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Diff of /branches/WIP-pyshapelib-bramz/Thuban/UI/view.py

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revision 1035 by jan, Mon May 26 17:03:08 2003 UTC revision 2066 by bh, Mon Feb 16 19:39:28 2004 UTC
# Line 1  Line 1 
1  # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 by Intevation GmbH  # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 by Intevation GmbH
2  # Authors:  # Authors:
3  # Bernhard Herzog <[email protected]>  # Bernhard Herzog <[email protected]>
4  # Frank Koormann <[email protected]>  # Frank Koormann <[email protected]>
# Line 10  Line 10 
10  Classes for display of a map and interaction with it  Classes for display of a map and interaction with it
11  """  """
13  __version__ = "$Revision$"  from __future__ import generators
15  from Thuban import _  __version__ = "$Revision$"
16    # $Source$
17    # $Id$
 import sys  
19  import os.path  import os.path
20    import time
21    import traceback
23  from math import hypot  from wxPython.wx import wxWindow, \
 from wxPython.wx import wxWindow,\  
24       wxPaintDC, wxColour, wxClientDC, wxINVERT, wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH, wxFont,\       wxPaintDC, wxColour, wxClientDC, wxINVERT, wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH, wxFont,\
26       wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM, wxBeginBusyCursor, wxEndBusyCursor, wxCursor, \       wxPlatform, wxBeginBusyCursor, wxEndBusyCursor, wxFileDialog, wxSAVE, \
27       wxImageFromBitmap, wxPlatform       wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT, wxID_OK
29  # Export related stuff  # Export related stuff
30  if wxPlatform == '__WXMSW__':  if wxPlatform == '__WXMSW__':
31      from wxPython.wx import wxMetaFileDC      from wxPython.wx import wxMetaFileDC
 from wxPython.wx import wxFileDialog, wxSAVE, wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT, wxID_OK  
33  from wxPython import wx  from wxPython import wx
35  from wxproj import point_in_polygon_shape, shape_centroid  from Thuban import _
 from Thuban.Model.messages import MAP_PROJECTION_CHANGED, \  
 from Thuban.Model.layer import SHAPETYPE_POLYGON, SHAPETYPE_ARC, \  
 from Thuban.Model.label import ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_TOP, ALIGN_BOTTOM, \  
 from Thuban.Lib.connector import Publisher  
 from Thuban.Model.color import Color  
37  import resource  from Thuban.Model.messages import MAP_LAYERS_CHANGED, LAYER_CHANGED, \
 from selection import Selection  
40  from renderer import ScreenRenderer, ExportRenderer, PrinterRenderer  from renderer import ScreenRenderer, ExportRenderer, PrinterRenderer
42  import labeldialog  import labeldialog
44  from messages import LAYER_SELECTED, SHAPES_SELECTED, VIEW_POSITION, \  from viewport import ViewPort, PanTool, output_transform
 #   The tools  
 class Tool:  
     Base class for the interactive tools  
     def __init__(self, view):  
         """Intitialize the tool. The view is the canvas displaying the map"""  
         self.view = view  
         self.start = self.current = None  
         self.dragging = 0  
         self.drawn = 0  
     def Name(self):  
         """Return the tool's name"""  
         return ''  
     def drag_start(self, x, y):  
         self.start = self.current = x, y  
         self.dragging = 1  
     def drag_move(self, x, y):  
         self.current = x, y  
     def drag_stop(self, x, y):  
         self.current = x, y  
         self.dragging = 0  
     def Show(self, dc):  
         if not self.drawn:  
         self.drawn = 1  
     def Hide(self, dc):  
         if self.drawn:  
         self.drawn = 0  
46      def draw(self, dc):  class CanvasPanTool(PanTool):
48      def MouseDown(self, event):      """The Canvas Pan Tool"""
         self.drag_start(event.m_x, event.m_y)  
50      def MouseMove(self, event):      def MouseMove(self, event):
51          if self.dragging:          if self.dragging:
52              self.drag_move(event.m_x, event.m_y)              PanTool.MouseMove(self, event)
     def MouseUp(self, event):  
         if self.dragging:  
             self.drag_move(event.m_x, event.m_y)  
     def Cancel(self):  
         self.dragging = 0  
 class RectTool(Tool):  
     """Base class for tools that draw rectangles while dragging"""  
     def draw(self, dc):  
         sx, sy = self.start  
         cx, cy = self.current  
         dc.DrawRectangle(sx, sy, cx - sx, cy - sy)  
 class ZoomInTool(RectTool):  
     """The Zoom-In Tool"""  
     def Name(self):  
         return "ZoomInTool"  
     def proj_rect(self):  
         """return the rectangle given by start and current in projected  
         sx, sy = self.start  
         cx, cy = self.current  
         left, top = self.view.win_to_proj(sx, sy)  
         right, bottom = self.view.win_to_proj(cx, cy)  
         return (min(left, right), min(top, bottom),  
                 max(left, right), max(top, bottom))  
     def MouseUp(self, event):  
         if self.dragging:  
             Tool.MouseUp(self, event)  
             sx, sy = self.start  
             cx, cy = self.current  
             if sx == cx or sy == cy:  
                 # Just a mouse click or a degenerate rectangle. Simply  
                 # zoom in by a factor of two  
                 # FIXME: For a click this is the desired behavior but should we  
                 # really do this for degenrate rectagles as well or  
                 # should we ignore them?  
                 self.view.ZoomFactor(2, center = (cx, cy))  
                 # A drag. Zoom in to the rectangle  
 class ZoomOutTool(RectTool):  
     """The Zoom-Out Tool"""  
     def Name(self):  
         return "ZoomOutTool"  
     def MouseUp(self, event):  
         if self.dragging:  
             Tool.MouseUp(self, event)  
             sx, sy = self.start  
             cx, cy = self.current  
             if sx == cx or sy == cy:  
                 # Just a mouse click or a degenerate rectangle. Simply  
                 # zoom out by a factor of two.  
                 # FIXME: For a click this is the desired behavior but should we  
                 # really do this for degenrate rectagles as well or  
                 # should we ignore them?  
                 self.view.ZoomFactor(0.5, center = (cx, cy))  
                 # A drag. Zoom out to the rectangle  
                 self.view.ZoomOutToRect((min(sx, cx), min(sy, cy),  
                                          max(sx, cx), max(sy, cy)))  
 class PanTool(Tool):  
     """The Pan Tool"""  
     def Name(self):  
         return "PanTool"  
     def MouseMove(self, event):  
         if self.dragging:  
             Tool.MouseMove(self, event)  
53              sx, sy = self.start              sx, sy = self.start
54              x, y = self.current              x, y = self.current
55              width, height = self.view.GetSizeTuple()              width, height = self.view.GetSizeTuple()
57              bitmapdc = wx.wxMemoryDC()              bitmapdc = wx.wxMemoryDC()
58              bitmapdc.SelectObject(self.view.bitmap)              bitmapdc.SelectObject(self.view.PreviewBitmap())
60              dc = self.view.drag_dc              dc = self.view.drag_dc
61              dc.Blit(0, 0, width, height, bitmapdc, sx - x, sy - y)              dc.Blit(0, 0, width, height, bitmapdc, sx - x, sy - y)
     def MouseUp(self, event):  
         if self.dragging:  
             Tool.MouseUp(self, event)  
             sx, sy = self.start  
             cx, cy = self.current  
             self.view.Translate(cx - sx, cy - sy)  
 class IdentifyTool(Tool):  
     """The "Identify" Tool"""  
     def Name(self):  
         return "IdentifyTool"  
     def MouseUp(self, event):  
         self.view.SelectShapeAt(event.m_x, event.m_y)  
 class LabelTool(Tool):  
     """The "Label" Tool"""  
     def Name(self):  
         return "LabelTool"  
     def MouseUp(self, event):  
         self.view.LabelShapeAt(event.m_x, event.m_y)  
63  class MapPrintout(wx.wxPrintout):  class MapPrintout(wx.wxPrintout):
65      """      """
# Line 257  class MapPrintout(wx.wxPrintout): Line 86  class MapPrintout(wx.wxPrintout):
87      def draw_on_dc(self, dc):      def draw_on_dc(self, dc):
88          width, height = self.GetPageSizePixels()          width, height = self.GetPageSizePixels()
89          scale, offset, mapregion = OutputTransform(self.canvas.scale,          scale, offset, mapregion = output_transform(self.canvas.scale,
90                                                     self.canvas.offset,                                                      self.canvas.offset,
91                                                     self.canvas.GetSizeTuple(),                                                      self.canvas.GetSizeTuple(),
92                                                     self.GetPageSizePixels())                                                      self.GetPageSizePixels())
93          resx, resy = self.GetPPIPrinter()          resx, resy = self.GetPPIPrinter()
         renderer = PrinterRenderer(dc, scale, offset, resolution = resy)  
         x, y, width, height = self.region  
94          canvas_scale = self.canvas.scale          canvas_scale = self.canvas.scale
95          renderer.RenderMap(self.map,          x, y, width, height = self.region
96                             (0,0,          renderer = PrinterRenderer(dc, self.map, scale, offset,
97                                  (width/canvas_scale)*scale,                                     region = (0, 0,
98                                  (height/canvas_scale)*scale),                                               (width/canvas_scale)*scale,
99                                  mapregion,                                               (height/canvas_scale)*scale),
100                             self.selected_layer, self.selected_shapes)                                     resolution = resy,
101                                       destination_region = mapregion)
102            renderer.RenderMap(self.selected_layer, self.selected_shapes)
103          return True          return True
106  class MapCanvas(wxWindow, Publisher):  class MapCanvas(wxWindow, ViewPort):
108      """A widget that displays a map and offers some interaction"""      """A widget that displays a map and offers some interaction"""
     # Some messages that can be subscribed/unsubscribed directly through  
     # the MapCanvas come in fact from other objects. This is a dict  
     # mapping those messages to the names of the instance variables they  
     # actually come from. The delegation is implemented in the Subscribe  
     # and Unsubscribe methods  
     delegated_messages = {LAYER_SELECTED: "selection",  
                           SHAPES_SELECTED: "selection"}  
     # Methods delegated to some instance variables. The delegation is  
     # implemented in the __getattr__ method.  
     delegated_methods = {"SelectLayer": "selection",  
                          "SelectShapes": "selection",  
                          "SelectedLayer": "selection",  
                          "HasSelectedLayer": "selection",  
                          "HasSelectedShapes": "selection",  
                          "SelectedShapes": "selection"}  
110      def __init__(self, parent, winid):      def __init__(self, parent, winid):
111          wxWindow.__init__(self, parent, winid)          wxWindow.__init__(self, parent, winid)
112          self.SetBackgroundColour(wxColour(255, 255, 255))          ViewPort.__init__(self)
         # the map displayed in this canvas. Set with SetMap()  
         self.map = None  
114          # scale and offset describe the transformation from projected          self.SetBackgroundColour(wxColour(255, 255, 255))
         # coordinates to window coordinates.  
         self.scale = 1.0  
         self.offset = (0, 0)  
         # whether the user is currently dragging the mouse, i.e. moving  
         # the mouse while pressing a mouse button  
         self.dragging = 0  
         # the currently active tool  
         self.tool = None  
         # The current mouse position of the last OnMotion event or None  
         # if the mouse is outside the window.  
         self.current_position = None  
116          # the bitmap serving as backing store          # the bitmap serving as backing store
117          self.bitmap = None          self.bitmap = None
118            # the monochrome bitmap with the selection if any
119            self.selection_bitmap = None
121            self.backgroundColor = wx.wxWHITE_BRUSH
123          # the selection          # The rendering iterator object. Used when rendering
124          self.selection = Selection()          # incrementally
125          self.selection.Subscribe(SHAPES_SELECTED , self.shape_selected)          self.render_iter = None
         # keep track of which layers/shapes are selected to make sure we  
         # only redraw when necessary  
         self.last_selected_layer = None  
         self.last_selected_shape = None  
127          # subscribe the WX events we're interested in          # subscribe the WX events we're interested in
128          EVT_PAINT(self, self.OnPaint)          EVT_PAINT(self, self.OnPaint)
# Line 337  class MapCanvas(wxWindow, Publisher): Line 131  class MapCanvas(wxWindow, Publisher):
131          EVT_MOTION(self, self.OnMotion)          EVT_MOTION(self, self.OnMotion)
132          EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW(self, self.OnLeaveWindow)          EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW(self, self.OnLeaveWindow)
133          wx.EVT_SIZE(self, self.OnSize)          wx.EVT_SIZE(self, self.OnSize)
134            wx.EVT_IDLE(self, self.OnIdle)
136      def __del__(self):      def __del__(self):
137          wxWindow.__del__(self)          wxWindow.__del__(self)
138          Publisher.__del__(self)          ViewPort.__del__(self)
140      def Subscribe(self, channel, *args):      def PreviewBitmap(self):
141          """Extend the inherited method to handle delegated messages.          return self.bitmap
143          If channel is one of the delegated messages call the appropriate      def PanTool(self):
144          object's Subscribe method. Otherwise just call the inherited          """Start the canvas pan tool"""
145          method.          self.SelectTool(CanvasPanTool(self))
146          """          
147          if channel in self.delegated_messages:      def SetMap(self, map):
148              object = getattr(self, self.delegated_messages[channel])          redraw_channels = (MAP_LAYERS_CHANGED, LAYER_CHANGED,
149              object.Subscribe(channel, *args)                             LAYER_VISIBILITY_CHANGED)
150          else:          if self.Map() is not None:
151              Publisher.Subscribe(self, channel, *args)              for channel in redraw_channels:
152                    self.Map().Unsubscribe(channel, self.full_redraw)
154      def Unsubscribe(self, channel, *args):          ViewPort.SetMap(self, map)
         """Extend the inherited method to handle delegated messages.  
156          If channel is one of the delegated messages call the appropriate          if self.Map() is not None:
157          object's Unsubscribe method. Otherwise just call the inherited              for channel in redraw_channels:
158          method.                  self.Map().Subscribe(channel, self.full_redraw)
         if channel in self.delegated_messages:  
             object = getattr(self, self.delegated_messages[channel])  
             object.Unsubscribe(channel, *args)  
             Publisher.Unsubscribe(self, channel, *args)  
160      def __getattr__(self, attr):          # force a redraw. If map is not empty, it's already been called
161          if attr in self.delegated_methods:          # by FitMapToWindow but if map is empty it hasn't been called
162              return getattr(getattr(self, self.delegated_methods[attr]), attr)          # yet so we have to explicitly call it.
163          raise AttributeError(attr)          self.full_redraw()
165      def OnPaint(self, event):      def OnPaint(self, event):
166          dc = wxPaintDC(self)          dc = wxPaintDC(self)
167          clear = self.map is None or not self.map.HasLayers()          if self.Map() is not None and self.Map().HasLayers():
168                if self.bitmap is not None:
169          wxBeginBusyCursor()                  dc.BeginDrawing()
170                    dc.DrawBitmap(self.bitmap, 0, 0)
171          if not clear:                  if self.selection_bitmap is not None:
172              self.do_redraw()                      dc.DrawBitmap(self.selection_bitmap, 0, 0, True)
173              try:                  dc.EndDrawing()
174                  pass          else:
                 print "Error during drawing:", sys.exc_info()[0]  
                 clear = True  
         if clear:  
175              # If we've got no map or if the map is empty, simply clear              # If we've got no map or if the map is empty, simply clear
176              # the screen.              # the screen.
# Line 396  class MapCanvas(wxWindow, Publisher): Line 180  class MapCanvas(wxWindow, Publisher):
180              # only thing we may have to do is to call self.Refresh()              # only thing we may have to do is to call self.Refresh()
181              # with a true argument in the right places.              # with a true argument in the right places.
182              dc.BeginDrawing()              dc.BeginDrawing()
183                dc.SetBackground(self.backgroundColor)
184              dc.Clear()              dc.Clear()
185              dc.EndDrawing()              dc.EndDrawing()
187          wxEndBusyCursor()      def OnIdle(self, event):
188            """Idle handler. Redraw the bitmap if necessary"""
189      def do_redraw(self):          if (self.bitmap is None
190          # This should only be called if we have a non-empty map.              or self.render_iter is not None
191                or (self.HasSelectedShapes()
192                    and self.selection_bitmap is None)):
193                event.RequestMore(self._do_redraw())
195        def _do_redraw(self):
196            """Redraw a bit and return whether this method has to be called again.
198            Called by OnIdle to handle the actual redraw. Redraw is
199            incremental for both the bitmap with the normal layers and the
200            bitmap with the selection.
201            """
202            finished = False
203            if self.render_iter is not None:
204                try:
205                    if self.render_iter.next():
206                        # Redraw if the last preview redraw was some time
207                        # ago and the user is not currently dragging the
208                        # mouse because redrawing would interfere with what
209                        # the current tool is drawing on the window.
210                        if not self.dragging \
211                               and time.time() - self.render_last_preview > 0.5:
212                            client_dc = wxClientDC(self)
213                            client_dc.BeginDrawing()
214                            client_dc.DrawBitmap(self.bitmap, 0, 0)
215                            client_dc.EndDrawing()
216                            self.render_last_preview = time.time()
217                    else:
218                        self.render_iter = None
219                        # Redraw if not dragging because redrawing would
220                        # interfere with what the current tool is drawing on
221                        # the window.
222                        if not self.dragging:
223                            self.redraw()
224                        finished = True
225                except StopIteration:
226                    finished = True
227                    self.render_iter = None
228                except:
229                    finished = True
230                    self.render_iter = None
231                    traceback.print_exc()
232            else:
233                self.render_iter = self._render_iterator()
234                self.render_last_preview = time.time()
235            return not finished
237          # Get the window size.      def _render_iterator(self):
238          width, height = self.GetSizeTuple()          width, height = self.GetSizeTuple()
239            dc = wx.wxMemoryDC()
241          # If self.bitmap's still there, reuse it. Otherwise redraw it          render_start = time.time()
242          if self.bitmap is not None:  
243              bitmap = self.bitmap          if self.bitmap is None:
244          else:              self.bitmap = wx.wxEmptyBitmap(width, height)
245              bitmap = wx.wxEmptyBitmap(width, height)              dc.SelectObject(self.bitmap)
             dc = wx.wxMemoryDC()  
246              dc.BeginDrawing()              dc.BeginDrawing()
248              # clear the background              dc.SetBackground(self.backgroundColor)
             #dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, width, height)  
249              dc.Clear()              dc.Clear()
             selected_layer = self.selection.SelectedLayer()  
             selected_shapes = self.selection.SelectedShapes()  
251              # draw the map into the bitmap              # draw the map into the bitmap
252              renderer = ScreenRenderer(dc, self.scale, self.offset)              renderer = ScreenRenderer(dc, self.Map(), self.scale, self.offset,
253                                          (0, 0, width, height))
254                for cont in renderer.RenderMapIncrementally():
255                    yield True
257              # Pass the entire bitmap as update region to the renderer.              dc.EndDrawing()
258              # We're redrawing the whole bitmap, after all.              dc.SelectObject(wx.wxNullBitmap)
259              renderer.RenderMap(self.map, (0, 0, width, height),  
260                                 selected_layer, selected_shapes)          if self.HasSelectedShapes() and self.selection_bitmap is None:
261                bitmap = wx.wxEmptyBitmap(width, height)
262                dc.SelectObject(bitmap)
263                dc.BeginDrawing()
264                dc.SetBackground(wx.wxWHITE_BRUSH)
265                dc.Clear()
267                renderer = ScreenRenderer(dc, self.Map(), self.scale, self.offset,
268                                          (0, 0, width, height))
269                layer = self.SelectedLayer()
270                shapes = self.selection.SelectedShapes()
271                for cont in renderer.draw_selection_incrementally(layer, shapes):
272                    yield True
274              dc.EndDrawing()              dc.EndDrawing()
275              dc.SelectObject(wx.wxNullBitmap)              dc.SelectObject(wx.wxNullBitmap)
             self.bitmap = bitmap  
277          # blit the bitmap to the screen              bitmap.SetMask(wx.wxMaskColour(bitmap, wx.wxWHITE))
278          dc = wx.wxMemoryDC()              self.selection_bitmap = bitmap
279          dc.SelectObject(bitmap)  
280          clientdc = wxClientDC(self)          yield False
         clientdc.Blit(0, 0, width, height, dc, 0, 0)  
282      def Export(self):      def Export(self):
         if self.scale == 0:  
284          if hasattr(self, "export_path"):          if hasattr(self, "export_path"):
285              export_path = self.export_path              export_path = self.export_path
# Line 461  class MapCanvas(wxWindow, Publisher): Line 292  class MapCanvas(wxWindow, Publisher):
292              self.export_path = os.path.dirname(dlg.GetPath())              self.export_path = os.path.dirname(dlg.GetPath())
293              dc = wxMetaFileDC(dlg.GetPath())              dc = wxMetaFileDC(dlg.GetPath())
295              scale, offset, mapregion = OutputTransform(self.scale,              scale, offset, mapregion = output_transform(self.scale,
296                                                         self.offset,                                                          self.offset,
297                                                         self.GetSizeTuple(),                                                          self.GetSizeTuple(),
298                                                         dc.GetSizeTuple())                                                          dc.GetSizeTuple())
300              selected_layer = self.selection.SelectedLayer()              selected_layer = self.selection.SelectedLayer()
301              selected_shapes = self.selection.SelectedShapes()              selected_shapes = self.selection.SelectedShapes()
             renderer = ExportRenderer(dc, scale, offset)  
             # Pass the entire bitmap as update region to the renderer.  
             # We're redrawing the whole bitmap, after all.  
303              width, height = self.GetSizeTuple()              width, height = self.GetSizeTuple()
304              renderer.RenderMap(self.map,              renderer = ExportRenderer(dc, self.Map(), scale, offset,
305                                  (0,0,                                        region = (0, 0,
306                                      (width/self.scale)*scale,                                                  (width/self.scale)*scale,
307                                      (height/self.scale)*scale),                                                  (height/self.scale)*scale),
308                                  mapregion,                                        destination_region = mapregion)
309                                  selected_layer, selected_shapes)              renderer.RenderMap(selected_layer, selected_shapes)
310                renderer.RenderMap(selected_layer, selected_shapes)
312              dc.EndDrawing()              dc.EndDrawing()
313              dc.Close()              dc.Close()
314          dlg.Destroy()          dlg.Destroy()
# Line 490  class MapCanvas(wxWindow, Publisher): Line 319  class MapCanvas(wxWindow, Publisher):
319          selected_layer = self.selection.SelectedLayer()          selected_layer = self.selection.SelectedLayer()
320          selected_shapes = self.selection.SelectedShapes()          selected_shapes = self.selection.SelectedShapes()
322          printout = MapPrintout(self, self.map, (0, 0, width, height),          printout = MapPrintout(self, self.Map(), (0, 0, width, height),
323                                 selected_layer, selected_shapes)                                 selected_layer, selected_shapes)
324          printer.Print(self, printout, True)          printer.Print(self, printout, True)
325          printout.Destroy()          printout.Destroy()
     def SetMap(self, map):  
         redraw_channels = (MAP_LAYERS_CHANGED, LAYER_CHANGED,  
         if self.map is not None:  
             for channel in redraw_channels:  
                 self.map.Unsubscribe(channel, self.full_redraw)  
         self.map = map  
         if self.map is not None:  
             for channel in redraw_channels:  
                 self.map.Subscribe(channel, self.full_redraw)  
             self.map.Subscribe(MAP_PROJECTION_CHANGED, self.projection_changed)  
         # force a redraw. If map is not empty, it's already been called  
         # by FitMapToWindow but if map is empty it hasn't been called  
         # yet so we have to explicitly call it.  
     def Map(self):  
         """Return the map displayed by this canvas"""  
         return self.map  
327      def redraw(self, *args):      def redraw(self, *args):
328          self.Refresh(0)          self.Refresh(False)
330      def full_redraw(self, *args):      def full_redraw(self, *args):
331          self.bitmap = None          self.bitmap = None
332            self.selection_bitmap = None
333            self.render_iter = None
334          self.redraw()          self.redraw()
336      def projection_changed(self, *args):      def redraw_selection(self, *args):
337          self.FitMapToWindow()          self.selection_bitmap = None
338          self.full_redraw()          self.render_iter = None
339            self.redraw()
     def set_view_transform(self, scale, offset):  
         self.scale = scale  
341          self.offset = offset      def map_projection_changed(self, map, old_proj):
342            ViewPort.map_projection_changed(self, map, old_proj)
343          self.full_redraw()          self.full_redraw()
         self.issue(SCALE_CHANGED, scale)  
     def proj_to_win(self, x, y):  
         Return the point in  window coords given by projected coordinates x y  
         if self.scale == 0:  
             return (0, 0)  
         offx, offy = self.offset  
         return (self.scale * x + offx, -self.scale * y + offy)  
     def win_to_proj(self, x, y):  
         Return the point in projected coordinates given by window coords x y  
         if self.scale == 0:  
             return (0, 0)  
         offx, offy = self.offset  
         return ((x - offx) / self.scale, (offy - y) / self.scale)  
     def FitRectToWindow(self, rect):  
         """Fit the rectangular region given by rect into the window.  
         Set scale so that rect (in projected coordinates) just fits into  
         the window and center it.  
         width, height = self.GetSizeTuple()  
         llx, lly, urx, ury = rect  
         if llx == urx or lly == ury:  
             # zero width or zero height. Do Nothing  
         scalex = width / (urx - llx)  
         scaley = height / (ury - lly)  
         scale = min(scalex, scaley)  
         offx = 0.5 * (width - (urx + llx) * scale)  
         offy = 0.5 * (height + (ury + lly) * scale)  
         self.set_view_transform(scale, (offx, offy))  
     def FitMapToWindow(self):  
         """Fit the map to the window  
         Set the scale so that the map fits exactly into the window and  
         center it in the window.  
         bbox = self.map.ProjectedBoundingBox()  
         if bbox is not None:  
     def FitLayerToWindow(self, layer):  
         """Fit the given layer to the window.  
         Set the scale so that the layer fits exactly into the window and  
         center it in the window.  
         bbox = layer.LatLongBoundingBox()  
         if bbox is not None:  
             proj = self.map.GetProjection()  
             if proj is not None:  
                 bbox = proj.ForwardBBox(bbox)  
             if bbox is not None:  
     def FitSelectedToWindow(self):  
         layer = self.selection.SelectedLayer()  
         shapes = self.selection.SelectedShapes()  
         bbox = layer.ShapesBoundingBox(shapes)  
         if bbox is not None:  
             proj = self.map.GetProjection()  
             if proj is not None:  
                 bbox = proj.ForwardBBox(bbox)  
             if bbox is not None:  
     def ZoomFactor(self, factor, center = None):  
         """Multiply the zoom by factor and center on center.  
         The optional parameter center is a point in window coordinates  
         that should be centered. If it is omitted, it defaults to the  
         center of the window  
         if self.scale > 0:  
             width, height = self.GetSizeTuple()  
             scale = self.scale * factor  
             offx, offy = self.offset  
             if center is not None:  
                 cx, cy = center  
                 cx = width / 2  
                 cy = height / 2  
             offset = (factor * (offx - cx) + width / 2,  
                     factor * (offy - cy) + height / 2)  
             self.set_view_transform(scale, offset)  
     def ZoomOutToRect(self, rect):  
         """Zoom out to fit the currently visible region into rect.  
         The rect parameter is given in window coordinates  
         # determine the bbox of the displayed region in projected  
         # coordinates  
         width, height = self.GetSizeTuple()  
         llx, lly = self.win_to_proj(0, height - 1)  
         urx, ury = self.win_to_proj(width - 1, 0)  
         sx, sy, ex, ey = rect  
         scalex = (ex - sx) / (urx - llx)  
         scaley = (ey - sy) / (ury - lly)  
         scale = min(scalex, scaley)  
         offx = 0.5 * ((ex + sx) - (urx + llx) * scale)  
         offy = 0.5 * ((ey + sy) + (ury + lly) * scale)  
         self.set_view_transform(scale, (offx, offy))  
     def Translate(self, dx, dy):  
         """Move the map by dx, dy pixels"""  
         offx, offy = self.offset  
         self.set_view_transform(self.scale, (offx + dx, offy + dy))  
345      def SelectTool(self, tool):      def layer_projection_changed(self, *args):
346          """Make tool the active tool.          ViewPort.layer_projection_changed(self, args)
347            self.full_redraw()
         The parameter should be an instance of Tool or None to indicate  
         that no tool is active.  
         self.tool = tool  
     def ZoomInTool(self):  
         """Start the zoom in tool"""  
     def ZoomOutTool(self):  
         """Start the zoom out tool"""  
     def PanTool(self):  
         """Start the pan tool"""  
         #img = resource.GetImageResource("pan", wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM)  
         #bmp = resource.GetBitmapResource("pan", wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM)  
         #print bmp  
         #img = wxImageFromBitmap(bmp)  
         #print img  
         #cur = wxCursor(img)  
         #print cur  
     def IdentifyTool(self):  
         """Start the identify tool"""  
     def LabelTool(self):  
         """Start the label tool"""  
     def CurrentTool(self):  
         """Return the name of the current tool or None if no tool is active"""  
         return self.tool and self.tool.Name() or None  
     def CurrentPosition(self):  
         """Return current position of the mouse in projected coordinates.  
349          The result is a 2-tuple of floats with the coordinates. If the      def set_view_transform(self, scale, offset):
350          mouse is not in the window, the result is None.          ViewPort.set_view_transform(self, scale, offset)
351          """          self.full_redraw()
         if self.current_position is not None:  
             x, y = self.current_position  
             return self.win_to_proj(x, y)  
             return None  
353      def set_current_position(self, event):      def GetPortSizeTuple(self):
354          """Set the current position from event          return self.GetSizeTuple()
         Should be called by all events that contain mouse positions  
         especially EVT_MOTION. The event paramete may be None to  
         indicate the the pointer left the window.  
         if event is not None:  
             self.current_position = (event.m_x, event.m_y)  
             self.current_position = None  
356      def OnLeftDown(self, event):      def OnLeftDown(self, event):
357          self.set_current_position(event)          self.MouseLeftDown(event)
358          if self.tool is not None:          if self.tool is not None:
359              self.drag_dc = wxClientDC(self)              self.drag_dc = wxClientDC(self)
360              self.drag_dc.SetLogicalFunction(wxINVERT)              self.drag_dc.SetLogicalFunction(wxINVERT)
361              self.drag_dc.SetBrush(wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH)              self.drag_dc.SetBrush(wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH)
362              self.tool.Show(self.drag_dc)              self.tool.Show(self.drag_dc)
363                self.CaptureMouse()
364              self.dragging = 1              self.dragging = 1
366      def OnLeftUp(self, event):      def OnLeftUp(self, event):
367          self.set_current_position(event)          """Handle EVT_LEFT_UP
369            Release the mouse if it was captured, if a tool is active call
370            its Hide method and call self.MouseLeftUp.
371            """
372            # It's important that ReleaseMouse is called before MouseLeftUp.
373            # MouseLeftUp may pop up modal dialogs which leads to an
374            # effectively frozen X session because the user can only
375            # interact with the dialog but the mouse is still grabbed by the
376            # canvas.
377          if self.dragging:          if self.dragging:
378              self.ReleaseMouse()              if self.HasCapture():
379                    self.ReleaseMouse()
380              try:              try:
381                  self.tool.Hide(self.drag_dc)                  self.tool.Hide(self.drag_dc)
382              finally:              finally:
383                  self.drag_dc = None                  self.drag_dc = None
384                  self.dragging = 0                  self.dragging = 0
385            self.MouseLeftUp(event)
387      def OnMotion(self, event):      def OnMotion(self, event):
388          if self.dragging:          if self.dragging:
389              self.tool.Hide(self.drag_dc)              self.tool.Hide(self.drag_dc)
390              self.tool.MouseMove(event)  
391            self.MouseMove(event)
393            if self.dragging:
394              self.tool.Show(self.drag_dc)              self.tool.Show(self.drag_dc)
396      def OnLeaveWindow(self, event):      def OnLeaveWindow(self, event):
# Line 764  class MapCanvas(wxWindow, Publisher): Line 404  class MapCanvas(wxWindow, Publisher):
404          # Even when the window becomes larger some parts of the bitmap          # Even when the window becomes larger some parts of the bitmap
405          # could be reused.          # could be reused.
406          self.full_redraw()          self.full_redraw()
408      def shape_selected(self, layer, shape):      def shape_selected(self, layer, shape):
409          """Receiver for the SHAPES_SELECTED messages. Redraw the map."""          """Receiver for the SHAPES_SELECTED messages. Redraw the map."""
410          # The selection object takes care that it only issues          # The selection object takes care that it only issues
411          # SHAPES_SELECTED messages when the set of selected shapes has          # SHAPES_SELECTED messages when the set of selected shapes has
412          # actually changed, so we can do a full redraw unconditionally.          # actually changed, so we can do a full redraw of the
413          # FIXME: We should perhaps try to limit the redraw to the are          # selection_bitmap unconditionally.
414          # actually covered by the shapes before and after the selection          ViewPort.shape_selected(self, layer, shape)
415          # change.          self.redraw_selection()
416          self.full_redraw()  
417        def GetTextExtent(self, text):
418      def unprojected_rect_around_point(self, x, y, dist):          dc = wxClientDC(self)
419          """return a rect dist pixels around (x, y) in unprojected corrdinates          font = wxFont(10, wx.wxSWISS, wx.wxNORMAL, wx.wxNORMAL)
420            dc.SetFont(font)
421          The return value is a tuple (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) suitable a          return dc.GetTextExtent(text)
         parameter to a layer's ShapesInRegion method.  
         map_proj = self.map.projection  
         if map_proj is not None:  
             inverse = map_proj.Inverse  
             inverse = None  
         xs = []  
         ys = []  
         for dx, dy in ((-1, -1), (1, -1), (1, 1), (-1, 1)):  
             px, py = self.win_to_proj(x + dist * dx, y + dist * dy)  
             if inverse:  
                 px, py = inverse(px, py)  
         return (min(xs), min(ys), max(xs), max(ys))  
     def find_shape_at(self, px, py, select_labels = 0, searched_layer = None):  
         """Determine the shape at point px, py in window coords  
         Return the shape and the corresponding layer as a tuple (layer,  
         If the optional parameter select_labels is true (default false)  
         search through the labels. If a label is found return it's index  
         as the shape and None as the layer.  
         If the optional parameter searched_layer is given (or not None  
         which it defaults to), only search in that layer.  
         map_proj = self.map.projection  
         if map_proj is not None:  
             forward = map_proj.Forward  
             forward = None  
         scale = self.scale  
         if scale == 0:  
             return None, None  
         offx, offy = self.offset  
         if select_labels:  
             labels = self.map.LabelLayer().Labels()  
             if labels:  
                 dc = wxClientDC(self)  
                 font = wxFont(10, wx.wxSWISS, wx.wxNORMAL, wx.wxNORMAL)  
                 for i in range(len(labels) - 1, -1, -1):  
                     label = labels[i]  
                     x = label.x  
                     y = label.y  
                     text = label.text  
                     if forward:  
                         x, y = forward(x, y)  
                     x = x * scale + offx  
                     y = -y * scale + offy  
                     width, height = dc.GetTextExtent(text)  
                     if label.halign == ALIGN_LEFT:  
                         # nothing to be done  
                     elif label.halign == ALIGN_RIGHT:  
                         x = x - width  
                     elif label.halign == ALIGN_CENTER:  
                         x = x - width/2  
                     if label.valign == ALIGN_TOP:  
                         # nothing to be done  
                     elif label.valign == ALIGN_BOTTOM:  
                         y = y - height  
                     elif label.valign == ALIGN_CENTER:  
                         y = y - height/2  
                     if x <= px < x + width and y <= py <= y + height:  
                         return None, i  
         if searched_layer:  
             layers = [searched_layer]  
             layers = self.map.Layers()  
         for layer_index in range(len(layers) - 1, -1, -1):  
             layer = layers[layer_index]  
             # search only in visible layers  
             if not layer.Visible():  
             filled = layer.GetClassification().GetDefaultFill() \  
                      is not Color.Transparent  
             stroked = layer.GetClassification().GetDefaultLineColor() \  
                       is not Color.Transparent  
             layer_proj = layer.projection  
             if layer_proj is not None:  
                 inverse = layer_proj.Inverse  
                 inverse = None  
             shapetype = layer.ShapeType()  
             select_shape = -1  
             # Determine the ids of the shapes that overlap a tiny area  
             # around the point. For layers containing points we have to  
             # choose a larger size of the box we're testing agains so  
             # that we take the size of the markers into account  
             # FIXME: Once the markers are more flexible this part has to  
             # become more flexible too, of course  
             if shapetype == SHAPETYPE_POINT:  
                 box = self.unprojected_rect_around_point(px, py, 5)  
                 box = self.unprojected_rect_around_point(px, py, 1)  
             shape_ids = layer.ShapesInRegion(box)  
             if shapetype == SHAPETYPE_POLYGON:  
                 for i in shape_ids:  
                     result = point_in_polygon_shape(layer.shapefile.cobject(),  
                                                     filled, stroked,  
                                                     map_proj, layer_proj,  
                                                     scale, -scale, offx, offy,  
                                                     px, py)  
                     if result:  
                         select_shape = i  
             elif shapetype == SHAPETYPE_ARC:  
                 for i in shape_ids:  
                     result = point_in_polygon_shape(layer.shapefile.cobject(),  
                                                     i, 0, 1,  
                                                     map_proj, layer_proj,  
                                                     scale, -scale, offx, offy,  
                                                     px, py)  
                     if result < 0:  
                         select_shape = i  
             elif shapetype == SHAPETYPE_POINT:  
                 for i in shape_ids:  
                     shape = layer.Shape(i)  
                     x, y = shape.Points()[0]  
                     if inverse:  
                         x, y = inverse(x, y)  
                     if forward:  
                         x, y = forward(x, y)  
                     x = x * scale + offx  
                     y = -y * scale + offy  
                     if hypot(px - x, py - y) < 5:  
                         select_shape = i  
             if select_shape >= 0:  
                 return layer, select_shape  
         return None, None  
     def SelectShapeAt(self, x, y, layer = None):  
         Select and return the shape and its layer at window position (x, y)  
423          If layer is given, only search in that layer. If no layer is      def LabelShapeAt(self, x, y, text=None):
         given, search through all layers.  
         Return a tuple (layer, shapeid). If no shape is found, return  
         (None, None).  
         layer, shape = result = self.find_shape_at(x, y, searched_layer=layer)  
         # If layer is None, then shape will also be None. We don't want  
         # to deselect the currently selected layer, so we simply select  
         # the already selected layer again.  
         if layer is None:  
             layer = self.selection.SelectedLayer()  
             shapes = []  
             shapes = [shape]  
         self.selection.SelectShapes(layer, shapes)  
         return result  
     def LabelShapeAt(self, x, y):  
424          """Add or remove a label at window position x, y.          """Add or remove a label at window position x, y.
426          If there's a label at the given position, remove it. Otherwise          If there's a label at the given position, remove it. Otherwise
427          determine the shape at the position, run the label dialog and          determine the shape at the position, run the label dialog and
428          unless the user cancels the dialog, add a laber.          unless the user cancels the dialog, add a label.
429          """          """
         ox = x; oy = y  
430          label_layer = self.map.LabelLayer()          label_layer = self.map.LabelLayer()
431          layer, shape_index = self.find_shape_at(x, y, select_labels = 1)          layer, shape_index = self.find_shape_at(x, y, select_labels = 1)
432          if layer is None and shape_index is not None:          if layer is None and shape_index is not None:
433              # a label was selected              ViewPort.LabelShapeAt(self, x, y)
434          elif layer is not None:          elif layer is not None:
435              text = labeldialog.run_label_dialog(self, layer.table, shape_index)              text = labeldialog.run_label_dialog(self,
436              if text:                                                  layer.ShapeStore().Table(),
437                  proj = self.map.projection                                                  shape_index)
438                  if proj is not None:              ViewPort.LabelShapeAt(self, x, y, text)
                     map_proj = proj  
                     map_proj = None  
                 proj = layer.projection  
                 if proj is not None:  
                     layer_proj = proj  
                     layer_proj = None  
                 shapetype = layer.ShapeType()  
                 if shapetype == SHAPETYPE_POLYGON:  
                     x, y = shape_centroid(layer.shapefile.cobject(),  
                                           map_proj, layer_proj, 1, 1, 0, 0)  
                     if map_proj is not None:  
                         x, y = map_proj.Inverse(x, y)  
                     shape = layer.Shape(shape_index)  
                     if shapetype == SHAPETYPE_POINT:  
                         x, y = shape.Points()[0]  
                         # assume SHAPETYPE_ARC  
                         points = shape.Points()  
                         x, y = points[len(points) / 2]  
                     if layer_proj is not None:  
                         x, y = layer_proj.Inverse(x, y)  
                 if shapetype == SHAPETYPE_POINT:  
                     halign = ALIGN_LEFT  
                     valign = ALIGN_CENTER  
                 elif shapetype == SHAPETYPE_POLYGON:  
                     halign = ALIGN_CENTER  
                     valign = ALIGN_CENTER  
                 elif shapetype == SHAPETYPE_ARC:  
                     halign = ALIGN_LEFT  
                     valign = ALIGN_CENTER  
                 label_layer.AddLabel(x, y, text,  
                                      halign = halign, valign = valign)  
 def OutputTransform(canvas_scale, canvas_offset, canvas_size, device_extend):  
     """Calculate dimensions to transform canvas content to output device."""  
     width, height = device_extend  
     # Only 80 % of the with are available for the map  
     width = width * 0.8  
     # Define the distance of the map from DC border  
     distance = 20  
     if height < width:  
         # landscape  
         map_height = height - 2*distance  
         map_width = map_height  
         # portrait, recalibrate width (usually the legend width is too  
         # small  
         width = width * 0.9  
         map_height = width - 2*distance  
         map_width = map_height  
     mapregion = (distance, distance,  
                  distance+map_width, distance+map_height)  
     canvas_width, canvas_height = canvas_size  
     scalex = map_width / (canvas_width/canvas_scale)  
     scaley = map_height / (canvas_height/canvas_scale)  
     scale = min(scalex, scaley)  
     canvas_offx, canvas_offy = canvas_offset  
     offx = scale*canvas_offx/canvas_scale  
     offy = scale*canvas_offy/canvas_scale  
     return scale, (offx, offy), mapregion  

Removed from v.1035  
changed lines
  Added in v.2066

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