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revision 605 by jonathan, Fri Apr 4 12:16:13 2003 UTC revision 2571 by jonathan, Fri Feb 18 14:54:17 2005 UTC
# Line 1  Line 1 
1  # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 by Intevation GmbH  # Copyright (c) 2001-2004 by Intevation GmbH
2  # Authors:  # Authors:
3  # Bernhard Herzog <[email protected]>  # Bernhard Herzog <[email protected]> (2001-2003)
4  # Jonathan Coles <[email protected]>  # Jonathan Coles <[email protected]> (2003)
5    # Frank Koormann <[email protected]> (2003)
6    # Jan-Oliver Wagner <[email protected]> (2003, 2004)
7  #  #
8  # This program is free software under the GPL (>=v2)  # This program is free software under the GPL (>=v2)
9  # Read the file COPYING coming with Thuban for details.  # Read the file COPYING coming with Thuban for details.
11  __version__ = "$Revision$"  from __future__ import generators
13  from wxPython.wx import wxPoint, wxPen, wxBrush, wxFont, \  __version__ = "$Revision$"
14       wxTRANSPARENT_PEN, wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH, \  # $Source$
15       wxBLACK, wxSOLID, wxCROSS_HATCH, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL  # $Id$
17  from wxproj import draw_polygon_shape  import cStringIO
19  from Thuban import _  from Thuban import _
 from Thuban.UI.common import *  
21  from Thuban.Model.layer import SHAPETYPE_POLYGON, SHAPETYPE_ARC, \  from wxPython.wx import wxPoint, wxRect, wxPen, wxBrush, wxFont, \
23  from Thuban.Model.label import ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_TOP, ALIGN_BOTTOM, \      wxBLACK_PEN, wxBLACK, wxSOLID, wxCROSS_HATCH, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, \
24       ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_BASELINE      wxBitmapFromImage, wxImageFromStream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP, \
26        wxBITMAP_TYPE_GIF, wxEmptyImage, wxMask, wxBitmapFromBits
28  from Thuban.Model.classification import Classification  from wxproj import draw_polygon_shape, draw_polygon_init
 from Thuban.Model.color import Color  
30    from Thuban.UI.common import Color2wxColour
31    from Thuban.UI.classifier import ClassDataPreviewer
32    from Thuban.UI.scalebar import ScaleBar
34  class MapRenderer:  from Thuban.Model.data import SHAPETYPE_POLYGON, SHAPETYPE_ARC, \
37      """Class to render a map onto a wxDC"""  from Thuban.Model.color import Transparent
38    import Thuban.Model.resource
40      honor_visibility = 1  from baserenderer import BaseRenderer
42      def __init__(self, dc, scale, offset, resolution = 72.0,  from math import floor
                  honor_visibility = None):  
         """Inititalize the renderer.  
         dc -- the wxPython DC to render on  
         scale, offset -- the scale factor and translation to convert  
                 between projected coordinates and the DC coordinates  
         resolution -- the assumed resolution of the DC. Used to convert  
                 absolute lengths like font sizes to DC coordinates  
         honor_visibility -- boolean. If true, honor the visibility flag  
                 of the layers, otherwise draw all layers. If None, use  
                 the renderer's default.  
         # resolution in pixel/inch  
44          assert scale > 0  from types import StringType
46          self.dc = dc  from Thuban.version import versions
         self.scale = scale  
         self.offset = offset  
         if honor_visibility is not None:  
             self.honor_visibility = honor_visibility  
         # store the resolution in pixel/point because it's more useful  
         # later.  
         self.resolution = resolution / 72.0  
     def render_map(self, map):  
         self.map = map  
         for layer in map.Layers():  
             # if honor_visibility is true, only draw visible layers,  
             # otherwise draw all layers  
             if not self.honor_visibility or layer.Visible():  
48      def draw_shape_layer(self, layer):  if Thuban.Model.resource.has_gdal_support():
49          scale = self.scale      from gdalwarp import ProjectRasterFile
         offx, offy = self.offset  
         map_proj = self.map.projection  
         layer_proj = layer.projection  
52          shapetype = layer.ShapeType()  # Map the strings used for the format parameter of the draw_raster_data
53    # method to the appropriate wxWindows constants
54    raster_format_map = {
55        "BMP": wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP,
56        "JPEG": wxBITMAP_TYPE_JPEG,
57        "PNG": wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG,
58        "TIFF": wxBITMAP_TYPE_TIF,
59        "GIF": wxBITMAP_TYPE_GIF,
60        }
62          brush = wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH  class MapRenderer(BaseRenderer):
         pen   = wxTRANSPARENT_PEN  
64          old_prop = None      """Class to render a map onto a wxDC"""
         lc = layer.GetClassification()  
         field = lc.GetField()  
         defaultProps = lc.GetDefaultGroup().GetProperties()  
         for i in self.layer_ids(layer):  
             value = None  
             if field is not None:  
                     record = layer.table.read_record(i)  
                     if record is not None:  
                         value = record[field]  
                 # if the above statements fail 'value' should  
                 # be null, at which point this call will  
                 # at least retreive the NullData  
                 prop = lc.GetProperties(value)  
                 prop = defaultProps  
             # don't recreate new objects if they are the same as before  
             if prop != old_prop:  
                 old_prop = prop  
                 if shapetype == SHAPETYPE_ARC:  
                     fill = Color.None  
                     fill = prop.GetFill()  
                 if fill is Color.None:  
                     brush = wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH  
                     color = Color2wxColour(fill)  
                     brush = wxBrush(color, wxSOLID)  
                 stroke = prop.GetLineColor()  
                 stroke_width = prop.GetLineWidth()  
                 if stroke is Color.None:  
                     pen = wxTRANSPARENT_PEN  
                     color = Color2wxColour(stroke)  
                     pen = wxPen(color, stroke_width, wxSOLID)  
             if shapetype == SHAPETYPE_POINT:  
                 self.draw_point_shape(layer, i)  
                 self.draw_polygon_shape(layer, i, pen, brush)  
66      def layer_ids(self, layer):      TRANSPARENT_PEN = wxTRANSPARENT_PEN
67          """Return the shape ids of the given layer that have to be drawn.      TRANSPARENT_BRUSH = wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH
         The default implementation simply returns all ids in the layer.  
         Override in derived classes to be more precise.  
         return range(layer.NumShapes())  
69      def draw_polygon_shape(self, layer, index, pen, brush):      def make_point(self, x, y):
70          offx, offy = self.offset                  return wxPoint(int(round(x)), int(round(y)))
         draw_polygon_shape(layer.shapefile.cobject(), index,  
                            self.dc, pen, brush,  
                            self.map.projection, layer.projection,  
                            self.scale, -self.scale, offx, offy)  
72      def projected_points(self, layer, index):      def tools_for_property(self, prop):
73          proj = self.map.projection          fill = prop.GetFill()
74          if proj is not None:          if fill is Transparent:
75              forward = proj.Forward              brush = self.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH
76          else:          else:
77              forward = None              brush = wxBrush(Color2wxColour(fill), wxSOLID)
78          proj = layer.projection  
79          if proj is not None:          stroke = prop.GetLineColor()
80              inverse = proj.Inverse          if stroke is Transparent:
81                pen = self.TRANSPARENT_PEN
82          else:          else:
83              inverse = None              pen = wxPen(Color2wxColour(stroke), prop.GetLineWidth(), wxSOLID)
84          shape = layer.Shape(index)          return pen, brush
         points = []  
         scale = self.scale  
         offx, offy = self.offset  
         for x, y in shape.Points():  
             if inverse:  
                 x, y = inverse(x, y)  
             if forward:  
                 x, y = forward(x, y)  
             points.append(wxPoint(x * scale + offx,  
                                   -y * scale + offy))  
         return points  
     def draw_arc_shape(self, layer, index):  
         points = self.projected_points(layer, index)  
     def draw_point_shape(self, layer, index):  
         pp = self.projected_points(layer, index)  
         if len(pp) == 0: return # ignore Null Shapes which have no points  
         p = pp[0]  
         radius = self.resolution * 5  
         self.dc.DrawEllipse(p.x - radius, p.y - radius, 2*radius, 2*radius)  
86      def draw_label_layer(self, layer):      def low_level_renderer(self, layer):
87          scale = self.scale          """Override inherited method to provide more efficient renderers
         offx, offy = self.offset  
89          font = wxFont(self.resolution * 10, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL)          If the underlying data format is not a shapefile or the layer
90          self.dc.SetFont(font)          contains points shapes, simply use what the inherited method
91            returns.
93            Otherwise, i.e. for arc and polygon use the more efficient
94            wxproj.draw_polygon_shape and its corresponding parameter
95            created with wxproj.draw_polygon_init.
96            """
97            if (layer.ShapeStore().RawShapeFormat() == RAW_SHAPEFILE
98                and layer.ShapeType() in (SHAPETYPE_ARC, SHAPETYPE_POLYGON)):
99                offx, offy = self.offset
100                x = lambda a, b, c, d: None
101                #return (True, x, None)
102                return (True, draw_polygon_shape,
103                        draw_polygon_init(layer.ShapeStore().Shapefile(),
104                                          self.dc, self.map.projection,
105                                          layer.projection,
106                                          self.scale, -self.scale, offx, offy))
107            else:
108                return BaseRenderer.low_level_renderer(self, layer)
110          map_proj = self.map.projection      def label_font(self):
111          if map_proj is not None:          return wxFont(int(round(self.resolution * 10)), wxSWISS, wxNORMAL,
112              forward = map_proj.Forward                        wxNORMAL)
114        def projected_raster_layer(self, layer, srcProj, dstProj, extents,
115                                   resolution, dimensions, options):
117            ret = None
119            if Thuban.Model.resource.has_gdal_support():
121                if versions['wxPython-tuple'] < (2,5,3):
122                    options = options | 4  # INVERT_MASK_BITS
123                    options = options & ~2 # ALPHA_MASK not supported
125                try:
126                    ret = ProjectRasterFile(layer.GetImageFilename(),
127                                            srcProj, dstProj,
128                                            extents, resolution, dimensions,
129                                            options)
130                except (MemoryError, IOError, AttributeError, ValueError):
131                    # Why does this catch AttributeError and ValueError?
132                    # FIXME: The exception should be communicated to the user
133                    # better.
134                    traceback.print_exc()
136            return ret
138        def draw_raster_data(self, x,y, data, format = 'BMP'):
140            mask = None
141            width = data[0]
142            height = data[1]
143            image_data, mask_data, alpha_data = data[2]
145            if versions['wxPython-tuple'] < (2,5,3):
146                alpha_data = None
148            if format == 'RAW':
149                image = wxEmptyImage(width, height)
150                image.SetData(image_data)
151                if mask_data is not None:
152                    mask = wxBitmapFromBits(mask_data, width, height, 1)
153                    mask = wxMask(mask)
154                elif alpha_data is not None:
155                    image.SetAlphaData(alpha_data)
156          else:          else:
157              forward = None              stream = cStringIO.StringIO(image_data)
158                image = wxImageFromStream(stream, raster_format_map[format])
159                if mask_data is not None:
160                    stream = cStringIO.StringIO(mask_data)
161                    mask = wxImageFromStream(stream, raster_format_map[format])
162                    mask = wxMask(wxBitmapFromImage(mask, 1))
163                elif alpha_data is not None:
164                    stream = cStringIO.StringIO(alpha_data)
165                    alpha = wxImageFromStream(stream, raster_format_map[format])
166                    image.SetAlpha(alpha.GetData()[:])
168            bitmap = wxBitmapFromImage(image)
169            bitmap.SetMask(mask)
171          for label in layer.Labels():          self.dc.DrawBitmap(bitmap, int(round(x)), int(round(y)), True)
             x = label.x  
             y = label.y  
             text = label.text  
             if forward:  
                 x, y = forward(x, y)  
             x = x * scale + offx  
             y = -y * scale + offy  
             width, height = self.dc.GetTextExtent(text)  
             if label.halign == ALIGN_LEFT:  
                 # nothing to be done  
             elif label.halign == ALIGN_RIGHT:  
                 x = x - width  
             elif label.halign == ALIGN_CENTER:  
                 x = x - width/2  
             if label.valign == ALIGN_TOP:  
                 # nothing to be done  
             elif label.valign == ALIGN_BOTTOM:  
                 y = y - height  
             elif label.valign == ALIGN_CENTER:  
                 y = y - height/2  
             self.dc.DrawText(text, x, y)  
174  class ScreenRenderer(MapRenderer):  class ScreenRenderer(MapRenderer):
176      # On the screen we want to see only visible layers by default      # On the screen we want to see only visible layers by default
177      honor_visibility = 1      honor_visibility = 1
179      def RenderMap(self, map, region, selected_layer, selected_shapes):      def RenderMap(self, selected_layer, selected_shapes):
180          """Render the map.          """Render the map.
182          Only the given region (a tuple in window coordinates as returned          Only the given region (a tuple in window coordinates as returned
# Line 241  class ScreenRenderer(MapRenderer): Line 184  class ScreenRenderer(MapRenderer):
184          shapes given by the ids in selected_shapes in the          shapes given by the ids in selected_shapes in the
185          selected_layer.          selected_layer.
186          """          """
         self.update_region = region  
187          self.selected_layer = selected_layer          self.selected_layer = selected_layer
188          self.selected_shapes = selected_shapes          self.selected_shapes = selected_shapes
189          self.render_map(map)          self.render_map()
191      def draw_shape_layer(self, layer):      def RenderMapIncrementally(self):
192          MapRenderer.draw_shape_layer(self, layer)          """Render the map.
         if layer is self.selected_layer and self.selected_shapes:  
             pen = wxPen(wxBLACK, 3, wxSOLID)  
             brush = wxBrush(wxBLACK, wxCROSS_HATCH)  
             shapetype = layer.ShapeType()  
             if shapetype == SHAPETYPE_POLYGON:  
                 func = self.draw_polygon_shape  
                 args = (pen, brush)  
             elif shapetype == SHAPETYPE_ARC:  
                 func = self.draw_polygon_shape  
                 args = (pen, None)  
             elif shapetype == SHAPETYPE_POINT:  
                 func = self.draw_point_shape  
                 args = ()  
                 raise TypeError(_("Unhandled shape type %s") % shapetype)  
194              for index in self.selected_shapes:          Only the given region (a tuple in window coordinates as returned
195                  func(layer, index, *args)          by a wxrect's asTuple method) needs to be redrawn. Highlight the
196            shapes given by the ids in selected_shapes in the
197            selected_layer.
198            """
199            return self.render_map_incrementally()
201        def draw_selection_incrementally(self, layer, selected_shapes):
202            """Draw the selected shapes in a emphasized way (i.e.
203            with a special pen and brush.
204            The drawing is performed incrementally, that means every
205            n shapes, the user can have interactions with the map.
206            n is currently fixed to 500.
208            layer -- the layer where the shapes belong to.
209            selected_shapes -- a list of the shape-ids representing the
210                               selected shapes for the given layer.
211            """
212            pen = wxPen(wxBLACK, 3, wxSOLID)
213            brush = wxBrush(wxBLACK, wxCROSS_HATCH)
215            shapetype = layer.ShapeType()
216            useraw, func, param = self.low_level_renderer(layer)
217            args = (pen, brush)
219      def layer_ids(self, layer):          # for point shapes we need to find out the properties
220            # to determine the size. Based on table and field,
221            # we can find out the properties for object - see below.
222            if shapetype == SHAPETYPE_POINT:
223                lc = layer.GetClassification()
224                field = layer.GetClassificationColumn()
225                table = layer.ShapeStore().Table()
227            count = 0
228            for index in selected_shapes:
229                count += 1
230                shape = layer.Shape(index)
232                # Get the size of the specific property for this
233                # point
234                if shapetype == SHAPETYPE_POINT and field is not None:
235                    value = table.ReadValue(shape.ShapeID(), field)
236                    group = lc.FindGroup(value)
237                    size = group.GetProperties().GetSize()
238                    args = (pen, brush, size)
240                if useraw:
241                    data = shape.RawData()
242                else:
243                    data = shape.Points()
244                func(param, data, *args)
245                if count % 500 == 0:
246                    yield True
248        def layer_shapes(self, layer):
249          """Return the shapeids covered by the region that has to be redrawn          """Return the shapeids covered by the region that has to be redrawn
251          Call the layer's ShapesInRegion method to determine the ids so          Call the layer's ShapesInRegion method to determine the ids so
# Line 291  class ScreenRenderer(MapRenderer): Line 266  class ScreenRenderer(MapRenderer):
266          offx, offy = self.offset          offx, offy = self.offset
267          xs = []          xs = []
268          ys = []          ys = []
269          x, y, width, height = self.update_region          x, y, width, height = self.region
270          for winx, winy in ((x, y), (x + width, y),          for winx, winy in ((x, y), (x + width, y),
271                             (x + width, y + height), (x, y + height)):                             (x + width, y + height), (x, y + height)):
272              px = (winx - offx) / scale              px = (winx - offx) / scale
# Line 308  class ScreenRenderer(MapRenderer): Line 283  class ScreenRenderer(MapRenderer):
283          return layer.ShapesInRegion((left, bottom, right, top))          return layer.ShapesInRegion((left, bottom, right, top))
286  class PrinterRender(MapRenderer):  class ExportRenderer(ScreenRenderer):
288        honor_visibility = 1
290        def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
291            """Initialize the ExportRenderer.
293            In addition to all parameters of the the ScreenRender
294            constructor, this class requires and additional keyword argument
295            destination_region with a tuple (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) giving
296            the region in dc coordinates which is to contain the map.
297            """
298            self.destination_region = kw["destination_region"]
299            del kw["destination_region"]
300            ScreenRenderer.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
302        def RenderMap(self, selected_layer, selected_shapes):
303            """Render the map.
305            The rendering device has been specified during initialisation.
306            The device border distance was set in
307            Thuban.UI.viewport.output_transform().
309            RenderMap renders a frame set (one page frame, one around
310            legend/scalebar and one around the map), the map, the legend and
311            the scalebar on the given DC. The map is rendered with the
312            region displayed in the canvas view, centered on the area
313            available for map display.
314            """
316            self.selected_layer = selected_layer
317            self.selected_shapes = selected_shapes
319            # Get some dimensions
320            llx, lly, urx, ury = self.region
321            mminx, mminy, mmaxx, mmaxy = self.destination_region
323      # When printing we want to see all layers          # Manipulate the offset to position the map
324      honor_visibility = 0          offx, offy = self.offset
325            # 1. Shift to corner of map drawing area
326            offx = offx + mminx
327            offy = offy + mminy
329            # 2. Center the map on the map drawing area:
330            # region identifies the region on the canvas view:
331            # center of map drawing area - half the size of region: rendering origin
332            self.shiftx = (mmaxx - mminx)*0.5 - (urx - llx)*0.5
333            self.shifty = (mmaxy - mminy)*0.5 - (ury - lly)*0.5
335            self.offset = (offx+self.shiftx, offy+self.shifty)
336            self.region = (llx + self.shiftx, lly + self.shifty, urx, ury)
338            # Draw the map
339            self.dc.BeginDrawing()
340            self.dc.DestroyClippingRegion()
341            self.dc.SetClippingRegion(mminx+self.shiftx, mminy+self.shifty,
342                                      urx, ury)
343            self.render_map()
344            self.dc.EndDrawing()
346            # Draw the rest (frames, legend, scalebar)
347            self.dc.BeginDrawing()
348            self.dc.DestroyClippingRegion()
350            # Force the font for Legend drawing
351            font = wxFont(self.resolution * 10, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL)
352            self.dc.SetFont(font)
354            self.render_frame()
355            self.render_legend()
356            self.render_scalebar()
357            self.dc.EndDrawing()
359        def render_frame(self):
360            """Render the frames for map and legend/scalebar."""
362            dc = self.dc
363            dc.SetPen(wxBLACK_PEN)
364            dc.SetBrush(wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH)
366            # Dimension stuff
367            width, height = dc.GetSizeTuple()
368            mminx, mminy, mmaxx, mmaxy = self.destination_region
370            # Page Frame
371            dc.DrawRectangle(15,15,width-30, (mmaxy-mminy)+10)
373            # Map Frame
374            llx, lly, urx, ury = self.region
375            dc.DrawRectangle(mminx + self.shiftx, mminy + self.shifty, urx, ury)
377            # Legend Frame
378            dc.DrawRectangle(mmaxx+10,mminy,(width-20) - (mmaxx+10), mmaxy-mminy)
380            dc.DestroyClippingRegion()
381            dc.SetClippingRegion(mmaxx+10,mminy,
382                                 (width-20) - (mmaxx+10), mmaxy-mminy)
384        def render_legend(self):
385            """Render the legend on the Map."""
387            previewer = ClassDataPreviewer()
388            dc = self.dc
389            dc.SetPen(wxBLACK_PEN)
390            dc.SetBrush(wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH)
392            # Dimension stuff
393            width, height = dc.GetSizeTuple()
394            mminx, mminy, mmaxx, mmaxy = self.destination_region
395            textwidth, textheight = dc.GetTextExtent("0")
396            iconwidth  = textheight
397            iconheight = textheight
398            stepy = textheight+3
399            dx = 10
400            posx = mmaxx + 10 + 5   # 10 pix distance mapframe/legend frame,
401                                    # 5 pix inside legend frame
402            posy = mminy + 5        # 5 pix inside legend frame
404            # Render the legend
405            dc.SetTextForeground(wxBLACK)
406            if self.map.HasLayers():
407                layers = self.map.Layers()[:]
408                layers.reverse()
409                for l in layers:
410                    if l.Visible():
411                        # Render title
412                        dc.DrawText(l.Title(), posx, posy)
413                        posy+=stepy
414                        if l.HasClassification():
415                            # Render classification
416                            clazz = l.GetClassification()
417                            shapeType = l.ShapeType()
418                            for g in clazz:
419                                if g.IsVisible():
420                                    previewer.Draw(dc,
421                                        wxRect(posx+dx, posy,
422                                               iconwidth, iconheight),
423                                        g.GetProperties(), shapeType)
424                                    dc.DrawText(g.GetDisplayText(),
425                                                posx+2*dx+iconwidth, posy)
426                                    posy+=stepy
428        def render_scalebar(self):
429            """Render the scalebar."""
431            scalebar = ScaleBar(self.map)
433            # Dimension stuff
434            width, height = self.dc.GetSizeTuple()
435            mminx, mminy, mmaxx, mmaxy = self.destination_region
437            # Render the scalebar
438            scalebar.DrawScaleBar(self.scale, self.dc,
439                                 (mmaxx+10+5, mmaxy-25),
440                                 ((width-15-5) - (mmaxx+10+5),20)
441                                )
442            # 10 pix between map and legend frame, 5 pix inside legend frame
443            # 25 pix from the legend frame bottom line
444            # Width: 15 pix from DC border, 5 pix inside frame, 10, 5 as above
445            # Height: 20
447    class PrinterRenderer(ExportRenderer):
449        # Printing as well as Export / Screen display only the visible layer.
450        honor_visibility = 1
     RenderMap = MapRenderer.render_map  

Removed from v.605  
changed lines
  Added in v.2571

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