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Contents of /branches/1.8-gt2-2.6/build.xml

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Revision 19 - (show annotations)
Mon Mar 2 14:56:39 2009 UTC (15 years, 10 months ago) by mojays
Original Path: trunk/build.xml
File MIME type: text/xml
File size: 5670 byte(s)
build.xml: new option "extJar" to create an extended JAR (including resource/icons and /resource/locales)

1 <!-- Build file for XULU. Target ZIPs/JARs are placed in "dist" folder.
2 Note: This script does not (yet) compile the java source!!
4 Option "jar" -> a JAR from the existing binaries expected in folder
5 "classes" plus a ZIP of the JAR
6 Option "extJar" -> Option "jar"
7 + folder "resource/icons" in JAR
8 + folder "resource/locales" in JAR
9 Option "src" -> a ZIP of the source code in folder "src"
10 Option "javadoc" -> a JavaDoc in folder "javadoc" plus a ZIP of
11 this folder
12 Option "all" -> all of the upper mentioned options
13 Option "basic" -> only "jar" and "src"
15 The default option is "basic"
16 -->
17 <project default="basic" basedir=".">
19 <!-- Destination folder for ZIPs and JARs -->
20 <property name="DEST.DIR" value="dist"/>
21 <!-- Prefix for the destination file names
22 e.g. "schmitzm" >> "schmitzm.jar", "schmitzm-src.jar" -->
23 <property name="PROJECT.PREFIX" value="xulu"/>
24 <!-- Global prefix directory for ZIP files (except ZIP of JAR!) -->
25 <property name="ZIP.ROOT.DIR" value="${PROJECT.PREFIX}"/>
27 <!-- Source and Destination for source code ZIP -->
28 <property name="DIR.SRC" value="src"/>
29 <property name="FILE.SRC.ZIP" value="${DEST.DIR}/${PROJECT.PREFIX}-src.zip"/>
31 <!-- Source and Destination for JAR file -->
32 <property name="DIR.CLASSES" value="classes"/>
33 <property name="FILE.JAR" value="${DEST.DIR}/${PROJECT.PREFIX}.jar"/>
34 <property name="FILE.JAR.ZIP" value="${FILE.JAR}.zip"/>
35 <!-- Informations for extended JAR -->
36 <property name="FILE.EXT.JAR" value="${DEST.DIR}/${PROJECT.PREFIX}-ext.jar"/>
37 <property name="DIR.RESOURCE" value="resource"/>
40 <!-- Destination for JavaDoc and its ZIP -->
41 <property name="DIR.JAVADOC" value="javadoc"/>
42 <property name="FILE.JAVADOC.ZIP" value="${DEST.DIR}/${PROJECT.PREFIX}-doc.zip"/>
43 <property name="LINK.JDK" value="http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/"/>
44 <property name="LINK.LOG4J" value="http://logging.apache.org/log4j/docs/api/"/>
45 <property name="JAVADOC.TITLE" value="The XULU modelling platform by Martin Schmitz"/>
47 <target name="all">
48 <antcall target="jar"/>
49 <antcall target="src"/>
50 <antcall target="javadoc"/>
51 </target>
53 <target name="basic">
54 <antcall target="jar"/>
55 <antcall target="src"/>
56 </target>
58 <!-- ############## Create a JAR from "classes" and ZIP it ############## -->
59 <target name="jar">
60 <!-- Create the JAR -->
61 <delete failonerror="false" file="${FILE.JAR}"/>
62 <jar destfile="${FILE.JAR}" index="false" level="8" duplicate="preserve">
63 <fileset dir="${DIR.CLASSES}">
64 <exclude name="schmitzm/test**" />
65 <exclude name="**/*.html" />
66 <exclude name="**/*.xcf" />
67 <exclude name="**/Thumbs.db" />
68 </fileset>
69 <manifest>
70 <attribute name="Created-By" value="Martin O.J. Schmitz, Stefan A. Krüger, Dominik Appl" />
71 </manifest>
72 </jar>
73 <!-- Create a ZIP of the JAR -->
74 <delete failonerror="false" file="${FILE.JAR.ZIP}"/>
75 <zip basedir="." destfile="${FILE.JAR.ZIP}">
76 <filename name="${FILE.JAR}"/>
77 </zip>
78 </target>
80 <!-- ############## Create an extended JAR from "classes" ############## -->
81 <!-- ## besides the classes, this JAR includes the XULU folders
82 ## - resource/icons
83 ## - resource/locales
84 #################################################################### -->
85 <target name="extJar">
86 <!-- Create JAR and source ZIP -->
87 <antcall target="jar"/>
88 <!-- Copy JAR to "..-ext.jar" -->
89 <copy file="${FILE.JAR}" tofile="${FILE.EXT.JAR}" overwrite="true" />
90 <!-- Update the JAR with the extended folders -->
91 <jar destfile="${FILE.EXT.JAR}" update="true" index="false" level="8" duplicate="preserve">
92 <fileset dir="${DIR.RESOURCE}">
93 <exclude name="unused**" />
94 <exclude name="**/.svn" />
95 <exclude name="**/*.xcf" />
96 <exclude name="**/Thumbs.db" />
97 </fileset>
98 </jar>
99 </target>
101 <!-- ############## Create a ZIP from "src" folder ############## -->
102 <target name="src">
103 <!-- Create a ZIP from "src" folder -->
104 <delete failonerror="false" file="${FILE.SRC.ZIP}"/>
105 <zip destfile="${FILE.SRC.ZIP}" update="false">
106 <zipfileset dir="${DIR.SRC}" prefix="${ZIP.ROOT.DIR}/${DIR.SRC}">
107 <exclude name="schmitzm/test**" />
108 <exclude name="**/Thumbs.db" />
109 <exclude name="**/.svn" />
110 </zipfileset>
111 </zip>
112 <!-- Add build.xml to ZIP -->
113 <zip destfile="${FILE.SRC.ZIP}" update="true">
114 <zipfileset file="build.xml" prefix="${ZIP.ROOT.DIR}"/>
115 </zip>
116 </target>
118 <!-- ############## Create a JavaDoc to "javadoc" and ZIP it ############## -->
119 <target name="javadoc">
120 <!-- Create a JavaDoc to "javadoc" folder -->
121 <delete failonerror="false" dir="${DIR.JAVADOC}"/>
122 <javadoc sourcepath ="${DIR.SRC}"
123 destdir ="${DIR.JAVADOC}"
124 author ="true"
125 version ="true"
126 overview ="${DIR.SRC}/overview.html"
127 windowtitle="${JAVADOC.TITLE}"
128 >
129 <excludepackage name="schmitzm.test"/>
130 <link href="${LINK.JDK}"/>
131 <link href="${LINK.LOG4J}"/>
132 </javadoc>
133 <!-- Create a ZIP from "javadoc" folder -->
134 <delete failonerror="false" file="${FILE.JAVADOC.ZIP}"/>
135 <zip destfile="${FILE.JAVADOC.ZIP}" update="false">
136 <zipfileset dir="${DIR.JAVADOC}" prefix="${ZIP.ROOT.DIR}/${DIR.JAVADOC}">
137 <exclude name="**/Thumbs.db" />
138 <exclude name="**/.svn" />
139 </zipfileset>
140 </zip>
141 </target>
142 </project>

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