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Contents of /branches/WIP-pyshapelib-bramz/test/postgissupport.py

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Revision 1679 - (show annotations)
Thu Aug 28 14:23:08 2003 UTC (21 years, 6 months ago) by bh
Original Path: trunk/thuban/test/postgissupport.py
File MIME type: text/x-python
File size: 21684 byte(s)
(reason_for_not_running_tests): Add a
test for the existence of popen2.Popen4.

1 # Copyright (C) 2003 by Intevation GmbH
2 # Authors:
3 # Bernhard Herzog <[email protected]>
4 #
5 # This program is free software under the GPL (>=v2)
6 # Read the file COPYING coming with the software for details.
8 """Support module for tests that use a live PostGIS database"""
10 __version__ = "$Revision$"
11 # $Source$
12 # $Id$
14 import sys
15 import os
16 import time
17 import popen2
18 import shutil
19 import traceback
21 import support
23 try:
24 import psycopg
25 except ImportError:
26 psycopg = None
28 #
29 # Helper code
30 #
32 def run_config_script(cmdline):
33 """Run command cmdline and return its stdout or none in case of errors"""
34 pipe = os.popen(cmdline)
35 result = pipe.read()
36 if pipe.close() is not None:
37 raise RuntimeError('Command %r failed' % cmdline)
38 return result
40 def run_command(command, outfilename = None):
41 """Run command as a subprocess and send its stdout and stderr to outfile
43 The subprocess is run synchroneously so the function returns once
44 the subprocess has termninated. If the process' exit code is not
45 zero raise a RuntimeError.
47 If outfilename is None stdout and stderr are still captured but they
48 are ignored and not written to any file.
49 """
50 proc = popen2.Popen4(command)
51 proc.tochild.close()
52 output = proc.fromchild.read()
53 status = proc.wait()
54 if outfilename is not None:
55 outfile = open(outfilename, "w")
56 outfile.write(output)
57 outfile.close()
58 if not os.WIFEXITED(status) or os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0:
59 if outfilename:
60 message = "see %s" % outfilename
61 else:
62 message = output
63 raise RuntimeError("command %r exited with code %d.\n%s"
64 % (command, status, message))
67 def run_boolean_command(command):
68 """
69 Run command as a subprocess silently and return whether it ran successfully
71 Silently means that all output is captured and ignored. The exit
72 status is true if the command ran successfull, i.e. it terminated by
73 exiting and returned as zero exit code and false other wise
74 """
75 try:
76 run_command(command, None)
77 return 1
78 except RuntimeError:
79 pass
80 return 0
83 #
84 # PostgreSQL and database
85 #
87 class PostgreSQLServer:
89 """A PostgreSQL server
91 Instances of this class represent a PostgreSQL server with postgis
92 extensions run explicitly for the test cases. Such a server has its
93 own database directory and its own directory for the unix sockets so
94 that it doesn't interfere with any other PostgreSQL server already
95 running on the system.
96 """
98 def __init__(self, dbdir, port, postgis_sql, socket_dir):
99 """Initialize the PostgreSQLServer object
101 Parameters:
103 dbdir -- The directory for the databases
104 port -- The port to use
105 postgis_sql -- The name of the file with the SQL statements to
106 initialize a database for postgis.
107 socket_dir -- The directory for the socket files.
109 When connecting to the database server use the port and host
110 instance variables.
111 """
112 self.dbdir = dbdir
113 self.port = port
114 self.postgis_sql = postgis_sql
115 self.socket_dir = socket_dir
117 # For the client side the socket directory can be used as the
118 # host if the name starts with a slash.
119 self.host = os.path.abspath(socket_dir)
121 # name and password for the admin and an unprivileged user
122 self.admin_name = "postgres"
123 self.admin_password = "postgres"
124 self.user_name = "observer"
125 self.user_password = "telescope"
127 # Map db names to db objects
128 self.known_dbs = {}
130 def createdb(self):
131 """Create the database in dbdir and start the server.
133 First check whether the dbdir already exists and if necessary
134 stop an already running postmaster and remove the dbdir
135 directory completely. Then create a new database cluster in the
136 dbdir and start a postmaster.
137 """
138 if os.path.isdir(self.dbdir):
139 if self.is_running():
140 self.shutdown()
141 shutil.rmtree(self.dbdir)
142 os.mkdir(self.dbdir)
144 run_command(["initdb", "-D", self.dbdir, "-U", self.admin_name],
145 os.path.join(self.dbdir, "initdb.log"))
147 extra_opts = "-p %d" % self.port
148 if self.socket_dir is not None:
149 extra_opts += " -k %s" % self.socket_dir
150 run_command(["pg_ctl", "-D", self.dbdir,
151 "-l", os.path.join(self.dbdir, "logfile"),
152 "-o", extra_opts, "start"],
153 os.path.join(self.dbdir, "pg_ctl-start.log"))
154 # the -w option of pg_ctl doesn't work properly when the port is
155 # not the default port, so we have to implement waiting for the
156 # server ourselves
157 self.wait_for_postmaster()
159 self.alter_user(self.admin_name, self.admin_password)
160 self.create_user(self.user_name, self.user_password)
162 def wait_for_postmaster(self):
163 """Return when the database server is running
165 Internal method to wait until the postmaster process has been
166 started and is ready for client connections.
167 """
168 max_count = 60
169 count = 0
170 while count < max_count:
171 try:
172 run_command(["psql", "-l", "-p", str(self.port),
173 "-h", self.host, "-U", self.admin_name],
174 os.path.join(self.dbdir, "psql-%d.log" % count))
175 except RuntimeError:
176 pass
177 except:
178 traceback.print_exc()
179 else:
180 break
181 time.sleep(0.5)
182 count += 1
183 else:
184 raise RuntimeError("postmaster didn't start")
186 def is_running(self):
187 """Return true a postmaster process is running on self.dbdir
189 This method runs pg_ctl status on the dbdir so even if the
190 object has just been created it is possible that this method
191 returns true if there's still a postmaster process running for
192 self.dbdir.
193 """
194 return run_boolean_command(["pg_ctl", "-D", self.dbdir, "status"])
196 def shutdown(self):
197 """Stop the postmaster running for self.dbdir"""
198 run_command(["pg_ctl", "-m", "fast", "-D", self.dbdir, "stop"],
199 os.path.join(self.dbdir, "pg_ctl-stop.log"))
201 def new_postgis_db(self, dbname, tables = None):
202 """Create and return a new PostGISDatabase object using self as server
203 """
204 db = PostGISDatabase(self, self.postgis_sql, dbname, tables = tables)
205 db.initdb()
206 self.known_dbs[dbname] = db
207 return db
209 def get_static_data_db(self, dbname, tables):
210 """Return a PostGISDatabase for a database with the given static data
212 If no databasse of the name dbname exists, create a new one via
213 new_postgis_db and upload the data.
215 If a database of the name dbname already exists and uses the
216 indicated data, return that. If the already existing db uses
217 different data raise a value error.
219 The tables argument should be a sequence of table specifications
220 where each specifications is a (tablename, shapefilename) pair.
221 """
222 db = self.known_dbs.get(dbname)
223 if db is not None:
224 if db.has_data(tables):
225 return db
226 raise ValueError("PostGISDatabase named %r doesn't have tables %r"
227 % (dbname, tables))
228 return self.new_postgis_db(dbname, tables)
230 def get_default_static_data_db(self):
231 dbname = "PostGISStaticTests"
232 tables = [
233 # Direct copies of the shapefiles. The shapeids are exactly
234 # the same.
235 ("landmarks", os.path.join("..", "Data", "iceland",
236 "cultural_landmark-point.shp"),
237 [("gid_offset", 1000)]),
238 ("political", os.path.join("..", "Data", "iceland",
239 "political.shp")),
240 ("roads", os.path.join("..", "Data", "iceland",
241 "roads-line.shp")),
243 # The polygon data as a MULTIPOLYGON geometry type
244 ("political_multi", os.path.join("..", "Data", "iceland",
245 "political.shp"),
246 [("force_wkt_type", "MULTIPOLYGON")]),
247 ]
248 return self.get_static_data_db(dbname, tables)
250 def connection_params(self, user):
251 """Return the connection parameters for the given user
253 The return value is a dictionary suitable as keyword argument
254 list to PostGISConnection. The user parameter may be either
255 'admin' to connect as admin or 'user' to connect as an
256 unprivileged user.
257 """
258 return {"host": self.host, "port": self.port,
259 "user": getattr(self, user + "_name"),
260 "password": getattr(self, user + "_password")}
262 def connection_string(self, user):
263 """Return (part of) the connection string to pass to psycopg.connect
265 The string contains host, port, user and password. The user
266 parameter must be either 'admin' or 'user', as for
267 connection_params.
268 """
269 params = []
270 for key, value in self.connection_params(user).items():
271 # FIXME: this doesn't do quiting correctly but that
272 # shouldn't be much of a problem (people shouldn't be using
273 # single quotes in filenames anyway :) )
274 params.append("%s='%s'" % (key, value))
275 return " ".join(params)
277 def execute_sql(self, dbname, user, sql):
278 """Execute the sql statament
280 The user parameter us used as in connection_params. The dbname
281 parameter must be the name of a database in the cluster.
282 """
283 conn = psycopg.connect("dbname=%s " % dbname
284 + self.connection_string(user))
285 cursor = conn.cursor()
286 cursor.execute(sql)
287 conn.commit()
288 conn.close()
290 def require_authentication(self, required):
291 """Switch authentication requirements on or off
293 When started for the first time no passwords are required. Some
294 tests want to explicitly test whether Thuban's password
295 infrastructure works and switch password authentication on
296 explicitly. When switching it on, there should be a
297 corresponding call to switch it off again in the test case'
298 tearDown method or in a finally: block.
299 """
300 if required:
301 contents = "local all password\n"
302 else:
303 contents = "local all trust\n"
304 f = open(os.path.join(self.dbdir, "pg_hba.conf"), "w")
305 f.write(contents)
306 f.close()
307 run_command(["pg_ctl", "-D", self.dbdir, "reload"],
308 os.path.join(self.dbdir, "pg_ctl-reload.log"))
311 def create_user(self, username, password):
312 """Create user username with password in the database"""
313 self.execute_sql("template1", "admin",
314 "CREATE USER %s PASSWORD '%s';" % (username,password))
316 def alter_user(self, username, password):
317 """Change the user username's password in the database"""
318 self.execute_sql("template1", "admin",
319 "ALTER USER %s PASSWORD '%s';" % (username,password))
322 class PostGISDatabase:
324 """A PostGIS database in a PostgreSQLServer"""
326 def __init__(self, server, postgis_sql, dbname, tables = None):
327 """Initialize the PostGISDatabase
329 Parameters:
331 server -- The PostgreSQLServer instance containing the
332 database
334 postgis_sql -- Filename of the postgis.sql file with the
335 postgis initialization code
337 dbname -- The name of the database
339 tables -- Optional description of tables to create in the
340 new database. If given it should be a list of
341 (tablename, shapefilename) pairs meaning that a table
342 tablename will be created with the contents of the given
343 shapefile or (tablename, shapefilename, extraargs)
344 triples. The extraargs should be a list of key, value
345 pairs to use as keyword arguments to upload_shapefile.
346 """
347 self.server = server
348 self.postgis_sql = postgis_sql
349 self.dbname = dbname
350 self.tables = tables
352 def initdb(self):
353 """Remove the old db directory and create and initialize a new database
354 """
355 run_command(["createdb", "-p", str(self.server.port),
356 "-h", self.server.host, "-U", self.server.admin_name,
357 self.dbname],
358 os.path.join(self.server.dbdir, "createdb.log"))
359 run_command(["createlang", "-p", str(self.server.port),
360 "-h", self.server.host, "-U", self.server.admin_name,
361 "plpgsql", self.dbname],
362 os.path.join(self.server.dbdir, "createlang.log"))
363 # for some reason psql doesn't exit with an error code if the
364 # file given as -f doesn't exist, so we check manually by trying
365 # to open it before we run psql
366 f = open(self.postgis_sql)
367 f.close()
368 del f
369 run_command(["psql", "-f", self.postgis_sql, "-d", self.dbname,
370 "-p", str(self.server.port), "-h", self.server.host,
371 "-U", self.server.admin_name],
372 os.path.join(self.server.dbdir, "psql.log"))
374 self.server.execute_sql(self.dbname, "admin",
375 "GRANT SELECT ON geometry_columns TO PUBLIC;")
377 if self.tables is not None:
378 def unpack(item):
379 extra = {"force_wkt_type": None, "gid_offset": 0}
380 if len(info) == 2:
381 tablename, shapefile = info
382 else:
383 tablename, shapefile, kw = info
384 for key, val in kw:
385 extra[key] = val
386 return tablename, shapefile, extra
388 for info in self.tables:
389 tablename, shapefile, kw = unpack(info)
390 upload_shapefile(shapefile, self, tablename, **kw)
392 def has_data(self, tables):
393 return self.tables == tables
396 def find_postgis_sql():
397 """Return the name of the postgis_sql file
399 A postgis installation usually has the postgis_sql file in
400 PostgreSQL's datadir (i.e. the directory where PostgreSQL keeps
401 static files, not the directory containing the databases).
402 Unfortunately there's no way to determine the name of this directory
403 with pg_config so we assume here that it's
404 $bindir/../share/postgresql/.
405 """
406 bindir = run_config_script("pg_config --bindir").strip()
407 return os.path.join(bindir, "..", "share", "postgresql",
408 "contrib", "postgis.sql")
410 _postgres_server = None
411 def get_test_server():
412 """Return the test database server object.
414 If it doesn't exist yet, create it first.
416 The server will use the directory postgis under the temp dir (as
417 defined by support.create_temp_dir()) for the database cluster.
418 Sockets will be created in tempdir.
419 """
420 global _postgres_server
421 if _postgres_server is None:
422 tempdir = support.create_temp_dir()
423 dbdir = os.path.join(tempdir, "postgis")
424 socket_dir = tempdir
426 _postgres_server = PostgreSQLServer(dbdir, 6543, find_postgis_sql(),
427 socket_dir = socket_dir)
428 _postgres_server.createdb()
430 return _postgres_server
432 def shutdown_test_server():
433 """Shutdown the test server if it is running"""
434 global _postgres_server
435 if _postgres_server is not None:
436 _postgres_server.shutdown()
437 _postgres_server = None
440 def reason_for_not_running_tests():
441 """
442 Determine whether postgis tests can be run and return a reason they can't
444 There's no fool-proof way to reliably determine this short of
445 actually running the tests but we try the following here:
447 - test whether pg_ctl --help can be run successfully
448 - test whether the postgis_sql can be opened
449 The name of the postgis_sql file is determined by find_postgis_sql()
450 - psycopg can be imported successfully.
451 """
452 # run_command currently uses Popen4 which is not available under
453 # Windows, for example.
454 if not hasattr(popen2, "Popen4"):
455 return "Can't run PostGIS test because popen2.Popen4 does not exist"
457 try:
458 run_command(["pg_ctl", "--help"], None)
459 except RuntimeError:
460 return "Can't run PostGIS tests because pg_ctl fails"
462 try:
463 postgis_sql = find_postgis_sql()
464 except:
465 return "Can't run PostGIS tests because postgis.sql can't be found"
467 try:
468 f = open(postgis_sql)
469 f.close()
470 except:
471 return "Can't run PostGIS tests because postgis.sql can't be opened"
473 # The test for psycopg was already done when this module was
474 # imported so we only have to check whether it was successful
475 if psycopg is None:
476 return "Can't run PostGIS tests because psycopg can't be imported"
478 return ""
481 _cannot_run_postgis_tests = None
482 def skip_if_no_postgis():
483 global _cannot_run_postgis_tests
484 if _cannot_run_postgis_tests is None:
485 _cannot_run_postgis_tests = reason_for_not_running_tests()
486 if _cannot_run_postgis_tests:
487 raise support.SkipTest(_cannot_run_postgis_tests)
489 def coords_to_point(coords):
490 """Return string with a WKT representation of the point in coords"""
491 x, y = coords[0]
492 return "POINT(%r %r)" % (x, y)
494 def coords_to_polygon(coords):
495 """Return string with a WKT representation of the polygon in coords"""
496 poly = []
497 for ring in coords:
498 poly.append(", ".join(["%r %r" % p for p in ring]))
499 return "POLYGON((%s))" % "), (".join(poly)
501 def coords_to_multilinestring(coords):
502 """Return string with a WKT representation of the arc in coords"""
503 poly = []
504 for ring in coords:
505 poly.append(", ".join(["%r %r" % p for p in ring]))
506 return "MULTILINESTRING((%s))" % "), (".join(poly)
508 def coords_to_multipolygon(coords):
509 """Return string with a WKT representation of the polygon in coords"""
510 poly = []
511 for ring in coords:
512 poly.append(", ".join(["%r %r" % p for p in ring]))
513 return "MULTIPOLYGON(((%s)))" % ")), ((".join(poly)
515 wkt_converter = {
516 "POINT": coords_to_point,
517 "MULTILINESTRING": coords_to_multilinestring,
518 "POLYGON": coords_to_polygon,
519 "MULTIPOLYGON": coords_to_multipolygon,
520 }
522 def upload_shapefile(filename, db, tablename, force_wkt_type = None,
523 gid_offset = 0):
524 """Upload a shapefile into a new database table
526 Parameters:
528 filename -- The name of the shapefile
530 db -- The PostGISDatabase instance representing the database
532 tablename -- The name of the table to create and into which the data
533 is to be inserted
535 force_wkt_type -- If given the real WKT geometry type to use instead
536 of the default that would be chosen based on the type of
537 the shapefile
539 gid_offset -- A number to add to the shapeid to get the value for
540 the gid column (default 0)
541 """
542 import dbflib, shapelib
544 # We build this map here because we need shapelib which can only be
545 # imported after support.initthuban has been called which we can't
546 # easily do in this module because it's imported by support.
547 shp_to_wkt = {
548 shapelib.SHPT_POINT: "POINT",
550 shapelib.SHPT_POLYGON: "POLYGON",
551 }
553 server = db.server
554 dbname = db.dbname
555 conn = psycopg.connect("dbname=%s " % dbname
556 + db.server.connection_string("admin"))
557 cursor = conn.cursor()
559 shp = shapelib.ShapeFile(filename)
560 dbf = dbflib.DBFFile(filename)
561 typemap = {dbflib.FTString: "VARCHAR",
562 dbflib.FTInteger: "INTEGER",
563 dbflib.FTDouble: "DOUBLE PRECISION"}
565 insert_formats = ["%(gid)s"]
566 fields = ["gid INT"]
567 for i in range(dbf.field_count()):
568 ftype, name, width, prec = dbf.field_info(i)
569 fields.append("%s %s" % (name, typemap[ftype]))
570 insert_formats.append("%%(%s)s" % name)
571 stmt = "CREATE TABLE %s (\n %s\n);" % (tablename,
572 ",\n ".join(fields))
573 cursor.execute(stmt)
574 #print stmt
576 numshapes, shapetype, mins, maxs = shp.info()
577 wkttype = shp_to_wkt[shapetype]
578 if force_wkt_type:
579 wkttype = force_wkt_type
580 convert = wkt_converter[wkttype]
582 cursor.execute("select AddGeometryColumn('%(dbname)s',"
583 "'%(tablename)s', 'the_geom', '-1', '%(wkttype)s', 2);"
584 % locals())
586 insert_formats.append("GeometryFromText(%(the_geom)s, -1)")
588 insert = ("INSERT INTO %s VALUES (%s)"
589 % (tablename, ", ".join(insert_formats)))
591 for i in range(numshapes):
592 data = dbf.read_record(i)
593 data["tablename"] = tablename
594 data["gid"] = i + gid_offset
595 data["the_geom"] = convert(shp.read_object(i).vertices())
596 #print insert % data
597 cursor.execute(insert, data)
599 cursor.execute("GRANT SELECT ON %s TO PUBLIC;" % tablename)
601 conn.commit()


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