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BugFix: RasterCalculator plugin configuration file referred to out-dated schmitzm package BugFix: RasterFiler in schmitzm-gt (avoid exception for horizontal raster border area)
Migration - from SCHMITZM 2.6-SNAPSHOT (2011-07-21) to 2.7-SNAPSHOT (2012-05-05) - from GT 2.6.5 to GT 2.7.4 - from JFreeChart 1.0.13 to 1.0.14
defaults changed because of new libraries
Merged branch 1.8-gt2-2.6 to trunk. Now the trunk is based on GeoTools 2.6.1 and schmitzm-2.0.x
schmitzm.jar changed to schmitzm-1.1.x.jar
new version of JFreeChart (moved from 1.0.6 to 1.0.13)
Geotools-Update: gt2-2.4.4 to gt2-2.4.5
dependency of ADAGIOS library removed
new folder "dist" with latest release as jar XuluModellingPlatform.jar in "lib" replaced by xulu.jar in "dist" new build.xml
startXulu.bat updated XuluModellingPlatform.jar (in libs) updated readme.txt updated new
First Commit, corresponds to Revision 1008 of Wikisquare-SVN
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