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Diff of /branches/WIP-pyshapelib-bramz/Thuban/Model/load.py

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revision 105 by jan, Fri Apr 19 15:36:57 2002 UTC revision 2658 by jan, Wed Jul 27 21:50:30 2005 UTC
# Line 1  Line 1 
1  # Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 by Intevation GmbH  # Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 by Intevation GmbH
2  # Authors:  # Authors:
3  # Jan-Oliver Wagner <[email protected]>  # Jan-Oliver Wagner <[email protected]>
4    # Bernhard Herzog <[email protected]>
5    # Jonathan Coles <[email protected]>
6    # Frank Koormann <[email protected]>
7  #  #
8  # This program is free software under the GPL (>=v2)  # This program is free software under the GPL (>=v2)
9  # Read the file COPYING coming with GRASS for details.  # Read the file COPYING coming with GRASS for details.
# Line 11  Parser for thuban session files. Line 14  Parser for thuban session files.
15  __version__ = "$Revision$"  __version__ = "$Revision$"
17  import sys, string, os  import string, os
19    import xml.sax
20    import xml.sax.handler
21    from xml.sax import make_parser, ErrorHandler, SAXNotRecognizedException
23    from Thuban import _
25    from Thuban.Model.table import FIELDTYPE_INT, FIELDTYPE_DOUBLE, \
28    from Thuban.Model.color import Color, Transparent
30  from Thuban.Model.session import Session  from Thuban.Model.session import Session
31  from Thuban.Model.map import Map  from Thuban.Model.map import Map
32  from Thuban.Model.layer import Layer  from Thuban.Model.layer import Layer, RasterLayer
 from Thuban.Model.color import Color  
33  from Thuban.Model.proj import Projection  from Thuban.Model.proj import Projection
34    from Thuban.Model.range import Range
35    from Thuban.Model.classification import Classification, \
36        ClassGroupDefault, ClassGroupSingleton, ClassGroupRange, ClassGroupMap, \
37        ClassGroupProperties
38    from Thuban.Model.data import DerivedShapeStore, ShapefileStore
39    from Thuban.Model.table import DBFTable
40    from Thuban.Model.transientdb import TransientJoinedTable
42  oldPython=0  from Thuban.Model.xmlreader import XMLReader
43    import resource
45  if not sys.__dict__.has_key("version_info"):  import postgisdb
     # We can assume to have python 1.5.2 or lower here now  
 if oldPython:  
         from xml.sax.saxexts import make_parser  
         from xml.sax.saxlib import HandlerBase  
         from xml.sax import saxutils  
     except ImportError:  
         sys.stdout.write(("You need to have Python-XML installed or"  
                           " a modern Python!\n"  
                           "Check www.python.org/sigs/xml-sig/\n\n"))  
     # Do the python 2.0 standard xml thing and map it on the old names  
     import xml.sax  
     import xml.sax.handler  
     from xml.sax import make_parser  
 class testSAXContentHandler(HandlerBase):  
 # SAX compliant  
     def characters(self, ch, start, length):  
 def test_for_broken_SAX():  
         xml.sax.parseString("""<?xml version="1.0"?>  
             <child1 name="paul">Text goes here</child1>  
     except TypeError:  
         return 1  
     return 0  
47    class LoadError(Exception):
49  def parse_color(color):      """Exception raised when the thuban file is corrupted
51        Not all cases of corrupted thuban files will lead to this exception
52        but those that are found by checks in the loading code itself are.
53      """      """
54      Return the color object for the string color. Color may be either  
55      'None' or of the form '#RRGGBB' in the usual HTML color notation  
56    class LoadCancelled(Exception):
58        """Exception raised to indicate that loading was interrupted by the user"""
61    def parse_color(color):
62        """Return the color object for the string color.
64        Color may be either 'None' or of the form '#RRGGBB' in the usual
65        HTML color notation
66      """      """
67      color = string.strip(color)      color = string.strip(color)
68      if color == "None":      if color == "None":
69          result = None          result = Transparent
70      elif color[0] == '#':      elif color[0] == '#':
71          if len(color) == 7:          if len(color) == 7:
72              r = string.atoi(color[1:3], 16) / 255.0              r = string.atoi(color[1:3], 16) / 255.0
# Line 72  def parse_color(color): Line 74  def parse_color(color):
74              b = string.atoi(color[5:7], 16) / 255.0              b = string.atoi(color[5:7], 16) / 255.0
75              result = Color(r, g, b)              result = Color(r, g, b)
76          else:          else:
77              raise ValueError("Invalid hexadecimal color specification %s"              raise ValueError(_("Invalid hexadecimal color specification %s")
78                               % color)                               % color)
79      else:      else:
80          raise ValueError("Invalid color specification %s" % color)          raise ValueError(_("Invalid color specification %s") % color)
81      return result      return result
83    class AttrDesc:
85  class ProcessSession(HandlerBase):      def __init__(self, name, required = False, default = "",
86                     conversion = None):
87      def __init__(self, directory):          if not isinstance(name, tuple):
88          """Inititialize the Sax handler.              fullname = (None, name)
89            else:
90                fullname = name
91                name = name[1]
92            self.name = name
93            self.fullname = fullname
94            self.required = required
95            self.default = default
96            self.conversion = conversion
98            # set by the SessionLoader's check_attrs method
99            self.value = None
102    class SessionLoader(XMLReader):
104        def __init__(self, db_connection_callback = None,
105                           shapefile_callback = None):
106            """Inititialize the Sax handler."""
107            XMLReader.__init__(self)
109          directory is the directory containing the session file. It's          self.db_connection_callback = db_connection_callback
110          needed to interpret embedded relative filenames          self.shapefile_callback = shapefile_callback
         self.directory = directory  
         self.chars = ''  
111          self.theSession = None          self.theSession = None
112          self.aMap = None          self.aMap = None
113          self.aLayer = None          self.aLayer = None
115      def startElement(self, name, attrs):          # Map ids used in the thuban file to the corresponding objects
116          if name == 'session':          # in the session
117              self.theSession = Session(attrs.get('title', None))          self.idmap = {}
118          elif name == 'map':  
119              self.aMap = Map(attrs.get('title', None))          dispatchers = {
120          elif name == 'projection':              'session'       : ("start_session",        "end_session"),
121              self.ProjectionParams = [ ]  
122          elif name == 'parameter':              'dbconnection': ("start_dbconnection", None),
123              s = attrs.get('value')  
124              s = str(s) # we can't handle unicode in proj              'dbshapesource': ("start_dbshapesource", None),
125              self.ProjectionParams.append(s)              'fileshapesource': ("start_fileshapesource", None),
126          elif name == 'layer':              'derivedshapesource': ("start_derivedshapesource", None),
127              title = attrs.get('title', "")              'filetable': ("start_filetable", None),
128              filename = attrs.get('filename', "")              'jointable': ("start_jointable", None),
129              filename = os.path.join(self.directory, filename)  
130              fill = parse_color(attrs.get('fill', "None"))              'map'           : ("start_map",            "end_map"),
131              stroke = parse_color(attrs.get('stroke', "#000000"))              'projection'    : ("start_projection",     "end_projection"),
132              stroke_width = int(attrs.get("stroke_width", "1"))              'parameter'     : ("start_parameter",      None),
133              self.aLayer = Layer(title, filename, fill = fill, stroke = stroke,              'layer'         : ("start_layer",          "end_layer"),
134                                  stroke_width = stroke_width)              'rasterlayer'   : ("start_rasterlayer",    "end_rasterlayer"),
135          elif name == 'table':              'classification': ("start_classification", "end_classification"),
136              print "table title: %s" % attrs.get('title', None)              'clnull'        : ("start_clnull",         "end_clnull"),
137          elif name == 'labellayer':              'clpoint'       : ("start_clpoint",        "end_clpoint"),
138              self.aLayer = self.aMap.LabelLayer()              'clrange'       : ("start_clrange",        "end_clrange"),
139          elif name == 'label':              'cldata'        : ("start_cldata",         "end_cldata"),
140              x = float(attrs['x'])              'table'         : ("start_table",          "end_table"),
141              y = float(attrs['y'])              'labellayer'    : ("start_labellayer",     None),
142              text = attrs['text']              'label'         : ("start_label",          None)}
143              halign = attrs['halign']  
144              valign = attrs['valign']          # all dispatchers should be used for the 0.8 and 0.9 namespaces too
145              self.aLayer.AddLabel(x, y, text, halign = halign, valign = valign)          for xmlns in ("http://thuban.intevation.org/dtds/thuban-0.8.dtd",
146                                  "http://thuban.intevation.org/dtds/thuban-0.9-dev.dtd",
147                          "http://thuban.intevation.org/dtds/thuban-0.9.dtd",
148      if not oldPython and test_for_broken_SAX():                        "http://thuban.intevation.org/dtds/thuban-1.0-dev.dtd",
149          # works with python 2.0, but is not SAX compliant                        "http://thuban.intevation.org/dtds/thuban-1.0rc1.dtd",
150          def characters(self, ch):                        "http://thuban.intevation.org/dtds/thuban-1.0.0.dtd",
151              self.my_characters(ch)                        "http://thuban.intevation.org/dtds/thuban-1.1-dev.dtd"):
152      else:              for key, value in dispatchers.items():
153          # SAX compliant                  dispatchers[(xmlns, key)] = value
154          def characters(self, ch, start, length):  
155              self.my_characters(ch[start:start+length])          XMLReader.AddDispatchers(self, dispatchers)
157      def my_characters(self, ch):      def Destroy(self):
158          self.chars = self.chars + ch          """Clear all instance variables to cut cyclic references.
160      def endElement(self, name):          The GC would have collected the loader eventually but it can
161          # If it's not a parameter element, ignore it          happen that it doesn't run at all until Thuban is closed (2.3
162          if name == 'session':          but not 2.2 tries a bit harder and forces a collection when the
163              #print "end of session"          interpreter terminates)
164              pass          """
165          if name == 'map':          self.__dict__.clear()
166              self.theSession.AddMap(self.aMap)  
167          if name == 'projection':      def start_session(self, name, qname, attrs):
168              self.aMap.SetProjection(Projection(self.ProjectionParams))          self.theSession = Session(self.encode(attrs.get((None, 'title'),
169          if name == 'layer':                                                          None)))
170              self.aMap.AddLayer(self.aLayer)  
171          if name == 'table':      def end_session(self, name, qname):
172              #print "end of table"          pass
174        def check_attrs(self, element, attrs, descr):
175            """Check and convert some of the attributes of an element
177            Parameters:
178               element -- The element name
179               attrs -- The attrs mapping as passed to the start_* methods
180               descr -- Sequence of attribute descriptions (AttrDesc instances)
182            Return a dictionary containig normalized versions of the
183            attributes described in descr. The keys of that dictionary are
184            the name attributes of the attribute descriptions. The attrs
185            dictionary will not be modified.
187            If the attribute is required, i.e. the 'required' attribute of
188            the descrtiption is true, but it is not in attrs, raise a
189            LoadError.
191            If the attribute has a default value and it is not present in
192            attrs, use that default value as the value in the returned dict.
194            The value is converted before putting it into the returned dict.
195            The following conversions are available:
197               'filename' -- The attribute is a filename.
199                             If the filename is a relative name, interpret
200                             it relative to the directory containing the
201                             .thuban file and make it an absolute name
203               'shapestore' -- The attribute is the ID of a shapestore
204                               defined earlier in the .thuban file. Look it
205                               up self.idmap
207               'table' -- The attribute is the ID of a table or shapestore
208                          defined earlier in the .thuban file. Look it up
209                          self.idmap. If it's the ID of a shapestore the
210                          value will be the table of the shapestore.
212               'idref' -- The attribute is the id of an object defined
213                          earlier in the .thuban file. Look it up self.idmap
215               'ascii' -- The attribute is converted to a bytestring with
216                          ascii encoding.
218               a callable -- The attribute value is passed to the callable
219                             and the return value is used as the converted
220                             value
222            If no conversion is specified for an attribute it is converted
223            with self.encode.
224            """
225            normalized = {}
227            for d in descr:
228                if d.required and not attrs.has_key(d.fullname):
229                    raise LoadError("Element %s requires an attribute %r"
230                                    % (element, d.name))
231                value = attrs.get(d.fullname, d.default)
233                if d.conversion in ("idref", "shapesource"):
234                    if value in self.idmap:
235                        value = self.idmap[value]
236                    else:
237                        raise LoadError("Element %s requires an already defined ID"
238                                        " in attribute %r"
239                                        % (element, d.name))
240                elif d.conversion == "table":
241                    if value in self.idmap:
242                        value = self.idmap[value]
243                        if isinstance(value, ShapefileStore):
244                            value = value.Table()
245                    else:
246                        raise LoadError("Element %s requires an already defined ID"
247                                        " in attribute %r"
248                                        % (element, d.name))
249                elif d.conversion == "filename":
250                    value = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.GetDirectory(),
251                                                         self.encode(value)))
252                elif d.conversion == "ascii":
253                    value = value.encode("ascii")
254                elif d.conversion:
255                    # Assume it's a callable
256                    value = d.conversion(value)
257                else:
258                   value = self.encode(value)
260                normalized[d.name] = value
261            return normalized
263        def open_shapefile(self, filename):
264            """Open shapefile, with alternative path handling.
266               If a shapefile cannot be opened and an IOError is raised, check for
267               an alternative. This alternative can be specified interactively by
268               the user or taken from a list of (potential) locations, depending on
269               the callback implementation.
271               The alternative is rechecked. If taken from a list the user
272               has to confirm the alternative.
273            """
275            # Flag if the alternative path was specified interactively / from list.
276            from_list = 0
277            while 1:
278                try:
279                    store = self.theSession.OpenShapefile(filename)
280                    if from_list:
281                        # A valid path has been guessed from a list
282                        # Let the user confirm - or select an alternative.
283                        filename, from_list = self.shapefile_callback(
284                                                filename, "check")
285                        if filename is None:
286                            # Selection cancelled
287                            raise LoadCancelled
288                        elif store.FileName() == filename:
289                            # Proposed file has been accepted
290                            break
291                        else:
292                            # the filename has been changed, try the new file
293                            pass
294                    else:
295                        break
296                except IOError:
297                    if self.shapefile_callback is not None:
298                        filename, from_list = self.shapefile_callback(
299                                                filename,
300                                                mode = "search",
301                                                second_try = from_list)
302                        if filename is None:
303                            raise LoadCancelled
304                    else:
305                        raise
306            return store
308        def start_dbconnection(self, name, qname, attrs):
309            attrs = self.check_attrs(name, attrs,
310                                     [AttrDesc("id", True),
311                                      AttrDesc("dbtype", True),
312                                      AttrDesc("host", False, ""),
313                                      AttrDesc("port", False, ""),
314                                      AttrDesc("user", False, ""),
315                                      AttrDesc("dbname", True)])
316            ID = attrs["id"]
317            dbtype = attrs["dbtype"]
318            if dbtype != "postgis":
319                raise LoadError("dbtype %r not supported" % filetype)
321            del attrs["id"]
322            del attrs["dbtype"]
324            # Try to open the connection and if it fails ask the user for
325            # the correct parameters repeatedly.
326            # FIXME: it would be better not to insist on getting a
327            # connection here. We should handle this more like the raster
328            # images where the layers etc still are created but are not
329            # drawn in case Thuban can't use the data for various reasons
330            while 1:
331                try:
332                    conn = postgisdb.PostGISConnection(**attrs)
333                    break
334                except postgisdb.ConnectionError, val:
335                    if self.db_connection_callback is not None:
336                        attrs = self.db_connection_callback(attrs, str(val))
337                        if attrs is None:
338                            raise LoadCancelled
339                    else:
340                        raise
342            self.idmap[ID] = conn
343            self.theSession.AddDBConnection(conn)
345        def start_dbshapesource(self, name, qname, attrs):
346            attrs = self.check_attrs(name, attrs,
347                                     [AttrDesc("id", True),
348                                      AttrDesc("dbconn", True,
349                                               conversion = "idref"),
350                                      AttrDesc("tablename", True,
351                                               conversion = "ascii"),
352                                      # id_column and geometry_column were
353                                      # newly introduced with thuban-1.1.dtd
354                                      # where they're required.  Since we
355                                      # support the older formats too we
356                                      # have them optional here.
357                                      AttrDesc("id_column", False, "gid",
358                                               conversion = "ascii"),
359                                      AttrDesc("geometry_column", False,
360                                               conversion = "ascii")])
361            # The default value of geometry_column to use when instantiating
362            # the db shapestore is None which we currently can't easily use
363            # in check_attrs
364            geometry_column = attrs["geometry_column"]
365            if not geometry_column:
366                geometry_column = None
367            dbopen = self.theSession.OpenDBShapeStore
368            self.idmap[attrs["id"]] = dbopen(attrs["dbconn"], attrs["tablename"],
369                                             id_column = attrs["id_column"],
370                                             geometry_column=geometry_column)
372        def start_fileshapesource(self, name, qname, attrs):
373            attrs = self.check_attrs(name, attrs,
374                                      [AttrDesc("id", True),
375                                       AttrDesc("filename", True,
376                                                conversion = "filename"),
377                                       AttrDesc("filetype", True)])
378            ID = attrs["id"]
379            filename = attrs["filename"]
380            filetype = attrs["filetype"]
381            if filetype != "shapefile":
382                raise LoadError("shapesource filetype %r not supported" % filetype)
383            self.idmap[ID] = self.open_shapefile(filename)
385        def start_derivedshapesource(self, name, qname, attrs):
386            attrs = self.check_attrs(name, attrs,
387                                     [AttrDesc("id", True),
388                                      AttrDesc("shapesource", True,
389                                               conversion = "shapesource"),
390                                      AttrDesc("table", True, conversion="table")])
391            store = DerivedShapeStore(attrs["shapesource"], attrs["table"])
392            self.theSession.AddShapeStore(store)
393            self.idmap[attrs["id"]] = store
395        def start_filetable(self, name, qname, attrs):
396            attrs = self.check_attrs(name, attrs,
397                                     [AttrDesc("id", True),
398                                      AttrDesc("title", True),
399                                      AttrDesc("filename", True,
400                                               conversion = "filename"),
401                                      AttrDesc("filetype")])
402            filetype = attrs["filetype"]
403            if filetype != "DBF":
404                raise LoadError("shapesource filetype %r not supported" % filetype)
405            table = DBFTable(attrs["filename"])
406            table.SetTitle(attrs["title"])
407            self.idmap[attrs["id"]] = self.theSession.AddTable(table)
409        def start_jointable(self, name, qname, attrs):
410            attrs = self.check_attrs(name, attrs,
411                                     [AttrDesc("id", True),
412                                      AttrDesc("title", True),
413                                      AttrDesc("left", True, conversion="table"),
414                                      AttrDesc("leftcolumn", True),
415                                      AttrDesc("right", True, conversion="table"),
416                                      AttrDesc("rightcolumn", True),
418                                      # jointype is required for file
419                                      # version 0.9 but this attribute
420                                      # wasn't in the 0.8 version because of
421                                      # an oversight so we assume it's
422                                      # optional since we want to handle
423                                      # both file format versions here.
424                                      AttrDesc("jointype", False,
425                                               default="INNER")])
427            jointype = attrs["jointype"]
428            if jointype == "LEFT OUTER":
429                outer_join = True
430            elif jointype == "INNER":
431                outer_join = False
432            else:
433                raise LoadError("jointype %r not supported" % jointype )
434            table = TransientJoinedTable(self.theSession.TransientDB(),
435                                         attrs["left"], attrs["leftcolumn"],
436                                         attrs["right"], attrs["rightcolumn"],
437                                         outer_join = outer_join)
438            table.SetTitle(attrs["title"])
439            self.idmap[attrs["id"]] = self.theSession.AddTable(table)
441        def start_map(self, name, qname, attrs):
442            """Start a map."""
443            self.aMap = Map(self.encode(attrs.get((None, 'title'), None)))
445        def end_map(self, name, qname):
446            self.theSession.AddMap(self.aMap)
447            self.aMap = None
449        def start_projection(self, name, qname, attrs):
450            attrs = self.check_attrs(name, attrs,
451                                     [AttrDesc("name", conversion=self.encode),
452                                      AttrDesc("epsg", default=None,
453                                               conversion=self.encode)])
454            self.projection_name = attrs["name"]
455            self.projection_epsg = attrs["epsg"]
456            self.projection_params = [ ]
458        def end_projection(self, name, qname):
459            if self.aLayer is not None:
460                obj = self.aLayer
461            elif self.aMap is not None:
462                obj = self.aMap
463            else:
464                assert False, "projection tag out of context"
465              pass              pass
467  def load_session(filename):          obj.SetProjection(Projection(self.projection_params,
468      """Load a Thuban session from the file object file"""                                       self.projection_name,
469      dir = os.path.dirname(filename)                                       epsg = self.projection_epsg))
470      file = open(filename)  
471      handler = ProcessSession(dir)      def start_parameter(self, name, qname, attrs):
472            s = attrs.get((None, 'value'))
473      if oldPython:          s = str(s) # we can't handle unicode in proj
474          parser = make_parser()          self.projection_params.append(s)
475          parser.setDocumentHandler(handler)  
476          parser.setErrorHandler(saxutils.ErrorPrinter())      def start_layer(self, name, qname, attrs, layer_class = Layer):
477          parser.parseFile(file)          """Start a layer
478          parser.close()  
479      else:          Instantiate a layer of class layer_class from the attributes in
480          xml.sax.parse(file,handler)          attrs which may be a dictionary as well as the normal SAX attrs
481            object and bind it to self.aLayer.
482            """
483            title = self.encode(attrs.get((None, 'title'), ""))
484            filename = attrs.get((None, 'filename'), "")
485            filename = os.path.join(self.GetDirectory(), filename)
486            filename = self.encode(filename)
487            visible  = self.encode(attrs.get((None, 'visible'), "true")) != "false"
488            fill = parse_color(attrs.get((None, 'fill'), "None"))
489            stroke = parse_color(attrs.get((None, 'stroke'), "#000000"))
490            stroke_width = int(attrs.get((None, 'stroke_width'), "1"))
491            if attrs.has_key((None, "shapestore")):
492                store = self.idmap[attrs[(None, "shapestore")]]
493            else:
494                store = self.open_shapefile(filename)
496            self.aLayer = layer_class(title, store,
497                                      fill = fill, stroke = stroke,
498                                      lineWidth = stroke_width,
499                                      visible = visible)
501        def end_layer(self, name, qname):
502            self.aMap.AddLayer(self.aLayer)
503            self.aLayer = None
505        def start_rasterlayer(self, name, qname, attrs, layer_class = RasterLayer):
506            title = self.encode(attrs.get((None, 'title'), ""))
507            filename = attrs.get((None, 'filename'), "")
508            filename = os.path.join(self.GetDirectory(), filename)
509            filename = self.encode(filename)
510            visible  = self.encode(attrs.get((None, 'visible'), "true")) != "false"
511            opacity  = float(attrs.get((None, 'opacity'), "1"))
512            masktype = str(attrs.get((None, 'masktype'), "bit"))
514            masktypes = {"none": layer_class.MASK_NONE,
515                         "bit":  layer_class.MASK_BIT,
516                         "alpha": layer_class.MASK_ALPHA}
518            self.aLayer = layer_class(title, filename,
519                                      visible = visible,
520                                      opacity = opacity,
521                                      masktype = masktypes[masktype])
523        def end_rasterlayer(self, name, qname):
524            self.aMap.AddLayer(self.aLayer)
525            self.aLayer = None
527        def start_classification(self, name, qname, attrs):
528            # field and field_type are optional because the classification
529            # can also be empty, ie. have only a default.
530            attrs = self.check_attrs(name, attrs,
531                                     [AttrDesc("field", False),
532                                      AttrDesc("field_type", False)])
534            field = attrs["field"]
535            fieldType = attrs["field_type"]
537            if field == "": return # no need to set classification column.
539            dbFieldType = self.aLayer.GetFieldType(field)
541            if fieldType != dbFieldType:
542                raise ValueError(_("xml field type differs from database!"))
544            # setup conversion routines depending on the kind of data
545            # we will be seeing later on
546            if fieldType == FIELDTYPE_STRING:
547                self.conv = str
548            elif fieldType == FIELDTYPE_INT:
549                self.conv = lambda p: int(float(p))
550            elif fieldType == FIELDTYPE_DOUBLE:
551                self.conv = float
553            self.aLayer.SetClassificationColumn(field)
555        def end_classification(self, name, qname):
556            pass
558        def start_clnull(self, name, qname, attrs):
559            self.cl_group = ClassGroupDefault()
560            self.cl_group.SetLabel(self.encode(attrs.get((None, 'label'), "")))
561            self.cl_prop = ClassGroupProperties()
563        def end_clnull(self, name, qname):
564            self.cl_group.SetProperties(self.cl_prop)
565            self.aLayer.GetClassification().SetDefaultGroup(self.cl_group)
566            del self.cl_group, self.cl_prop
568        def start_clpoint(self, name, qname, attrs):
569            attrib_value = attrs.get((None, 'value'), "0")
571            field = self.aLayer.GetClassificationColumn()
572            if self.aLayer.GetFieldType(field) == FIELDTYPE_STRING:
573                value = self.encode(attrib_value)
574            else:
575                value = self.conv(attrib_value)
576            self.cl_group = ClassGroupSingleton(value)
577            self.cl_group.SetLabel(self.encode(attrs.get((None, 'label'), "")))
578            self.cl_prop = ClassGroupProperties()
581        def end_clpoint(self, name, qname):
582            self.cl_group.SetProperties(self.cl_prop)
583            self.aLayer.GetClassification().AppendGroup(self.cl_group)
584            del self.cl_group, self.cl_prop
586        def start_clrange(self, name, qname, attrs):
587            attrs = self.check_attrs(name, attrs,
588                                     [AttrDesc("range", False, None),
589                                      AttrDesc("min", False, None),
590                                      AttrDesc("max", False, None)])
592            range = attrs['range']
593            # for backward compatibility (min/max are not saved)
594            min   = attrs['min']
595            max   = attrs['max']
597            try:
598                if range is not None:
599                    self.cl_group = ClassGroupRange(Range(range))
600                elif min is not None and max is not None:
601                    self.cl_group = ClassGroupRange((self.conv(min),
602                                                     self.conv(max)))
603                else:
604                    self.cl_group = ClassGroupRange(Range(None))
606            except ValueError:
607                raise ValueError(_("Classification range is not a number!"))
609            self.cl_group.SetLabel(attrs.get((None, 'label'), ""))
610            self.cl_prop = ClassGroupProperties()
613        def end_clrange(self, name, qname):
614            self.cl_group.SetProperties(self.cl_prop)
615            self.aLayer.GetClassification().AppendGroup(self.cl_group)
616            del self.cl_group, self.cl_prop
618        def start_cldata(self, name, qname, attrs):
619            self.cl_prop.SetLineColor(
620                parse_color(attrs.get((None, 'stroke'), "None")))
621            self.cl_prop.SetLineWidth(
622                int(attrs.get((None, 'stroke_width'), "0")))
623            self.cl_prop.SetSize(int(attrs.get((None, 'size'), "5")))
624            self.cl_prop.SetFill(parse_color(attrs.get((None, 'fill'), "None")))
626        def end_cldata(self, name, qname):
627            pass
629        def start_labellayer(self, name, qname, attrs):
630            self.aLayer = self.aMap.LabelLayer()
632        def start_label(self, name, qname, attrs):
633            attrs = self.check_attrs(name, attrs,
634                                     [AttrDesc("x", True, conversion = float),
635                                      AttrDesc("y", True, conversion = float),
636                                      AttrDesc("text", True),
637                                      AttrDesc("halign", True,
638                                               conversion = "ascii"),
639                                      AttrDesc("valign", True,
640                                               conversion = "ascii")])
641            x = attrs['x']
642            y = attrs['y']
643            text = attrs['text']
644            halign = attrs['halign']
645            valign = attrs['valign']
646            if halign not in ("left", "center", "right"):
647                raise LoadError("Unsupported halign value %r" % halign)
648            if valign not in ("top", "center", "bottom"):
649                raise LoadError("Unsupported valign value %r" % valign)
650            self.aLayer.AddLabel(x, y, text, halign = halign, valign = valign)
652        def characters(self, chars):
653            pass
656    def load_session(filename, db_connection_callback = None,
657                               shapefile_callback = None):
658        """Load a Thuban session from the file object file
660        The db_connection_callback, if given should be a callable object
661        that can be called like this:
662           db_connection_callback(params, message)
664        where params is a dictionary containing the known connection
665        parameters and message is a string with a message why the connection
666        failed. db_connection_callback should return a new dictionary with
667        corrected and perhaps additional parameters like a password or None
668        to indicate that the user cancelled.
669        """
670        handler = SessionLoader(db_connection_callback, shapefile_callback)
671        handler.read(filename)
673      session = handler.theSession      session = handler.theSession
674      # Newly loaded session aren't modified      # Newly loaded session aren't modified
675      session.UnsetModified()      session.UnsetModified()
677        handler.Destroy()
679      return session      return session
 if __name__ == "__main__":  
     # find out the command to run  
     if len(sys.argv) > 1:  
         print "usage: cat <file> | " + sys.argv[0]  

Removed from v.105  
changed lines
  Added in v.2658

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