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Annotation of /branches/WIP-pyshapelib-bramz/Thuban/UI/view.py

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Revision 1456 - (hide annotations)
Fri Jul 18 14:56:13 2003 UTC (21 years, 7 months ago) by bh
Original Path: trunk/thuban/Thuban/UI/view.py
File MIME type: text/x-python
File size: 12313 byte(s)
* Thuban/UI/viewport.py: Remove unused imports

* Thuban/UI/view.py: Remove unused imports

1 bh 404 # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 by Intevation GmbH
2 bh 6 # Authors:
3     # Bernhard Herzog <[email protected]>
4 frank 910 # Frank Koormann <[email protected]>
5 bh 6 #
6     # This program is free software under the GPL (>=v2)
7     # Read the file COPYING coming with Thuban for details.
9     """
10     Classes for display of a map and interaction with it
11     """
13     __version__ = "$Revision$"
15 frank 910 from Thuban import _
17     import os.path
18 jonathan 799
19 jonathan 1285 from wxPython.wx import wxWindow, \
20 bh 6 wxPaintDC, wxColour, wxClientDC, wxINVERT, wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH, wxFont,\
22 bh 1456 wxPlatform, wxBeginBusyCursor, wxEndBusyCursor, wxFileDialog, wxSAVE, \
23 jonathan 1385 wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT, wxID_OK
24 bh 6
25 frank 910 # Export related stuff
26     if wxPlatform == '__WXMSW__':
27     from wxPython.wx import wxMetaFileDC
28 bh 6
29     from wxPython import wx
31 bh 1456 from Thuban.Model.messages import MAP_LAYERS_CHANGED, LAYER_CHANGED, \
33 bh 6
34 frank 910 from renderer import ScreenRenderer, ExportRenderer, PrinterRenderer
35 bh 6
36     import labeldialog
38 bh 1454 from viewport import ViewPort, PanTool, output_transform
39 bh 6
40 jonathan 1385 class CanvasPanTool(PanTool):
41 bh 6
42 jonathan 1385 """The Canvas Pan Tool"""
43 bh 6
44     def MouseMove(self, event):
45     if self.dragging:
46 jonathan 1385 PanTool.MouseMove(self, event)
47 bh 57 sx, sy = self.start
48 bh 6 x, y = self.current
49     width, height = self.view.GetSizeTuple()
50 bh 159
51     bitmapdc = wx.wxMemoryDC()
52     bitmapdc.SelectObject(self.view.bitmap)
54 bh 6 dc = self.view.drag_dc
55 bh 159 dc.Blit(0, 0, width, height, bitmapdc, sx - x, sy - y)
56 bh 6
57     class MapPrintout(wx.wxPrintout):
59     """
60     wxPrintout class for printing Thuban maps
61     """
63 frank 910 def __init__(self, canvas, map, region, selected_layer, selected_shapes):
64 bh 6 wx.wxPrintout.__init__(self)
65 frank 910 self.canvas = canvas
66 bh 6 self.map = map
67 frank 910 self.region = region
68     self.selected_layer = selected_layer
69     self.selected_shapes = selected_shapes
70 bh 6
71     def GetPageInfo(self):
72     return (1, 1, 1, 1)
74     def HasPage(self, pagenum):
75     return pagenum == 1
77     def OnPrintPage(self, pagenum):
78     if pagenum == 1:
79     self.draw_on_dc(self.GetDC())
81     def draw_on_dc(self, dc):
82     width, height = self.GetPageSizePixels()
83 bh 1454 scale, offset, mapregion = output_transform(self.canvas.scale,
84     self.canvas.offset,
85     self.canvas.GetSizeTuple(),
86     self.GetPageSizePixels())
87 bh 6 resx, resy = self.GetPPIPrinter()
88 frank 910 renderer = PrinterRenderer(dc, scale, offset, resolution = resy)
89     x, y, width, height = self.region
90     canvas_scale = self.canvas.scale
91     renderer.RenderMap(self.map,
92     (0,0,
93     (width/canvas_scale)*scale,
94     (height/canvas_scale)*scale),
95     mapregion,
96     self.selected_layer, self.selected_shapes)
97 jan 1035 return True
98 bh 6
99 jonathan 1385 class MapCanvas(wxWindow, ViewPort):
100 bh 6
101     """A widget that displays a map and offers some interaction"""
103 bh 535 def __init__(self, parent, winid):
104 bh 6 wxWindow.__init__(self, parent, winid)
105 jonathan 1385 ViewPort.__init__(self)
107 bh 6 self.SetBackgroundColour(wxColour(255, 255, 255))
108 bh 125
109     # the bitmap serving as backing store
110     self.bitmap = None
112 jonathan 1344 self.backgroundColor = wx.wxWHITE_BRUSH
114 bh 125 # subscribe the WX events we're interested in
115 bh 6 EVT_PAINT(self, self.OnPaint)
116     EVT_LEFT_DOWN(self, self.OnLeftDown)
117     EVT_LEFT_UP(self, self.OnLeftUp)
118     EVT_MOTION(self, self.OnMotion)
119 bh 122 EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW(self, self.OnLeaveWindow)
120 bh 125 wx.EVT_SIZE(self, self.OnSize)
121 jonathan 1344 wx.EVT_IDLE(self, self.OnIdle)
122 bh 6
123 bh 122 def __del__(self):
124     wxWindow.__del__(self)
125 jonathan 1385 ViewPort.__del__(self)
126 bh 122
127 jonathan 1385 def PanTool(self):
128     """Start the canvas pan tool"""
129     self.SelectTool(CanvasPanTool(self))
131     def SetMap(self, map):
132     redraw_channels = (MAP_LAYERS_CHANGED, LAYER_CHANGED,
134     if self.Map() is not None:
135     for channel in redraw_channels:
136     self.Map().Unsubscribe(channel, self.full_redraw)
137 bh 535
138 jonathan 1385 ViewPort.SetMap(self, map)
139 bh 535
140 jonathan 1385 if self.Map() is not None:
141     for channel in redraw_channels:
142     self.Map().Subscribe(channel, self.full_redraw)
143 bh 535
144 jonathan 1385 # force a redraw. If map is not empty, it's already been called
145     # by FitMapToWindow but if map is empty it hasn't been called
146     # yet so we have to explicitly call it.
147     self.full_redraw()
148 bh 535
149 bh 6 def OnPaint(self, event):
150     dc = wxPaintDC(self)
151 jonathan 1285
152 jonathan 1385 if self.Map() is not None and self.Map().HasLayers():
153 jonathan 1344 if self.bitmap in (None, -1):
154     # set the flag that we should redraw the
155     # bitmap in idle time
156     self.bitmap = -1
157 jonathan 1385 else:
158     # blit the bitmap to the screen
159     dc.BeginDrawing()
160     dc.DrawBitmap(self.bitmap, 0, 0)
161     dc.EndDrawing()
162 jonathan 1344 else:
163     # If we've got no map or if the map is empty, simply clear
164     # the screen.
165 jonathan 799
166 jonathan 1344 # XXX it's probably possible to get rid of this. The
167     # background color of the window is already white and the
168     # only thing we may have to do is to call self.Refresh()
169     # with a true argument in the right places.
170     dc.BeginDrawing()
171     dc.SetBackground(self.backgroundColor)
172     dc.Clear()
173     dc.EndDrawing()
174 bh 246
175 jonathan 1344 def OnIdle(self, event):
176     # render the screen if necessary
177 bh 125
178 jonathan 1344 if self.bitmap != -1:
179     return
180 bh 6
181 jonathan 1344 wxBeginBusyCursor()
182     try:
183     width, height = self.GetSizeTuple()
185 bh 125 bitmap = wx.wxEmptyBitmap(width, height)
186     dc = wx.wxMemoryDC()
187     dc.SelectObject(bitmap)
188     dc.BeginDrawing()
189 bh 57
190 jonathan 1344 dc.SetBackground(self.backgroundColor)
191 jonathan 799 dc.Clear()
192 bh 6
193 bh 535 selected_layer = self.selection.SelectedLayer()
194     selected_shapes = self.selection.SelectedShapes()
195 bh 57
196 bh 125 # draw the map into the bitmap
197     renderer = ScreenRenderer(dc, self.scale, self.offset)
198 bh 149
199 bh 296 # Pass the entire bitmap as update region to the renderer.
200 bh 149 # We're redrawing the whole bitmap, after all.
201 jonathan 1385 renderer.RenderMap(self.Map(), (0, 0, width, height),
202 bh 535 selected_layer, selected_shapes)
203 bh 125
204     dc.EndDrawing()
205     dc.SelectObject(wx.wxNullBitmap)
206 jonathan 1344
207 bh 125 self.bitmap = bitmap
208 jonathan 1344 finally:
209     wxEndBusyCursor()
210     pass
211 bh 125
212 jonathan 1344 # This causes a paint event that then draws the bitmap
213     self.redraw()
214 bh 6
215 frank 910 def Export(self):
216 jonathan 967
217 frank 910 if hasattr(self, "export_path"):
218     export_path = self.export_path
219     else:
220     export_path="."
221     dlg = wxFileDialog(self, _("Export Map"), export_path, "",
222     "Enhanced Metafile (*.wmf)|*.wmf",
224     if dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK:
225     self.export_path = os.path.dirname(dlg.GetPath())
226     dc = wxMetaFileDC(dlg.GetPath())
228 bh 1454 scale, offset, mapregion = output_transform(self.scale,
229     self.offset,
230     self.GetSizeTuple(),
231     dc.GetSizeTuple())
232 frank 910
233     selected_layer = self.selection.SelectedLayer()
234     selected_shapes = self.selection.SelectedShapes()
236     renderer = ExportRenderer(dc, scale, offset)
238     # Pass the entire bitmap as update region to the renderer.
239     # We're redrawing the whole bitmap, after all.
240     width, height = self.GetSizeTuple()
241 jonathan 1385 renderer.RenderMap(self.Map(),
242 frank 910 (0,0,
243     (width/self.scale)*scale,
244     (height/self.scale)*scale),
245     mapregion,
246     selected_layer, selected_shapes)
247     dc.EndDrawing()
248     dc.Close()
249     dlg.Destroy()
251 bh 6 def Print(self):
252     printer = wx.wxPrinter()
253 frank 910 width, height = self.GetSizeTuple()
254     selected_layer = self.selection.SelectedLayer()
255     selected_shapes = self.selection.SelectedShapes()
257 jonathan 1385 printout = MapPrintout(self, self.Map(), (0, 0, width, height),
258 frank 910 selected_layer, selected_shapes)
259 jan 1035 printer.Print(self, printout, True)
260 bh 6 printout.Destroy()
261 bh 246
262 bh 6 def redraw(self, *args):
263 jonathan 1344 self.Refresh(False)
264 bh 6
265 bh 125 def full_redraw(self, *args):
266     self.bitmap = None
267     self.redraw()
269 jonathan 1385 def map_projection_changed(self, map, old_proj):
270     ViewPort.map_projection_changed(self, map, old_proj)
271 bh 125 self.full_redraw()
272 bh 6
273 jonathan 1221 def layer_projection_changed(self, *args):
274 jonathan 1385 ViewPort.layer_projection_changed(self, args)
275 jonathan 1221 self.full_redraw()
277 bh 6 def set_view_transform(self, scale, offset):
278 jonathan 1385 ViewPort.set_view_transform(self, scale, offset)
279 bh 125 self.full_redraw()
280 bh 6
281 jonathan 1385 def GetPortSizeTuple(self):
282     return self.GetSizeTuple()
283 jonathan 967
284 bh 6 def OnLeftDown(self, event):
285 jonathan 1385 self.MouseLeftDown(event)
286 bh 6 if self.tool is not None:
287     self.drag_dc = wxClientDC(self)
288     self.drag_dc.SetLogicalFunction(wxINVERT)
289     self.drag_dc.SetBrush(wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH)
290     self.tool.Show(self.drag_dc)
291     self.dragging = 1
292 bh 246
293 bh 6 def OnLeftUp(self, event):
294 jonathan 1385 self.MouseLeftUp(event)
295 bh 6 if self.dragging:
296 bh 261 self.ReleaseMouse()
297 bh 404 try:
298     self.tool.Hide(self.drag_dc)
299     finally:
300     self.drag_dc = None
301     self.dragging = 0
302 bh 6
303     def OnMotion(self, event):
304     if self.dragging:
305     self.tool.Hide(self.drag_dc)
306 jonathan 1385
307     self.MouseMove(event)
309     if self.dragging:
310 bh 6 self.tool.Show(self.drag_dc)
312 bh 122 def OnLeaveWindow(self, event):
313     self.set_current_position(None)
315 bh 125 def OnSize(self, event):
316     # the window's size has changed. We have to get a new bitmap. If
317     # we want to be clever we could try to get by without throwing
318     # everything away. E.g. when the window gets smaller, we could
319     # either keep the bitmap or create the new one from the old one.
320     # Even when the window becomes larger some parts of the bitmap
321     # could be reused.
322     self.full_redraw()
324 bh 6 def shape_selected(self, layer, shape):
325 bh 535 """Receiver for the SHAPES_SELECTED messages. Redraw the map."""
326     # The selection object takes care that it only issues
327     # SHAPES_SELECTED messages when the set of selected shapes has
328     # actually changed, so we can do a full redraw unconditionally.
329     # FIXME: We should perhaps try to limit the redraw to the are
330     # actually covered by the shapes before and after the selection
331     # change.
332 jonathan 1385 ViewPort.shape_selected(self, layer, shape)
333 bh 535 self.full_redraw()
334 bh 6
335 jonathan 1385 def GetTextExtent(self, text):
336     dc = wxClientDC(self)
337     font = wxFont(10, wx.wxSWISS, wx.wxNORMAL, wx.wxNORMAL)
338     dc.SetFont(font)
339     return dc.GetTextExtent(text)
340 bh 159
341 jonathan 1385 def LabelShapeAt(self, x, y, text=None):
342 bh 295 """Add or remove a label at window position x, y.
343 bh 1454
344 bh 295 If there's a label at the given position, remove it. Otherwise
345     determine the shape at the position, run the label dialog and
346 jonathan 1385 unless the user cancels the dialog, add a label.
347 bh 295 """
348 bh 6 label_layer = self.map.LabelLayer()
349     layer, shape_index = self.find_shape_at(x, y, select_labels = 1)
350     if layer is None and shape_index is not None:
351 jonathan 1385 ViewPort.LabelShapeAt(self, x, y)
352 bh 6 elif layer is not None:
353 bh 1219 text = labeldialog.run_label_dialog(self,
354     layer.ShapeStore().Table(),
355     shape_index)
356 jonathan 1385 ViewPort.LabelShapeAt(self, x, y, text)


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