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Diff of /branches/WIP-pyshapelib-bramz/Thuban/UI/mainwindow.py

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revision 2186 by jan, Sun Apr 18 20:37:01 2004 UTC revision 2531 by bernhard, Thu Jan 20 18:47:26 2005 UTC
# Line 35  from Thuban.UI.multiplechoicedialog impo Line 35  from Thuban.UI.multiplechoicedialog impo
35  import view  import view
36  import tree  import tree
37  import tableview, identifyview  import tableview, identifyview
 from Thuban.UI.classifier import Classifier  
38  import legend  import legend
39  from menu import Menu  from menu import Menu
# Line 53  import Thuban.Model.resource Line 52  import Thuban.Model.resource
53  import projdialog  import projdialog
55    from Thuban.Lib.classmapper import ClassMapper
57    layer_properties_dialogs = ClassMapper()
59  class MainWindow(DockFrame):  class MainWindow(DockFrame):
# Line 333  class MainWindow(DockFrame): Line 335  class MainWindow(DockFrame):
335          return self.dialogs.get(name)          return self.dialogs.get(name)
337      def view_position_changed(self):      def view_position_changed(self):
338            """Put current position in status bar after a mouse move."""
339          pos = self.canvas.CurrentPosition()          pos = self.canvas.CurrentPosition()
340          if pos is not None:          if pos is not None:
341              text = "(%10.10g, %10.10g)" % pos              text = "(%10.10g, %10.10g)" % pos
342          else:          else:
343              text = ""              text = ""
344                # XXX This is a hack until we find a better place for this code.
345                # (BER 20050120)
346                # BH wrote (20050120):
347                # this branch is only executed when the mouse
348                # leaves the canvas window, so it's not that often [..]
349                # [Here] not the right place to put this code.  
350                # I don't have a better solution at hand,
351                # but the view_position_changed is only there to update
352                # the current position.  If other information is to
353                # be shown in the status bar it should
354                # be handled in a different way and
355                # by other methods.
356                #
357                # The status bar widget supports some kind of stack of texts.
358                # maybe that can be used to distinguis
359                # between short-lived information such as the mouse position
360                # and more permanent information such as the hint
361                # about the projections.
362                map = self.canvas.Map()
363                for layer in map.layers:
364                    bbox = layer.LatLongBoundingBox()
365                    if bbox:
366                        left, bottom, right, top = bbox
367                        if not (-180 <= left <= 180 and
368                            -180 <= right <= 180 and
369                            -90 <= top <= 90 and
370                            -90 <= bottom <= 90):
371                            text = ("Select '"+layer.title+"' and pick a " +
372                                "projection using Layer/Projection...")
373                            break
375          self.set_position_text(text)          self.set_position_text(text)
377      def set_position_text(self, text):      def set_position_text(self, text):
# Line 349  class MainWindow(DockFrame): Line 383  class MainWindow(DockFrame):
383          """          """
384          self.SetStatusText(text)          self.SetStatusText(text)
386        def OpenOrRaiseDialog(self, name, dialog_class, *args, **kw):
387            """
388            Open or raise a dialog.
390            If a dialog with the denoted name does already exist it is
391            raised.  Otherwise a new dialog, an instance of dialog_class,
392            is created, inserted into the main list and displayed.
393            """
394            dialog = self.get_open_dialog(name)
396            if dialog is None:
397                dialog = dialog_class(self, name, *args, **kw)
398                self.add_dialog(name, dialog)
399                dialog.Show(True)
400            else:
401                dialog.Raise()
403      def save_modified_session(self, can_veto = 1):      def save_modified_session(self, can_veto = 1):
404          """If the current session has been modified, ask the user          """If the current session has been modified, ask the user
405          whether to save it and do so if requested. Return the outcome of          whether to save it and do so if requested. Return the outcome of
# Line 634  class MainWindow(DockFrame): Line 685  class MainWindow(DockFrame):
685                                layer.ShapeStore(),                                layer.ShapeStore(),
686                                projection = layer.GetProjection())                                projection = layer.GetProjection())
687              new_classification = copy.deepcopy(layer.GetClassification())              new_classification = copy.deepcopy(layer.GetClassification())
688                new_layer.SetClassificationColumn(
689                        layer.GetClassificationColumn())
690              new_layer.SetClassification(new_classification)              new_layer.SetClassification(new_classification)
691              self.Map().AddLayer(new_layer)              self.Map().AddLayer(new_layer)
# Line 705  class MainWindow(DockFrame): Line 758  class MainWindow(DockFrame):
758          self.OpenLayerProperties(layer)          self.OpenLayerProperties(layer)
760      def OpenLayerProperties(self, layer, group = None):      def OpenLayerProperties(self, layer, group = None):
761          name = "layer_properties" + str(id(layer))          """
762          dialog = self.get_open_dialog(name)          Open or raise the properties dialog.
764          if dialog is None:          This method opens or raises the properties dialog for the
765              dialog = Classifier(self, name, self.Map(), layer, group)          currently selected layer if one is defined for this layer
766              self.add_dialog(name, dialog)          type.
767              dialog.Show()          """
768          dialog.Raise()          dialog_class = layer_properties_dialogs.get(layer)
770            if dialog_class is not None:
771                name = "layer_properties" + str(id(layer))
772                self.OpenOrRaiseDialog(name, dialog_class, layer, group = group)
774      def LayerJoinTable(self):      def LayerJoinTable(self):
775          layer = self.canvas.SelectedLayer()          layer = self.canvas.SelectedLayer()

Removed from v.2186  
changed lines
  Added in v.2531

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