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Contents of /branches/1.8-gt2-2.6/defaults/DefaultProperties

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Revision 47 - (show annotations)
Mon Aug 31 14:23:19 2009 UTC (15 years, 6 months ago) by mojays
File size: 9145 byte(s)
Branch 1.8-gt2-2.6 (from rev 45) for geotools 2.6 migration
1 #Default Properties for the Xulu Modelling Plattform
2 #Thu Jan 25 20:20:05 CET 2007
5 #************************************************************
6 #********************* CRS Preferences **********************
7 #************************************************************
8 # Supported are EPSG-Codes "EPSG:..." and WKT-specifications
9 # Benin --> UTM (zone xx) = EPSG:326xx
10 General.DefaultCRS = EPSG\:32631
11 General.DefaultCRS.doc = Default Coordinate-Reference-System for prj-less data (here: UTM zone 31 for Benin; allowed: EPSG-Codes "EPSG:..." or WKT-specifications as used in prj-files)
13 #************************************************************
14 #**************** XULU General Preferences ******************
15 #************************************************************
16 General.useSystemLookAndFeel = true
17 General.useSystemLookAndFeel.doc = set this entry to false, if you have problems (e.g. with gnome), when using the system look and feel (
19 Datatypes.proxy.enableUnloading = true
20 Datatypes.proxy.enableUnloading.doc = if true the Xulu-models have the ability to unload no longer used data into a temporaray folder
21 Datatypes.proxy.unloadFolder = Temp
22 Datatypes.proxy.unloadFolder.doc = The folder in which the models are unloaded (if unloading is enabled)
23 Datatypes.xulugrid.alwaysconvert = true
24 Datatypes.xulugrid.alwaysconvert.doc = if true, every time a arcgridraster is converted to xulugridfile (in a new file). If false, this is only done if no xulugridfile with the same name exists
25 Datatypes.xulugrid.creationFolder = Temp
26 Datatypes.xulugrid.creationFolder.doc = The folder where new empty xulugridfiles are created
28 #************************************************************
29 #**************** XULU/V General Preferences ****************
30 #************************************************************
32 #General#
33 Parallel.splitmapforclass.default = appl.parallel.spmd.split.SplitMap1DVertical
34 Parallel.splitmapforclass.default.doc = The default splitmap used for partitioning
35 Parallel.splitmapforclass.XuluWritableGridFile = appl.parallel.spmd.split.SplitMap1DVertical
36 Parallel.splitmapforclass.XuluWritableGridFile.doc = The Splitmap used for partitioning SplittableProxyGrids
37 Parallel.splitmapforclass.SplittableLLProxyGrid = appl.parallel.spmd.split.SplitMap1DVertical
38 Parallel.splitmapforclass.SplittableLLProxyGrid.doc = The Splitmap used for partitioning SplittableProxyGrids
40 Parallel.partitionhandlerfactory.classname = appl.parallel.data.XuluClientLoader
41 Parallel.partitionhandlerfactory.classname.doc = the loader used for data loading.
43 ## Benchmark ##
44 Benchmark.SimpleBench.gridwidth = 100
45 Benchmark.SimpleBench.gridwidth.doc = The width and height of the grid used for benchmarking
46 Benchmark.SimpleBench.runningtime = 1500
47 Benchmark.SimpleBench.runningtime.doc = The time in ms the benchmark runs. The longer the bench runs, the higher the rating and the accuracy
48 Benchmark.SimpleBench.neighborhood = 10
49 Benchmark.SimpleBench.neighborhood.doc = The neighborhood range which is used in the bench. Higher values will decrease the rating
50 Benchmark.SimpleBench.calibrator = 4.25
51 Benchmark.SimpleBench.calibrator.doc = After calculation the rating is divided by this integer value
53 #***********************************************************
54 #*************** XULU/V Client Preferences *****************
55 #***********************************************************
57 XuluClient.registryport.doc = Port for the registry on clientside
58 XuluClient.registryport = 1099
60 ##Initialize Options##
61 RemoteExecutionController.startlocalxuluserver=true
62 RemoteExecutionController.startlocalxuluserver.doc = if true a local instance of the xuluServer is started
63 RemoteExecutionController.spmd.start=true
64 RemoteExecutionController.spmd.start.doc = if true a SPMDClient is started
65 RemoteExecutionController.http.start = true
66 RemoteExecutionController.http.start.doc = starts the HTTP-Server each time the controller is started
67 RemoteExecutionController.http.basedir = ./classes
68 RemoteExecutionController.http.basedir.doc = Use slashes or double backslashes as seperator! The directory which will be the root directory of the http-server (should be the root of your classfiles)
69 RemoteExecutionController.http.port = 80
70 RemoteExecutionController.http.port.doc = The port of the httpserver (should be 80)
71 RemoteExecutionController.http.verbose = true
72 RemoteExecutionController.http.verbose.doc = if true the http-server gives output to the console
74 ## Discovery ##
75 DiscoveryServices.activeServices.doc = All active Discovery Services. Separate multiple entries by ';'
76 DiscoveryServices.activeServices = appl.parallel.services.HostnameDiscoveryService
77 DiscoveryServices.timeout = 500
78 DiscoveryServices.timeout.doc = The time the discovery service waits on a response from the server
79 DiscoveryServices.hostname.hosts.doc = The hosts which should be checked for computing resources (only when HostnameDiscovery is enabled). Separate multiple entries by ';'
80 DiscoveryServices.hostname.hosts = localhost
81 DiscoveryServices.hostname.refresh.doc = if refresh is set to 0 resources are only discovered once. Only existing resources are refreshed.
82 DiscoveryServices.hostname.refresh = 1
83 DiscoveryServices.multicast.port.doc = The port for multicastMessages on client side
84 DiscoveryServices.multicast.port = 10000
85 DiscoveryServices.multicast.group.doc = The multicast group IP
86 DiscoveryServices.multicast.group =
87 #DiscoveryServices.multicast.renewal.doc = currently not used
88 #DiscoveryServices.multicast.renewal = 500
90 #************************************************************
91 #**************** XULU/V Server Preferences *****************
92 #************************************************************
93 XuluServer.priority = 3
94 XuluServer.priority.doc = The priority for task execution on serverside. Use values from 1 to 5 with 3=normal
96 XuluServer.useThreads = max
97 XuluServer.useThreads.doc = The number of threads to be used by the server for tasks that support multi-threading. Per default one thread is created for every available Processors (value='max'). More threads than processors may be useful for testing tasks which support multihreading or for processors which support hyperthreading
98 XuluServer.benchmarkclass = appl.util.benchmark.SimpleBenchmark
99 XuluServer.benchmarkclass.doc = The benchmark-class used for getting rating. Leave blank for disabling the bench.
100 XuluServer.runbench = true
101 XuluServer.runbench.doc = if true, the benchmark is automatically run
103 XuluServer.multicastgroup.doc = The XuluServerMulticast group IP (should be the same as MulticastDiscoveryService.multicastgroup)
104 XuluServer.multicastgroup =
105 XuluServer.registryport.doc = The port which is used for the registry in XuluServer
106 XuluServer.registryport = 1099
107 XuluServer.multicastport.doc = The port which is used on serverside to receive and send multicast messages
108 XuluServer.multicastport = 10000
110 XuluServer.eventDelay = 100
111 XuluServer.eventDelay.doc = Events are collected on serverside and submitted ever <DELAY> milliseconds
113 XuluServer.log4j.logLevel = warn
114 XuluServer.log4j.logLevel.doc = Possible Values: info,debug,warn,error,fatal,off
115 XuluServer.log4j.mode = console
116 XuluServer.log4j.mode.doc = Possible Values: chainsaw, console, file
118 XuluServer.useCodeDownloading = false
119 XuluServer.useCodeDownloading.doc = Set to true, if you want to use the code downloading functionality
121 ### Xulu/V starter
122 XuluServerStarter.port = 1099
123 XuluServerStarter.port.doc = The port where the starter creates the registry, if needed
124 XuluServerStarter.javaprogram = java
125 XuluServerStarter.javaprogram.doc The path to the java.exe which should be used for execution (or just java, if in the classpath)
126 XuluServerStarter.codebasedir = ./classes
127 XuluServerStarter.codebasedir.doc = The codebase path (the path to the binaries)
128 XuluServerStarter.securitypolicy = security.policy
129 XuluServerStarter.securitypolicy.doc = The security policy which should be used for Server starting
130 XuluServerStarter.furtherjavaarguments =
131 XuluServerStarter.furtherjavaarguments.doc = further arguments for the Java VM
132 XuluServerStarter.classpath = .;classes
133 XuluServerStarter.classpath.doc = libaries, which should be on the classpath
134 XuluServerStarter.memorymax = 64
135 XuluServerStarter.memorymin = 4
137 ## ********************** Documentation only ******************
138 SimpleCommEventMonitor.timemonitoring.doc = if true, timeEvents are generated for parallel computation. This may cost some performance
139 SimpleCommEventMonitor.transfermonitoring.doc = if true, transferEvents are generated for parallel computation. This WILL cost a lot of performance
141 ## *************** Filter (excluding key from editor view)***********
142 Filter.prefixes = Filter;SimpleCommEventMonitor
143 Filter.prefixes.doc = all prefixes which show up here are not displayed in the Configuration editor. Divide by ;
144 Filter.keys =
145 Filter.keys.doc = all keys (=Prefix + "." + Suffix) which show up here are not displayed in the configuration editor. Divide by ;

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