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Contents of /trunk/MyGPGME/MyGPGME.plg

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Revision 7 - (show annotations)
Mon Apr 4 07:01:43 2005 UTC (19 years, 10 months ago) by twoaday
File size: 4406 byte(s)
2005-03-22  Timo Schulz  <twoaday@freakmail.de>
        * editcard.c: Support new status-fd entries SC_OP_SUCCESS
        and SC_OP_FAILURE.
        * editkey.c (cmd_addrev_handler): Check if context != NULL.
        * import.c (import_command_handler): Wrong function signature.
        Noted by Kurt Fitzner.
        * types.h: Fixed encrypt_result_s. Noted by Kurt.
        * gpgme.h (gpgme_editkey_addrev_set): Changed return type.
        Kudos to Kurt.
        * key.c: Removed some unreachable code. By Kurt.

1 <html>
2 <body>
3 <pre>
4 <h1>Erstellungsprotokoll</h1>
5 <h3>
6 --------------------Konfiguration: MyGPGME - Win32 Release--------------------
7 </h3>
8 <h3>Befehlszeilen</h3>
9 Erstellen der temporären Datei "C:\DOKUME~1\twoaday\LOKALE~1\Temp\RSP20.tmp" mit Inhalten
10 [
11 /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /I "../gnupg" /I "../ptd" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /Fp"Release/MyGPGME.pch" /YX /Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/" /FD /c
12 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\clip.c"
13 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\common-status.c"
14 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\data.c"
15 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\debug.c"
16 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\decrypt.c"
17 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\delete.c"
18 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\editcard.c"
19 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\editkey-util.c"
20 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\editkey.c"
21 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\encrypt.c"
22 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\errors.c"
23 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\export.c"
24 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\genkey.c"
25 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\getkey-openpgp.c"
26 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\gpgme.c"
27 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\implist.c"
28 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\import.c"
29 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\key.c"
30 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\keycache-openpgp.c"
31 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\keycache.c"
32 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\keylist.c"
33 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\ownertrust.c"
34 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\recipient.c"
35 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\revoke.c"
36 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\rungpg.c"
37 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\sig.c"
38 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\sign-encrypt.c"
39 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\sign.c"
40 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\signers.c"
41 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\sym-encrypt.c"
42 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\trustlist.c"
43 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\verify.c"
44 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\version.c"
45 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\w32-clip.c"
46 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\w32-glibc.c"
47 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\w32-io.c"
48 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\w32-sema.c"
49 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\w32-util.c"
50 "C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\wait.c"
51 ]
52 Creating command line "cl.exe @C:\DOKUME~1\twoaday\LOKALE~1\Temp\RSP20.tmp"
53 Erstellen der temporären Datei "C:\DOKUME~1\twoaday\LOKALE~1\Temp\RSP21.tmp" mit Inhalten
54 [
55 /nologo /out:"Release\MyGPGME.lib"
56 .\Release\clip.obj
57 ".\Release\common-status.obj"
58 .\Release\data.obj
59 .\Release\debug.obj
60 .\Release\decrypt.obj
61 .\Release\delete.obj
62 .\Release\editcard.obj
63 ".\Release\editkey-util.obj"
64 .\Release\editkey.obj
65 .\Release\encrypt.obj
66 .\Release\errors.obj
67 .\Release\export.obj
68 .\Release\genkey.obj
69 ".\Release\getkey-openpgp.obj"
70 .\Release\gpgme.obj
71 .\Release\implist.obj
72 .\Release\import.obj
73 .\Release\key.obj
74 ".\Release\keycache-openpgp.obj"
75 .\Release\keycache.obj
76 .\Release\keylist.obj
77 .\Release\ownertrust.obj
78 .\Release\recipient.obj
79 .\Release\revoke.obj
80 .\Release\rungpg.obj
81 .\Release\sig.obj
82 ".\Release\sign-encrypt.obj"
83 .\Release\sign.obj
84 .\Release\signers.obj
85 ".\Release\sym-encrypt.obj"
86 .\Release\trustlist.obj
87 .\Release\verify.obj
88 .\Release\version.obj
89 ".\Release\w32-clip.obj"
90 ".\Release\w32-glibc.obj"
91 ".\Release\w32-io.obj"
92 ".\Release\w32-sema.obj"
93 ".\Release\w32-util.obj"
94 .\Release\wait.obj
95 ]
96 Erstellen der Befehlzeile "link.exe -lib @C:\DOKUME~1\twoaday\LOKALE~1\Temp\RSP21.tmp"
97 <h3>Ausgabefenster</h3>
98 Kompilierung läuft...
99 clip.c
100 common-status.c
101 data.c
102 debug.c
103 decrypt.c
104 delete.c
105 editcard.c
106 editkey-util.c
107 editkey.c
108 encrypt.c
109 errors.c
110 export.c
111 genkey.c
112 getkey-openpgp.c
113 gpgme.c
114 implist.c
115 import.c
116 key.c
117 keycache-openpgp.c
118 keycache.c
119 keylist.c
120 ownertrust.c
121 recipient.c
122 revoke.c
123 rungpg.c
124 C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\rungpg.c(1079) : warning C4018: '<' : Konflikt zwischen signed und unsigned
125 C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\rungpg.c(1435) : warning C4018: '>' : Konflikt zwischen signed und unsigned
126 sig.c
127 sign-encrypt.c
128 sign.c
129 signers.c
130 sym-encrypt.c
131 trustlist.c
132 verify.c
133 version.c
134 w32-clip.c
135 w32-glibc.c
136 w32-io.c
137 C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\w32-io.c(173) : warning C4018: '>' : Konflikt zwischen signed und unsigned
138 C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\w32-io.c(390) : warning C4018: '>' : Konflikt zwischen signed und unsigned
139 C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\w32-io.c(1014) : warning C4018: '<' : Konflikt zwischen signed und unsigned
140 C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\w32-io.c(1070) : warning C4018: '<' : Konflikt zwischen signed und unsigned
141 C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\w32-io.c(1102) : warning C4018: '<' : Konflikt zwischen signed und unsigned
142 C:\OSS\winpt\MyGPGME\w32-io.c(1120) : warning C4018: '<' : Konflikt zwischen signed und unsigned
143 w32-sema.c
144 w32-util.c
145 wait.c
146 Bibliothek wird erstellt...
150 <h3>Ergebnisse</h3>
151 MyGPGME.lib - 0 Fehler, 8 Warnung(en)
152 </pre>
153 </body>
154 </html>

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