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Diff of /branches/WIP-pyshapelib-bramz/test/test_layer.py

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revision 1538 by bh, Fri Aug 1 14:27:46 2003 UTC revision 1681 by bh, Thu Aug 28 14:37:36 2003 UTC
# Line 16  __version__ = "$Revision$" Line 16  __version__ = "$Revision$"
16  import os  import os
17  import unittest  import unittest
19    import mockgeo
20  import support  import support
21  support.initthuban()  support.initthuban()
# Line 40  class TestLayer(unittest.TestCase, suppo Line 41  class TestLayer(unittest.TestCase, suppo
42      """Test cases for different layer (shape) types"""      """Test cases for different layer (shape) types"""
     def assertFloatTuplesEqual(self, test, value):  
         """Assert equality of two lists of tuples of float"""  
         for i in range(len(test)):  
             self.assertFloatSeqEqual(test[i], value[i])  
44      def setUp(self):      def setUp(self):
45          """Create a session self.session and initialize self.layer to None"""          """Create a session self.session and initialize self.layer to None"""
46          self.session = Session("Test session for %s" % self.__class__)          self.session = Session("Test session for %s" % self.__class__)
# Line 52  class TestLayer(unittest.TestCase, suppo Line 48  class TestLayer(unittest.TestCase, suppo
49      def tearDown(self):      def tearDown(self):
50          """Call the layer's Destroy method and set session and layer to None"""          """Call the layer's Destroy method and set session and layer to None"""
51            self.session.Destroy()
52          self.session = None          self.session = None
53          if self.layer is not None:          if self.layer is not None:
54              self.layer.Destroy()              self.layer.Destroy()
# Line 101  class TestLayer(unittest.TestCase, suppo Line 98  class TestLayer(unittest.TestCase, suppo
98          self.assertEquals(layer.ShapeType(), SHAPETYPE_ARC)          self.assertEquals(layer.ShapeType(), SHAPETYPE_ARC)
99          self.assertEquals(layer.NumShapes(), 839)          self.assertEquals(layer.NumShapes(), 839)
100          shape = layer.Shape(32)          shape = layer.Shape(32)
101          self.assertFloatTuplesEqual(shape.Points(),          self.assertPointListEquals(shape.Points(),
102                                      [(-15.082174301147461, 66.27738189697265),                                     [[(-15.082174301147461, 66.27738189697265),
103                                       (-15.026350021362305, 66.27339172363281)])                                       (-15.026350021362305, 66.27339172363281)]])
104          self.assertFloatSeqEqual(layer.BoundingBox(),          self.assertFloatSeqEqual(layer.BoundingBox(),
105                                   [-24.450359344482422, 63.426830291748047,                                   [-24.450359344482422, 63.426830291748047,
106                                    -13.55668830871582, 66.520111083984375])                                    -13.55668830871582, 66.520111083984375])
107          self.assertEquals(layer.ShapesInRegion((-24.0, 64.0, -23.75, 64.25)),          shapes = layer.ShapesInRegion((-24.0, 64.0, -23.75, 64.25))
108            self.assertEquals([s.ShapeID() for s in shapes],
109                            [613, 726, 838])                            [613, 726, 838])
111          self.assertFloatSeqEqual(layer.ShapesBoundingBox([32]),          self.assertFloatSeqEqual(layer.ShapesBoundingBox([32]),
# Line 115  class TestLayer(unittest.TestCase, suppo Line 113  class TestLayer(unittest.TestCase, suppo
113                             -15.026350021362305, 66.27738189697265])                             -15.026350021362305, 66.27738189697265])
115          shape = layer.Shape(33)          shape = layer.Shape(33)
116          self.assertFloatTuplesEqual(shape.Points(),          self.assertPointListEquals(shape.Points(),
117                                      [(-22.248506546020508, 66.30645751953125),                                     [[(-22.24850654602050, 66.30645751953125),
118                                       (-22.232730865478516, 66.294075012207031),                                       (-22.23273086547851, 66.29407501220703),
119                                       (-22.23158073425293,  66.287689208984375),                                       (-22.23158073425293,  66.2876892089843),
120                                       (-22.246318817138672, 66.270065307617188)])                                       (-22.24631881713867, 66.27006530761718)]])
122          self.assertFloatSeqEqual(layer.ShapesBoundingBox([32, 33]),          self.assertFloatSeqEqual(layer.ShapesBoundingBox([32, 33]),
123                                   [-22.248506546020508, 66.270065307617188,                                   [-22.248506546020508, 66.270065307617188,
# Line 137  class TestLayer(unittest.TestCase, suppo Line 135  class TestLayer(unittest.TestCase, suppo
135          self.assertEquals(layer.ShapeType(), SHAPETYPE_POLYGON)          self.assertEquals(layer.ShapeType(), SHAPETYPE_POLYGON)
136          self.assertEquals(layer.NumShapes(), 156)          self.assertEquals(layer.NumShapes(), 156)
137          shape = layer.Shape(4)          shape = layer.Shape(4)
138          self.assertFloatTuplesEqual(shape.Points(),          self.assertPointListEquals(shape.Points(),
139                                      [(-22.406391143798828, 64.714111328125),                                     [[(-22.40639114379882, 64.714111328125),
140                                       (-22.41621208190918, 64.71600341796875),                                       (-22.41621208190918, 64.7160034179687),
141                                       (-22.406051635742188, 64.719200134277344),                                       (-22.40605163574218, 64.719200134277),
142                                       (-22.406391143798828, 64.714111328125)])                                       (-22.40639114379882, 64.714111328125)]])
143          self.assertFloatSeqEqual(layer.BoundingBox(),          self.assertFloatSeqEqual(layer.BoundingBox(),
144                                   [-24.546524047851562, 63.286754608154297,                                   [-24.546524047851562, 63.286754608154297,
145                                    -13.495815277099609, 66.563774108886719])                                    -13.495815277099609, 66.563774108886719])
146          self.assertEquals(layer.ShapesInRegion((-24.0, 64.0, -23.9, 64.1)),          shapes = layer.ShapesInRegion((-24.0, 64.0, -23.9, 64.1))
147            self.assertEquals([s.ShapeID() for s in shapes],
148                            [91, 92, 144, 146, 148, 150, 152, 153])                            [91, 92, 144, 146, 148, 150, 152, 153])
150      def test_point_layer(self):      def test_point_layer(self):
# Line 157  class TestLayer(unittest.TestCase, suppo Line 156  class TestLayer(unittest.TestCase, suppo
156          self.assertEquals(layer.ShapeType(), SHAPETYPE_POINT)          self.assertEquals(layer.ShapeType(), SHAPETYPE_POINT)
157          self.assertEquals(layer.NumShapes(), 34)          self.assertEquals(layer.NumShapes(), 34)
158          shape = layer.Shape(0)          shape = layer.Shape(0)
159          self.assertFloatTuplesEqual(shape.Points(),          self.assertPointListEquals(shape.Points(),
160                                      [(-22.711074829101562, 66.36572265625)])                                     [[(-22.711074829101562, 66.36572265625)]])
161          self.assertFloatSeqEqual(layer.BoundingBox(),          self.assertFloatSeqEqual(layer.BoundingBox(),
162                                   [-23.806047439575195, 63.405960083007812,                                   [-23.806047439575195, 63.405960083007812,
163                                    -15.12291431427002, 66.36572265625])                                    -15.12291431427002, 66.36572265625])
164          self.assertEquals(layer.ShapesInRegion((-24.0, 64.0, -23.80, 64.1)),          shapes = layer.ShapesInRegion((-24.0, 64.0, -23.80, 64.1))
165            self.assertEquals([s.ShapeID() for s in shapes],
166                            [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31])                            [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31])
168        def test_point_layer_with_projection(self):
169            """Test Layer with point shapes and a projection"""
170            # We use mock data here so that we have precise control over the
171            # values
172            table = MemoryTable([("FOO", FIELDTYPE_STRING)], [("bla",)])
173            store = mockgeo.SimpleShapeStore(SHAPETYPE_POINT, [[[(10,10)]]], table)
174            layer = self.layer = Layer("Test Layer", store)
176            # Rotation by 45 degrees counter clockwise. This detects a bug
177            # in the ShapesInRegion method which transforms the bounding box
178            # by only transforming two opposite corners because they have
179            # the same x or y coordinates after application of the
180            # projection or its inverse.
181            proj = mockgeo.AffineProjection((1, 1, -1, 1, 0, 0))
182            layer.SetProjection(proj)
184            self.assertEquals(layer.BoundingBox(), (10, 10, 10, 10))
185            self.assertEquals(layer.LatLongBoundingBox(), (10.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0))
186            shapes = layer.ShapesInRegion((0, 0, 20, 20))
187            self.assertEquals([s.ShapeID() for s in shapes], [0])
189      def test_empty_layer(self):      def test_empty_layer(self):
190          """Test Layer with empty shape file"""          """Test Layer with empty shape file"""
191          # create an empty shape file          # create an empty shape file
# Line 193  class TestLayer(unittest.TestCase, suppo Line 214  class TestLayer(unittest.TestCase, suppo
215      def test_raster_layer(self):      def test_raster_layer(self):
216          if not Thuban.Model.resource.has_gdal_support():          if not Thuban.Model.resource.has_gdal_support():
217              return              raise support.SkipTest("No gdal support")
219          filename = self.build_path("island.tif")          filename = self.build_path("island.tif")
220          layer = RasterLayer("Test RasterLayer", filename)          layer = RasterLayer("Test RasterLayer", filename)
221          self.failIf(layer.HasClassification())          self.failIf(layer.HasClassification())
222          self.failIf(layer.HasShapes())          self.failIf(layer.HasShapes())
223          self.assertEquals(layer.GetImageFilename(), filename)          self.assertEquals(layer.GetImageFilename(), os.path.abspath(filename))
224          self.assertFloatSeqEqual(layer.BoundingBox(),          self.assertFloatSeqEqual(layer.BoundingBox(),
225                                   [-24.5500000, 63.2833330,                                   [-24.5500000, 63.2833330,
226                                    -13.4916670, 66.5666670])                                    -13.4916670, 66.5666670])
# Line 220  class TestLayer(unittest.TestCase, suppo Line 241  class TestLayer(unittest.TestCase, suppo
241              self.assertEquals(layer.ShapeType(), SHAPETYPE_ARC)              self.assertEquals(layer.ShapeType(), SHAPETYPE_ARC)
242              self.assertEquals(layer.NumShapes(), 839)              self.assertEquals(layer.NumShapes(), 839)
243              shape = layer.Shape(32)              shape = layer.Shape(32)
244              self.assertFloatTuplesEqual(shape.Points(),              self.assertPointListEquals(shape.Points(),
245                                      [(-15.082174301147461, 66.27738189697265),                                         [[(-15.082174301147, 66.277381896972),
246                                       (-15.026350021362305, 66.27339172363281)])                                           (-15.026350021362, 66.273391723632)]])
247              self.assertFloatSeqEqual(layer.BoundingBox(),              self.assertFloatSeqEqual(layer.BoundingBox(),
248                                       [-24.450359344482422, 63.426830291748047,                                       [-24.450359344482422, 63.426830291748047,
249                                        -13.55668830871582, 66.520111083984375])                                        -13.55668830871582, 66.520111083984375])
250              self.assertEquals(layer.ShapesInRegion((-24.0, 64.0,              shapes = layer.ShapesInRegion((-24.0, 64.0, -23.75, 64.25))
251                                                      -23.75, 64.25)),              self.assertEquals([s.ShapeID() for s in shapes],
252                                [613, 726, 838])                                [613, 726, 838])
254              self.assertFloatSeqEqual(layer.ShapesBoundingBox([32]),              self.assertFloatSeqEqual(layer.ShapesBoundingBox([32]),

Removed from v.1538  
changed lines
  Added in v.1681

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