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I have to thank so many people, but I can't rembember all their names. |
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If anybody think that he/she is missing here, please mail me ;-). My |
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thanks goes to the GnuPG, GnuPA team, all people from my maling lists |
4 |
and the gnupg mailings list and all the other people who helped me to |
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improve WinPT :-). Especially those users who reported all the minor |
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(and major problems) via the (bugs.gnupg.org) bug tracking system. |
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Special thanks to Ralf Kreutzmann who maintaines the installer and |
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provided a forum for German speaking WinPT users. And of course for |
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all his bug reports he sent to me. |
11 |
12 |
13 |
Achim Pietig achim at pietig.com |
14 |
Andy Futrell andy.futrell at ipaper.com |
15 |
Andrea Ungaro semperfin at tin.it |
16 |
Andreas Fehr andreas at mrs.ch |
17 |
Andreas Jobs andreas.jobs at ruhr-uni-bochum.de |
18 |
Alexander Hanf |
19 |
Bill Harris |
20 |
Bob Caplan rsc22 at cornell.edu |
21 |
Bodo Aßner Bodo.Assner at blb.de |
22 |
Brad Schick schickb at gmail.com |
23 |
David Marsh |
24 |
David Shaw dshaw at jabberwockey.com |
25 |
Dugan Chen |
26 |
Ed Suominen ed at eepatents.com |
27 |
Emanuel de Jesus ejesus at bigfoot.com |
28 |
Fabian Rodriguez Fabian.Rodriguez at toxik.com |
29 |
Fernando Aversa aversa at unsl.edu.ar |
30 |
Federico A. Cuello fcuello at vai-ingdesi.com |
31 |
Frederik Ferner frederik_ferner at web.de |
32 |
Graham Coleman gcoleman at ??.co.uk |
33 |
Gustavo Vasconcelos gustavo.hlv at gmx.net |
34 |
Holger Sesterhahn listen at sesterhahn.de |
35 |
Kurt Fitzner kfitzner at excelcia.org |
36 |
Mark sonarte at applink.net |
37 |
Markus Gerwinski markus.gerwinsiki at sercon.de |
38 |
Marcus Junk Marcus.Junk at bkk-der-partner.de |
39 |
Markus Winkelmann mwinkelmann at ofi-ag.ch |
40 |
Michael Daigle mdaigle at canada.com |
41 |
Michael Roth mroth at gnupg.org |
42 |
Nicolas Robaux nicolas at robaux.com |
43 |
Nelson Ingersoll ningersoll at cso.atmel.com |
44 |
Oliver Nittka nittka at esem.com |
45 |
Leo Lincourt leo at lcsweb.net |
46 |
Lutz Zolondz lutz at g-n-u.de |
47 |
Jason Antony s1118355 at student.gu.edu.au |
48 |
J. Spence spenceje at hotmail.com |
49 |
Jonathan Clark jonathanc at webmaint.com |
50 |
John J. Kane jkane89 at softhome.net |
51 |
Luigi Bai lpb at kandl.houston.tx.us |
52 |
Patrick McGuinness dr_jazzz at yahoo.com |
53 |
Pedro José pedrojgm at hotmail.com |
54 |
Peter Gerwinski peter.gerwinski at g-n-u.de |
55 |
Philip Chase pbc at hp.ufl.edu |
56 |
PPLF pgpenfrancias at bigfoot.com |
57 |
Ralf Kreutzmann ralf.kreutzmann at equipmente.de |
58 |
Richard V. Wielgosz rich at cnylug.org |
59 |
Susumu Takahashi s.takahashi at tortoise.jp |
60 |
Scirè Salvatore scires at tin.it |
61 |
Thomas Henlich henlich at mmers1.mw.tu-dresden.de |
62 |
Timo Metsälä metsala at cubical.fi |
63 |
Ulrich Drepper urlich at cygnus.com |
64 |
Ulf Jaenicke-Rößler ujr at arcor.de |
65 |
Werner Koch wk at gnupg.org |
66 |
Vasyl Kondrashov vasyl at male.ru |
67 |
vedaal at lok.com |