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Contents of /trunk/resource/locales/XuluMainAppl.properties

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Revision 89 - (show annotations)
Thu Jun 3 11:49:52 2010 UTC (14 years, 9 months ago) by mojays
File size: 3225 byte(s)
Description in XuluLanguageManagerFrame updated.
1 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2 # ------ Default Translations (english) for Xulu main application ------
3 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
5 XuluTitle=XULU - eXtendable Unified Land Use Modelling Platform
6 Menu_File=File
7 Menu_File_Exit=Exit
8 Menu_Model=Model
9 Menu_Model_New=New
10 Menu_Model_Reload=Reload model class
11 Menu_View=View
12 Menu_View_Arrange=Arrange Windows
13 Menu_View_AutoArrange=Auto-Arrange
14 Menu_Scripts=Scripts
15 Menu_RecentScripts=Recent scripts
16 Menu_Help=Help
17 Menu_Help_Info=About...
18 Menu_Advanced_Preferences=Xulu Preferences
19 Menu_Advanced_Languages=Xulu Language-Packs
20 Menu_Advanced=Advanced
21 Menu_DataPool=Datapool
22 Menu_DataPool_Del=Delete
23 Menu_DataPool_New=New
24 Menu_DataPool_New_CopyStr=Copy structure
25 Menu_DataPool_Import=Import
26 Menu_DataPool_RecentImport=Recent imports
27 Menu_DataPool_Export=Export
28 Menu_DataPool_RecentExport=Recent exports
29 Menu_DataPool_Display=Display
30 Menu_DataPool_Display_Actualise=Actualise
31 Menu_DataPool_Display_New=New
32 Comp_DataPool=Xulu Datapool
33 Comp_Registry=Xulu Registry
34 Comp_Models=Loaded Models
35 Comp_EventManager=Event Manager
36 Comp_PluginManager=Plugins
37 Comp_Log=Status Messages
38 Comp_Visualisation=Visualisation Tools
39 Model=Model
40 DynModel=Dynamic model
41 Access=access
42 ReadAccess=read access
43 WriteAccess=write access
44 ScriptProgressMess=Script is working...
45 ImportProgressMess=Import in progress...
46 ExportProgressMess=Export in progress...
47 ModelChoiceMess=Please choose a model...
48 DefaultModelName=New model
49 ModelClassChoiceMess=Please choose a model class...
50 DynModelChoiceMess=Please choose a dynamic model from datapool...
51 ModelReloadSuccessMess=Model class reloaded successfully...
52 Name=Name
53 Type=Type
54 Object=Object
55 Event=Event
56 Handler=Handler
57 EventObject=Object to listen for
58 VisualisationUpdate=Update visualisation
59 UpdateObject=Object to visualise
60 VisTool=Visualisationtool
61 FileExport=Export to file
62 ExportSource=Export object
63 ExportFactory=Export method
64 ExportDest=Export destination
65 new=neu
66 StartMess=Starting Xulu
67 LangFrame.InfoText=To change the program language it is necessary to restart XULU and use the "-l <ISO-639>" command line parameter (e.g. "-l de" or "-l en"). You can also specifiy the language code in the variable XULU_LANGUAGE of the startXulu.bat. The translations are handled by property files located in <b><code>/resource/locales</code></b>. When creating a new language by the button below, files for the new language (with dummy translations) are created automatically. They can be modified with a common text editor.<br><b>Note:</b><br>To include the translation of XULU plugin (e.g. a model) it is necessary to open the plugin(s) first.
68 Model.ErrorOccured=AN ERROR OCCURED!!!
69 Model.Init=Model initialised
70 Model.Start=Model started
71 Model.Stop=Model stopped
72 Model.Dispose=Model disposed
73 Model.Step.Started=Model step ${0} started
74 Model.Step.Finished=Model step ${0} finished
75 ModelResource.Type.Null=Resource-Type can not be NULL!
76 ModelResource.Data.Null=Resource-Data can not be NULL!
77 ModelResource.Cat.Unknown=Unknown resource category (${0})
78 ModelResource.Data.Error=Resource '${0}': ${1} expected

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