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Contents of /branches/WIP-pyshapelib-bramz/Doc/manual/thuban-manual.xml

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Revision 1446 - (show annotations)
Thu Jul 17 14:59:17 2003 UTC (21 years, 8 months ago) by jonathan
Original Path: trunk/thuban/Doc/manual/thuban-manual.xml
File MIME type: text/xml
File size: 7424 byte(s)
Wrote an initial Introduction.

1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE book
3 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
4 "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd">
5 <!-- $Revision$ -->
6 <book>
7 <bookinfo>
8 <title>Thuban Manual</title>
9 <author>
10 <firstname>Jonathan</firstname><surname>Coles</surname>
11 </author>
12 <author>
13 <firstname>Jan-Oliver</firstname><surname>Wagner</surname>
14 </author>
15 <copyright>
16 <year>2003</year>
17 <holder>Intevation GmbH</holder>
18 </copyright>
19 </bookinfo>
21 <chapter><title>Introduction</title>
22 <para>
23 Thuban is a Free Software Geographic Information Systems (GIS) viewer.
24 It is being developed because there is currently no simple interactive
25 viewer for geographic information available as Free Software. Thuban is
26 written in Python and C++ and uses the wxWindows library allowing it to
27 run on many different platforms, including GNU/Linux and Windows.
28 </para>
29 <para>
30 GIS viewers are a necessary tool as they allow one to get a visual
31 impression of the positional relationship of the information that may not
32 be apparent from simple inspection of the data values themselves.
33 Thuban allows the user to create a session that displays
34 geographic data and then explore that data through navigation and
35 manipulation of how it is drawn. The results can then be saved or printed.
36 </para>
37 <para>
38 Thuban arranges a session in a hierarchy. A session contains a map which
39 consists of layers. Each layer represents one kind of data set. For
40 instance, there may be a layer for roads and another layer for buildings.
41 These layers can either be vector shapes or images.
42 </para>
44 <section><title>Installation</title>
45 <para>
46 Thuban is actively supported under Debian Testing (sarge), RedHat 7.2,
47 and Windows 2000. All the necessary files can be found on the
48 <ulink url="http://thuban.intevation.org/download.html">
49 Thuban Download site
50 </ulink>.
51 </para>
52 </section>
54 <section><title>The Main Window</title>
55 <para>
56 <screenshot>
57 <screeninfo>The Main Window</screeninfo>
58 <mediaobject>
59 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="../mainwindow.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
60 <textobject><phrase>The Main Window</phrase></textobject>
61 <caption><para>The Main Window</para></caption>
62 </mediaobject>
63 </screenshot>
64 </para>
66 <para>
67 The map window (1) shows the current state of the map and is where
68 the user can interact with the map using the tools.
69 </para>
71 <para>
72 The legend on
73 the left (2) displays a list of the current layers and any visible
74 classification groups. In the example, each shape layer has a default
75 classification which specifies how the shapes in each layer are
76 drawn. Layers that are higher in the list appear ``closer'' to the
77 user. The legend can be closed by clicking on the small X in the
78 upper right-hand region of the legend. To open it again, use
79 <menuchoice>
80 <guimenu>Map</guimenu>
81 <guimenuitem>Legend</guimenuitem>
82 </menuchoice>.
83 The legend is also dockable, which means that it can be detached
84 from the main window by clicking on the small button next to the
85 close button. It can be attached again by clicking the same button
86 again.
87 </para>
88 <para>
89 The status bar (3) displays different information depending on the
90 current context. If the user is selecting an item from the menu
91 then the status bar will display a short help message indicating
92 what each menu item is for. If the user has a tool selected then
93 the position of the cursor on the map is displayed.
94 </para>
95 <para>
96 The tool bar (4) provides quick access to the commonly needed tools.
97 By hovering over each button the user can see a short messages
98 describing what the tool does. The tools provided are Zoom In, Zoom
99 Out, Pan, Full Extent, Full Layer Extent, Full Shape Extent, Indentify,
100 and Label. Each of the tools will be explained in further detail later
101 in the manual.
102 </para>
103 </section>
105 </chapter>
107 <chapter><title>Session Management</title>
109 <section><title>Starting a New Session</title>
110 <para>
111 A new session can be started from
112 <menuchoice>
113 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
114 <guimenuitem>New Session</guimenuitem>
115 </menuchoice>.
117 If a session is already loaded and has been modified without
118 being saved a prompt will ask if the current session should
119 be saved.
121 </para>
122 </section>
124 <section><title>Opening a Session</title>
125 <para>
126 A session can be opened from
127 <menuchoice>
128 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
129 <guimenuitem>Open Session</guimenuitem>
130 </menuchoice>.
132 If a session is already loaded and has been modified without
133 being saved a prompt will ask if the current session should
134 be saved.
135 </para>
136 </section>
138 <section><title>Saving a Session</title>
139 <para>
140 A session can be saved from
141 <menuchoice>
142 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
143 <guimenuitem>Save Session</guimenuitem>
144 </menuchoice>.
146 </para>
147 </section>
149 <section><title>The Session Info-Tree</title>
150 <para>
151 (primarily for developers)
152 </para>
153 </section>
154 </chapter>
156 <chapter><title>Map Management</title>
157 <para>
158 </para>
160 <section><title>Adding and Removing Layers</title>
161 <para>
162 </para>
163 </section>
165 <section><title>Navigation</title>
166 <para>
167 </para>
168 </section>
170 <section><title>Object Identification</title>
171 <para>
172 </para>
173 </section>
175 <section><title>Object Labelling</title>
176 <para>
177 </para>
178 </section>
180 <section><title>The Legend</title>
181 <para>
182 </para>
183 </section>
185 <section><title>Printing</title>
186 <para>
187 </para>
188 </section>
189 </chapter>
191 <chapter><title>Layer Management</title>
192 <para>
193 </para>
195 <section><title>Types of Layers</title>
196 <para>
197 </para>
198 </section>
200 <section><title>Visibility</title>
201 <para>
202 </para>
203 </section>
205 <section><title>Sequence</title>
206 <para>
207 </para>
208 </section>
210 <section><title>Duplication</title>
211 <para>
212 </para>
213 </section>
215 <section><title>Properties</title>
216 <para>
217 </para>
218 </section>
219 </chapter>
221 <chapter><title>Layer Classifications</title>
222 <para>
223 </para>
225 <section><title>Adding and Removing Classes</title>
226 <para>
227 </para>
228 </section>
230 <section><title>Symbols</title>
231 <para>
232 </para>
233 </section>
235 <section><title>Generating Classes</title>
236 <para>
237 </para>
238 </section>
239 </chapter>
241 <chapter><title>Projection Management</title>
242 <para>
243 </para>
244 </chapter>
246 <chapter><title>Table Management</title>
247 <para>
248 </para>
249 </chapter>
251 <chapter><title>Trouble Shooting</title>
252 <para>
253 </para>
254 </chapter>
256 <appendix><title>Supported Data Sources</title>
257 <para>
258 </para>
259 </appendix>
261 <appendix><title>Supported Projections</title>
262 <para>
263 </para>
264 </appendix>
266 </book>


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