imageobject>
448 <textobject> <phrase>Move Layer to Top</phrase> </textobject>
449 </inlinemediaobject> raises the selected layer to the top of the map.
450 </para>
451 </listitem>
452 <listitem>
454 <para>
455 The Move Layer Up tool
456 <inlinemediaobject>
457 <imageobject>
458 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_5_moveup.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
459 </imageobject>
460 <imageobject>
461 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_5_moveup.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
462 </imageobject>
463 <textobject> <phrase>Move Layer Up</phrase> </textobject>
464 </inlinemediaobject> raises the selected layer one level.
465 </para>
466 </listitem>
467 <listitem>
469 <para>
470 The Move Layer Down tool
471 <inlinemediaobject>
472 <imageobject>
473 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_5_movedown.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
474 </imageobject>
475 <imageobject>
476 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_5_movedown.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
477 </imageobject>
478 <textobject> <phrase>Move Layer Down</phrase> </textobject>
479 </inlinemediaobject> lowers the selected layer one level.
480 </para>
482 </listitem>
483 <listitem>
484 <para>
485 The Move Layer to Bottom tool
486 <inlinemediaobject>
487 <imageobject>
488 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_5_tobottom.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
489 </imageobject>
490 <imageobject>
491 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_5_tobottom.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
492 </imageobject>
493 <textobject> <phrase>Move Layer to Bottom</phrase> </textobject>
494 </inlinemediaobject> lowers the selected layer to the bottom of the map.
495 </para>
497 </listitem>
498 <listitem>
499 <para>
500 The Visible tool
501 <inlinemediaobject>
502 <imageobject>
503 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_5_visible.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
504 </imageobject>
505 <imageobject>
506 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_5_visible.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
507 </imageobject>
508 <textobject> <phrase>Visible</phrase> </textobject>
509 </inlinemediaobject> shows the selected layer in the map if it was
510 hidden.
511 </para>
513 </listitem>
514 <listitem>
515 <para>
516 The Invisible tool
517 <inlinemediaobject>
518 <imageobject>
519 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_5_invisible.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
520 </imageobject>
521 <imageobject>
522 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_5_invisible.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
523 </imageobject>
524 <textobject> <phrase>Invisible</phrase> </textobject>
525 </inlinemediaobject> hides the selected layer in the map.
526 </para>
528 </listitem>
529 <listitem>
530 <para>
531 The Properties tool
532 <inlinemediaobject>
533 <imageobject>
534 <imagedata fileref="../images/3_5_props.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/>
535 </imageobject>
536 <imageobject>
537 <imagedata fileref="./images/3_5_props.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/>
538 </imageobject>
539 <textobject> <phrase>Properties</phrase> </textobject>
540 </inlinemediaobject> opens the layer's properties dialog box.
541 Double-clicking on a layer or a group of a layer will open the
542 properties dialog for that layer.
543 </para>
544 </listitem>
545 </itemizedlist>
546 <para>
547 Along the bottom of the legend is the scalebar. The scalebar
548 will be available if there are any layers and the map has a
549 projection set.
550 </para>
551 </section>
553 <section><title>Exporting</title>
554 <para>
555 Under Windows, maps can be exported in Enhanced Metafile format
556 (<varname>.wmf</varname>)
557 from
558 <menuchoice>
559 <guimenu>Map</guimenu>
560 <guimenuitem>Export</guimenuitem>
561 </menuchoice> for use in reports, presentations, or further
562 modification. The current map view, legend, and, if available,
563 scalebar are exported. Under other platforms this option is not
564 available. Clicking this menu item open a file selection dialog
565 that lets the user select a location to export the map.
566 </para>
567 </section>
569 <section><title>Printing</title>
570 <para>
571 The map can be printed using
572 <menuchoice>
573 <guimenu>Map</guimenu>
574 <guimenuitem>Print</guimenuitem>
575 </menuchoice>. The current map view, legend, and, if available,
576 scalebar are printed. A standard printing dialog will open allowing
577 the user to configure the printer. This dialog will differ depending
578 on which platform Thuban is running.
579 </para>
580 </section>
582 </chapter>
584 <chapter><title>Layer Management</title>
585 <para>
586 </para>
588 <section><title>Types of Layers</title>
589 <para>
590 There are two types of layers supported by Thuban: shape layers and
591 image layers. Shape layers consist of vector based shapes with
592 geo-referenced coordinates. There are three types of supported
593 shapes: polygons, lines (arc), and points. Image layers can be any image
594 file format supported by the Geo-spatial Data Abstraction Library
595 (GDAL). The images must have geographic
596 coordinate data either embedded within the file or in a separate
597 file that is in the same directory as the image file. GeoTIFF files
598 work very well with Thuban and were designed specifically to be image
599 layers in GIS programs.
600 </para>
601 <para>
602 All actions in the
603 <menuchoice>
604 <guimenu>Layer</guimenu>
605 </menuchoice> menu act on the currently selected layer in the legend.
606 </para>
607 </section>
609 <section><title>Properties</title>
610 <para>
611 To view the properties for a layer it must first be selected in the
612 legend. The menu option
613 <menuchoice>
614 <guimenu>Layer</guimenu>
615 <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem>
616 </menuchoice> opens a dialog that displays a layer's properties.
617 All layers have a title which can be modified in the text field
618 provided. The type of layer is also shows. If the type is a type
619 of shape (polygon, arc, point) the classification table will be
620 shown. Image layers have no other properties other than title
621 and type.
622 </para>
623 <para>
624 <figure>
625 <title>Properties Window</title>
626 <mediaobject>
627 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/4_2_layer_properties.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
628 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/4_2_layer_properties.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
629 </mediaobject>
630 </figure>
631 </para>
632 <para>
633 <figure>
634 <title>Properties Window</title>
635 <mediaobject>
636 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/4_2_raster_layer_properties.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
637 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/4_2_raster_layer_properties.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
638 </mediaobject>
639 </figure>
640 </para>
641 </section>
643 <section><title>Visibility</title>
644 <para>
645 Sometimes it is not desirable to view all layers at the same time.
646 Some layers may take a long time to draw and so while navigating
647 around the map the user may not want to wait for the map to redraw
648 all the layers each time the map is changed. Each layer can be
649 independently turned on or off using the
650 <menuchoice>
651 <guimenu>Layer</guimenu>
652 <guimenuitem>Show</guimenuitem>
653 </menuchoice>
654 or
655 <menuchoice>
656 <guimenu>Layer</guimenu>
657 <guimenuitem>Hide</guimenuitem>
658 </menuchoice> options respectively.
659 </para>
660 </section>
662 <section><title>Duplication</title>
663 <para>
664 Layers and all their properties, including classifications, can
665 be duplicated using
666 <menuchoice>
667 <guimenu>Layer</guimenu>
668 <guimenuitem>Duplicate</guimenuitem>
669 </menuchoice>. Duplicating a layer is useful if the user wishes
670 to model a layer in several different ways. Even though the layers
671 overlap, by carefully selecting the shape properties it is possible
672 to display several pieces of information at once. For example, one
673 copy of a roads layer may be classified on a length property and
674 another copy may be classified on a type property. If the length
675 property was expressed with color and the type property expressed
676 with line thickness then it would be possible to view both
677 classifications by placing the type property copy over the
678 length property copy.
679 </para>
680 </section>
682 </chapter>
684 <chapter><title>Layer Classifications</title>
685 <para>
686 A layer classification is a way of assigning drawing properties to
687 groups of shapes based on attributes stored in the layer's table.
688 Only layer's with shapes can have a classification; image layers
689 cannot be classified.
690 </para>
691 <para>
692 A classification consists of a number of groups, each group
693 having a value or range of values to match against, and symbol
694 properties which control how a shape is drawn on the map. The user
695 selects which field in the table is used by the classification and
696 when the map is drawn the value for that field for each shape is
697 compared with each group's value. The properties of the first group
698 to match are used to draw the shape. This allows the user to get a
699 visual impression of not only how the data is laid out but also what
700 kind of data lies where.
701 </para>
702 <para>
703 A layer always has a classification. When a new layer is added to the
704 map, a default classification is created with the DEFAULT group. This
705 group cannot be removed but can be hidden (see below). Every shape in the
706 layer, regardless of its attributes, will match this group if no other
707 group matches.
708 </para>
710 <section><title>Editing Classifications</title>
711 <para>
712 A layer's classification can be modified under the properties dialog
713 (<menuchoice>
714 <guimenu>Layer</guimenu>
715 <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem>
716 </menuchoice>). The layer's classification field can be set to None,
717 which simply assigns a DEFAULT group to the classification. No new
718 groups can be added to the classification if the field is None.
719 The user must first select a field to classify on. New groups can
720 be added to the classification with the <guibutton>Add</guibutton>
721 button.
722 </para>
723 <para>
724 To apply the changes to the map the user can click
725 either <guibutton>Try</guibutton> or <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.
726 <guibutton>Try</guibutton> will not close the dialog box, allowing
727 the user to see how the classification changes the map.
728 <guibutton>Revert</guibutton> will undo the last classification applied
729 to the map. <guibutton>OK</guibutton> will commit the changes and
730 close the dialog. The user will be unable to undo the changes.
731 <guibutton>Close</guibutton> simply closes the dialog box. If any
732 changes have not been applied with <guibutton>Try</guibutton> the
733 changes will not be applied to the map.
734 </para>
735 <para>
736 <figure>
737 <title>Properties Window</title>
738 <mediaobject>
739 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/5_classification.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
740 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/5_classification.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
741 </mediaobject>
742 </figure>
743 </para>
744 <para>
745 The order of the groups in the classification is significant
746 except for the DEFAULT group, which remains at the top. When shapes
747 are matched against groups the matching begins at the first group
748 after the DEFAULT group so that groups higher in the list will
749 be checked first. Matching for a
750 given shape will stop at the first group that matches. The user can
751 use <guibutton>Move Up</guibutton> and <guibutton>Move Down</guibutton>
752 to change the order of the groups. The DEFAULT group will always
753 match a shape that hasn't matched another group.
754 </para>
755 <section><title>Visible</title>
756 <para>
757 The Visible column has check-boxes that determine whether a
758 classification group will be displayed in the legend. This is
759 useful if the user knows that the groups completely cover
760 the data set and don't want the DEFAULT group to be displayed
761 in the legend and on a printout.
762 </para>
763 </section>
764 <section><title>Symbols</title>
765 <para>
766 Each type of shape has its own type of symbol. Thuban supports three
767 types of shapes: polygons, lines, and points. Polygons and points
768 have outline and fill color, while lines have only line color. Each
769 group has associated symbol properties. To edit the symbol
770 properties for a group the user can double click on the Symbol
771 column or select a group and click the
772 <guibutton>Edit Symbol</guibutton> button.
773 </para>
774 </section>
775 <section><title>Value</title>
776 <para>
777 The Value column of the classification table is the value that will
778 be matched when the map is being drawn. The type of data that can
779 entered into this field depends on the type of data of the
780 classification field.
781 </para>
782 <para>
783 If the field is of type Text, anything entered
784 into the field is valid. The text will be compared literally to the
785 value of the shape attribute, including case sensitivity.
786 If the type is Integer, then any valid integer may be entered. In
787 addition, with special syntax, a range of values can be entered.
788 A range from <varname>start</varname> to <varname>end</varname>
789 inclusive is specified like this: <literal>[start;end]</literal>.
790 The exclusive range is specified like this:
791 <literal>]start;end[</literal>. Ranges can include infinity like
792 this: <literal>[-oo;oo]</literal>. Field types can also be of type
793 Decimal. They represent any rational number and can be used in
794 ranges as well.
795 </para>
796 </section>
797 <section><title>Label</title>
798 <para>
799 By default, the text that is displayed for a group in the legend
800 is the value for that group. The label can substitute a more
801 descriptive term in the legend.
802 </para>
803 </section>
804 </section>
806 <section><title>Generating Classes</title>
807 <para>
808 <figure>
809 <title>Generate Class</title>
810 <mediaobject>
811 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/5_3_genclass.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
812 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/5_3_genclass.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
813 </mediaobject>
814 </figure>
815 </para>
816 <para>
817 Creating a classification by hand can be tedious.
818 Thuban, therefore, provides a means of generating an entire
819 classification at once while still giving the user control over
820 how it appears. Clicking <guibutton>Generate Class</guibutton>
821 opens the <varname>Generate Classification</varname> dialog.
822 Under the <varname>Generate</varname> pull down there are at most
823 three different ways to generate classifications:
824 Unique Values, Uniform Distribution, and Quantiles. Some options
825 may not be available if the data type for the field does not
826 support them. For instance, <varname>Uniform Distribution</varname>
827 doesn't make sense for a Text field.
828 </para>
829 <para>
830 For every way of generating a classification, a color scheme must
831 be selected. Thuban provides several different color schemes that
832 affect how the group properties change over the classification.
833 It may be desirable that only certain properties change over the
834 classification. If the shape type is a polygon or a point then
835 the <guibutton>Fix Border Color</guibutton> option will be available.
836 This allows the user to select a border color for all classification
837 groups.
838 It is also possible to create a custom color scheme. Selecting
839 this option will display two symbols: the one of the left has the
840 properties of the first group and the one on the right has the
841 properties of the last group. Thuban will interpolate between these
842 two properties to generate the other groups.
843 <figure>
844 <title>Custom Color Scheme</title>
845 <mediaobject>
846 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/5_2_custom_ramp.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
847 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/5_2_custom_ramp.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
848 </mediaobject>
849 </figure>
850 </para>
851 <para>
852 The Unique Values option lets the user select specific values that
853 appear in the table. Clicking <guibutton>Retrieve From Table</guibutton>
854 searches the table for all unique values and displays them in the
855 list on the left. Items can be selected and moved to the list on the
856 right. Each list can be sorted or reversed for easier searching.
857 The classification that is generated will be in the same order as
858 the list on the right.
859 <figure>
860 <title>Unique Values</title>
861 <mediaobject>
862 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/5_2_unique_values.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
863 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/5_2_unique_values.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
864 </mediaobject>
865 </figure>
866 </para>
867 <para>
868 The Uniform Distribution option creates a user specified number of
869 groups of ranges such that each range covers equal intervals. The
870 minimum and maximum values can automatically be retrieved from the
871 table by clicking <guibutton>Retrieve From Table</guibutton>. The
872 stepping is how large each interval is. Adjusting this value will
873 automatically recalculate how many groups is appropriate.
874 <figure>
875 <title>Uniform Distribution</title>
876 <mediaobject>
877 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/5_2_uniform_dist.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
878 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/5_2_uniform_dist.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
879 </mediaobject>
880 </figure>
881 </para>
882 <para>
883 The Quantiles option generates ranges based on the number of items
884 in the table. For example, by specifying five groups Thuban will
885 generate five groups with appropriate ranges such that 20% of the table
886 data is in each group. If it is impossible to generate exact
887 groupings, Thuban will issue a warning but allow the user to continue.
888 <figure>
889 <title>Quantiles</title>
890 <mediaobject>
891 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/5_2_quantiles.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
892 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/5_2_quantiles.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
893 </mediaobject>
894 </figure>
895 </para>
896 </section>
897 </chapter>
899 <chapter><title>Projection Management</title>
900 <para>
901 Projections control how the geographic data is displayed on the screen.
902 If multiple layers are loaded into Thuban where the geographic data
903 is in a different projection system, then the user must specify a
904 projection for each layer. The user must also tell Thuban which
905 projection the map is in. This can be the same as the layers or a different
906 projection in which case the layers are reprojected into that space.
907 The map projection can be set using
908 <menuchoice>
909 <guimenu>Map</guimenu>
910 <guimenuitem>Projection</guimenuitem>
911 </menuchoice> and the layer projection can be set using
912 <menuchoice>
913 <guimenu>Layer</guimenu>
914 <guimenuitem>Projection</guimenuitem>
915 </menuchoice>.
916 <figure>
917 <title>Projection Window</title>
918 <mediaobject>
919 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/6_projection.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
920 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/6_projection.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
921 </mediaobject>
922 </figure>
923 </para>
924 <para>
925 Thuban is distributed with a sample collection of projections. The
926 user can create new projections and make them available to all
927 future Thuban sessions. They may also be exported and imported so
928 that custom projections can be distributed.
929 </para>
930 <section><title>Selecting a Projection</title>
931 <para>
932 The available projections are listed on the left. If the layer
933 or map already has a projection it will initially be highlighted
934 and will end with <varname>(current)</varname>. Selecting
935 <varname>&lt;None&gt;</varname> will cause Thuban to use the data as
936 it appears in the source file and will not use a projection.
937 </para>
938 </section>
939 <section><title>Editing a Projection</title>
940 <para>
941 Whenever a projection is selected from the list its properties
942 are displayed on the right. These properties can be changed
943 and the changes saved to the selected projection using
944 <guibutton>Update</guibutton>. Only a projection that comes
945 from a file can be updated, so if the current layer's projection
946 is selected, <guibutton>Update</guibutton> will be disabled.
947 <guibutton>Add to List</guibutton> adds the projection to the
948 list of available projections as a new entry, and thus makes it
949 available to future Thuban sessions. Clicking <guibutton>New</guibutton>
950 will create an entirely new, empty projection. The
951 <guibutton>Remove</guibutton> button will permanently remove a
952 projection from the list of available projections.
953 </para>
954 <para>
955 To apply the selected projection to the map the user can click
956 either <guibutton>Try</guibutton> or <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.
957 <guibutton>Try</guibutton> will not close the dialog box, allowing
958 the user to see how the projeciton changes the map.
959 <guibutton>Revert</guibutton> will undo the last projection applied
960 to the map. <guibutton>OK</guibutton> will commit the changes and
961 close the dialog. The user will be unable to undo the changes.
962 <guibutton>Close</guibutton> simply closes the dialog box. If no
963 selection has been applied with <guibutton>Try</guibutton> the
964 selection will not be applied to the map.
965 </para>
966 </section>
967 <section><title>Importing/Exporting Projections</title>
968 <para>
969 The projections that appear in the list of available projections
970 can be exported to another file that the user chooses. By selecting
971 one or more projections and clicking <guibutton>Export</guibutton>
972 the user will be able to select a file in which to store those
973 projections.
974 The file can then be distributed to other Thuban users. To import
975 a projection file the user can click <guibutton>Import</guibutton>.
976 The imported projections are added to the list and are then available
977 to the current session and any future Thuban sessions.
978 </para>
979 </section>
980 </chapter>
982 <chapter><title>Table Management</title>
983 <para>
984 Thuban distinguishes two different types of tables: Attribute tables
985 (which belong to a layer) and normal data tables. Both provide
986 the same general functionality with the difference that actions on an
987 attribute table might also effect the map display.
988 </para>
990 <section><title>Table View</title>
991 <para>
992 <figure>
993 <title>Table View</title>
994 <mediaobject>
995 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/7_1_table_view.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
996 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/7_1_table_view.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
997 </mediaobject>
998 </figure>
999 </para>
1000 <para>
1001 Thuban provides a standard dialog to display table contents, the
1002 Table View. The view has five sections: The title, selections,
1003 the table grid, export functions, and the status bar.
1004 </para>
1005 <para>
1006 The title bar identifies the table with its name.
1007 </para>
1008 <para>
1009 The selections box let the user perform simple analysis on the data
1010 based on comparisons: The first choice must be a field identifier of
1011 the table, the second choice determines the type of comparison. The
1012 third choice can be either a specific value (interpreted as numerical
1013 or string depending on the type of the first field) or a second field
1014 identifier. Thus you can perform analysis like selecting all
1015 records where <literal>population > 10000</literal> or
1016 <literal>cars_per_inhabitant < bikes_per_inhabitant</literal>
1017 (note that the field names are only explanatory, the dBase files
1018 allow only 11 character field names).
1020 Selections can be combined either by applying a selection only on
1021 a previously selected set of records or by adding the results of a
1022 selection to a previous set. The default is that a selection replaces
1023 earlier results.
1024 </para>
1025 <para>
1026 The table grid shows the contents of the table (one record per row),
1027 with highlighted selection results. Columns and rows can be resized.
1028 </para>
1029 <para>
1030 The contents of a table can be exported into a file, either dBase
1031 format (DBF) or comma separated values (CSV). The
1032 <guibutton>Export</guibutton> button
1033 raises a file dialog to specify a path and file name, the export type
1034 is determined by the file extension (either .dbf or .csv).
1036 The <guibutton>Export Selection</guibutton> button works similarly
1037 but exports only the selected records.
1039 The <guibutton>Close</guibutton> button closes the table view window.
1040 This is different from the menu item
1041 <menuchoice>
1042 <guimenu>Table</guimenu>
1043 <guimenuitem>Close</guimenuitem>
1044 </menuchoice> which unloads the table from Thuban.
1045 </para>
1046 <para>
1047 The status bar displays some statistics about the table and optional
1048 selection results.
1049 </para>
1050 </section>
1052 <section><title>General Functionality (Menu Table)</title>
1053 <para>
1054 The general functions affect all tables open in Thuban. Attribute
1055 tables are considered here as normal data tables (with the exception
1056 that they cannot be closed).
1057 </para>
1058 <section><title>Open</title>
1059 <para>
1060 The
1061 <menuchoice>
1062 <guimenu>Table</guimenu>
1063 <guimenuitem>Open</guimenuitem>
1064 </menuchoice>
1065 item raises a file dialog to let you select a
1066 dBase file from the file system to be loaded into Thuban read-only.
1067 On <guibutton>OK</guibutton> the selected file is loaded and a
1068 table view is opened.
1069 </para>
1070 </section>
1072 <section><title>Close</title>
1073 <para>
1074 The
1075 <menuchoice>
1076 <guimenu>Table</guimenu>
1077 <guimenuitem>Close</guimenuitem>
1078 </menuchoice>
1079 item raises a dialog listing the currently open
1080 data tables
1081 (loaded via
1082 <menuchoice>
1083 <guimenu>Table</guimenu>
1084 <guimenuitem>Open</guimenuitem>
1085 </menuchoice>). Selected tables are dereferenced on confirmation.
1086 Since tables are opened read-only the contents of the tables are
1087 not affected.
1089 Any open views of the tables are closed as well.
1091 Tables used in a join cannot be closed.
1092 </para>
1093 </section>
1095 <section><title>Rename</title>
1096 <para>
1097 <menuchoice>
1098 <guimenu>Table</guimenu>
1099 <guimenuitem>Rename</guimenuitem>
1100 </menuchoice> changes the table title.
1101 </para>
1102 </section>
1104 <section><title>Show</title>
1105 <para>
1106 The
1107 <menuchoice>
1108 <guimenu>Table</guimenu>
1109 <guimenuitem>Show</guimenuitem>
1110 </menuchoice>
1111 item raises a list of available tables (explicitly
1112 loaded, attribute tables, results of a join). Selected tables are
1113 show in tables views on <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.
1114 </para>
1115 </section>
1117 <section><title>Join</title>
1118 <para>
1119 <figure>
1120 <title>Join Tables</title>
1121 <mediaobject>
1122 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/7_2_5_join.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1123 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/7_2_5_join.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1124 </mediaobject>
1125 </figure>
1126 </para>
1127 <para>
1128 The
1129 <menuchoice>
1130 <guimenu>Table</guimenu>
1131 <guimenuitem>Join</guimenuitem>
1132 </menuchoice>
1133 item raises a dialog to specify the two tables to be
1134 joined. The join results in a new table named 'Join of "left table"
1135 and "right table"'.
1137 The dialog lets you select the two tables to be joined and the two
1138 fields the join has to be performed on. By default, the new
1139 table contains only those records which are matched by the join.
1141 If you want to preserve the records of the left table you can
1142 perform an outer join. The fields from the right table for records
1143 not matched by the join are filled with <varname>None</varname> in
1144 this case.
1145 </para>
1146 </section>
1148 </section>
1149 <section><title>Attribute Tables</title>
1150 <para>
1151 To clearly separate between both types of tables (data and
1152 attribute), Thuban provides functionality regarding the attribute
1153 tables under the <menuchoice><guimenu>Layer</guimenu></menuchoice> menu.
1154 </para>
1156 <section><title>Show Table</title>
1157 <para>
1158 <menuchoice>
1159 <guimenu>Layer</guimenu>
1160 <guimenuitem>Show Table</guimenuitem>
1161 </menuchoice>
1162 opens the attribute table of the currently active layer in a table
1163 view.
1165 In addition to the functionality described above selections
1166 affect also the map display: objects related to selected records
1167 are highlighted.
1168 </para>
1169 </section>
1171 <section><title>Join Table</title>
1172 <para>
1173 Unlike the join described above, the join does not result in a
1174 new table. The attribute table of the currently active layer is the
1175 left table and other tables are joined to this table. The results of
1176 the join are available for classification.
1178 As a consequence, the join cannot result in fewer
1179 records than the source attribute table. The user is warned if the
1180 right table does not fulfill this constraint. An outer join must be
1181 used in such cases.
1182 </para>
1183 </section>
1185 <section><title>Unjoin Table</title>
1186 <para>
1187 As said above, a normal table cannot be closed while it is still
1188 used in a join. While the joined table resulting from a join of
1189 normal tables can be simply closed (and thereby dereferencing
1190 the source tables), this is not possible for attribute tables.
1192 Hence joins on attribute tables must be solved explicitly. This is
1193 what the
1194 <menuchoice>
1195 <guimenu>Layer</guimenu>
1196 <guimenuitem>Unjoin Table</guimenuitem>
1197 </menuchoice>
1198 item is used for: The last join for the currently
1199 active layer is solved.
1200 </para>
1201 </section>
1202 </section>
1203 </chapter>
1205 <chapter><title>Trouble Shooting</title>
1206 <para>
1207 Here are a few problems that users have encountered when first using Thuban.
1208 </para>
1209 <para>
1211 <itemizedlist>
1212 <listitem>
1213 <para>After adding two or more layers nothing is drawn in the map window.
1214 </para>
1215 <para>
1216 This is probably because the layers have different projections. Projections
1217 must be set on all layers and on the map itself if the layers' projections
1218 are different.
1219 </para>
1220 </listitem>
1222 <listitem>
1223 <para>Thuban crashes on startup with the error
1224 <literal>NameError: global name 'False' is not defined</literal>.
1225 </para>
1226 <para>
1227 <varname>True</varname> and <varname>False</varname> were only introduced
1228 in Python 2.2.1. Thuban depends on at least Python 2.2.1.
1229 </para>
1230 </listitem>
1232 <listitem>
1233 <para>After compiling Thuban, Thuban crashes with an error similar to
1234 <literal>
1235 ImportError: /usr/local//lib/thuban/Thuban/../Lib/wxproj.so: undefined symbol: __gxx_personality_v0
1236 </literal>
1237 </para>
1238 <para>
1239 Thuban depends on the wxWindows library. If Thuban is compiled with an
1240 incompatible version of the compiler than wxWindows was compiled with
1241 this error may occur. Try compiling with a different version of the
1242 compiler.
1243 </para>
1244 </listitem>
1245 </itemizedlist>
1246 </para>
1247 <para>
1248 If an error occurs Thuban will display a dialog indicating the error
1249 before closing. The text should be copied and reported to the
1250 <ulink url="http://thuban.intevation.org/bugtracker.html">
1251 Intevation bugtracker
1252 </ulink>.
1253 More information about the system is available from
1254 <menuchoice><guimenu>Help</guimenu><guimenuitem>About</guimenuitem></menuchoice> box.
1255 This should also be included in the bug report.
1256 <figure>
1257 <title>Error Dialog</title>
1258 <mediaobject>
1259 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../images/8_int_error.png" format="PNG" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1260 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="./images/8_int_error.eps" format="EPS" scale="&imgscale;"/></imageobject>
1261 </mediaobject>
1262 </figure>
1263 </para>
1265 </chapter>
1267 <appendix><title>Supported Data Sources</title>
1268 <para>
1269 </para>
1270 <variablelist>
1271 <varlistentry>
1272 <term>Shapefile</term>
1273 <listitem>
1274 <para>
1275 The Shapefile format has become a standard format for saving
1276 geographic vector information. It supports polygons, lines, and
1277 points.
1279 <ulink url="http://www.esri.com/library/whitepapers/pdfs/shapefile.pdf">
1280 Technical Specification.
1281 </ulink>
1282 </para>
1283 </listitem>
1284 </varlistentry>
1286 <varlistentry>
1287 <term>dBase file</term>
1288 <listitem>
1289 <para>
1290 dBase files are used to store the attributes for each layer. This
1291 is closely associated with the Shapefile format. For detailed
1292 specifications on the correct format of a dBase file used with
1293 Thuban please see the Technical Specification for the Shapefile
1294 format above.
1295 </para>
1296 </listitem>
1297 </varlistentry>
1299 <varlistentry>
1300 <term>Raster files</term>
1301 <listitem>
1302 <para>
1303 Binding the GDAL library Thuban supports numerous raster file formats,
1304 see <ulink url="http://www.remotesensing.org/gdal/formats_list.html">
1305 GDAL format list</ulink> for details.</para>
1307 <para>Most commonly used is the <emphasis>TIFF/GeoTIFF</emphasis>
1308 format: Raster maps are provided as TIFF images, with an additional
1309 "world file" storing the geographic reference (usually with an
1310 extension ".tfw").
1311 </para>
1312 </listitem>
1313 </varlistentry>
1315 </variablelist>
1316 </appendix>
1318 <appendix><title>Supported Projections</title>
1319 <para>
1320 The following types of projections are directly support by
1321 Thuban. The specific values for each are provided by the user
1322 to create custom projections. Thuban comes with predefined
1323 projections which are available through the Projections dialog.
1324 </para>
1325 <itemizedlist>
1326 <listitem>
1327 <para>Geographic</para>
1328 <itemizedlist>
1329 <listitem><para><literal>Ellipsoid</literal></para></listitem>
1330 <listitem><para>
1331 <literal>Source Data</literal>: either Degrees or Radians
1332 </para></listitem>
1333 </itemizedlist>
1334 </listitem>
1335 <listitem>
1336 <para>Lambert Conic Conformal</para>
1337 <itemizedlist>
1338 <listitem><para><literal>Ellipsoid</literal></para></listitem>
1339 <listitem><para><literal>Latitude of 1st standard parallel</literal></para></listitem>
1340 <listitem><para><literal>Latitude of 2nd standard parallel</literal></para></listitem>
1341 <listitem><para><literal>Central Meridian</literal></para></listitem>
1342 <listitem><para><literal>Latitude of Origin</literal></para></listitem>
1343 <listitem><para><literal>False Easting</literal> (meters)</para></listitem>
1344 <listitem><para><literal>False Northing</literal> (meters)</para></listitem>
1345 </itemizedlist>
1346 </listitem>
1347 <listitem>
1348 <para>Transverse Mercator</para>
1349 <itemizedlist>
1350 <listitem><para><literal>Ellipsoid</literal></para></listitem>
1351 <listitem><para><literal>Latitude</literal>of origin</para></listitem>
1352 <listitem><para><literal>Longitude</literal>at central meridian</para></listitem>
1353 <listitem><para><literal>Scale Factor</literal>at central meridian</para></listitem>
1354 <listitem><para><literal>False Easting</literal> (meters)</para></listitem>
1355 <listitem><para><literal>False Northing</literal> (meters)</para></listitem>
1356 </itemizedlist>
1357 </listitem>
1358 <listitem>
1359 <para>Universal Transverse Mercator</para>
1360 <itemizedlist>
1361 <listitem><para><literal>Ellipsoid</literal></para></listitem>
1362 <listitem><para><literal>Zone</literal>
1363 (can be guessed appling the Propose button)</para></listitem>
1364 <listitem><para><literal>Southern Hemisphere</literal> flag</para></listitem>
1365 </itemizedlist>
1366 </listitem>
1367 </itemizedlist>
1369 <para>
1370 Thuban comes with a sample set of map projections for various
1371 European countries. Apart from the basic projection they differ
1372 especially in their parameterization:
1373 </para>
1374 <itemizedlist>
1375 <listitem><para>Belgium Datum 1972 (Lambert Conic Conformal)</para>
1376 </listitem>
1378 <listitem><para>Gauss-Boaga Zone 1 (Italy, Transverse Mercartor)</para>
1379 </listitem>
1381 <listitem><para>Gauss-Krueger Zone 2 (Germany, Transverse Mercartor)
1382 </para>
1383 </listitem>
1385 <listitem><para>Reseau Geodesique Francaise
1386 (France, Lambert Conic Conformal)</para>
1387 </listitem>
1389 <listitem><para>UK National Grid (United Kingdom, Transverse Mercartor)
1390 </para>
1391 </listitem>
1392 </itemizedlist>
1394 <para>
1395 Thuban uses the comprehensive PROJ library for projections. PROJ provides
1396 more than the four commonly used projections described above. If needed
1397 Thuban can be easily extended to a new projection covered by PROJ.
1398 </para>
1399 </appendix>
1401 </book>


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