69 |
The fingerprint of the key is hexadecial (160-bit) sequence divided |
The fingerprint of the key is hexadecial (160-bit) sequence divided |
70 |
into 10 groups of 4 hex digits. You can get the fingerprint of a key |
into 10 groups of 4 hex digits. You can get the fingerprint of a key |
71 |
by opening the key property dialog. There you can mark the fingerprint |
by opening the key property dialog. There you can mark the fingerprint |
72 |
and copy it to the clipboard. |
and copy it to the clipboard. The fingerprint of a key can be compared |
73 |
to human fingerprints, it is unique for each key. |
74 |
75 |
Example: 1D75 8108 5BC9 D9FB E78B 2078 ED46 81C9 BF3D F9B4 |
Example: 1D75 8108 5BC9 D9FB E78B 2078 ED46 81C9 BF3D F9B4 |
76 |
440 |
Just a last work on Key Pairs, they are automatically marked as |
Just a last work on Key Pairs, they are automatically marked as |
441 |
"Ultimate" because the key belongs to you and you trust it implicit. |
"Ultimate" because the key belongs to you and you trust it implicit. |
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@subsection Glossary |
444 |
keyid The lowest 64-bit of the fingerprint |
445 |
fingerprint Digital fingerprint whic is unique for a key |
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@bye |
@bye |