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Contents of /branches/WIP-pyshapelib-bramz/Thuban/Model/transientdb.py

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Revision 1020 - (show annotations)
Fri May 23 13:03:07 2003 UTC (21 years, 9 months ago) by jan
Original Path: trunk/thuban/Thuban/Model/transientdb.py
File MIME type: text/x-python
File size: 18707 byte(s)
(TransientTable, TransientJoinedTable, AutoTransientTable): mix-in
TitledObject and call its init-method with a default title. Remove
Title() method.

1 # Copyright (C) 2003 by Intevation GmbH
2 # Authors:
3 # Bernhard Herzog <[email protected]>
4 #
5 # This program is free software under the GPL (>=v2)
6 # Read the file COPYING coming with the software for details.
8 """Database for transient data
10 This database is intended for data representations needed during the
11 lifetime of a Thuban session but which is not permanent. Examples of
12 this are for instance a join of two DBF files where the DBF files are
13 the permanent representation of the data and the join only exists in the
14 Thuban session and is reconstructed when the session is opened.
15 """
17 __version__ = "$Revision$"
18 # $Source$
19 # $Id$
21 import os
22 import weakref
23 from sqlite import connect
25 from base import TitledObject
27 import table
29 sql_type_map = {
33 }
35 type_converter_map = {
36 table.FIELDTYPE_INT: int,
37 table.FIELDTYPE_STRING: str,
38 table.FIELDTYPE_DOUBLE: float,
39 }
41 class TransientDatabase:
43 def __init__(self, filename):
44 self.filename = filename
45 self.conn = connect(filename)
46 # Counters to produce unique table and column names
47 self.num_tables = 0
48 self.num_cols = 0
49 # Since there's only once process using the SQLite database, we
50 # might be able to get a tad more speed with default_synchronous
51 # OFF. So far I haven't seen any measurable speedup, though.
52 #self.execute("PRAGMA default_synchronous = OFF")
54 def __del__(self):
55 self.close()
57 def close(self):
58 if self.conn is not None:
59 self.conn.close()
60 self.conn = None
62 def new_table_name(self):
63 self.num_tables += 1
64 return "Table%03d" % self.num_tables
66 def new_column_name(self):
67 self.num_cols += 1
68 return "Col%03d" % self.num_cols
70 def execute(self, *args):
71 """execute the SQL statement in the database and return the result"""
72 cursor = self.conn.cursor()
73 cursor.execute(*args)
74 result = cursor.fetchone()
75 self.conn.commit()
76 return result
78 def cursor(self):
79 return self.conn.cursor()
82 class ColumnReference:
84 def __init__(self, name, type, internal_name):
85 self.name = name
86 self.type = type
87 self.internal_name = internal_name
90 class TransientTableBase(table.OldTableInterfaceMixin):
92 """Base class for tables in the transient database"""
94 def __init__(self, transient_db):
95 """Initialize the table for use with the given transient db"""
96 self.db = transient_db
97 self.tablename = self.db.new_table_name()
98 self.indexed_columns = {}
99 self.read_record_cursor = None
100 self.read_record_last_row = None
101 self.read_record_last_result = None
103 def create(self, columns):
104 self.columns = columns
105 self.name_to_column = {}
106 self.orig_names = []
107 self.internal_to_orig = {}
108 self.orig_to_internal = {}
109 self.column_map = {}
111 # Create the column objects and fill various maps and lists
112 for index in range(len(self.columns)):
113 col = self.columns[index]
114 self.name_to_column[col.name] = col
115 self.orig_names.append(col.name)
116 self.internal_to_orig[col.internal_name] = col.name
117 self.orig_to_internal[col.name] = col.internal_name
118 self.column_map[col.name] = col
119 self.column_map[index] = col
121 # Build the CREATE TABLE statement and create the table in the
122 # database
123 table_types = ["id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY"]
124 for col in self.columns:
125 table_types.append("%s %s" % (col.internal_name,
126 sql_type_map[col.type]))
127 table_stmt = "CREATE TABLE %s (\n %s\n);" % (self.tablename,
128 ",\n ".join(table_types))
129 self.db.execute(table_stmt)
131 def transient_table(self):
132 """
133 Return a table whose underlying implementation is in the transient db
134 """
135 return self
137 def ensure_index(self, column):
138 """Ensure that there's an index on the given column"""
139 if not column in self.indexed_columns:
140 internal_name = self.orig_to_internal[column]
141 indexname = "Index_%s_%s" % (self.tablename, internal_name)
142 stmt = "CREATE INDEX %s ON %s (%s);" % (indexname, self.tablename,
143 internal_name)
144 self.db.execute(stmt)
145 self.indexed_columns[column] = 1
147 def NumColumns(self):
148 return len(self.columns)
150 def NumRows(self):
151 result = self.db.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM %s;" % self.tablename)
152 return int(result[0])
154 def Columns(self):
155 return self.columns
157 def Column(self, col):
158 return self.column_map[col]
160 def HasColumn(self, col):
161 """Return whether the table has a column with the given name or index
162 """
163 return self.column_map.has_key(col)
165 def ReadRowAsDict(self, index):
166 # Implementation Strategy: Executing a completely new select
167 # statement every time this method is called is too slow. The
168 # most important usage is to read the records more or less
169 # sequentially. This happens e.g. when drawing a layer with a
170 # classification where the shapes are drawn in order of the
171 # shape ids. Another pattern is that the same row is requested
172 # several times in a row. This happens in the table view, for
173 # instance.
175 # We can exploit this to make access faster by having one cursor
176 # open all the time and keeping the last row read around in case
177 # the same row is accessed again the next time and if the row
178 # index is larger than the row we have read last we simply fetch
179 # rows from the cursor until we've reached the requested row. If
180 # the requested row index is smaller then we start a new cursor.
182 # FIXME: So far this scheme seems to work well enough. Obvious
183 # improvements would be to start the cursor at exactly the
184 # requested row (should be efficient and easy to do now that the
185 # id is the primary key) and to perhaps to also start a new
186 # cursor if the requested index is much larger than the last row
187 # so that we don't read and discard lots of the rows.
189 # Check whether we have to start a new cursor
190 if self.read_record_cursor is None or index <self.read_record_last_row:
191 stmt = ("SELECT %s FROM %s;"
192 % (", ".join([c.internal_name for c in self.columns]),
193 self.tablename))
194 self.read_record_cursor = self.db.cursor()
195 self.read_record_cursor.execute(stmt)
196 self.read_record_last_row = -1
197 self.read_record_last_result = None
199 # Now we should have a cursor at a position less than or equal
200 # to the index so the following if statement will always set
201 # result to a suitable value
202 assert index >= self.read_record_last_row
204 if index == self.read_record_last_row:
205 result = self.read_record_last_result
206 else:
207 for i in range(index - self.read_record_last_row):
208 result = self.read_record_cursor.fetchone()
209 self.read_record_last_result = result
210 self.read_record_last_row = index
211 return dict(zip(self.orig_names, result))
213 def ReadValue(self, row, col):
214 """Return the value of the specified row and column
216 The col parameter may be the index of the column or its name.
217 """
218 # Depending on the actual access patterns of the table data, it
219 # might be a bit faster in some circumstances to not implement
220 # this via ReadRowAsDict, but this simple implementation should
221 # be fast enough for most purposes.
222 return self.ReadRowAsDict(row)[self.column_map[col].name]
224 def ValueRange(self, col):
225 col = self.column_map[col]
226 iname = col.internal_name
227 min, max = self.db.execute("SELECT min(%s), max(%s) FROM %s;"
228 % (iname, iname, self.tablename))
229 converter = type_converter_map[col.type]
230 return (converter(min), converter(max))
232 def UniqueValues(self, col):
233 iname = self.column_map[col].internal_name
234 cursor = self.db.cursor()
235 cursor.execute("SELECT %s FROM %s GROUP BY %s;"
236 % (iname, self.tablename, iname))
237 result = []
238 while 1:
239 row = cursor.fetchone()
240 if row is None:
241 break
242 result.append(row[0])
243 return result
245 def SimpleQuery(self, left, comparison, right):
246 """Return the indices of all rows that matching a condition.
248 Parameters:
249 left -- The column object for the left side of the comparison
251 comparison -- The comparison operator as a string. It must be
252 one of '==', '!=', '<', '<=', '>=', '>'
254 right -- The right hand side of the comparison. It must be
255 either a column object or a value, i.e. a string,
256 int or float.
258 The return value is a sorted list of the indices of the rows
259 where the condition is true.
260 """
261 if comparison not in ("==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">=", ">"):
262 raise ValueError("Comparison operator %r not allowed" % comparison)
264 if hasattr(right, "internal_name"):
265 right_template = right.internal_name
266 params = ()
267 else:
268 right_template = "%s"
269 params = (right,)
271 query = "SELECT id FROM %s WHERE %s %s %s ORDER BY id;" \
272 % (self.tablename, left.internal_name, comparison,
273 right_template)
275 cursor = self.db.cursor()
276 cursor.execute(query, params)
277 result = []
278 while 1:
279 row = cursor.fetchone()
280 if row is None:
281 break
282 result.append(row[0])
283 return result
285 def Dependencies(self):
286 """Placeholder for a method in a derived class.
288 Return a sequence with the tables and other data objects that
289 self depends on.
290 """
291 raise NotImplementedError
294 class TransientTable(TitledObject, TransientTableBase):
296 """A Table in a transient DB that starts as the copy of a Thuban Table."""
298 def __init__(self, transient_db, table):
299 """Create a new table in the given transient DB as a copy of table
301 The table argument can be any object implementing the Table
302 interface.
303 """
304 TransientTableBase.__init__(self, transient_db)
305 TitledObject.__init__(self, table.Title())
306 self.create(table)
308 def create(self, table):
309 columns = []
310 for col in table.Columns():
311 columns.append(ColumnReference(col.name, col.type,
312 self.db.new_column_name()))
313 TransientTableBase.create(self, columns)
315 # copy the input table to the transient db
317 # A key to insert to use for the formatting of the insert
318 # statement. The key must not be equal to any of the column
319 # names so we construct one by building a string of x's that is
320 # longer than any of the column names
321 id_key = max([len(col.name) for col in self.columns]) * "x"
323 insert_template = "INSERT INTO %s (id, %s) VALUES (%%(%s)s, %s);" \
324 % (self.tablename,
325 ", ".join([col.internal_name
326 for col in self.columns]),
327 id_key,
328 ", ".join(["%%(%s)s" % col.name
329 for col in self.columns]))
330 cursor = self.db.cursor()
331 for i in range(table.NumRows()):
332 row = table.ReadRowAsDict(i)
333 row[id_key] = i
334 cursor.execute(insert_template, row)
335 self.db.conn.commit()
339 class TransientJoinedTable(TitledObject, TransientTableBase):
341 """A Table in the transient DB that contains a join of two tables"""
343 def __init__(self, transient_db, left_table, left_field,
344 right_table, right_field = None, outer_join = False):
345 """Create a new table in the transient DB as a join of two tables.
347 Both input tables, left_table and right_table must have a
348 transient_table method that returns a table object for a table
349 in the transient database. The join is performed on the condition
350 that the value of the left_field column the the left table is
351 equal to the value of the right_field in the right_table.
353 The joined table contains all columns of the input tables with
354 one exception: Any column in the right_table with the same name
355 as one of the columns in the left_table will be omitted. This is
356 somewhat of an implementation detail, but is done so that the
357 column names of the joined table can be the same as the column
358 names of the input tables without having to create prefixes.
359 """
360 TransientTableBase.__init__(self, transient_db)
361 self.dependencies = (left_table, right_table)
362 self.left_table = left_table.transient_table()
363 self.left_field = left_field
364 self.right_table = right_table.transient_table()
365 if right_field:
366 self.right_field = right_field
367 else:
368 self.right_field = self.left_field
369 self.outer_join = outer_join
371 title = "Join of %(left)s and %(right)s" \
372 % {"left": self.left_table.Title(),
373 "right": self.right_table.Title()}
374 TitledObject.__init__(self, title)
376 self.create()
378 def create(self):
379 """Internal: Create the table with the joined data"""
380 self.tablename = self.db.new_table_name()
382 self.right_table.ensure_index(self.right_field)
384 # Coalesce the column information
385 visited = {}
386 columns = []
387 for col in self.left_table.columns + self.right_table.columns:
388 if col.name in visited:
389 # We can't allow multiple columns with the same original
390 # name, so omit this one. FIXME: There should be a
391 # better solution.
392 continue
393 columns.append(col)
394 TransientTableBase.create(self, columns)
396 # Copy the joined data to the table.
397 internal_names = [col.internal_name for col in self.columns]
398 if self.outer_join:
399 join_operator = 'LEFT OUTER JOIN'
400 else:
401 join_operator = 'JOIN'
402 stmt = ("INSERT INTO %s (id, %s) SELECT %s.id, %s FROM %s"
403 " %s %s ON %s = %s;"
404 % (self.tablename,
405 ", ".join(internal_names),
406 self.left_table.tablename,
407 ", ".join(internal_names),
408 self.left_table.tablename,
409 join_operator,
410 self.right_table.tablename,
411 self.orig_to_internal[self.left_field],
412 self.orig_to_internal[self.right_field]))
413 self.db.execute(stmt)
415 def Dependencies(self):
416 """Return a tuple with the two tables the join depends on."""
417 return self.dependencies
420 class AutoTransientTable(TitledObject, table.OldTableInterfaceMixin):
422 """Table that copies data to a transient table on demand.
424 The AutoTransientTable takes another table as input and copies data
425 to a table in a TransientDatabase instance on demand.
426 """
428 def __init__(self, transient_db, table):
429 TitledObject.__init__(self, table.Title())
430 self.transient_db = transient_db
431 self.table = table
432 self.t_table = None
434 def Columns(self):
435 return self.table.Columns()
437 def Column(self, col):
438 return self.table.Column(col)
440 def HasColumn(self, col):
441 """Return whether the table has a column with the given name or index
442 """
443 return self.table.HasColumn(col)
445 def NumRows(self):
446 return self.table.NumRows()
448 def NumColumns(self):
449 return self.table.NumColumns()
451 def ReadRowAsDict(self, record):
452 """Return the record no. record as a dict mapping field names to values
453 """
454 if self.t_table is not None:
455 return self.t_table.ReadRowAsDict(record)
456 else:
457 return self.table.ReadRowAsDict(record)
459 def ReadValue(self, row, col):
460 """Return the value of the specified row and column
462 The col parameter may be the index of the column or its name.
463 """
464 if self.t_table is not None:
465 return self.t_table.ReadValue(row, col)
466 else:
467 return self.table.ReadValue(row, col)
469 def copy_to_transient(self):
470 """Internal: Create a transient table and copy the data into it"""
471 self.t_table = TransientTable(self.transient_db, self)
473 def transient_table(self):
474 """
475 Return a table whose underlying implementation is in the transient db
476 """
477 if self.t_table is None:
478 self.copy_to_transient()
479 return self.t_table
481 def ValueRange(self, col):
482 if self.t_table is None:
483 self.copy_to_transient()
484 return self.t_table.ValueRange(col)
486 def UniqueValues(self, col):
487 if self.t_table is None:
488 self.copy_to_transient()
489 return self.t_table.UniqueValues(col)
491 def SimpleQuery(self, left, comparison, right):
492 if self.t_table is None:
493 self.copy_to_transient()
494 # Make sure to use the column object of the transient table. The
495 # left argument is always a column object so we can just ask the
496 # t_table for the right object.
497 if hasattr(right, "name"):
498 return self.t_table.SimpleQuery(self.t_table.Column(left.name),
499 comparison,
500 self.t_table.Column(right.name))
501 else:
502 return self.t_table.SimpleQuery(self.t_table.Column(left.name),
503 comparison, right)
505 def Dependencies(self):
506 """Return a tuple containing the original table"""
507 return (self.table,)


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