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revision 180 by twoaday, Mon Mar 6 14:41:58 2006 UTC revision 260 by twoaday, Wed Aug 16 10:01:30 2006 UTC
# Line 1  Line 1 
1                          The Windows Privacy Tray                          WinPT - The Windows Privacy Tray
2                            ================================
5  Index  Bugs and Improvements
6       1. Notice  ---------------------
      2. Bugs and improvements  
      3. What is WinPT?  
      4. Install  
       4.1 Keyserver config file  
      5. Verify the packet signature  
      6. Native language support  
      7. Other documentation  
      8. Mailing lists  
      9. Hotkeys for common commands  
     10. Current window support  
     11. Word wrapping  
     12. Default key for signing  
     13. Commands  
      13.1 File manager  
      13.2 Key manager  
       13.2.1 Edit  
       13.2.2 UserID  
       13.2.3 Delete  
       13.2.4 Sign  
       13.2.5 Revoke cert  
       13.2.6 Check sigs  
     13.3 Keyserver  
      13.3.1 Keyserver searching  
      13.3.2 Proxy support  
     14. Debug mode  
     16. Features of the dialogs  
     16. Features of the dialogs  
 1. Notice  
 This is only a quick guide for WinPT. For the moment the program is its own  
 documentation. This is subject to change.  
 2. Bugs and improvements  
8  I have tried to thoroughly debug this program, but if you've found a bug,  I have tried to thoroughly test this program, but if you've found a bug,
9  please send me a message with a full error description or go directly  please send me a message with a full error description or go directly
10  to http://wald.intevation.org and use the WinPT bug tracking system.  to http://wald.intevation.org and use the WinPT bug tracking system.
# Line 54  I try to fix bugs as quickly as possible Line 17  I try to fix bugs as quickly as possible
17  http://www.winpt.org  http://www.winpt.org
20  3. What is WinPT?  Legacy Windows versions
21  -----------------  
22    I know a lot of people still user old versions of WinPT but it is very
23    hard to test the code on all these platforms and thus I decided to
24    obsolete the support for these OS versions: Win95, WinME/98. The code
25    works on 98/ME without known limitations but if you will encounter
26    a serious problem, I doubt I can fix it without having this OS and
27    this is the major problem!
30    What is WinPT?
31    --------------
33  WinPT is a front-end for the GNU Privacy Guard. It just provides  WinPT is a front-end for the GNU Privacy Guard. It just provides
34  a convinient interface to GPG while GPG does the actual (cryptographic) work.  a convinient interface to GPG while GPG does the actual (cryptographic) work.
36  GnuPG was written by Werner Koch and is Free Software. GnuPG contains all  GnuPG was written by Werner Koch and is Free Software. GnuPG contains all
37  of the functions WinPT uses for data encrypting and e-signatures and  of the functions WinPT uses for data encrypting, e-signatures and
38  key management.  key management.
40  WinPT is a Windows utility that sits on the taskbar. In the Windows  WinPT is a Windows utility that sits on the taskbar. In the Windows
41  Clipboard, you can encrypt, sign, decrypt and verify data. You can also  Clipboard, you can encrypt, sign, decrypt and verify data. You can also
42  import and export keys to the Clipboard.  import and export keys to the Clipboard.
44  Practically, WinPT is a taskbar front-end for GnuPG. Without GnuPG, WinPT  Practically, WinPT is a taskbar front-end for GnuPG. Without GnuPG, WinPT
45  doesn't work! Currently not all GnuPG functions are supported. Because of  wouldn't work! Currently not all GnuPG functions are supported. With
46  all the new features, WinPT is more then just an universal e-mail plugin.  all its key edit functions and file operations, WinPT is more than just
47  Together with the filemanager and the keymanager, it's like a real GUI.  an universal e-mail plugin. Together with the filemanager and the keymanager,
48    it's like a real graphical GPG user interface.
51  4. Install  Install
52  ----------  -------
54  First you should install the GPG binary (Version 1.4.x or later.)  First you should install the GPG binary, version 1.4.x or later.
55  (If you want to use a directory other than the default you must modify  (If you want to use a directory other than the default you must modify
56  the preferences in the WinPT program at Preferences->GPG Prefs.  the preferences in the WinPT program at Preferences->GPG Preferences).
58  Next, download the WinPT binary package from the Internet. You can find the  Next, download the WinPT binary package from the Internet. You can find the
59  latest WinPT version at http://www.winpt.org. Create a directory and  latest WinPT version at http://www.winpt.org. Create a directory and
60  extract all WinPT releated files.  extract all WinPT files from the archive.
63  4.1 Keyserver config file  Keyserver Config File
64  -------------------------  ---------------------
66  Now the keyserver config is read dynamically. That means there is a file  Now the keyserver config is read dynamically. That means there is a file
67  which WinPT reads the keyserver from. The name of this file MUST be  which WinPT reads the keyserver from. The name of this file MUST be
# Line 96  keyservers. Of course it's possible to a Line 70  keyservers. Of course it's possible to a
70  at the hints inside the file how to format the entries. If there no file,  at the hints inside the file how to format the entries. If there no file,
71  the format can be described like this: 'DNS-Name=IP-Address'. Each line  the format can be described like this: 'DNS-Name=IP-Address'. Each line
72  of the file contains such an entry.  of the file contains such an entry.
73    But it is recommend that you modify the file directly with the keyserver
74    dialog in WinPT to keep this file consistent.
77  5. Verify the packet signature  Verify the Packet Signature
78  ------------------------------  ---------------------------
80  To verify that the source (or the binary) wasn't changed, you should  To verify that the source (or the binary) wasn't changed, you should
81  verify the package signature with GnuPG. For the process you will need  verify the package signature with GnuPG. For the process you will need
# Line 116  My key ID is 0xBF3DF9B4: 'Timo Schulz <t Line 92  My key ID is 0xBF3DF9B4: 'Timo Schulz <t
92               0x27F36D14: 'Timo Schulz (Laptop Key) <[email protected]>               0x27F36D14: 'Timo Schulz (Laptop Key) <[email protected]>
95  6. Native language support  Native Language Support (NLS)
96  --------------------------  -----------------------------
98  As a new feature WinPT now can handle multiple languages. To activate this  As a new feature WinPT now can handle multiple languages. To activate this
99  do the following:  do the following:
# Line 138  do the following: Line 114  do the following:
114  For the moment, WinPT supports these languages:  For the moment, WinPT supports these languages:
116      * German winpt-de.mo      * German winpt-de.mo
117        * Japanese winpt-jp.mo
119  If you are interested in translating WinPT in your native language, please  If you are interested in translating WinPT in your native language, please
120  let me know :-). It's not much work and you do NOT need to be a developer!  let me know :-). It's not much work and you do NOT need to be a developer!
123  7. Other documentation  Other Documentation
124  ----------------------  -------------------
126  For those who are inexperienced with GnuPG it makes sense to download the  For those who are inexperienced with GnuPG it makes sense to download the
127  GnuPG guide or a HOWTO. There are many sites for this, but you can start  GnuPG guide or a HOWTO. There are many sites for this, but you can start
# Line 157  http://www.gnupg.org Line 134  http://www.gnupg.org
134  General questions (look first at the topic point), can be sent to one of the  General questions (look first at the topic point), can be sent to one of the
135  mailing lists. All GnuPG lists are in English.  mailing lists. All GnuPG lists are in English.
137  GPG User list (English) [email protected]  GPG user list [email protected]
138  GPG Developer list (English) [email protected]  GPG developer list [email protected]
140  At the moment the only available documentation for WinPT is this file. In  At the moment the only available documentation for WinPT is this file. In
141  future releases I will include HTML documentation.  future releases I will include HTML documentation.
144  8. Mailing lists  Mailing Lists
145  ----------------  -------------
147  If you want to get the latest information, reports, or discussions about  If you want to get the latest information, reports, or discussions about
148  WinPT you can subscribe to one of the WinPT mailing lists. There is a list  WinPT you can subscribe to one of the WinPT mailing lists. There is a list
149  for users and one for developers. All lists are in English! To subscribe  for users and one for developers. All lists are in English! To subscribe
150  visit http://wald.intevation.org and go to the WinPT project site.  visit http://wald.intevation.org and go to the WinPT project site.
152  Please, before you send a message to the list take a look at the FAQ  Please, before you send a message to the list take a look at the FAQ,
153  or the README files. It's possible that your question is already answered  the README files and the list archives. It's possible that your question
154  there!  is already answered there!
157  9. Hotkey for common commands  Hotkey for Common Commands
158  -----------------------------  --------------------------
160  WinPT supports shortcuts, or 'Hotkeys', for the main gpg commands.  These  WinPT supports shortcuts, or 'Hotkeys', for the main gpg commands.  These
161  keys are registered system wide, so you can use them from any window. If you  keys are registered system wide, so you can use them from any window. If you
# Line 197  some of the hotkeys. WinPT will tell you Line 174  some of the hotkeys. WinPT will tell you
174  so it's easier to figure out which hotkey caused the problem.  so it's easier to figure out which hotkey caused the problem.
177  10. Current window support  Current Window Support
178  --------------------------  ----------------------
180  WinPT allows you to use the main operations (sign and encrypt)  WinPT allows you to use the main operations (sign and encrypt)
181  within the current window. This only works if the current window contains  within the current window. This only works if the current window contains
182  text. For example, a mailer window with the message, a text editor or a  text. For example, a mailer window with the message, a text editor or a
183  simple edit field. There are some kind of windows that are NOT supported  simple edit field. There are some kind of windows that are NOT
184  yet!  supported.
186  The easiest way to access this feature is using the hotkeys. Note: if  The easiest way to access this feature is using the hotkeys. Note: if
187  you use this feature the text will automatically be cut, encrypted  you use this feature the text will automatically be cut, encrypted
# Line 219  Please note, that the mode doesn't work Line 196  Please note, that the mode doesn't work
196  entry. I recommend to use it with the hotkeys until I fix this problem.  entry. I recommend to use it with the hotkeys until I fix this problem.
199  11. Word wrapping  Word Wrapping
200  -----------------  -------------
202  As a new feature, WinPT can wrap lines at a specific column. You can set  As a new feature, WinPT can wrap lines at a specific column. You can set
203  the value for this feature in the preferences dialog. If you don't want  the value for this feature in the preferences dialog. If you don't want
204  to use this feature, you only need to set the value to "0".  to use this feature, you only need to set the value to "0".
207  12. Default keyid for signing  Default keyid for Signing
208  ----------------------------  -------------------------
210  There are two ways to set the default keyid. The best solution is to  There are two ways to set the default keyid. The best solution is to
211  set the "default-key" entry in the GPG options file.  set the "default-key" entry in the GPG options file.
212  The second solution is to let WinPT figure out it from the secret key cache,  The second solution is that you use the Key Manager to set a default
213  the first key in this cache is the default keyid. Warning, with this method  key. If no default key was found, WinPT uses the first useable key in
214  it's possible that another keyid is chosen (because of the order in  the secret key cache.
 which the keyring was read!).  
217  13. Commands  File Manager
218  ------------  ------------
 13.1 Filemanager  
220  The filemanager is used to perform GPG operations on files. In further releases  The filemanager is used to perform GPG operations on files. In further releases
221  I'll add more commands. Currently, encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify  I'll add more commands. Currently, encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify
222  is available. To add a file to the list element, you can use drag & drop  is available. To add a file to the list element, you can use drag & drop
# Line 255  fairly stable. It possible that some par Line 227  fairly stable. It possible that some par
227  feel free to mail me about any bugs!  feel free to mail me about any bugs!
230  13.2 Keymanager  Proxy Support
 13.2.1 Edit  
 Here you access some of the "edit-key" command from the GPG command  
 13.2.2 UserID  
 Gives you an overview about all user id's from a public key. The validity  
 of each is also listed.  
 13.2.3 Delete  
 With it you can delete public keys and/or key pairs.  
 13.2.4 Sign  
 This is an interface to sign a public key.  
 13.2.5 Revoke cert  
 Generate a revocation certificate for the chosen key.  
 13.2.7 Check sigs  
 With this command you can check the signatures from a special public key.  
 13.2.7 Key properties  
 This dialog is an easy way to get an overview about the given key.  
 To activate this dialog, you've to double click on a key item in the  
 key management dialog. Then a dialog with all related information about  
 the selected key will open.  
 13.3 Keyserver  
231  --------------  --------------
 13.3.1 Keyserver searching  
 This new feature works exactly like the normal keyserver support.  
 You have to enter the pattern, then chose a keyserver. The command  
 is started with the "Search" button. The next dialog contains all  
 found keys from the keyserver. If you want, you can import a key  
 from this list by select the key and press the "Receive" button.  
 13.3.2 Proxy support  
233  If you are not able to connect directly to the internet, you can  If you are not able to connect directly to the internet, you can
234  use the proxy settings. To enable proxy support, you need to add  use the proxy settings. To enable proxy support, you need to start
235  "use_proxy=xx.xx.xx.xx:port" to your keyserver.conf. Then restart  the keyserver dialog and use the "change" button to set a proxy.
236  WinPT. Now the keyserver code uses the proxy instead of the direct  Now the keyserver code uses the proxy instead of the direct connection.
238  If your proxy needs some kind of authentification, you can use  If your proxy needs some kind of authentification, you can use
239  "proxy_user" and "proxy_pass". Then for each request the data  "proxy_user" and "proxy_pass". Then for each request the data
# Line 333  also possible that it does *not* work wi Line 242  also possible that it does *not* work wi
242  me if you've problems with your proxy server.  me if you've problems with your proxy server.
245  14. Debug mode  Debug Mode
246  --------------  ----------
248  To make the detection of bugs and programming mistakes easier, WinPT  To make the detection of bugs and programming mistakes easier, WinPT
249  contains a built-in debug mode.  contains a built-in debug mode.
# Line 350  large, so do NOT forget to compress it. Line 259  large, so do NOT forget to compress it.
259  After an error has occured, it would be very useful to send this file to me.  After an error has occured, it would be very useful to send this file to me.
260  Which file you'll send depends on the occured error. Don't use the debug  Which file you'll send depends on the occured error. Don't use the debug
261  mode for your usual work; it slows down both GPG and WinPT.  mode for your usual work; it slows down both GPG and WinPT.
 16. Features of the dialogs  
 This sections contains hints about the special features of some dialogs.  
 Currently this is only valid for dialog with listview controls.  
 o Selection of an entry for the GPG main commands  
 If you only want to select one recipient, you can also double click  
 the line which the recipient you want to choose. Then the command  
 is automatically invoked and you don't need to click the "OK" button.  
 o Context menu for the key manager  
 Now the keymanager supports a context menu. To activate it, you should  
 click with the right mouse button on a selected item.  
 o Generic keys known from the Explorer  
 For example the key manager supports generic keys like:  
 DELETE = secure the selected key.  
 o Context menu for the file manager  
 This popup menu is similar to the key manager menu.  

Removed from v.180  
changed lines
  Added in v.260

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